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Chapter 18
Psal NETfree 18:1  For the music director; by the LORD's servant David, who sang to the LORD the words of this song when the LORD rescued him from the power of all his enemies, including Saul. He said: "I love you, LORD, my source of strength!
Psal NETfree 18:2  The LORD is my high ridge, my stronghold, my deliverer. My God is my rocky summit where I take shelter, my shield, the horn that saves me, and my refuge.
Psal NETfree 18:3  I called to the LORD, who is worthy of praise, and I was delivered from my enemies.
Psal NETfree 18:4  The waves of death engulfed me, the currents of chaos overwhelmed me.
Psal NETfree 18:5  The ropes of Sheol tightened around me, the snares of death trapped me.
Psal NETfree 18:6  In my distress I called to the LORD; I cried out to my God. From his heavenly temple he heard my voice; he listened to my cry for help.
Psal NETfree 18:7  The earth heaved and shook; the roots of the mountains trembled; they heaved because he was angry.
Psal NETfree 18:8  Smoke ascended from his nose; fire devoured as it came from his mouth; he hurled down fiery coals.
Psal NETfree 18:9  He made the sky sink as he descended; a thick cloud was under his feet.
Psal NETfree 18:10  He mounted a winged angel and flew; he glided on the wings of the wind.
Psal NETfree 18:11  He shrouded himself in darkness, in thick rain clouds.
Psal NETfree 18:12  From the brightness in front of him came hail and fiery coals.
Psal NETfree 18:13  The LORD thundered in the sky; the sovereign One shouted.
Psal NETfree 18:14  He shot his arrows and scattered them, many lightning bolts and routed them.
Psal NETfree 18:15  The depths of the sea were exposed; the inner regions of the world were uncovered by your battle cry, LORD, by the powerful breath from your nose.
Psal NETfree 18:16  He reached down from above and took hold of me; he pulled me from the surging water.
Psal NETfree 18:17  He rescued me from my strong enemy, from those who hate me, for they were too strong for me.
Psal NETfree 18:18  They confronted me in my day of calamity, but the LORD helped me.
Psal NETfree 18:19  He brought me out into a wide open place; he delivered me because he was pleased with me.
Psal NETfree 18:20  The LORD repaid me for my godly deeds; he rewarded my blameless behavior.
Psal NETfree 18:21  For I have obeyed the LORD's commands; I have not rebelled against my God.
Psal NETfree 18:22  For I am aware of all his regulations, and I do not reject his rules.
Psal NETfree 18:23  I was innocent before him, and kept myself from sinning.
Psal NETfree 18:24  The LORD rewarded me for my godly deeds; he took notice of my blameless behavior.
Psal NETfree 18:25  You prove to be loyal to one who is faithful; you prove to be trustworthy to one who is innocent.
Psal NETfree 18:26  You prove to be reliable to one who is blameless, but you prove to be deceptive to one who is perverse.
Psal NETfree 18:27  For you deliver oppressed people, but you bring down those who have a proud look.
Psal NETfree 18:28  Indeed, you are my lamp, LORD. My God illuminates the darkness around me.
Psal NETfree 18:29  Indeed, with your help I can charge against an army; by my God's power I can jump over a wall.
Psal NETfree 18:30  The one true God acts in a faithful manner; the LORD's promise is reliable; he is a shield to all who take shelter in him.
Psal NETfree 18:31  Indeed, who is God besides the LORD? Who is a protector besides our God?
Psal NETfree 18:32  The one true God gives me strength; he removes the obstacles in my way.
Psal NETfree 18:33  He gives me the agility of a deer; he enables me to negotiate the rugged terrain.
Psal NETfree 18:34  He trains my hands for battle; my arms can bend even the strongest bow.
Psal NETfree 18:35  You give me your protective shield; your right hand supports me; your willingness to help enables me to prevail.
Psal NETfree 18:37  I chase my enemies and catch them; I do not turn back until I wipe them out.
Psal NETfree 18:39  You give me strength for battle; you make my foes kneel before me.
Psal NETfree 18:40  You make my enemies retreat; I destroy those who hate me.
Psal NETfree 18:41  They cry out, but there is no one to help them; they cry out to the LORD, but he does not answer them.
Psal NETfree 18:42  I grind them as fine windblown dust; I beat them underfoot like clay in the streets.
Psal NETfree 18:43  You rescue me from a hostile army; you make me a leader of nations; people over whom I had no authority are now my subjects.
Psal NETfree 18:44  When they hear of my exploits, they submit to me. Foreigners are powerless before me;
Psal NETfree 18:45  foreigners lose their courage; they shake with fear as they leave their strongholds.
Psal NETfree 18:46  The LORD is alive! My protector is praiseworthy! The God who delivers me is exalted as king!
Psal NETfree 18:47  The one true God completely vindicates me; he makes nations submit to me.
Psal NETfree 18:48  He delivers me from my enemies; you snatch me away from those who attack me; you rescue me from violent men.
Psal NETfree 18:49  So I will give you thanks before the nations, O LORD! I will sing praises to you!
Psal NETfree 18:50  He gives his chosen king magnificent victories; he is faithful to his chosen ruler, to David and his descendants forever."