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Chapter 23
Ezek ABP 23:1  And [3came 1the word 2of the lord] to me, saying,
Ezek ABP 23:2  O son of man, [2two 3women 1there were], daughters [2mother 1of one].
Ezek ABP 23:3  And they fornicated in Egypt; in their youth they committed harlotry. There [2fell 1their breasts]; there they lost their virginity.
Ezek ABP 23:4  And their names -- Aholah the elder, and Aholibah her sister. And they were born to me, and gave birth to sons and daughters. And their names -- Samaria is Aholah, and Jerusalem is Aholibah.
Ezek ABP 23:5  And Aholah fornicated from me, and doted upon her lovers, upon the Assyrians being next to her;
Ezek ABP 23:6  ones being clothed in blue, leaders and commandants, young men, [2choice 1all] horsemen riding upon horses.
Ezek ABP 23:7  And she offered her harlotry unto them; the choice sons of the Assyrians -- all; and upon all upon whom she doted herself. With all her thoughts she defiled herself.
Ezek ABP 23:8  And her harlotry, the one with Egypt she did not abandon, for [2with 3her 1they went to bed] in her youth, and they caused her loss of virginity, and they poured out their harlotry upon her.
Ezek ABP 23:9  On account of this I delivered her up into the hands of her lovers, into the hands of the sons of the Assyrians, upon whom she doted.
Ezek ABP 23:10  They uncovered her shame. [3sons 4and 5daughters 2her 1They took], and [2her 3by 4the broadsword 1they killed]. And she became a discussion for women; and they executed acts of vengeance in her.
Ezek ABP 23:11  And [3saw 1her sister 2Aholibah], and she corrupted her undertaking above her sister, and her harlotry above the harlotry of her sister.
Ezek ABP 23:12  [2upon 3the 4sons 5of the 6Assyrians 1She doted], the leaders, and commandants near her, ones being clothed elegantly, horsemen riding upon horses, young men, all choice.
Ezek ABP 23:13  And I beheld that they were defiled; it was [2way 1one] for the two of them.
Ezek ABP 23:14  And she added unto her harlotry, and she saw men having been portrayed upon the wall, images of Chaldeans having been portrayed with a stylus;
Ezek ABP 23:15  having [2tied 1colored belts] upon their loins; deeply dyed apparel upon their heads; [2with the appearance 3of officials 1all], a likeness of sons of Babylon of the Chaldeans, of the land of their fatherland.
Ezek ABP 23:16  And she doted upon them with the vision of her eyes; and she sent out messengers to them, into the land of the Chaldeans.
Ezek ABP 23:17  And [3came 4to 5her 1sons 2of Babylon], to her marriage-bed resting up, and they defiled her with their harlotry. And she was defiled by them, and [2separated 1her soul] unto them.
Ezek ABP 23:18  And she uncovered her harlotry, and uncovered her shame. And [2separated 1my soul] from her in which manner [2separated 1my soul] from her sister.
Ezek ABP 23:19  And you multiplied your harlotry to call to mind the day of your youth in which you committed harlotry in Egypt.
Ezek ABP 23:20  And you doted upon the Chaldeans, which their flesh is as flesh of donkeys, and [2as genitals 3of horses 1their genitals].
Ezek ABP 23:21  And you overlooked the lawlessness of your youth, which you did in Egypt in your lodging, of which place the breasts of your youth fell.
Ezek ABP 23:22  On account of this, O Aholibah, thus says Adonai the lord; Behold, I awaken your lovers against you, of whom [2is separated 1your soul] unto them. And I will bring them against you round about;
Ezek ABP 23:23  sons of Babylon and all the Chaldeans -- Pekod, and Shoa, and Koa, and all the sons of the Assyrians with them; [2young men 1choice], governors and commandants, all tribunes, and famous ones riding upon horses.
Ezek ABP 23:24  And they shall come upon you all from the north with weapons, and chariots, and wheels, and a multitude of peoples, and chest plates, and shields, and helmets -- they shall be placed around about you, and they shall throw upon you a watch round about. And I will impute [2before 3their face 1judgment], and they shall punish you in their judgments.
Ezek ABP 23:25  And I will put my jealousy against you. And they shall deal with you in an anger of rage. [2your nose 3and 4your ears 1They shall remove]; and [2your remnant 3with 4a broadsword 1they shall throw down]. They [2your sons 3and 4your daughters 1shall take], and your remnant shall be devoured by fire.
Ezek ABP 23:26  And they shall strip [2off 3you 1your clothes], and shall take the items of your boasting.
Ezek ABP 23:27  And I will turn your impious deeds from you, and your harlotry from the land of Egypt, and in no way shall you lift up your eyes unto them; and [3Egypt 1in no way 2shall you remember] any more.
Ezek ABP 23:28  For thus says Adonai the lord; Behold, I deliver you into the hands which you detest, from which [2is separated 1your soul] from them.
Ezek ABP 23:29  And they shall deal with you in hatred, and they shall take all the things of your toils, and you will be naked and disgraced. And [4shall be uncovered 1the 2shame 3of your harlotry], even your impiety, and your harlotry.
Ezek ABP 23:30  He did to you these things in your fornicating after the nations, and you defiled yourself in their ideas.
Ezek ABP 23:31  [2in 3the 4way 5of your sister 1You went]; and I will put her cup into your hands.
Ezek ABP 23:32  Thus says Adonai the lord; The cup of your sister you shall drink -- deep and spacious; it shall be for laughter and sneering abounding to complete intoxication.
Ezek ABP 23:33  And [2of feebleness 1you shall be filled]; a cup of extinction, and a cup of your sister Samaria.
Ezek ABP 23:34  And you shall drink it and strain it out. And his potsherds you shall devour, and [2your breasts 1you shall pull about]. And your holiday feasts, and your new moons I will pervert, for I have spoken, says Adonai the lord.
Ezek ABP 23:35  On account of this, Thus says Adonai the lord; Because you forgot me, and threw me behind your body, then you receive for your impiety and your harlotry!
Ezek ABP 23:36  And the lord said to me, O son of man, Will you judge Aholah and Aholibah? for you shall report to them their lawless deeds.
Ezek ABP 23:37  For they committed adultery, and blood is on their hands; even with their thoughts they committed adultery. And their children which they bore to me, [2led them 1they] through fire.
Ezek ABP 23:38  While also they did these things to me, they defiled my holy things in that day, and [2my Sabbaths 1they profaned].
Ezek ABP 23:39  even in their slaying their children to their idols, and entering into my holy places in that day to profane them. And behold, thus they did in the midst of my house.
Ezek ABP 23:40  And they sent forth to the men, to the ones having come from far off, to which [2messengers 1they sent out] to them. And together in their coming straight you bathed and tinged [2with antimony 1your eyes], and adorned yourself with ornamentation,
Ezek ABP 23:41  and you sat down upon a bed being a spread out, and a table being adorned before it; and my incense and my oil you put before them, and they were glad in them.
Ezek ABP 23:42  And a sound of harmony they played music to men from out of a multitude of men having come being drunk from out of the wilderness. And they put bracelets upon their hands, and a crown of boasting upon their heads.
Ezek ABP 23:43  And I said, [2not 4with 5these 1Do they 3commit adultery]? And works of a harlot also she fornicated?
Ezek ABP 23:44  And they entered unto her. In which manner men enter to a woman harlot, so they entered to Aholah, and to Aholibah the [2women 1lawless], to commit lawlessness.
Ezek ABP 23:45  And [3men 2just 1they are], and they shall punish them in punishment of adulteresses. And in judgment they shed blood, for they are adulteresses, and blood is in their hands.
Ezek ABP 23:46  Thus says Adonai the lord; Lead [2against 3them 1a multitude], and put [4among 5them 1disturbance 2and 3ravaging];
Ezek ABP 23:47  and let them stone with stones of multitudes, and let them pierce them through with their swords! Their sons and their daughters they shall kill, and their houses they shall burn.
Ezek ABP 23:48  And I will return the impiety of the land, and [4shall be corrected 1all 2the 3women], and in no way shall they do according to their impious deeds.
Ezek ABP 23:49  And [2shall be imputed 1your impiety] upon you, and the sins of your ideas you shall bear, and you shall know that I am the lord.