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Chapter 22
Matt BWE 22:2  He said, ‘The kingdom of heaven is like this. A king made a wedding for his son.
Matt BWE 22:3  The king sent his servants to call the people who had been asked to the wedding. But they would not come.
Matt BWE 22:4  ‘He sent other servants to call them. He said, “Tell those who were asked to the wedding that my dinner is cooked. The cows and bullocks have been killed. Everything is ready. Come now to the wedding.”
Matt BWE 22:5  ‘The people did not listen, but went away. One went to his farm. One went to his business.
Matt BWE 22:6  The others caught his servants, treated them very badly, and killed them.
Matt BWE 22:7  ‘The king was very angry. He sent his soldiers to kill the men who had killed his servants. And he burned their city.
Matt BWE 22:8  Then he said to his servants, “The wedding is ready. But those who were asked to come were not good enough.
Matt BWE 22:9  Go out on the roads. Call all the people you find to come to the wedding.”
Matt BWE 22:10  ‘So those servants went out on the roads. They brought all the people they could find, both bad and good people. Then the room was full of people for the wedding.
Matt BWE 22:11  ‘The king came in to look at the people. He saw one man there who was not wearing the right clothes for a wedding.
Matt BWE 22:12  The king said to him, “My friend, why did you come here without putting on the right clothes for a wedding?” The man did not answer.
Matt BWE 22:13  Then the king said to his servants, “Tie his hands and his feet. Put him in a dark place outside. People there will cry and grind their teeth.”
Matt BWE 22:14  ‘Many people are asked to come, but only a few are chosen.’
Matt BWE 22:15  Then the Pharisees went away. They planned how to make Jesus say something wrong.
Matt BWE 22:16  They sent their disciples to him with some of Herod’s people. They said, ‘Teacher, we know that you are true. We know that you teach the true way of God. You do not fear any person, or care how great he is.
Matt BWE 22:17  So tell us. What do you think? Is it right to pay taxes to Caesar or is it not?’
Matt BWE 22:18  Jesus knew they were trying to get him into trouble. So he said to them, ‘Why are you trying to get me to do wrong? You are not true to yourselves!
Matt BWE 22:19  Show me a piece of money used for tax.’ They brought him a piece of money.
Matt BWE 22:20  ‘Whose picture and name is this?’ he asked.
Matt BWE 22:21  They said, ‘Caesar’s’. Then he said to them, ‘Give to Caesar what belongs to Caesar. And give to God what belongs to God.’
Matt BWE 22:22  When they heard that, they were surprised. They left him and went away.
Matt BWE 22:23  The same day some of the Sadducees came to Jesus. They say that people do not rise from death.
Matt BWE 22:24  They came to ask him a question. They said, ‘Teacher, Moses gave us this law: “If a man dies and has no children, then his brother must marry the wife and raise a family for his brother.”
Matt BWE 22:25  There were seven brothers among us. The first one married. He died and left no children. So his brother married the wife.
Matt BWE 22:26  The same thing happened to the second brother, and the third one, and all seven of them.
Matt BWE 22:28  Now then, when people rise from death, which of the seven brothers will have her for his wife? They all married her.’
Matt BWE 22:29  Jesus answered, ‘You are wrong! You do not know what the holy writings say. And you do not know what power God has.
Matt BWE 22:30  When people rise from death, men and women do not marry. But they are like angels in heaven.
Matt BWE 22:31  People do rise from death! Have you never read what God said to you?
Matt BWE 22:32  He said, “I am the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob.” He is not the God of dead people, but of living people.’
Matt BWE 22:33  When the people heard this, they were surprised at his teaching.
Matt BWE 22:34  The Pharisees heard that the Sadducees could not answer Jesus. So they got together.
Matt BWE 22:35  One of them was a man who taught God’s law. He asked Jesus a question to try him out.
Matt BWE 22:36  ‘Teacher,’ he said, ‘which law is the greatest law of all?’
Matt BWE 22:37  Jesus said, ‘“Love the Lord your God with all your heart. Love him with all your soul, and love him with all your mind.”
Matt BWE 22:39  The second law of God is like it. “Love your neighbour as you love yourself.”
Matt BWE 22:40  All that is written in the books of the law and the books of the prophets is about these two laws.’
Matt BWE 22:41  While the Pharisees were still there, Jesus asked them a question.
Matt BWE 22:42  He said, ‘What do you think about Christ? Whose son is he?’ They said, ‘He is David’s son.’
Matt BWE 22:43  Jesus asked, ‘Then how can David call him “Lord”? He said, by the Spirit,
Matt BWE 22:44  “The Lord said to my Lord, ‘Sit beside me until I make you master over your enemies.’”
Matt BWE 22:45  David calls Christ his Lord. How can Christ be David’s son?’
Matt BWE 22:46  No one could answer him a word. And after that day, everyone feared to ask him any more questions.