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Chapter 22
Matt ABP 22:1  And responding Jesus again spoke to them in parables, saying,
Matt ABP 22:2  [5was likened 1The 2kingdom 3of the 4heavens] to a man, a king, who prepared wedding feasts for his son.
Matt ABP 22:3  And he sent his servants to call the ones being invited unto the wedding feasts; and they did not want to come.
Matt ABP 22:4  Again he sent other servants, saying, Say to the ones being invited! Behold, my dinner is prepared; my bullocks and the fattened calves are being sacrificed, and all things are prepared; come to the wedding feasts.
Matt ABP 22:5  But neglecting, they went forth, the one unto his own field, and one unto his trade;
Matt ABP 22:6  and the remaining having taken hold of his servants, insulted and killed them.
Matt ABP 22:7  And having heard, that king was provoked to anger. And having sent forth his military, he destroyed those murderers, and their city he burned.
Matt ABP 22:8  Then he says to his servants, Indeed the wedding feast is prepared, but the ones being invited were not worthy.
Matt ABP 22:9  You go then unto the outer reaches of the ways! and as many as you should find, invite to the wedding feasts!
Matt ABP 22:10  And [2having gone forth 1those servants] into the ways, gathered together all, as many as they found, both wicked and good; and [3was filled 1the 2wedding feast] with ones reclining.
Matt ABP 22:11  [4entering 1And 2the 3king] to see the ones reclining, beheld there a man not having put on [2garment 1the wedding].
Matt ABP 22:12  And he says to him, Friend, how did you enter here not having [2garment 1a wedding]? And he was halted.
Matt ABP 22:13  Then [3said 1the 2king] to the servants, Having bound his feet and hands, lift him and cast him into the [2darkness 1outer]! There, there will be the weeping and the gnashing of teeth.
Matt ABP 22:15  Then having gone, the Pharisees [2council 1took] how they should ensnare him in a matter.
Matt ABP 22:16  And they sent to him their disciples with the Herodians, saying, Teacher, we know that you are true, and the way of God in truth you teach, and there is no care to you concerning any one, [3not 1for 2you see] to the person of men.
Matt ABP 22:17  Now then tell to us! What do you think? Is it allowed to give tribute to Caesar or not?
Matt ABP 22:18  [3knowing 1And 2Jesus] their wickedness, said, Why do you test me, hypocrites?
Matt ABP 22:19  Display to me the money for the tribute! And they brought to him a denarius.
Matt ABP 22:20  And he says to them, What is the image to this and the inscription?
Matt ABP 22:21  They say to him, Caesar's. Then he says to them, Render then the things of Caesar, to Caesar, and the things of God, to God!
Matt ABP 22:22  And having heard they marveled, and leaving him, they went forth.
Matt ABP 22:23  On that day, [2came forward 3to him 1Sadducees], the ones saying there is no resurrection. And they asked him,
Matt ABP 22:24  saying, Teacher, Moses said, If any should die not having children, [2shall ally by marriage 1his brother] to his wife, and shall raise up seed to his brother.
Matt ABP 22:25  Now there were with us seven brothers; and the first having married came to an end; and not having seed he left his wife to his brother.
Matt ABP 22:26  In like manner also the second, and the third, unto the seven.
Matt ABP 22:28  In the then resurrection, which of the seven will she be wife? for all had her.
Matt ABP 22:29  And answering Jesus said to them, You err, not knowing the scriptures, nor the power of God.
Matt ABP 22:30  For in the resurrection neither they marry, nor give in marriage, but [2as 3angels 4of God 5in 6heaven 1they are].
Matt ABP 22:31  But concerning the resurrection of the dead, Did you not read the thing having been spoken to you by God, saying,
Matt ABP 22:32  I am the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob? He is not the God of the dead, but of living.
Matt ABP 22:33  And having heard, the multitudes were overwhelmed at his teaching.
Matt ABP 22:34  And the Pharisees, having heard that he halted the Sadducees, gathered together at the same place.
Matt ABP 22:35  And [4asked 1one 2of 3them], a legal expert, testing him and saying,
Matt ABP 22:36  Teacher, which commandment is great in the law?
Matt ABP 22:37  And Jesus said to him, You shall love the Lord your God with [2entire 3heart 1your], and with [2entire 3soul 1your], and with [2entire 3thought 1your].
Matt ABP 22:39  And second likened to it, You shall love your neighbor as yourself.
Matt ABP 22:40  In these the two commandments all the law and the prophets hang upon.
Matt ABP 22:41  [4being gathered together 1And 2the 3Pharisees], [2asked 3them 1Jesus],
Matt ABP 22:42  saying, What do you think concerning the Christ? Whose son is he? They say to him, David's.
Matt ABP 22:43  He says to them, How then does David in spirit [2him Lord 1call]? Saying,
Matt ABP 22:44  [3said 1The 2Lord] to my Lord, Sit down at my right until whenever I should establish your enemies for a footstool for your feet!
Matt ABP 22:45  If then David called him, Lord, how [2son 1is he his]?
Matt ABP 22:46  And no one was able to answer him a word; nor dared [3anything 4from 5that 6day 1to ask 2him] any more.