Chapter 5
Matt | KLV | 5:1 | leghtaH the multitudes, ghaH mejta' Dung onto the HuD. ghorgh ghaH ghajta' ba'ta' bIng, Daj ghojwI'pu' ghoSta' Daq ghaH. | |
Matt | KLV | 5:3 | “ ghurtaH 'oH the mIpHa' Daq qa', vaD theirs ghaH the Kingdom vo' chal. { Note: Isaiah 57:15; 66:2 } | |
Matt | KLV | 5:4 | ghurtaH 'oH chaH 'Iv mourn, vaD chaH DIchDaq taH comforted. { Note: Isaiah 61:2; 66:10,13 } | |
Matt | KLV | 5:5 | ghurtaH 'oH the gentle, vaD chaH DIchDaq inherit the tera'. { Note: joq, puH. bom 37:11 } | |
Matt | KLV | 5:10 | ghurtaH 'oH chaH 'Iv ghaj taH persecuted vaD righteousness' chIch, vaD theirs ghaH the Kingdom vo' chal. | |
Matt | KLV | 5:11 | “ ghurtaH 'oH SoH ghorgh ghotpu reproach SoH, persecute SoH, je jatlh Hoch kinds vo' mIghtaHghach Daq SoH falsely, vaD wIj chIch. | |
Matt | KLV | 5:12 | yItIv, je taH exceedingly Quchqu', vaD Dun ghaH lIj pop Daq chal. vaD vetlh ghaH chay' chaH persecuted the leghwI'pu' 'Iv were qaSpa' SoH. | |
Matt | KLV | 5:13 | “ SoH 'oH the salt vo' the tera', 'ach chugh the salt ghajtaH lost its flavor, tlhej nuq DichDaq 'oH taH salted? 'oH ghaH vaj QaQ vaD pagh, 'ach Daq taH chuH pa' je trodden bIng the qamDu' vo' loDpu'. | |
Matt | KLV | 5:15 | ghobe' ta' SoH wov a lamp, je lan 'oH bIng a measuring basket, 'ach Daq a Qam; je 'oH shines Daq Hoch 'Iv 'oH Daq the tuq. | |
Matt | KLV | 5:16 | 'ach vaj, chaw' lIj wov shine qaSpa' loDpu'; vetlh chaH may legh lIj QaQ vum, je glorify lIj vav 'Iv ghaH Daq chal. | |
Matt | KLV | 5:17 | “ yImev think vetlh jIH ghoSta' Daq Qaw' the chut joq the leghwI'pu'. jIH ta'be' ghoS Daq Qaw', 'ach Daq fulfill. | |
Matt | KLV | 5:18 | vaD HochHom certainly, jIH ja' SoH, until chal je tera' juS DoH, ghobe' 'ach wa' smallest letter { Note: literally, iota } joq wa' tiny pen stroke { Note: joq, serif } DIchDaq Daq vay' way juS DoH vo' the chut, until Hoch Dochmey 'oH accomplished. | |
Matt | KLV | 5:19 | 'Iv, vaj, DIchDaq ghor wa' vo' Dochvammey least ra'ta'ghach mu'mey, je ghojmoH others Daq ta' vaj, DIchDaq taH ja' least Daq the Kingdom vo' chal; 'ach 'Iv DIchDaq ta' je ghojmoH chaH DIchDaq taH ja' Dun Daq the Kingdom vo' chal. | |
Matt | KLV | 5:20 | vaD jIH ja' SoH vetlh unless lIj QaQtaHghach exceeds vetlh vo' the scribes je Pharisees, pa' ghaH ghobe' way SoH DichDaq 'el Daq the Kingdom vo' chal. | |
Matt | KLV | 5:21 | “ SoH ghaj Qoyta' vetlh 'oH ghaHta' ja'ta' Daq the ancient ones, ‘ SoH DIchDaq ghobe' chot;' { Note: Exodus 20:13 } je ‘ 'Iv DIchDaq chot DIchDaq taH Daq danger vo' the yoj.' | |
Matt | KLV | 5:22 | 'ach jIH ja' SoH, vetlh Hoch 'Iv ghaH angry tlhej Daj loDnI' Hutlh a cause { Note: NU omits “ Hutlh a cause”. } DIchDaq taH Daq danger vo' the yoj; je 'Iv DIchDaq jatlh Daq Daj loDnI', ‘Raca { Note: “Raca” ghaH an Aramaic insult, related Daq the mu' vaD “empty” je conveying the idea vo' empty-headedness. } !' DIchDaq taH Daq danger vo' the council; je 'Iv DIchDaq jatlh, ‘ SoH fool!' DIchDaq taH Daq danger vo' the qul vo' Gehenna. { Note: joq, Hell } | |
Matt | KLV | 5:23 | “ chugh vaj SoH 'oH cha'nob lIj gift Daq the lalDanta' Daq, je pa' qaw vetlh lIj loDnI' ghajtaH vay' Daq SoH, | |
Matt | KLV | 5:24 | mej lIj gift pa' qaSpa' the lalDanta' Daq, je jaH lIj way. wa'Dich taH reconciled Daq lIj loDnI', je vaj ghoS je nob lIj gift. | |
Matt | KLV | 5:25 | Agree tlhej lIj jagh quickly, qaStaHvIS SoH 'oH tlhej ghaH Daq the way; lest perhaps the prosecutor toD SoH Daq the noH, je the noH toD SoH Daq the officer, je SoH taH chuH Daq prison. | |
Matt | KLV | 5:26 | HochHom certainly jIH ja' SoH, SoH DIchDaq Sum ghobe' means tlhap pa' vo' pa', until SoH ghaj paid the last penny. { Note: literally, kodrantes. A kodrantes ghaHta' a mach copper coin worth about 2 lepta (widow's mites)— ghobe' yap Daq buy very 'ar vo' vay'. } | |
Matt | KLV | 5:27 | “ SoH ghaj Qoyta' vetlh 'oH ghaHta' ja'ta', { Note: TR cheltaH “ Daq the ancients,” } ‘ SoH DIchDaq ghobe' commit voqHa'moHlu';' { Note: Exodus 20:14 } | |
Matt | KLV | 5:28 | 'ach jIH ja' SoH vetlh Hoch 'Iv gazes Daq a be' Daq lust after Daj ghajtaH committed voqHa'moHlu' tlhej Daj already Daq Daj tIq. | |
Matt | KLV | 5:29 | chugh lIj nIH mIn causes SoH Daq stumble, pluck 'oH pa' je throw 'oH DoH vo' SoH. vaD 'oH ghaH latlh profitable vaD SoH vetlh wa' vo' lIj members should chIlqu', than vaD lIj Hoch porgh Daq taH chuH Daq Gehenna. { Note: joq, Hell } | |
Matt | KLV | 5:30 | chugh lIj nIH ghop causes SoH Daq stumble, pe' 'oH litHa', je throw 'oH DoH vo' SoH. vaD 'oH ghaH latlh profitable vaD SoH vetlh wa' vo' lIj members should chIlqu', than vaD lIj Hoch porgh Daq taH chuH Daq Gehenna. { Note: joq, Hell } | |
Matt | KLV | 5:31 | “ 'oH ghaHta' je ja'ta', ‘ 'Iv DIchDaq lan DoH Daj be'nal, chaw' ghaH nob Daj a writing vo' divorce,' { Note: Deuteronomy 24:1 } | |
Matt | KLV | 5:32 | 'ach jIH ja' SoH vetlh 'Iv puts DoH Daj be'nal, except vaD the cause vo' sexual immorality, chen Daj an be' voqHa'moH; je 'Iv marries Daj ghorgh ghaH ghaH lan DoH commits voqHa'moHlu'. | |
Matt | KLV | 5:33 | “Again SoH ghaj Qoyta' vetlh 'oH ghaHta' ja'ta' Daq chaH vo' qan poH, ‘ SoH DIchDaq ghobe' chenmoH false vows, 'ach DIchDaq perform Daq the joH lIj vows,' | |
Matt | KLV | 5:34 | 'ach jIH ja' SoH, yImev swear Daq Hoch: ghobe' Sum chal, vaD 'oH ghaH the quS'a' vo' joH'a'; | |
Matt | KLV | 5:35 | ghobe' Sum the tera', vaD 'oH ghaH the footstool vo' Daj qamDu'; ghobe' Sum Jerusalem, vaD 'oH ghaH the veng vo' the Dun joH. | |
Matt | KLV | 5:36 | ghobe' DIchDaq SoH swear Sum lIj nach, vaD SoH ta'laHbe' chenmoH wa' jIb chIS joq black. | |
Matt | KLV | 5:37 | 'ach chaw' lIj ‘Yes' taH ‘Yes' je lIj ‘ ghobe'' taH ‘No.' Whatever ghaH latlh than Dochvammey ghaH vo' the mIghtaHghach wa'. | |
Matt | KLV | 5:38 | “ SoH ghaj Qoyta' vetlh 'oH ghaHta' ja'ta', ‘An mIn vaD an mIn, je a tooth vaD a tooth.' { Note: Exodus 21:24; Leviticus 24:20; Deuteronomy 19:21 } | |
Matt | KLV | 5:39 | 'ach jIH ja' SoH, yImev resist ghaH 'Iv ghaH mIghtaHghach; 'ach 'Iv strikes SoH Daq lIj nIH cheek, tlhe' Daq ghaH the latlh je. | |
Matt | KLV | 5:43 | “ SoH ghaj Qoyta' vetlh 'oH ghaHta' ja'ta', ‘ SoH DIchDaq muSHa' lIj jIl, { Note: Leviticus 19:18 } je hate lIj jagh. { Note: ghobe' Daq the Bible, 'ach legh Qumran Manual vo' Discipline Ix, 21-26 } ' | |
Matt | KLV | 5:44 | 'ach jIH ja' SoH, muSHa' lIj jaghpu', ghurmoH chaH 'Iv mu'qaD SoH, ta' QaQ Daq chaH 'Iv hate SoH, je tlhob vaD chaH 'Iv mistreat SoH je persecute SoH, | |
Matt | KLV | 5:45 | vetlh SoH may taH puqpu' vo' lIj vav 'Iv ghaH Daq chal. vaD ghaH chen Daj pemHov Daq Hu' Daq the mIghtaHghach je the QaQ, je sends rain Daq the just je the unjust. | |
Matt | KLV | 5:46 | vaD chugh SoH muSHa' chaH 'Iv muSHa' SoH, nuq pop ta' SoH ghaj? yImev 'ach the tax collectors ta' the rap? | |
Matt | KLV | 5:47 | chugh SoH neH greet lIj friends, nuq latlh ta' SoH ta' than others? yImev 'ach the tax collectors ta' the rap? | |