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Chapter 51
Jere GodsWord 51:1  This is what the LORD says: I will stir up a destructive wind against Babylon and against the people who live in Leb Kamai.
Jere GodsWord 51:2  I will send people to winnow Babylon, to winnow it and strip its land bare. They will attack it from every direction on the day of trouble.
Jere GodsWord 51:3  Have the archers bend their bows. Have them put on their armor. Don't spare Babylon's young men. Completely destroy its whole army.
Jere GodsWord 51:4  Babylon's soldiers will fall down badly wounded in their streets. They will lie dead in their own land.
Jere GodsWord 51:5  Israel and Judah haven't been abandoned by their God, the LORD of Armies, although their land is guilty of abandoning the Holy One of Israel.
Jere GodsWord 51:6  Run away from Babylon! Run for your lives! You shouldn't die because of Babylon's crimes. This is the time for the vengeance of the LORD. He will pay the people of Babylon back for what they have done.
Jere GodsWord 51:7  Babylon was a golden cup in the LORD's hand. It made the whole world drunk. The nations drank its wine. That is why the nations have gone insane.
Jere GodsWord 51:8  Babylon will suddenly fall and be shattered. Cry for it. Bring medicine for its pain. Maybe it can be healed.
Jere GodsWord 51:9  We wanted to heal Babylon, but it couldn't be healed. Let's abandon it and go to our own land. God has judged Babylon. Its judgment is complete.
Jere GodsWord 51:10  The LORD has brought about our victory. Let's announce in Zion what the LORD our God has done.
Jere GodsWord 51:11  Sharpen the arrows; fill the quivers. The LORD will stir up the spirit of the kings of the Medes because his plan is to destroy Babylon. The LORD will avenge his temple.
Jere GodsWord 51:12  Raise your battle flag in front of the walls of Babylon. Strengthen the guards. Station watchmen. Prepare ambushes. The LORD will carry out his plans against the people who live in Babylon.
Jere GodsWord 51:13  Babylon, you live beside many rivers and are rich with treasures, but your end has come. The thread of your life has been cut off.
Jere GodsWord 51:14  The LORD of Armies has taken an oath on himself: "I will certainly fill you with many enemy armies. They will swarm like locusts. People will shout their victory over you."
Jere GodsWord 51:15  The LORD made the earth by his power. He set up the world by his wisdom. He stretched out heaven by his understanding.
Jere GodsWord 51:16  When he thunders, the water in the sky roars. He makes clouds rise from the ends of the earth. He sends lightning with the rain. He brings wind out of his storehouses.
Jere GodsWord 51:17  Everyone is stupid and ignorant. Metalsmiths are put to shame by their idols. Their statues are false gods.
Jere GodsWord 51:18  They can't breathe. They are worthless jokes. When they are punished, they will disappear.
Jere GodsWord 51:19  Jacob's God isn't like them. He made everything, and Israel is the tribe that belongs to him. His name is the LORD of Armies.
Jere GodsWord 51:20  "You are my war club and my weapon for battle. I will use you to crush nations. I will use you to destroy kingdoms.
Jere GodsWord 51:21  I will use you to crush horses and their riders. I will use you to crush chariots and their drivers.
Jere GodsWord 51:22  I will use you to crush men and women. I will use you to crush the old and the young. I will use you to crush young men and women.
Jere GodsWord 51:23  I will use you to crush shepherds and their flocks. I will use you to crush farmers and their oxen. I will use you to crush governors and officials.
Jere GodsWord 51:24  "In your presence I will pay back Babylon and all the people who live in Babylon for all the evil things that they did in Zion," declares the LORD.
Jere GodsWord 51:25  "I am against you, Babylon, you destructive mountain. You have destroyed the whole earth," declares the LORD. "I will use my power against you, roll you off the cliffs, and make you a scorched mountain.
Jere GodsWord 51:26  People won't find any stones in you to use as a cornerstone. They won't find any stones in you to use for a foundation. You will become permanent ruins," declares the LORD.
Jere GodsWord 51:27  Raise your battle flag throughout the world. Blow the ram's horn among the nations. Prepare nations to attack Babylon. Tell the kingdoms of Ararat, Minni, and Ashkenaz to attack it. Appoint a commander to lead the attack. Bring up horses like a swarm of locusts.
Jere GodsWord 51:28  Prepare nations to attack Babylon. Prepare the king of the Medes, their governors, all their deputies, and all the countries that they rule.
Jere GodsWord 51:29  The earth trembles and writhes in pain. The LORD carries out his plans against Babylon to make Babylon a wasteland so that no one will live there.
Jere GodsWord 51:30  The warriors of Babylon have stopped fighting. They stay in their fortified cities. Their strength has failed. They have become women. Their buildings are set on fire. The bars across their gates are broken.
Jere GodsWord 51:31  Runners run to meet runners. Messengers follow messengers. They inform the king of Babylon that his entire city is captured.
Jere GodsWord 51:32  The river crossings have been taken. The enemy has burned its marshes, and its soldiers are terrified.
Jere GodsWord 51:33  This is what the LORD of Armies, the God of Israel, says: The people of Babylon are like a threshing floor at the time it is trampled. Their harvest time will come soon.
Jere GodsWord 51:34  King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon has devoured us. He has thrown us into confusion. He has turned us into empty jars. He has swallowed us like a monster. He has filled his belly with our delicacies. Then he spit us out.
Jere GodsWord 51:35  The people who live in Zion say, "May the violence done to us be done to Babylon." Jerusalem says, "May the people of Babylon be held responsible for our deaths."
Jere GodsWord 51:36  This is what the LORD says: I am going to take up your cause and get revenge for you. I will dry up Babylon's sea and make its springs dry.
Jere GodsWord 51:37  Babylon will become piles of rubble. It will become a dwelling place for jackals, something horrible, and an object of contempt, where no one lives.
Jere GodsWord 51:38  Its people are like roaring lions and growling lion cubs.
Jere GodsWord 51:39  When they are excited, I will prepare a feast for them and make them drunk so that they will shout and laugh. They will fall into a deep sleep and never wake up again, declares the LORD.
Jere GodsWord 51:40  I will take them to be slaughtered like lambs, rams, and male goats.
Jere GodsWord 51:41  "Sheshach has been captured. Babylon, the city that the whole world praised, has been taken captive.
Jere GodsWord 51:42  What a horrifying sight Babylon will be to the nations! The sea will rise over Babylon, and its roaring waves will cover it.
Jere GodsWord 51:43  Its cities will be ruined. It will become a desert, a land where no one lives and where no human travels.
Jere GodsWord 51:44  I will punish Bel in Babylon. I will make Bel spit out everything that it has swallowed. Nations will no longer stream to Babylon, and its walls will fall.
Jere GodsWord 51:45  "Leave it, my people! Run for your lives! Run from the burning anger of the LORD.
Jere GodsWord 51:46  Don't lose courage or be afraid when rumors are heard in the land. One rumor comes one year; another rumor comes the next year. Rumors of violence are in the land. Rumors that one ruler will fight against another are in the land.
Jere GodsWord 51:47  That is why the days are coming when I will punish Babylon's idols. The whole country will be put to shame, and all its soldiers will lie dead.
Jere GodsWord 51:48  Then heaven and earth and everything in them will rejoice over Babylon, because destroyers from the north will attack it," declares the LORD.
Jere GodsWord 51:49  Because the people of Babylon have killed many Israelites and because they have killed many people throughout the earth, Babylon must fall.
Jere GodsWord 51:50  You people who escaped from the sword, leave! Don't just stand there. Remember the LORD in a distant land, and think about Jerusalem.
Jere GodsWord 51:51  We have been put to shame, and we have been disgraced. Shame covers our faces, because foreigners have gone into the holy places of the LORD's temple.
Jere GodsWord 51:52  "That is why the days are coming," declares the LORD, "when I will punish their idols, and those who are wounded will moan everywhere in the land.
Jere GodsWord 51:53  The people of Babylon might go up to heaven. They might fortify their strongholds. But destroyers will still come from me against them," declares the LORD.
Jere GodsWord 51:54  Cries of agony are heard from Babylon. Sounds of terrible destruction are heard from the land of the Babylonians.
Jere GodsWord 51:55  The LORD will destroy Babylon. He will silence the loud noise coming from it. Waves of enemies will come roaring in like raging water. The noise will be heard everywhere.
Jere GodsWord 51:56  A destroyer will attack Babylon, its soldiers will be captured, and their bows and arrows will be broken. "I, the LORD, am a God who punishes evil. I will certainly punish them.
Jere GodsWord 51:57  I will make their officials and wise men drunk, along with their governors, officers, and soldiers. They will fall into a deep sleep and never wake up," declares the king, whose name is the LORD of Armies.
Jere GodsWord 51:58  This is what the LORD of Armies says: The thick walls of Babylon will be leveled, and its high gates will be set on fire. People exhaust themselves for nothing. The nations wear themselves out only to have a fire.
Jere GodsWord 51:59  This is the message that the prophet Jeremiah gave to Seraiah, son of Neriah and grandson of Mahseiah, when Seraiah went to Babylon with King Zedekiah of Judah in the fourth year of Zedekiah's rule. (Seraiah was the quartermaster.)
Jere GodsWord 51:60  Jeremiah wrote on a scroll all the disasters that would happen to Babylon. He wrote all these things that have been written about Babylon.
Jere GodsWord 51:61  Jeremiah said to Seraiah, "When you come to Babylon, see that you read all this.
Jere GodsWord 51:62  Then say, 'LORD, you have threatened to destroy this place so that no person or animal will live here, and it will become a permanent ruin.'
Jere GodsWord 51:63  When you finish reading this scroll, tie a stone to it and throw it into the middle of the Euphrates River.
Jere GodsWord 51:64  Say, 'Babylon will sink like this scroll. It will never rise again because of the disasters that I will bring on it.'" The words of Jeremiah end here.