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Chapter 28
Deut ABP 28:1  If in hearing you should hear the voice of the lord your God to guard and to observe all his commandments which I give charge to you today, then [3shall appoint 4you 1the lord 2your God] above all the nations of the earth,
Deut ABP 28:2  then [3shall come 4upon 5you 1all 2these blessings], and they shall find you if in hearing you should listen to the voice of the lord your God.
Deut ABP 28:3  Being blessed are you in the city, and being blessed are you in the field.
Deut ABP 28:4  Being blessed are the progeny of your belly, and the produce of your land, and the herds of your oxen, and the flocks of your sheep.
Deut ABP 28:5  Being blessed are your storehouses and your surpluses.
Deut ABP 28:6  Being blessed are you in your entering, and being blessed are you in your going forth.
Deut ABP 28:7  [3shall deliver up 1The lord 2your God] your enemies opposing you by breaking them before your face; [2way 1in one] they shall come forth against you, and in seven ways they will flee from your face.
Deut ABP 28:8  May the lord send upon you the blessing among your storerooms, and on all what ever you should put your hand. And he will bless you upon the land of which the lord your God gives to you.
Deut ABP 28:9  May [3raise you up 1The lord 2your God] for himself [2people 1as a holy], in which manner he swore by an oath to your fathers, if you should hearken to the voice of the lord your God, and should go in his ways.
Deut ABP 28:10  And [6shall see 7you 1all 2the 3nations 4of the 5earth], that the name of the lord is called upon by you, and they shall fear you.
Deut ABP 28:11  And [3shall multiply 4you 1the lord 2your God] for good things upon the progeny of your belly, and upon the progeny of your cattle, and upon the produce of your ground, upon the land which the lord swore by an oath to your fathers to give to you.
Deut ABP 28:12  May [2open 3to you 1the lord 6treasury 4his 5good], the heaven, to give the rain to your land in its season; to bless all the works of your hands; and you shall lend [2nations 1to many], but you shall not borrow; and you shall yourself rule [2nations 1many], [4you 1but 2they shall not 3rule].
Deut ABP 28:13  May [3place 4you 1the lord 2your God] as head, and not as the tail; and you will be then above, and you will not be underneath, if you should hearken to the commandments of the lord your God, as many as I give charge to you today, to guard and to observe.
Deut ABP 28:14  You shall not transgress from all the words which I give charge to you today, to the right or to the left, to go after other gods, to serve them.
Deut ABP 28:15  And it shall be if you should not listen to the voice of the lord your God, to guard and to observe all his commandments, as many as I give charge to you today, then shall come upon you all these curses, and they shall overtake you.
Deut ABP 28:16  Accursed are you in the city, and accursed are you in the field.
Deut ABP 28:17  Accursed are your storehouses, and your surplus.
Deut ABP 28:18  Accursed are the progeny of your belly, and the produce of your land; the herds of your oxen, and the flocks of your sheep.
Deut ABP 28:19  Accursed are you in your entering, and accursed are you in your going forth.
Deut ABP 28:20  May the lord send upon you lack, and craving, and consumption, upon all things of which ever you should put [2upon 1your hand], as much as you should do, until whenever he should utterly destroy you, and until whenever he should consume you quickly because of [2wicked 3practices 1your], because you abandoned me.
Deut ABP 28:21  May the lord cleave [3to 4you 1the 2plague] until whenever he should completely consume you from the land into which you enter there to inherit it.
Deut ABP 28:22  [2strike 3you 1The lord] with perplexity, and burning heat, and shivering, and aggravation, and carnage, and wind-blown, and paleness; and may they pursue you until whenever they should destroy you.
Deut ABP 28:23  And [5will be 6to you 1the 2heaven 3above 4your head] as brass, and the earth underneath you as iron.
Deut ABP 28:24  May the lord appoint the rain of your land a cloud of dust; and dust from out of the heaven shall come down upon you, until it should obliterate you, and until whenever it should destroy you.
Deut ABP 28:25  May [2appoint 3you 1the lord] for slaughter before your enemies. In [2way 1one] you shall go forth against them, and in seven ways you shall flee from their face. And you will be in dispersion among all kingdoms of the earth.
Deut ABP 28:26  And [2will be 1your dead] things devoured by the winged creatures of the heaven, and the wild beasts of the earth; and there will not be one frightening away.
Deut ABP 28:27  [2strike 3you 1The lord] with the sore of Egypt in the buttocks, and [2mange 1wild], and itching, so as to not be able to heal.
Deut ABP 28:28  [2strike 3you 1The lord] in derangement, and inability to see, and an astonishment of thought.
Deut ABP 28:29  And you will be groping at midday as [3one 4gropes 1the 2blind] in the darkness, and [2will not 3prosper 1your ways]. And you will be then injured and torn in pieces all the days, and there shall not be [2you 1one helping].
Deut ABP 28:30  [2a wife 1You shall take], and [2man 1another] shall have her. [2a house 1You shall build], and you shall not live in it. [2a vineyard 1You shall plant], and in no way shall you gather its vintage.
Deut ABP 28:31  Your calf being slain before you, and you will not eat from it. Your donkey being seized by force from you, and it shall not be given back to you. Your sheep being given to your enemies, and there shall not be one helping you.
Deut ABP 28:32  Your sons and your daughters will be given [2nation 1to another], and your eyes shall see being inflamed over them. And [2shall not 3be strong 1your hand].
Deut ABP 28:33  The resources of your land, and all the things of your toils [2shall eat 1a nation] which you have no knowledge of; and you will be injured and devastated all the days.
Deut ABP 28:34  And you will be deranged through the visions of your eyes which you shall see.
Deut ABP 28:35  [2strike 3you 1The lord] with [2sore 1a severe] upon the knees, and upon the legs, so as to not be able to heal yourself from the sole of your feet unto the top of your head.
Deut ABP 28:36  May the lord take you and your rulers, whom ever you should place over yourself, by a nation who you have no knowledge of yourself nor your fathers; and you shall serve there other gods of wood and stone.
Deut ABP 28:37  And you will be there for an enigma, and a parable, and a tale, in all the nations into which ever [2should take 3you 1the lord] there.
Deut ABP 28:38  [2seed 1Much] you shall bring forth in the plain, and little will be carried in, for [3shall eat 4them 1the 2locust].
Deut ABP 28:39  A vineyard you shall plant, and you will work it, and wine you shall not drink, nor will you be glad from it, for [3shall eat 4it 1the 2worm].
Deut ABP 28:40  Olive trees will be to you in all your borders, but with olive oil you will not anoint, for [2shall flow away 1your olive].
Deut ABP 28:41  Sons and daughters you shall bear, but they shall not be yours, for they shall go forth in captivity.
Deut ABP 28:42  All your woods and the produce of your land [3shall completely consume 1the 2blight].
Deut ABP 28:43  The foreigner who is among you shall ascend over you upward and upward; but you shall go down lower and lower.
Deut ABP 28:44  This one shall lend to you, but you [2to this one 1shall not lend]; this one will be for the head, and you will be for the tail.
Deut ABP 28:45  And [3shall come 4upon 5you 1all 2these curses], and they shall pursue you, and overtake you, until whenever they shall utterly destroy you, and until whenever they shall consume you. For you did not listen to the voice of the lord your God, to guard his commandments, and his ordinances, as many as I gave charge to you.
Deut ABP 28:46  And they will be for signs to you, and miracles, and among your seed until the eon.
Deut ABP 28:47  Because you did not serve the lord your God with gladness, and with a good heart, because of the multitude of all these.
Deut ABP 28:48  And you shall serve your enemies whom the lord shall send as a successor over you in hunger, and in thirst, and in nakedness, and in want of all things. And he shall put a collar of iron upon your neck, until whenever he should utterly destroy you.
Deut ABP 28:49  [2shall bring 3upon 4you 1The lord] a nation far off from the end of the earth, as the impulse of an eagle, a nation of which you will not hear its voice;
Deut ABP 28:50  a nation impudent in its face who will not admire the face of an old man, and [3for the young 1will not 2show mercy].
Deut ABP 28:51  And it will devour the progeny of your cattle, and the produce of your land, so as to not leave behind for you grain, wine, olive oil, herds of your oxen, and the flocks of your sheep, until whenever it should destroy you,
Deut ABP 28:52  and should obliterate you in all your cities, until whenever [2should be demolished 1your walls], the high and the fortified ones upon which you rely upon them in all your land. And it shall afflict you in all your cities, which [3gave 4to you 1the lord 2your God].
Deut ABP 28:53  And you shall eat the progeny of your belly, the meat of your sons and your daughters, as many as [3gave 4to you 1the lord 2your God] in your straits, and in your affliction, in which [2shall afflict 3you 1your enemy].
Deut ABP 28:54  The one tender among you, and the [2delicate 1very] shall charm with his eye his brother, and the wife in his bosom, and the left behind children, who ever should be left to him;
Deut ABP 28:55  so as to give one of them from the flesh of his children whom ever he should eat, because of the not having left behind to him anything in the straits, and in the affliction, in which ever [2should afflict 3you 1your enemies] in all your cities.
Deut ABP 28:56  And the tender among you, and the [2delicate one 1exceedingly] of whom has not [2an attempt 1taken] with her foot to go upon the land because of the delicacy, and because of the tenderness -- she shall charm with her eye her husband, the one near her bosom, and [2son 3and 4daughter 1her];
Deut ABP 28:57  and her afterbirth coming forth through her thighs, and her child which ever she should give birth to -- they she shall eat them because of the lack of all things, secretly, in the straits. and in the affliction by which [2shall afflict 3you 1your enemy] in your cities,
Deut ABP 28:58  if you should not hearken to do all the discourses of this law, the ones being written in this scroll, to fear [4name 3valued 2and 1this wonderful] -- the lord your God.
Deut ABP 28:59  Then the lord will render notorious your calamities, and the calamities of your seed, [4calamities 1great 2and 3surprising], and [4diseases 1severe 2and 3sure].
Deut ABP 28:60  And he shall turn upon you all the grief of Egypt, the severe grief which you were on guard from in front of them, and they shall cleave to you.
Deut ABP 28:61  And every infirmity, and every calamity not being written, and every one being written in [2scroll 3of the 4law 1this], the lord shall bring upon you, until whenever he should utterly destroy you.
Deut ABP 28:62  And you shall be left behind [2in 3number 1few] for you were as the stars of the heaven in multitude, for you did not hearken to the voice of the lord your God.
Deut ABP 28:63  And it will be in the manner the lord was glad over you, [2good 1to do] for you, and to multiply you; so the lord will be glad over you to utterly destroy you, and to lift you away from the land into which you enter there to inherit it.
Deut ABP 28:64  And [3will disperse 4you 1the lord 2your God] into all the nations, from the tip of the earth, unto the other tip of the earth. And you shall slave there to other gods of wood and stone, which [2have no 3knowledge of 1you], nor your fathers.
Deut ABP 28:65  But also in those nations he will not rest you, nor in any way will [4become 5stationary 1the 2sole 3of your foot]. And [2will give 3to you 1the lord] there [2heart 1another] being depressed, and failing eyes, and a melting soul.
Deut ABP 28:66  And [2will be 1your life] hanging before your eyes. And you shall have fear day and night, and not trust in your life.
Deut ABP 28:67  In the morning you shall say, O how that it might become evening. And in the evening you shall say, O how that it might become morning; from the fear of your heart of which you shall have fear, and from the visions of your eyes which you shall see.
Deut ABP 28:68  And [2will return 3you 1the lord] unto Egypt in boats, and in the way which I said, You shall not proceed again to behold it. And you shall be sold there to your enemies for manservants and maidservants, and none shall be acquiring you.