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Chapter 23
Levi KLV 23:2  “ jatlh Daq the puqpu' vo' Israel, je ja' chaH, ‘The cher yupma'mey vo' joH'a', nuq SoH DIchDaq proclaim Daq taH le' convocations, 'ach Dochvammey 'oH wIj cher yupma'mey.
Levi KLV 23:3  “‘ jav jajmey DIchDaq vum taH ta'pu': 'ach Daq the SochDIch jaj ghaH a jaj SochDIch vo' Sagh leS, a le' convocation; SoH DIchDaq ta' ghobe' Da vo' vum. 'oH ghaH a jaj SochDIch Daq joH'a' Daq Hoch lIj dwellings.
Levi KLV 23:4  “‘ Dochvammey 'oH the cher yupma'mey vo' joH'a', 'ach le' convocations, nuq SoH DIchDaq proclaim Daq chaj wIv season.
Levi KLV 23:5  Daq the wa'Dich jar, Daq the fourteenth jaj vo' the jar Daq the evening, ghaH joH'a' Passover.
Levi KLV 23:6  Daq the fifteenth jaj vo' the rap jar ghaH the 'uQ'a' vo' unleavened tIr Soj Daq joH'a'. Soch jajmey SoH DIchDaq Sop unleavened tIr Soj.
Levi KLV 23:7  Daq the wa'Dich jaj SoH DIchDaq ghaj a le' convocation. SoH DIchDaq ta' ghobe' regular vum.
Levi KLV 23:8  'ach SoH DIchDaq nob an cha'nob chenmoHta' Sum qul Daq joH'a' Soch jajmey. Daq the SochDIch jaj ghaH a le' convocation: SoH DIchDaq ta' ghobe' regular vum.'”
Levi KLV 23:10  “ jatlh Daq the puqpu' vo' Israel, je ja' chaH, ‘ ghorgh SoH ghaj ghoS Daq the puH nuq jIH nob Daq SoH, je DIchDaq reap its the harvest, vaj SoH DIchDaq qem the sheaf vo' the wa'Dich fruits vo' lIj harvest Daq the lalDan vumwI':
Levi KLV 23:11  je ghaH DIchDaq wave the sheaf qaSpa' joH'a', Daq taH accepted vaD SoH. Daq the next jaj after the jaj SochDIch the lalDan vumwI' DIchDaq wave 'oH.
Levi KLV 23:12  Daq the jaj ghorgh SoH wave the sheaf, SoH DIchDaq nob a male lamb Hutlh blemish a DIS qan vaD a meQqu'pu' cha'nob Daq joH'a'.
Levi KLV 23:13  The 'uQ cha'nob tlhej 'oH DIchDaq taH cha' tenth parts vo' an ephah { Note: 1 ephah ghaH about 22 litres joq about 2/3 vo' a bushel } vo' fine flour mingled tlhej Hergh, an cha'nob chenmoHta' Sum qul Daq joH'a' vaD a bel aroma; je the tlhutlh cha'nob tlhej 'oH DIchDaq taH vo' HIq, the fourth part vo' a hin.
Levi KLV 23:14  SoH DIchDaq Sop ghobe' tIr Soj, ghobe' roasted grain, ghobe' tlhol grain, until vam rap jaj, until SoH ghaj qempu' the cha'nob vo' lIj joH'a'. vam ghaH a statute reH throughout lIj DISmey Daq Hoch lIj dwellings.
Levi KLV 23:15  “‘ SoH DIchDaq count vo' the next jaj after the jaj SochDIch, vo' the jaj vetlh SoH qempu' the sheaf vo' the wave cha'nob; Soch Sabbaths DIchDaq taH completed:
Levi KLV 23:16  'ach Daq the next jaj after the SochDIch jaj SochDIch SoH DIchDaq mI' vaghmaH jajmey; je SoH DIchDaq nob a chu' 'uQ cha'nob Daq joH'a'.
Levi KLV 23:17  SoH DIchDaq qem pa' vo' lIj habitations cha' loaves vo' tIr Soj vaD a wave cha'nob chenmoHta' vo' cha' tenth parts vo' an ephah vo' fine flour. chaH DIchDaq taH vutta' tlhej yeast, vaD wa'Dich fruits Daq joH'a'.
Levi KLV 23:18  SoH DIchDaq present tlhej the tIr Soj Soch 'erHommey Hutlh blemish a DIS qan, wa' Qup bull, je cha' 'ermey. chaH DIchDaq taH a meQqu'pu' cha'nob Daq joH'a', tlhej chaj 'uQ cha'nob, je chaj tlhutlh nobmey, 'ach an cha'nob chenmoHta' Sum qul, vo' a sweet aroma Daq joH'a'.
Levi KLV 23:19  SoH DIchDaq nob wa' male goat vaD a yem cha'nob, je cha' male 'erHommey a DIS qan vaD a sacrifice vo' roj nobmey.
Levi KLV 23:20  The lalDan vumwI' DIchDaq wave chaH tlhej the tIr Soj vo' the wa'Dich fruits vaD a wave cha'nob qaSpa' joH'a', tlhej the cha' 'erHommey. chaH DIchDaq taH le' Daq joH'a' vaD the lalDan vumwI'.
Levi KLV 23:21  SoH DIchDaq chenmoH proclamation Daq the rap jaj: pa' DIchDaq taH a le' convocation Daq SoH; SoH DIchDaq ta' ghobe' regular vum. vam ghaH a statute reH Daq Hoch lIj dwellings throughout lIj DISmey.
Levi KLV 23:22  “‘ ghorgh SoH reap the harvest vo' lIj puH, SoH DIchDaq ghobe' wholly reap Daq the corners vo' lIj yotlh, ghobe' DIchDaq SoH tay'moH the gleanings vo' lIj harvest: SoH DIchDaq mej chaH vaD the mIpHa', je vaD the foreigner. jIH 'oH joH'a' lIj joH'a'.'”
Levi KLV 23:24  “ jatlh Daq the puqpu' vo' Israel, ja'ta', ‘ Daq the SochDIch jar, Daq the wa'Dich jaj vo' the jar, DIchDaq taH a Sagh leS Daq SoH, a memorial vo' blowing vo' trumpets, a le' convocation.
Levi KLV 23:25  SoH DIchDaq ta' ghobe' regular vum; je SoH DIchDaq nob an cha'nob chenmoHta' Sum qul Daq joH'a'.'”
Levi KLV 23:27  “However Daq the tenth jaj vo' vam SochDIch jar ghaH the jaj vo' atonement: 'oH DIchDaq taH a le' convocation Daq SoH, je SoH DIchDaq afflict tlhIH'egh; je SoH DIchDaq nob an cha'nob chenmoHta' Sum qul Daq joH'a'.
Levi KLV 23:28  SoH DIchDaq ta' ghobe' Da vo' vum Daq vetlh rap jaj; vaD 'oH ghaH a jaj vo' atonement, Daq chenmoH atonement vaD SoH qaSpa' joH'a' lIj joH'a'.
Levi KLV 23:29  vaD 'Iv 'oH ghaH 'Iv DIchDaq ghobe' deny himself Daq vetlh rap jaj; DIchDaq taH pe' litHa' vo' Daj ghotpu.
Levi KLV 23:30  'Iv 'oH ghaH 'Iv ta'taH vay' Da vo' vum Daq vetlh rap jaj, vetlh person jIH DichDaq Qaw' vo' among Daj ghotpu.
Levi KLV 23:31  SoH DIchDaq ta' ghobe' Da vo' vum: 'oH ghaH a statute reH throughout lIj DISmey Daq Hoch lIj dwellings.
Levi KLV 23:32  'oH DIchDaq taH a jaj SochDIch vo' Sagh leS vaD SoH, je SoH DIchDaq deny tlhIH'egh. Daq the ninth jaj vo' the jar Daq evening, vo' evening Daq evening, SoH DIchDaq pol lIj jaj SochDIch.”
Levi KLV 23:34  “ jatlh Daq the puqpu' vo' Israel, je jatlh, ‘ Daq the fifteenth jaj vo' vam SochDIch jar ghaH the 'uQ'a' vo' tents vaD Soch jajmey Daq joH'a'.
Levi KLV 23:35  Daq the wa'Dich jaj DIchDaq taH a le' convocation: SoH DIchDaq ta' ghobe' regular vum.
Levi KLV 23:36  Soch jajmey SoH DIchDaq nob an cha'nob chenmoHta' Sum qul Daq joH'a'. Daq the eighth jaj DIchDaq taH a le' convocation Daq SoH; je SoH DIchDaq nob an cha'nob chenmoHta' Sum qul Daq joH'a'. 'oH ghaH a Sagh yej; SoH DIchDaq ta' ghobe' regular vum.
Levi KLV 23:37  “‘ Dochvammey 'oH the wIv yupma'mey vo' joH'a', nuq SoH DIchDaq proclaim Daq taH le' convocations, Daq nob an cha'nob chenmoHta' Sum qul Daq joH'a', a meQqu'pu' cha'nob, je a 'uQ cha'nob, a sacrifice, je tlhutlh nobmey, each Daq its ghaj jaj;
Levi KLV 23:38  je the Sabbaths vo' joH'a', je je lIj gifts, je je Hoch lIj vows, je je Hoch lIj freewill nobmey, nuq SoH nob Daq joH'a'.
Levi KLV 23:39  “‘ vaj Daq the fifteenth jaj vo' the SochDIch jar, ghorgh SoH ghaj boSta' Daq the fruits vo' the puH, SoH DIchDaq pol the 'uQ'a' vo' joH'a' Soch jajmey: Daq the wa'Dich jaj DIchDaq taH a Sagh leS, je Daq the eighth jaj DIchDaq taH a Sagh leS.
Levi KLV 23:40  SoH DIchDaq tlhap Daq the wa'Dich jaj the baQ vo' goodly Sormey, branches vo' palm Sormey, je boughs vo' thick Sormey, je willows vo' the brook; je SoH DIchDaq yItIv qaSpa' joH'a' lIj joH'a' Soch jajmey.
Levi KLV 23:41  SoH DIchDaq pol 'oH a 'uQ'a' Daq joH'a' Soch jajmey Daq the DIS: 'oH ghaH a statute reH throughout lIj DISmey; SoH DIchDaq pol 'oH Daq the SochDIch jar.
Levi KLV 23:42  SoH DIchDaq yIn Daq pa'Hommey Soch jajmey. Hoch 'Iv 'oH native- bogh Daq Israel DIchDaq yIn Daq pa'Hommey,
Levi KLV 23:43  vetlh lIj DISmey may Sov vetlh jIH chenmoHta' the puqpu' vo' Israel Daq yIn Daq pa'Hommey, ghorgh jIH qempu' chaH pa' vo' the puH vo' Egypt. jIH 'oH joH'a' lIj joH'a'.'”
Levi KLV 23:44  Moses declared Daq the puqpu' vo' Israel the wIv yupma'mey vo' joH'a'.