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Chapter 13
Matt OEB 13:1  That same day, when Jesus had left the house and was sitting by the Sea,
Matt OEB 13:2  such great crowds gathered around him, that he got into a boat, and sat in it, while all the people stood on the beach.
Matt OEB 13:3  Then he told them many truths in parables. “The sower,” he began, “went out to sow; and,
Matt OEB 13:4  as they were sowing, some seed fell along the path, and the birds came and ate it up.
Matt OEB 13:5  Some fell on rocky places, where it had not much soil, and, because the soil wasn't deep, sprang up at once.
Matt OEB 13:6  As soon as the sun had risen, it was scorched, and, because their roots were not deep enough, withered away.
Matt OEB 13:7  Some, again, fell into the brambles; but the brambles shot up and choked it.
Matt OEB 13:8  Some, however, fell on good soil, and yielded a return, sometimes one hundred, sometimes sixty, sometimes thirty fold.
Matt OEB 13:10  Afterwards his disciples came to him, and said: “Why do you speak to them in parables?”
Matt OEB 13:11  “To you,” answered Jesus, “the knowledge of the hidden truths of the kingdom of heaven has been imparted, but not to those.
Matt OEB 13:12  For, to all who have, more will be given, and they will have abundance; but, from all who have nothing, even what they have will be taken away.
Matt OEB 13:13  That is why I speak to them in parables, because, though they have eyes, they do not see, and though they have ears, they do not hear or understand.
Matt OEB 13:14  In them is being fulfilled that prophecy of Isaiah which says — ‘You will hear with your ears without ever understanding, and, though you have eyes, you will see without ever perceiving,
Matt OEB 13:15  for the mind of this nation has grown dense, and their ears are dull of hearing, their eyes also have they closed; Otherwise some day they might perceive with their eyes, and with their ears they might hear, and in their mind they might understand, and might turn — and I might heal them.’
Matt OEB 13:16  But blessed are your eyes, for they see, and your ears, for they hear;
Matt OEB 13:17  for I tell you that many prophets and good people have longed for the sight of the things which you are seeing, yet never saw them, and to hear the things which you are hearing, yet never heard them.
Matt OEB 13:18  Listen, then, yourselves to the parable of the sower.
Matt OEB 13:19  When anyone hears the message of the kingdom without understanding it, the evil one comes and snatches away what has been sown in their mind. This is the person meant by the seed which was sown along the path.
Matt OEB 13:20  By the seed which was sown on rocky places is meant the person who hears the message, and at once accepts it joyfully;
Matt OEB 13:21  but, as they have no root, they stand for only a short time; and, when trouble or persecution arises because of the message, they fall away at once.
Matt OEB 13:22  By the seed which was sown among the brambles is meant the person who hears the message, but the cares of life and the glamour of wealth completely choke the message, so that it gives no return.
Matt OEB 13:23  But by the seed which was sown on the good ground is meant the person who hears the message and understands it, and really yields a return, sometimes one hundred, sometimes sixty, sometimes thirty fold.”
Matt OEB 13:24  Another parable which Jesus told them was this — “The kingdom of heaven is compared to a person who sowed good seed in their field.
Matt OEB 13:25  But, while everyone was asleep, their enemy came and sowed weeds among the wheat, and then went away.
Matt OEB 13:26  So, when the blades of corn shot up, and came into ear, the weeds made their appearance also.
Matt OEB 13:27  The owner’s servants came to them, and said ‘Was not it good seed that you sowed in your field? Where, then, do the weeds in it come from?’
Matt OEB 13:28  ‘An enemy has done this,’ was the owner’s answer. ‘Do you wish us, then,’ they asked,’ to go and gather them together?’
Matt OEB 13:29  ‘No,’ said he, ‘because while you are pulling up the weeds you might uproot the wheat with them.
Matt OEB 13:30  Let both grow side by side until harvest; and then I will say to the reapers, Gather the weeds together first, and tie them in bundles for burning; but bring all the wheat into my barn.’”
Matt OEB 13:31  Another parable which he told them was this — “The kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed, which a person took and sowed in his field.
Matt OEB 13:32  This seed is smaller than all other seeds, but, when it has grown up, it is larger than the herbs and becomes a tree, so that ‘the wild birds come and roost in its branches.’”
Matt OEB 13:33  This was another parable which Jesus related — “The kingdom of heaven is like some yeast which a woman took and covered up in three pecks of flour, until the whole had risen.”
Matt OEB 13:34  Of all this Jesus spoke to the crowd in parables; indeed to them he used never to speak at all except in parables,
Matt OEB 13:35  in fulfillment of these words in the prophet — ‘I will speak to them in parables; I will utter things kept secret since the foundation of the world.’
Matt OEB 13:36  Then Jesus left the crowd, and went into the house. Presently his disciples came to him, and said: “Explain to us the parable of the weeds in the field.”
Matt OEB 13:37  He answered: “The sower of the good seed is the Son of Man.
Matt OEB 13:38  The field is the world. By the good seed is meant the people of the kingdom. The weeds are the wicked,
Matt OEB 13:39  and the enemy who sowed them is the devil. The harvest time is the close of the age, and the reapers are angels.
Matt OEB 13:40  And, just as the weeds are gathered and burnt, so it will be at the close of the age.
Matt OEB 13:41  The Son of Man will send his angels, and they will gather from his kingdom all that hinders and those who live in sin,
Matt OEB 13:42  and ‘will throw them into the blazing furnace,’ where there will be weeping and grinding of teeth.
Matt OEB 13:43  Then will the righteous shine, like the sun, in the kingdom of their Father. Let him who has ears hear.
Matt OEB 13:44  The kingdom of heaven is like a treasure hidden in a field, which a person found and hid again, and then, in their delight, went and sold everything that they had, and bought that field.
Matt OEB 13:45  Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant in search of choice pearls.
Matt OEB 13:46  Finding one of great value, they went and sold everything that they had, and bought it.
Matt OEB 13:47  Or again, the kingdom of heaven is like a net which was cast into the sea, and caught fish of all kinds.
Matt OEB 13:48  When it was full, they hauled it up on the beach, and sat down and sorted the good fish into baskets, but threw the worthless ones away.
Matt OEB 13:49  So will it be at the close of the age. The angels will go out and separate the wicked from the righteous,
Matt OEB 13:50  and ‘will throw them into the blazing furnace,’ where there will be weeping and grinding of teeth.
Matt OEB 13:51  Have you understood all this?” Jesus asked. “Yes,” they answered.
Matt OEB 13:52  Then he added: “So every teacher of the law, who has received instruction about the kingdom of heaven, is like a householder who produces from his stores things both new and old.”
Matt OEB 13:53  When Jesus had finished these parables, he withdrew from that place.
Matt OEB 13:54  Going to his own part of the country, he taught the people in their synagogue in such a manner that they were deeply impressed. “Where did he get this wisdom?” they said, “and the miracles?
Matt OEB 13:55  Is not he the carpenter’s son? Is not his mother called Mary, and his brothers James, and Joseph, and Simon, and Judas?
Matt OEB 13:56  And his sisters, too — are not they all living among us? Where, then did he get all this?”
Matt OEB 13:57  These things proved a hindrance to their believing in him. But Jesus said: “A prophet is not without honor, except in his own country and in his own house.”
Matt OEB 13:58  He did not work many miracles there, because of their want of faith.