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Chapter 40
Exod KLV 40:2  “ Daq the wa'Dich jaj vo' the wa'Dich jar SoH DIchDaq raise Dung the tabernacle vo' the juHHom vo' qep.
Exod KLV 40:3  SoH DIchDaq lan the Duj vo' the testimony Daq 'oH, je SoH DIchDaq screen the Duj tlhej the veil.
Exod KLV 40:4  SoH DIchDaq qem Daq the SopDaq, je cher Daq order the Dochmey vetlh 'oH Daq 'oH. SoH DIchDaq qem Daq the lampstand, je wov its lamps.
Exod KLV 40:5  SoH DIchDaq cher the golden lalDanta' Daq vaD He' qaSpa' the Duj vo' the testimony, je lan the screen vo' the lojmIt Daq the tabernacle.
Exod KLV 40:6  “ SoH DIchDaq cher the lalDanta' Daq vo' meQqu'pu' cha'nob qaSpa' the lojmIt vo' the tabernacle vo' the juHHom vo' qep.
Exod KLV 40:7  SoH DIchDaq cher the basin joj the juHHom vo' qep je the lalDanta' Daq, je DIchDaq lan bIQ therein.
Exod KLV 40:8  SoH DIchDaq cher Dung the bo'DIj around 'oH, je hang Dung the screen vo' the lojmIt vo' the bo'DIj.
Exod KLV 40:9  “ SoH DIchDaq tlhap the anointing Hergh, je anoint the tabernacle, je Hoch vetlh ghaH Daq 'oH, je DIchDaq chenmoH 'oH le', je Hoch its furniture: je 'oH DichDaq taH le'.
Exod KLV 40:10  SoH DIchDaq anoint the lalDanta' Daq vo' meQqu'pu' cha'nob, tlhej Hoch its Dujmey, je sanctify the lalDanta' Daq: je the lalDanta' Daq DichDaq taH HochHom le'.
Exod KLV 40:11  SoH DIchDaq anoint the basin je its base, je sanctify 'oH.
Exod KLV 40:12  “ SoH DIchDaq qem Aaron je Daj puqloDpu' Daq the lojmIt vo' the juHHom vo' qep, je DIchDaq Seng chaH tlhej bIQ.
Exod KLV 40:13  SoH DIchDaq lan Daq Aaron the le' garments; je SoH DIchDaq anoint ghaH, je sanctify ghaH, vetlh ghaH may minister Daq jIH Daq the priest's office.
Exod KLV 40:14  SoH DIchDaq qem Daj puqloDpu', je lan coats Daq chaH.
Exod KLV 40:15  SoH DIchDaq anoint chaH, as SoH ngoHta' chaj vav, vetlh chaH may minister Daq jIH Daq the priest's office. chaj anointing DIchDaq taH Daq chaH vaD an everlasting priesthood throughout chaj DISmey.”
Exod KLV 40:16  Moses ta'ta' vaj. According Daq Hoch vetlh joH'a' ra'ta' ghaH, vaj ghaH ta'ta'.
Exod KLV 40:17  'oH qaSta' Daq the wa'Dich jar Daq the cha'DIch DIS, Daq the wa'Dich jaj vo' the jar, vetlh the tabernacle ghaHta' raised Dung.
Exod KLV 40:18  Moses raised Dung the tabernacle, je laid its sockets, je cher Dung its boards, je lan Daq its bars, je raised Dung its pillars.
Exod KLV 40:19  ghaH ngeH the covering Dung the juHHom, je lan the roof vo' the tabernacle Dung Daq 'oH, as joH'a' ra'ta' Moses.
Exod KLV 40:20  ghaH tlhapta' je lan the testimony Daq the Duj, je cher the poles Daq the Duj, je lan the pung seat Dung Daq the Duj.
Exod KLV 40:21  ghaH qempu' the Duj Daq the tabernacle, je cher Dung the veil vo' the screen, je screened the Duj vo' the testimony, as joH'a' ra'ta' Moses.
Exod KLV 40:22  ghaH lan the SopDaq Daq the juHHom vo' qep, Daq the retlh vo' the tabernacle northward, outside vo' the veil.
Exod KLV 40:23  ghaH cher the tIr Soj Daq order Daq 'oH qaSpa' joH'a', as joH'a' ra'ta' Moses.
Exod KLV 40:24  ghaH lan the lampstand Daq the juHHom vo' qep, opposite the SopDaq, Daq the retlh vo' the tabernacle southward.
Exod KLV 40:25  ghaH lit the lamps qaSpa' joH'a', as joH'a' ra'ta' Moses.
Exod KLV 40:26  ghaH lan the golden lalDanta' Daq Daq the juHHom vo' qep qaSpa' the veil;
Exod KLV 40:27  je ghaH meQqu'pu' He' vo' sweet spices Daq 'oH, as joH'a' ra'ta' Moses.
Exod KLV 40:28  ghaH lan Dung the screen vo' the lojmIt Daq the tabernacle.
Exod KLV 40:29  ghaH cher the lalDanta' Daq vo' meQqu'pu' cha'nob Daq the lojmIt vo' the tabernacle vo' the juHHom vo' qep, je nobta' Daq 'oH the meQqu'pu' cha'nob je the 'uQ cha'nob, as joH'a' ra'ta' Moses.
Exod KLV 40:30  ghaH cher the basin joj the juHHom vo' qep je the lalDanta' Daq, je lan bIQ therein, tlhej nuq Daq Seng.
Exod KLV 40:31  Moses, Aaron, je Daj puqloDpu' washed chaj ghopmey je chaj qamDu' pa'.
Exod KLV 40:32  ghorgh chaH mejta' Daq the juHHom vo' qep, je ghorgh chaH ghoSta' Sum Daq the lalDanta' Daq, chaH washed, as joH'a' ra'ta' Moses.
Exod KLV 40:33  ghaH raised Dung the bo'DIj around the tabernacle je the lalDanta' Daq, je cher Dung the screen vo' the lojmIt vo' the bo'DIj. vaj Moses finished the vum.
Exod KLV 40:34  vaj the cloud covered the juHHom vo' qep, je the batlh vo' joH'a' tebta' the tabernacle.
Exod KLV 40:35  Moses wasn't laH Daq 'el Daq the juHHom vo' qep, because the cloud stayed Daq 'oH, je joH'a' batlh tebta' the tabernacle.
Exod KLV 40:36  ghorgh the cloud ghaHta' tlhappu' Dung vo' Dung the tabernacle, the puqpu' vo' Israel mejta' onward, throughout Hoch chaj journeys;
Exod KLV 40:37  'ach chugh the cloud wasn't tlhappu' Dung, vaj chaH ta'be' travel until the jaj vetlh 'oH ghaHta' tlhappu' Dung.
Exod KLV 40:38  vaD the cloud vo' joH'a' ghaHta' Daq the tabernacle Sum jaj, je pa' ghaHta' qul Daq the cloud Sum ram, Daq the leghpu' vo' Hoch the tuq vo' Israel, throughout Hoch chaj journeys.