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Chapter 8
John ABP 8:2  And at dawn again he came into the temple, and all the people came to him; and having sat he taught them.
John ABP 8:3  [7led 1And 2the 3scribes 4and 5the 6Pharisees] to him a woman [2adultery 1having been overtaken in]. And having stood her in the midst,
John ABP 8:4  they say to him, Teacher, this woman we found in the very act committing adultery.
John ABP 8:5  And in our law, Moses gave charge for such to be stoned; you then, what do you say?
John ABP 8:6  But this they said testing him, that they should have a charge against him. But Jesus [2low 1bowing], with his finger he wrote on the ground.
John ABP 8:7  And as they continued asking him, having raised the head he said to them, The one sinless of you [3first 2the 4stone 5at 6her 1let him cast]!
John ABP 8:8  And again [2low 1bowing] he wrote on the ground.
John ABP 8:9  And they having heard, and by their consciences being reproved, went forth one by one, beginning from the older; and was left behind alone Jesus, and the woman [2in 3the middle 1being].
John ABP 8:10  [3having raised the head 1And 2Jesus], and [2no one 1seeing] except the woman, said to her, Woman, where are they, those your accusers, did no one condemn you?
John ABP 8:11  And she said, No one, O Lord. [3said 1And 4to her 2Jesus], Nor I condemn you; go and from now [2no more 1sin]!
John ABP 8:12  Again then to them Jesus spoke, saying, I am the light of the world; the one following me in no way should walk in the darkness, but shall have the light of the life.
John ABP 8:13  [3said 4then 5to him 1The 2Pharisees], You [2concerning 3yourself 1testify]; your testimony is not valid.
John ABP 8:14  Jesus answered and said to them, Even if I testify concerning myself, [2is valid 1my testimony]; for I know from what place I came, and where I go. But you do no know from what place I come, and where I go.
John ABP 8:15  You according to the flesh judge, I do not judge anyone.
John ABP 8:16  And if [3judge 2also 1I], [2judgment 1my] is valid, because [2alone 1I am not], but I and the [2having sent 3me 1father].
John ABP 8:17  And in [2law 3also 1your] it has been written that, Of two men the testimony is valid.
John ABP 8:18  I am the one testifying concerning myself, and [5testifies 6concerning 7me 1the 3having sent 4me 2father].
John ABP 8:19  They said then to him, Where is your father? Jesus answered, Neither me you know, nor my father. If you would have known me, also my father you would have known.
John ABP 8:20  These words Jesus spoke in the treasury, teaching in the temple; and no one laid hold of him, for [2had not yet 3come 1his hour].
John ABP 8:21  [4said 1Then 2again 5to them 3Jesus], I go away, and you shall seek me, and in your sin you shall die. Where I go, you are not able to come.
John ABP 8:22  [4said 1Then 2the 3Jews], Maybe to kill himself, that he says, Where I go, you are not able to come.
John ABP 8:23  And he said to them, You [2of 3the 4lowers 1are], I [2of 3the 4uppers 1am]; you [2of 3this world 1are], I am not of this world.
John ABP 8:24  I said then to you that, You shall die in your sins; for if you should not believe that I am, you shall die in your sins.
John ABP 8:25  They said then to him, You, who are you? And [2said 3to them 1Jesus], The source of whatever also I speak to you.
John ABP 8:26  Many things I have concerning you to say, and to judge; but the one having sent me is true, and I, what I heard from him, these things I say unto the world.
John ABP 8:27  They did not know that [3the 4father 2to them 1he spoke].
John ABP 8:28  [2said 3then 4to them 1Jesus], Whenever you should raise up high the son of man, then you shall know that I am; and from myself I do nothing, but as [2taught 3me 1my father], these things I speak.
John ABP 8:29  And the one having sent me, [2with 3me 1is]. [5not 3left 4me 6alone 1The 2father], for I [2the things 3pleasing 4to him 1do] at all times.
John ABP 8:30  These things of his having spoken, many believed in him.
John ABP 8:31  [3said 1then 2Jesus] to the [2believing 3in him 1Jews], If you should stay in [2word 1my], truly [2disciples 1you are my].
John ABP 8:32  And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall free you.
John ABP 8:33  They answered him, [2seed 3of Abraham 1We are], and to no one have we been a slave to at any time. How do you say that, [2free 1You shall become]?
John ABP 8:34  [2answered 3to them 1Jesus], Amen, amen, I say to you that, Every one committing the sin is a slave of the sin.
John ABP 8:35  And the manservant does not abide in the house into the eon; the son abides into the eon.
John ABP 8:36  If then the son should free you, really you will be free.
John ABP 8:37  I know that [2seed 3of Abraham 1you are]; but you seek to kill me, for [2word 1my] does not have space in you.
John ABP 8:38  I [2what 3I have seen 4by 5my father 1speak]; and you then what you have seen by your father you do.
John ABP 8:39  They answered and said to him, Our father is Abraham. [2says 3to them 1Jesus], If [2children 3of 4Abraham 1you were], the works of Abraham you would have done.
John ABP 8:40  But now you seek to kill me, a man who [2the 3truth 4to you 1has spoken], which I heard from God; this Abraham did not do.
John ABP 8:41  You do the works of your father. They said then to him, We [3of 4harlotry 1have not 2been born]; [2one 3father 1we have] -- God.
John ABP 8:42  [2said 3to them 1Jesus], If God [2father 1was your], you would have loved me; for I [2from 3God 1came forth], and I come; for neither from myself have I come, but that one sent me.
John ABP 8:43  Why [4speech 3my 1do you not 2know]? it is that you are not able to hear [2word 1my]?
John ABP 8:44  You [2of 3the 4father 5of the 6devil 1are], and the desires of your father you want to do. That one [2a man-killer 1was] from the beginning, and [3in 4the 5truth 1has not 2stood], for [2is not 1truth] in him. Whenever he should speak the lie, from out of his own he speaks; for he is a liar, and the father of it.
John ABP 8:45  But I, for [2the 3truth 1I speak], but you do not believe me.
John ABP 8:46  Who of you reproves me concerning sin? But if [2truth 1I speak], why do you not believe in me?
John ABP 8:47  The one being of God [2the 3sayings 4of God 1hears]; on account of this, you do not hear, for [2of 3God 1you are not].
John ABP 8:48  [4answered 1Then 2the 3Jews], and they said to him, [2not 4well 3speak 1Do we] that [2a Samaritan 1you are], and [2a demon 1have]?
John ABP 8:49  Jesus answered, I [3a demon 1do not 2have], but I esteem my father, and you dishonor me.
John ABP 8:50  But I do not seek my glory; there is the one seeking and judging.
John ABP 8:51  Amen, amen, I say to you, If anyone [3word 2my 1should give heed to 6death 4in no way 5shall he view] into the eon.
John ABP 8:52  [3said 4then 5to him 1The 2Jews], Now we know that [2a demon 1you have]. Abraham died, and the prophets, and you say, If anyone [2word 1should give heed to my] in no way shall he taste death into the eon.
John ABP 8:53  [2you 3greater than 1Are] our father Abraham who died, and the prophets that died? Whom [3yourself 1do you 2make]?
John ABP 8:54  Jesus answered, If I glorify myself, my glory is nothing. It is my father glorifying me, whom you say, that [2your God 1he is].
John ABP 8:55  And you have not known him; but I know him. And if I should say that, I do not know him, I will be like you, a liar. But I know him, and his word I give heed to.
John ABP 8:56  Abraham, your father exulted that he should behold [2day 1my], and he saw and rejoiced.
John ABP 8:57  Then said the Jews to him, [3fifty 4years 2not yet 1You have], and [2Abraham 1you have seen]?
John ABP 8:58  [2said 3to them 1Jesus], Amen, amen, I say to you, Before Abraham existed I am.
John ABP 8:59  Then they lifted stones that they should throw at him; but Jesus was hidden, and he went forth from out of the temple, going through the midst of them, and passed by thus.