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Chapter 2
Acts KLV 2:1  DaH ghorgh the jaj vo' Pentecost ghajta' ghoS, chaH were Hoch tlhej wa' accord Daq wa' Daq.
Acts KLV 2:2  Suddenly pa' ghoSta' vo' the sky a wab rur the rushing vo' a HoS SuS, je 'oH tebta' Hoch the tuq nuqDaq chaH were sitting.
Acts KLV 2:3  jatmey rur qul appeared je were distributed Daq chaH, je wa' ba'ta' Daq each vo' chaH.
Acts KLV 2:4  chaH were Hoch tebta' tlhej the le' qa', je taghta' Daq jatlh tlhej latlh languages, as the qa' nobta' chaH the ability Daq jatlh.
Acts KLV 2:5  DaH pa' were dwelling Daq Jerusalem Jews, devout loDpu', vo' Hoch Hatlh bIng the sky.
Acts KLV 2:6  ghorgh vam wab ghaHta' Qoyta', the qevmey ghoSta' tay', je were bewildered, because Hoch Qoyta' chaH speaking Daq Daj ghaj language.
Acts KLV 2:7  chaH were Hoch amazed je marveled, ja'ta' Daq wa' another, “ yIlegh, aren't Hoch Dochvammey 'Iv jatlh Galileans?
Acts KLV 2:8  chay' ta' maH Qoy, Hoch Daq maj ghaj native language?
Acts KLV 2:9  Parthians, Medes, Elamites, je ghotpu vo' Mesopotamia, Judea, Cappadocia, Pontus, Asia,
Acts KLV 2:10  Phrygia, Pamphylia, Egypt, the parts vo' Libya around Cyrene, visitors vo' Rome, both Jews je proselytes,
Acts KLV 2:11  Cretans je Arabians: maH Qoy chaH speaking Daq maj languages the HoS vum vo' joH'a'!”
Acts KLV 2:12  chaH were Hoch amazed, je were perplexed, ja'ta' wa' Daq another, “ nuq ta'taH vam mean?”
Acts KLV 2:13  Others, mocking, ja'ta', “ chaH 'oH tebta' tlhej chu' HIq.”
Acts KLV 2:14  'ach Peter, standing Dung tlhej the eleven, qengta' Dung Daj ghogh, je jatlhta' pa' Daq chaH, “ SoH loDpu' vo' Judea, je Hoch SoH 'Iv yIn Daq Jerusalem, chaw' vam taH Sovta' Daq SoH, je 'Ij Daq wIj mu'mey.
Acts KLV 2:15  vaD Dochvammey aren't drunken, as SoH suppose, leghtaH 'oH ghaH neH the wejDIch hour vo' the jaj { Note: about 9:00 'oH } .
Acts KLV 2:16  'ach vam ghaH nuq ghajtaH taH jatlhpu' vegh the leghwI'pu' Joel:
Acts KLV 2:17  ‘ 'oH DichDaq taH Daq the last jajmey, jatlhtaH joH'a', vetlh jIH DichDaq pour pa' wIj qa' Daq Hoch ghab. lIj puqloDpu' je lIj puqbe'pu' DichDaq prophesy. lIj Qup loDpu' DichDaq legh visions. lIj qan loDpu' DichDaq dream dreams.
Acts KLV 2:18  HIja', je Daq wIj toy'wI'pu' je Daq wIj handmaidens Daq chaH jajmey, jIH DichDaq pour pa' wIj qa', je chaH DichDaq prophesy.
Acts KLV 2:19  jIH DichDaq cha' wonders Daq the sky Dung, je signs Daq the tera' bIng; 'Iw, je qul, je billows vo' tlhIch.
Acts KLV 2:20  The pemHov DichDaq taH tlhe'ta' Daq HurghtaHghach, je the maS Daq 'Iw, qaSpa' the Dun je glorious jaj vo' the joH choltaH.
Acts KLV 2:21  'oH DichDaq taH, vetlh 'Iv DichDaq ja' Daq the pong vo' the joH DichDaq taH toDpu'.' { Note: Joel 2:28-32 }
Acts KLV 2:22  “ loDpu' vo' Israel, Qoy Dochvammey mu'mey! Jesus vo' Nazareth, a loD approved Sum joH'a' Daq SoH Sum HoS vum je wonders je signs nuq joH'a' ta'ta' Sum ghaH Daq the midst vo' SoH, 'ach as SoH tlhIH'egh Sov,
Acts KLV 2:23  ghaH, taH toDta' Dung Sum the determined qeS je foreknowledge vo' joH'a', SoH ghaj tlhappu' Sum the ghop vo' lawless loDpu', crucified je HoHta';
Acts KLV 2:24  'Iv joH'a' raised Dung, ghajtaH freed ghaH vo' the agony vo' Hegh, because 'oH ghaHta' ghobe' DuH vetlh ghaH should taH held Sum 'oH.
Acts KLV 2:25  vaD David jatlhtaH concerning ghaH, ‘ jIH leghta' the joH always qaSpa' wIj qab, vaD ghaH ghaH Daq wIj nIH ghop, vetlh jIH should ghobe' taH vIHta'.
Acts KLV 2:26  vaj wIj tIq ghaHta' Quchqu', je wIj jat rejoiced. Moreover wIj ghab je DichDaq yIn Daq tul;
Acts KLV 2:27  because SoH DichDaq ghobe' mej wIj qa' Daq Hades { Note: joq, Hell } , ghobe' DichDaq SoH allow lIj le' wa' Daq legh decay.
Acts KLV 2:28  SoH chenmoHta' Sovta' Daq jIH the Hemey vo' yIn. SoH DichDaq chenmoH jIH teblu'ta' vo' Quchqu'taHghach tlhej lIj Daq.' { Note: bom 16:8-11 }
Acts KLV 2:29  “ loDnI'pu', jIH may ja' SoH freely vo' the patriarch David, vetlh ghaH both Heghta' je ghaHta' buried, je Daj tomb ghaH tlhej maH Daq vam jaj.
Acts KLV 2:30  vaj, taH a leghwI'pu', je knowing vetlh joH'a' ghajta' sworn tlhej an oath Daq ghaH vetlh vo' the baQ vo' Daj porgh, according Daq the ghab, ghaH would raise Dung the Christ Daq ba' Daq Daj quS'a',
Acts KLV 2:31  ghaH foreseeing vam jatlhta' about the resurrection vo' the Christ, vetlh ghobe' ghaHta' Daj qa' poS Daq Hades { Note: joq, Hell } , ghobe' ta'ta' Daj ghab legh decay.
Acts KLV 2:32  vam Jesus joH'a' raised Dung, Daq nuq maH Hoch 'oH witnesses.
Acts KLV 2:33  taH vaj exalted Sum the nIH ghop vo' joH'a', je ghajtaH Hevta' vo' the vav the promise vo' the le' qa', ghaH ghajtaH poured pa' vam, nuq SoH DaH legh je Qoy.
Acts KLV 2:34  vaD David ta'be' ascend Daq the chal, 'ach ghaH jatlhtaH himself, ‘The joH ja'ta' Daq wIj joH, “ ba' Sum wIj nIH ghop,
Acts KLV 2:35  until jIH chenmoH lIj jaghpu' a footstool vaD lIj qamDu'.”' { Note: bom 110:1 }
Acts KLV 2:36  “ chaw' Hoch the tuq vo' Israel vaj Sov certainly vetlh joH'a' ghajtaH chenmoHta' ghaH both joH je Christ, vam Jesus 'Iv SoH crucified.”
Acts KLV 2:37  DaH ghorgh chaH Qoyta' vam, chaH were pe' Daq the tIq, je ja'ta' Daq Peter je the leS vo' the apostles, “ loDnI'pu', nuq DIchDaq maH ta'?”
Acts KLV 2:38  Peter ja'ta' Daq chaH, “Repent, je taH yIQchoHmoHta', Hoch wa' vo' SoH, Daq the pong vo' Jesus Christ vaD the forgiveness vo' yemmey, je SoH DichDaq Hev the gift vo' the le' qa'.
Acts KLV 2:39  vaD the promise ghaH Daq SoH, je Daq lIj puqpu', je Daq Hoch 'Iv 'oH Hop litHa', 'ach as law' as the joH maj joH'a' DichDaq ja' Daq himself.”
Acts KLV 2:40  tlhej law' latlh mu'mey ghaH testified, je exhorted chaH, ja'ta', “ toD tlhIH'egh vo' vam crooked generation!”
Acts KLV 2:41  vaj chaH 'Iv gladly Hevta' Daj mu' were yIQchoHmoHta'. pa' were chelta' vetlh jaj about wej SaD qa'pu'.
Acts KLV 2:42  chaH continued steadfastly Daq the apostles' teaching je fellowship, Daq the breaking vo' tIr Soj, je tlhobtaHghach.
Acts KLV 2:43  taHvIp ghoSta' Daq Hoch qa', je law' wonders je signs were ta'pu' vegh the apostles.
Acts KLV 2:44  Hoch 'Iv Harta' were tay', je ghajta' Hoch Dochmey Daq common.
Acts KLV 2:45  chaH sold chaj possessions je goods, je distributed chaH Daq Hoch, according as anyone ghajta' need.
Acts KLV 2:46  jaj Sum jaj, continuing steadfastly tlhej wa' accord Daq the lalDan qach, je breaking tIr Soj Daq home, chaH tlhapta' chaj Soj tlhej Quchqu'taHghach je singleness vo' tIq,
Acts KLV 2:47  praising joH'a', je ghajtaH favor tlhej Hoch the ghotpu. The joH chelta' Daq the yej jaj Sum jaj chaH 'Iv were taH toDpu'.