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Chapter 11
Luke OrthJBC 11:1  And it came about while Rebbe Melech HaMoshiach was in a certain place davening that, when he concluded, a certain one of his talmidim said to him, "Adoneinu, teach us to daven, just as also Yochanan taught his talmidim."
Luke OrthJBC 11:2  And Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach said to them, "When you daven, say, `Avinu, yitkadash shmecha` (`hallowed be thy Name'). `Tavo malchutechah' (`thy kingdom come').
Luke OrthJBC 11:3  `Es lechem chukeinu ten lanu yom yom' (`Give us day by day the bread we need').
Luke OrthJBC 11:4  `u-s'lach lanu al chatta'einu' (`And forgive us our sins') `Ki gam anachnu solechim lekhol hachote'im lanu' (`for we ourselves are forgiving everyone who is indebted to us.') `v'al tevi'einu lidei nissayon' (`And lead us not into temptation')."
Luke OrthJBC 11:5  And Rebbe Melech HaMoshiach said to them, "Who among you will have a chaver and will come to him at chatzot halailah (midnight), and say to him, `Chaver, lend me shalosh kikrot;
Luke OrthJBC 11:6  `because a chaver of mine has come from a journey to me and I have nothing to set before him';
Luke OrthJBC 11:7  "and from inside he shall reply, saying, `Do not bother me; the delet has already been shut, and my yeladim and I are already in bed; I cannot get up and give to you anything.'
Luke OrthJBC 11:8  "I say to you, even if he will not get up and give him anything, because he is his chaver, at least because of his persistence he will get up and give to him as much as he needs.
Luke OrthJBC 11:9  "And I tell you, ask, and it shall be given to you; seek and you shall find; knock and it shall be opened to you.
Luke OrthJBC 11:10  "For everyone asking receives; and he who is seeking, finds; and to the one knocking, it shall be opened.
Luke OrthJBC 11:11  "And what av among you is there who will ask his ben for a dag (fish), and instead of a dag (fish) will give to him a nachash (snake)?
Luke OrthJBC 11:12  "Or if the ben will ask for an beytzah (egg), will the av give him an akrav (scorpion)?
Luke OrthJBC 11:13  "If, therefore, you, though you are ra'im, have da'as of how to give matanot tovot to your yeladim, how much more will HaAv sh'baShomayim give the Ruach Hakodesh to the ones asking him." CHILLUL HASHEM AGAINST REBBE MELECH HAMOSHIACH
Luke OrthJBC 11:14  And Rebbe Melech HaMoshiach was casting out a shed from a ish illem (mute man). And it came to pass when the shed had come out, the ish illem spoke and the multitudes were amazed.
Luke OrthJBC 11:15  But some of them said, "He casts out the shedim by Ba'al-zibbul Sar HaShedim."
Luke OrthJBC 11:16  And others, to test him, were demanding of Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach an ot (sign) from Shomayim.
Luke OrthJBC 11:17  But Rebbe Melech HaMoshiach, having had da'as of their makhshavot (thoughts), said to them, "Every Malchut divided against itself is laid waste; and a bais divided against itself falls.
Luke OrthJBC 11:18  "And if Hasatan also was divided against himself, how shall Hasatan's Malchut stand? Because you say by Ba'al-zibbul I cast out shedim.
Luke OrthJBC 11:19  "But if I by Ba'al-zibbul cast out the shedim, by whom do your banim cast them out? Consequently, they shall be your shofetim (judges).
Luke OrthJBC 11:20  "But, if I, by the finger of Hashem, cast out the shedim, then the Malchut Hashem has come upon you. [Shemot 8:19]
Luke OrthJBC 11:21  "When a Gibbor (Strong Man), fully armed, is shomer over his armon (palace), his possessions are left in shalom;
Luke OrthJBC 11:22  "but when someone stronger than him overpowers him, he takes away from him all his shiryon kaskasim (coat of scale armor) on which he had depended, and distributes his plunder." A WARNING AGAINST ANY JUDAISM THAT IS NOT MOSHIACH'S JUDAISM AND IS NOT FILLED WITH THE RUACH HAKODESH
Luke OrthJBC 11:23  "The one who is not with me is against me (Rebbe Melech HaMoshiach); and he who does not gather with me, scatters.
Luke OrthJBC 11:24  "When the ruach hatameh goes out from the ish, it goes through waterless places seeking a menukhah (resting place) and, not finding any, it says, `I will return to my bais from where I came out.
Luke OrthJBC 11:25  "And when it comes, it finds the bais having been swept and put beseder (in order).
Luke OrthJBC 11:26  "Then it goes and takes another sheva shedim more ra'ot (evil) than itself, and they enter it and dwell there; and the acharit (last) condition of that ish becomes worse than the reshit (first)." REBBE, MELECH HAMOSHIACH REFUSES TO ALLOW HIS TRUE TALMIDIM TO RELIGIOUSLY VENERATE HIS EM (MOTHER)
Luke OrthJBC 11:27  And it came about while Rebbe Melech HaMoshiach says these things, a certain isha in the multitude, having lifted up her voice, said to Rebbe Melech HaMoshiach, "Ashrey is the womb having carried you and the breasts that nursed you."
Luke OrthJBC 11:28  But Rebbe Melech HaMoshiach said, "Aderaba (to the contrary); ashrey are the ones hearing the dvar Hashem and being shomer mitzvot!" [Mishle 8:32]
Luke OrthJBC 11:29  And as the multitudes are gathering even more, Rebbe Melech HaMoshiach began to say, "HaDor HaZeh (this generation) is a Dor Rah! It is seeking an ot, and an ot will not be given to it except the Ot HaYonah.
Luke OrthJBC 11:30  "For just as Yonah became to the Ninevites an ot, so also the Ben HaAdam will be an ot to HaDor HaZeh.
Luke OrthJBC 11:31  "The Queen of the South will be made to stand up alive at the [Yom HaDin] judgment with the men of HaDor HaZeh and she will declare a gezar din (verdict) of ashem (guilty), of haresha'ah (condemnation as guilty), because she came from the ends of the earth to hear the chochmah of Shlomo, and--hinei--one greater than Shlomo is here. [Melachim Alef 10:1; Divrey Hayamim Bais 9:1]
Luke OrthJBC 11:32  "Men of Nineveh will stand up at the mishpat (judgment of the Yom HaDin) with HaDor HaZeh and will condemn it, because they made teshuva at the preaching of Yonah, and--hinei--one greater than Yonah is here.
Luke OrthJBC 11:33  "No one having lit a menorah puts it in a hidden place, nor under the measuring bucket, but on the shulchan, in order that the ones entering may see the ohr." THE FATAL MISTAKE OF RABBINIC JUDAISM WITHOUT HITKHADESHUT (AS OPPOSED TO BRIT CHADASHA ORTHODOX JUDAISM)
Luke OrthJBC 11:34  "The menorah of the guf (body) is your ayin (eye). When your ayin is sound, then your entire guf (body) is full of ohr. But when it is rah, then your guf (body) is full of choshech.
Luke OrthJBC 11:35  "See to it, then, that the ohr in you is not choshech (darkness).
Luke OrthJBC 11:36  "If therefore, your whole guf (body) is full of ohr and not having any part choshech, it will be all full of ohr as when the menorah with the ohr (light) shines on you."
Luke OrthJBC 11:37  Now while Rebbe Melech HaMoshiach spoke, a Parush asks him that he might have betzi'at halechem (have a meal, breaking of bread) with him. And, having entered, Rebbe Melech HaMoshiach reclined at tish.
Luke OrthJBC 11:38  And the Parush, having seen this, was amazed that Rebbe Melech HaMoshiach did not first do n'tilat yadayim before the meal.
Luke OrthJBC 11:39  But Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach Adoneinu said to him, "Now you Perushim wash the outside of the kos and the dish you clean, but the inside of you is full of gazel (robbery) and resha.
Luke OrthJBC 11:40  "Goylomim! Did not the one having made the outside also make the inside?
Luke OrthJBC 11:41  "But as far as what is inside, give tzedakah, and --hinei-- everything is tahor (clean) to you.
Luke OrthJBC 11:42  "But oy to you, Perushim, because you give as ma'aser (tithe) the mint and the rue and every herb and you disregard the mishpat and the ahavah of Hashem. But these things it was necessary to do and those not to disregard. [Devarim 6:5; Michoh 6:8]
Luke OrthJBC 11:43  "Oy to you Parush! Because your ahavah is for the moshavot harishonim in the shuls and the sh'elat shalom greetings in the market places.
Luke OrthJBC 11:44  "Woe to you, because you are like the unmarked kevarim (graves), and bnei Adam walk over them without having da'as."
Luke OrthJBC 11:45  And, in reply, one of the Ba'alei Torah says to him, "Rabbi, by saying these things you insult us also."
Luke OrthJBC 11:46  But Rebbe, Melech, HaMoshiach said, "Also woe to you Ba'alei Torah, because you burden men with [halachic] loads difficult to carry, and you yourselves with so much as one of your fingers do not touch the loads [with a heter].
Luke OrthJBC 11:47  "Woe to you, because you build the matsevot (tombstone monuments) for the kivrot haNevi'im (the sepulchres of the prophets), but it was your avot who killed them.
Luke OrthJBC 11:48  "Therefore, you are edim (witnesses) and in agreement with the deeds of your avot, because they do the killing of them part and you do the providing of the matsevot part.
Luke OrthJBC 11:49  "Therefore, also the Chochmah of Hashem said, `I will send to them Nevi'im and Shluchim, some of whom they will kill and persecute, [Lu.20:9-19]
Luke OrthJBC 11:50  `that the Dahm of all the Nevi'im that has been poured out from the hivvased haOlam may be charged to HaDor HaZeh,
Luke OrthJBC 11:51  `from the blood of Hevel to the blood of Zecharyah who was killed al Kiddush ha-Shem between the Mitzbe'ach and the Beis Hashem;' ken, I tell you, it will be required from HaDor HaZeh." [Bereshis 4:8; Divrey Hayamim Bais 24:20,21]
Luke OrthJBC 11:52  "Woe to you Ba'alei Torah, because you took the mafte'ach of da'as; you yourselves did not enter in; and the ones entering in you hindered."
Luke OrthJBC 11:53  And when he went from there, the Sofrim and the Perushim began to be terribly hostile and to hock (pose constant questions) Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach and to subject him to a wide ranging cross-examination,
Luke OrthJBC 11:54  plotting to catch him in something from his mouth.