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Chapter 32
Numb DRC 32:1  And the sons of Ruben and Gad had many flocks of cattle, and their substance in beasts was infinite. And when they saw the lands of Jazer and Galaad fit for feeding cattle,
Numb DRC 32:2  They came to Moses and Eleazar the priest, and the princes of the multitude, and said:
Numb DRC 32:3  Ataroth, and Dibon, and Jazer, and Nemra, Hesebon, and Eleale, and Saban, and Nebo, and Beon,
Numb DRC 32:4  The land, which the Lord hath conquered in the sight of the children of Israel, is a very fertile soil for the feeding of beasts: and we thy servants have very much cattle:
Numb DRC 32:5  And we pray thee, if we have found favour in thy sight, that thou give it to us thy servants in possession, and make us not pass over the Jordan.
Numb DRC 32:6  And Moses answered them: What, shall your brethren go to fight, and will you sit here?
Numb DRC 32:7  Why do ye overturn the minds of the children of Israel, that they may not dare to pass into the place which the Lord hath given them?
Numb DRC 32:8  Was it not thus your fathers did, when I sent from Cadesbarne to view the land?
Numb DRC 32:9  And when they were come as far as the valley of the cluster, having viewed all the country, they overturned the hearts of the children of Israel, that they should not enter into the coasts, which the Lord gave them.
Numb DRC 32:11  If these men, that came up out of Egypt, from twenty years old and upward, shall see the land, which I promised with an oath to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob: because they would not follow me,
Numb DRC 32:12  Except Caleb the son of Jephone the Cenezite, and Josue the son of Nun: these have fulfilled my will.
Numb DRC 32:13  And the Lord being angry against Israel, led them about through the desert forty years, until the whole generation, that had done evil in his sight, was consumed.
Numb DRC 32:14  And behold, said he, you are risen up instead of your fathers, the increase and offspring of sinful men, to augment the fury of the Lord against Israel.
Numb DRC 32:15  For if you will not follow him, he will leave the people in the wilderness, and you shall be the cause of the destruction of all.
Numb DRC 32:16  But they coming near, said: We will make sheepfolds, and stalls for our cattle, and strong cities for our children:
Numb DRC 32:17  And we ourselves will go armed and ready for battle before the children of Israel, until we bring them in unto their places. Our little ones, and all we have, shall be in walled cities, for fear of the ambushes of the inhabitants.
Numb DRC 32:18  We will not return into our houses until the children of Israel possess their inheritance:
Numb DRC 32:19  Neither will we seek any thing beyond the Jordan, because we have already our possession on the east side thereof,
Numb DRC 32:20  And Moses said to them: If you do what you promise, go on well appointed for war before the Lord:
Numb DRC 32:21  And let every fighting man pass over the Jordan, until the Lord overthrow his enemies:
Numb DRC 32:22  And all the land be brought under him, then shall you be blameless before the Lord and before Israel, and you shall obtain the countries that you desire, before the Lord.
Numb DRC 32:23  But if you do not what you say, no man can doubt but you sin against God: and know ye, that your sin shall overtake you.
Numb DRC 32:24  Build therefore cities for your children, and folds and stalls for your sheep and beasts, and accomplish what you have promised.
Numb DRC 32:25  And the children of Gad and Ruben said to Moses: We are thy servants, we will do what my lord commandeth.
Numb DRC 32:26  We will leave our children, and our wives and sheep and cattle, in the cities of Galaad:
Numb DRC 32:27  And we thy servants all well appointed will march on to the war, as thou, my lord, speakest.
Numb DRC 32:28  Moses therefore commanded Eleazar the priest, and Josue the son of Nun, and the princes of the families of all the tribes of Israel, and said to them:
Numb DRC 32:29  If the children of Gad, and the children of Ruben pass with you over the Jordan, all armed for war before the Lord, and the land be made subject to you: give them Galaad in possession.
Numb DRC 32:30  But if they will not pass armed with you into the land of Chanaan, let them receive places to dwell in among you.
Numb DRC 32:31  And the children of Gad, and the children of Ruben answered: As the Lord hath spoken to his servants, so will we do:
Numb DRC 32:32  We will go armed before the Lord into the land of Chanaan, and we confess that we have already received our possession beyond the Jordan.
Numb DRC 32:33  Moses therefore gave to the children of Gad and of Ruben, and to the half tribe of Manasses the son of Joseph, the kingdom of Sehon king of the Amorrhites, and the kingdom of Og king of Basan, and their land and the cities thereof round about.
Numb DRC 32:34  And the sons of Gad built Dibon, and Ataroth, and Aroer,
Numb DRC 32:35  And Etroth, and Sophan, and Jazer, and Jegbaa,
Numb DRC 32:36  And Bethnemra, and Betharan, fenced cities, and folds for their cattle.
Numb DRC 32:37  But the children of Ruben built Hesebon, and Eleale, and Cariathaim,
Numb DRC 32:38  And Nabo, and Baalmeon (their names being changed) and Sabama: giving names to the cities which they had built.
Numb DRC 32:39  Moreover the children of Machir, the son of Manasses, went into Galaad, and wasted it, cutting off the Amorrhites, the inhabitants thereof.
Numb DRC 32:40  And Moses gave the land of Galaad to Machir the son of Manasses, and he dwelt in it.
Numb DRC 32:41  And Jair the son of Manasses went, and took the villages thereof, and he called them Havoth Jair, that is to say, the villages of Jair.
Numb DRC 32:42  Nobe also went, and took Canath with the villages thereof: and he called it by his own name, Nobe.