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Chapter 69
Psal OEB 69:1  Save me, O God; for the waters are threatening my life.
Psal OEB 69:2  I am sunk in depths of mire, where ground there is none. I am come into deep deep waters, the flood overwhelms me.
Psal OEB 69:3  I am weary of crying, my throat is parched, my eyes are wasted with waiting for God.
Psal OEB 69:4  More than the hairs of my head are those who wantonly hate me. More than my bones in number are those who are falsely my foes. That which I never robbed, how am I then to restore?
Psal OEB 69:5  O God, you know my folly, my guilt is not hidden from you.
Psal OEB 69:6  Through me let not any be shamed, who wait for you, Lord God of hosts. Through me let not those be confounded who seek you, O God of Israel.
Psal OEB 69:7  It’s in your cause that I have borne taunts, and my face has been covered with shame;
Psal OEB 69:8  I became to my kindred a foreigner, to my mother's sons a stranger.
Psal OEB 69:9  It was zeal for your house that consumed me, and the insults they hurled at you fell upon me.
Psal OEB 69:10  When I chastened myself with fasting, they took occasion to taunt me.
Psal OEB 69:11  When I put on a garment of sackcloth, they made me the theme of a taunt-song.
Psal OEB 69:12  Those who sit in the gate make sport of me in the music of drunken songs.
Psal OEB 69:13  But I pray to you, Lord, for a time of favour. In your great love answer me; with your loyal help, save me
Psal OEB 69:14  from sinking down in the mire. Lift me out of the deep deep waters,
Psal OEB 69:15  that the rushing flood may not drown me, that the deep may not swallow me up, nor the pit close her mouth upon me.
Psal OEB 69:16  Answer me, Lord, in your gracious kindness, turn to me in your great compassion.
Psal OEB 69:17  Hide not your face from your servant, for I am in trouble; O answer me speedily.
Psal OEB 69:18  Draw near to me, redeem me; because of my enemies, ransom me.
Psal OEB 69:19  You know how I am insulted; in your sight are all my foes.
Psal OEB 69:20  Insult has broken my heart, past cure are my shame and confusion. For pity I looked --- there was none! And for comforters, but I found none.
Psal OEB 69:21  Poison they gave me for food, and to slake my thirst they gave vinegar.
Psal OEB 69:22  May their table, outspread, be a trap to them, and their peace-offerings be a snare.
Psal OEB 69:23  May their eyes be darkened and blind, make their loins to shake without ceasing.
Psal OEB 69:24  Pour your indignation upon them, let your burning wrath overtake them.
Psal OEB 69:25  May their camp be a desolation, in their tents be there none to live.
Psal OEB 69:26  For those whom you struck, they persecute, and those whom you wounded, they pain yet more.
Psal OEB 69:27  Charge them with sin upon sin, may they not be acquitted by you.
Psal OEB 69:28  From the book of life be they blotted, may their names not be written with the righteous.
Psal OEB 69:29  Lift me, O God, by your help above my pain and misery.
Psal OEB 69:30  Then will I praise God in song and magnify him with thanksgiving,
Psal OEB 69:31  which shall please the Lord better than ox, or than bullock with horns and hoofs.
Psal OEB 69:32  The oppressed shall rejoice at the sight. You who seek after God, let your heart revive.
Psal OEB 69:33  For the Lord listens to the poor, he does not despise his prisoners.
Psal OEB 69:34  Let the heavens and the earth sing his praises, the seas, and all creatures that move in them.
Psal OEB 69:35  For God will bring help to Zion, and build up the cities of Judah, his people shall live there in possession.
Psal OEB 69:36  His servants’ children shall have it for heritage, and those who love him shall live therein.