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Chapter 7
Luke OrthJBC 7:1  When he completed all his divrei torah in the oznei haAm (ears of the people), Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach entered into K'far-Nachum.
Luke OrthJBC 7:2  Of a certain eved of a centurion (an eved dear to him) was having a machla and was near mavet.
Luke OrthJBC 7:3  And having had da'as of Rebbe Melech HaMoshiach, the centurion sent to him zekenim of the Yehudim, asking him to come and to give refu'ah to his eved.
Luke OrthJBC 7:4  And when they had come to Rebbe Melech HaMoshiach, they were earnestly entreating him, saying, "He is a worthy man that you grant this for him.
Luke OrthJBC 7:5  "For he is one of the hasidei ummot haOlam who loves our Jewish people and he built for us our shul."
Luke OrthJBC 7:6  And Rebbe Melech HaMoshiach was starting out on his way with them; and when he was already not far from the bais, the centurion sent beloved re'im, saying to him, "Adoni, do not trouble yourself further, for I am not worthy for you to come under my roof;
Luke OrthJBC 7:7  "Therefore, I did not consider myself worthy to come to you. But just say the dvar, and my eved will receive refu'ah. [Tehillim 107:20]
Luke OrthJBC 7:8  "For I too am a man placed under the yad memshalah (the hand governing authority), having chaiyalim (soldiers) under myself, and I say to this one, `Go,' and he goes, and to another, `Come,' and he comes, and to my eved, `Do this,' and he does it."
Luke OrthJBC 7:9  And having heard these things, Rebbe Melech HaMoshiach was mispoyel (marvelling) at him, and, having turned to the multitude following him, he said, "I say to you, nowhere even in Yisroel have I found such great emunah."
Luke OrthJBC 7:10  And when the ones having been sent returned to the bais, they found the eved being shalem b'guf (healthy). A LEVAYE (FUNERAL) IN THE GALIL AND THE RAISING OF THE BEN OF THE ALMANAH OF NA'IM (JO 7:11-17)
Luke OrthJBC 7:11  And it came about on the next day that Rebbe Melech HaMoshiach proceeded to a shtetl called Na'im, and his talmidim were traveling along with him as well as a great company of people.
Luke OrthJBC 7:12  Now as Rebbe Melech HaMoshiach approached the sha'ar of the shtetl--hinei!--an ish met (dead man) was been carried out for kevurah (burial); he was the ben yachid of his em, and she was an almanah, and a considerable crowd from the shtetl was with her.
Luke OrthJBC 7:13  And when Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach Adoneinu saw her, he had rachmonus over her and said, "Do not weep."
Luke OrthJBC 7:14  And having approached, he touched the aron met (coffin); and the bearers stood still, and he said, "Bochur, to you I say, get up."
Luke OrthJBC 7:15  And the niftar sat up and he began to speak, and Rebbe Melech HaMoshiach gave him to his em (mother).
Luke OrthJBC 7:16  And everyone was filled with yirat Shomayim and they were shouting, "Baruch Hashem!" And they were saying, "A navi gadol is among us, and Hashem has visited his people."
Luke OrthJBC 7:17  And this shema (report) about him went out in all Yehudah and in all the surrounding countryside. CONFIRMATION FROM TANACH AFTER FARHERERS (EXAMINERS) ARE SENT TO REBBE MELECH HAMOSHIACH (MT 11:2-19)
Luke OrthJBC 7:18  And Yochanan's talmidim reported to him about all these things. And when he had summoned a certain two of his talmidim, Yochanan
Luke OrthJBC 7:19  sent them to Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach Adoneinu, saying, "Are you Hu HaBah [Moshiach] or should we be looking for another?"
Luke OrthJBC 7:20  And when the men had come to him, they said, "Yochanan of the tevilah of teshuva sent us to you, saying, `Are you Hu HaBah [Moshiach] or should we be looking for another?'"
Luke OrthJBC 7:21  At genoi (exactly) that time, Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach gave refu'ah to many with machalot and afflictions and ruchot ra'ot and to many ivverim he granted sight.
Luke OrthJBC 7:22  And in reply he said to them, "Go and tell Yochanan what you have seen [as edey re'iyah]. IVRIM RO'IM, pisechim (lame persons) walk, the metzorim (lepers) are cleansed, and chereshim (deaf persons) hear, the mesim are restored to life, ANIYIM (poor) have the Besuras HaGeulah preached to them. [Yeshayah 29:18,19; 35:5,6; 61:1,2]
Luke OrthJBC 7:23  "And ashrey (happy) is whoever does not find a michshol (stumbling block, obstacle, Yeshayah 57:14) in me [as Rebbe Melech HaMoshiach]."
Luke OrthJBC 7:24  And when the messengers of Yochanan had departed, he began to say to the multitudes about Yochanan, "What did you go out bamidbar to see? A reed shaken by the wind?
Luke OrthJBC 7:25  "But what did you go out to see? A man dressed in a dandy's soft clothing?--Hinei--the ones with glorious apparel are living in luxury as courtiers in the palaces.
Luke OrthJBC 7:26  "But what did you go out to see? A navi? Ken, I say to you, and one more than a navi.
Luke OrthJBC 7:27  "This one is he about whom it has been written,--HINENI SHOLEIACH MALAKHI ("Behold, I send my messenger before your face, who will prepare your derech in front of you" [Malachi 3:1]
Luke OrthJBC 7:28  "I say to you, among those born of isha there is no one greater than Yochanan, yet he who is least in the Malchut Hashem is greater than he."
Luke OrthJBC 7:29  (And when kol haAm and the mochesim heard this, they acknowledged the Tzidkat Hashem, having been submitted to the tevilah of teshuva of Yochanan.
Luke OrthJBC 7:30  But the Perushim and the Ba'alei HaTorah rejected the tachlis of Hashem for their lives, refusing the tevilah of teshuva of Yochanan.)
Luke OrthJBC 7:31  "Therefore, to what will I compare the people of haDor hazeh (this generation) and what are they like?
Luke OrthJBC 7:32  "They are like yeladim sitting in the marketplace and calling out to one another; and they say, `We played the chalil (flute) for you and you did not dance; we sang a kina (lament, funeral dirge) and you did not weep.'
Luke OrthJBC 7:33  "For Yochanan of the tevilah of teshuva has come not eating lechem nor drinking yayin, and you say, `He has a shed (demon)!'
Luke OrthJBC 7:34  "The Ben HaAdam [Moshiach, Daniel 7:13-14] has come eating and drinking, and you say, `Hinei! A man who is a zolel (glutton) and a soveh (drunkard), a friend of mochesim and chote'im.'
Luke OrthJBC 7:36  Now a certain one of the Perushim was requesting Rebbe Melech HaMoshiach at tish, and, he, having entered into the bais of the Parush, reclined to eat.
Luke OrthJBC 7:37  And--hinei--an isha (woman) was in the shtetl, an isha chota'at (a woman of sin), and, when she had da'as that Rebbe Melech HaMoshiach reclines at tish in the bais of the Parush, she brought an alabaster flask of shemen bosem (perfume).
Luke OrthJBC 7:38  She stood behind him, and then she began weeping at his feet, and with her tears she began to wash the feet of Rebbe Melech MaMoshiach and she was drying them with her hair, and she was kissing his feet and was anointing them with shemen bosem (perfume).
Luke OrthJBC 7:39  But when the Parush who had invited Rebbe Melech HaMoshiach saw this, he said to himself, `If this one were a navi, he would have had da'as who and what sort of isha is touching him, because she is an isha chotet (woman of sin).'
Luke OrthJBC 7:40  And in reply, Rebbe Melech HaMoshiach said to him, "Shimon, I have something to say to you." And he said, "Speak, Rabbi."
Luke OrthJBC 7:41  "Two persons were debtors to a certain creditor; the one was owing a choiv (debt) of chamesh me'ot (five hundred) denarii and the other a choiv (debt) of chamishim (fifty).
Luke OrthJBC 7:42  "Not being able to repay, the creditor graciously forgave both debts. Therefore which of them will have more ahavah for him?"
Luke OrthJBC 7:43  In reply, Shimon said, "I suppose the one whom the creditor forgave more." And Rebbe Melech HaMoshiach said to him, "Your judgment is in gantzen nachon (entirely correct)."
Luke OrthJBC 7:44  And having turned to the isha, Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach said to Shimon, "Do you see this isha? I entered your bais, you did not give me mayim for my feet, but she has washed my feet with her tears, and wiped them with the hairs of her rosh. [Bereshis 18:4; Shofetim 19:21]
Luke OrthJBC 7:45  "You did not give me neshikah (kiss), but she, from the time I entered, did not stop kissing my feet.
Luke OrthJBC 7:46  "With shemen my rosh you did not anoint. But she with shemen bosem (perfume) anointed my feet. [Tehillim 23:5; Kohelet 9:8]
Luke OrthJBC 7:47  "Oib azoi (consequently), I say to you, her chatta'im, which are many, have been granted selicha (forgiven), for with rabbah ahavah she loved. But he who is mekabel selicha only a little, has ahavah only a little."
Luke OrthJBC 7:48  And he said to her, "Your averos have been granted selicha."
Luke OrthJBC 7:49  And the ones reclining at tish with Rebbe Melech HaMoshiach began to say to themselves, "Who is this who even grants selicha to averos?"
Luke OrthJBC 7:50  And Rebbe Melech HaMoshiach said to the isha, "Your emunah has gained you Yeshu'at Eloheinu. L'chi L'shalom. (Go in shalom!)"