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Chapter 22
II S GodsWord 22:1  David sang this song to the LORD when the LORD rescued him from all his enemies, especially from Saul.
II S GodsWord 22:2  He said, The LORD is my rock and my fortress and my Savior,
II S GodsWord 22:3  my God, my rock in whom I take refuge, my shield, the strength of my salvation, my stronghold, my refuge, and my Savior who saved me from violence.
II S GodsWord 22:4  The LORD should be praised. I called on him, and I was saved from my enemies.
II S GodsWord 22:5  The waves of death had surrounded me. The torrents of destruction had overwhelmed me.
II S GodsWord 22:6  The ropes of the grave had surrounded me. The clutches of death had confronted me.
II S GodsWord 22:7  I called on the LORD in my distress. I called to my God for help. He heard my voice from his temple, and my cry for help reached his ears.
II S GodsWord 22:8  Then the earth shook and quaked. Even the foundations of the heavens trembled. They shook violently because he was angry.
II S GodsWord 22:9  Smoke went up from his nostrils, and a raging fire came out of his mouth. Glowing coals flared up from it.
II S GodsWord 22:10  He spread apart the heavens and came down with a dark cloud under his feet.
II S GodsWord 22:11  He rode on one of the angels as he flew, and he soared on the wings of the wind.
II S GodsWord 22:12  He surrounded himself with darkness. He made the dark rain clouds his covering.
II S GodsWord 22:13  Out of the brightness in front of him, he made lightning.
II S GodsWord 22:14  The LORD thundered from heaven. The Most High made his voice heard.
II S GodsWord 22:15  He shot arrows and scattered them. He flashed streaks of lightning and threw them into confusion.
II S GodsWord 22:16  Then the ocean floor could be seen. The foundations of the earth were laid bare at the LORD's stern warning, at the blast of the breath from his nostrils.
II S GodsWord 22:17  He reached down from high above and took hold of me. He pulled me out of the raging water.
II S GodsWord 22:18  He rescued me from my strong enemy and from those who hated me, because they were too strong for me.
II S GodsWord 22:19  On the day when I faced disaster, they confronted me, but the LORD became my defense.
II S GodsWord 22:20  He brought me out to a wide-open place. He rescued me because he was pleased with me.
II S GodsWord 22:21  The LORD rewarded me because of my righteousness, because my hands are clean. He paid me back
II S GodsWord 22:22  because I have kept the ways of the LORD and I have not wickedly turned away from my God,
II S GodsWord 22:23  because all his judgments are in front of me and I have not turned away from his laws.
II S GodsWord 22:24  I was innocent as far as he was concerned. I have kept myself from guilt.
II S GodsWord 22:25  The LORD paid me back because of my righteousness, because he can see that I am clean.
II S GodsWord 22:26  In dealing with faithful people you are faithful, with innocent warriors you are innocent,
II S GodsWord 22:27  with pure people you are pure. In dealing with devious people you are clever.
II S GodsWord 22:28  You save humble people, but your eyes bring down arrogant people.
II S GodsWord 22:29  O LORD, you are my lamp. The LORD turns my darkness into light.
II S GodsWord 22:30  With you I can attack a line of soldiers. With my God I can break through barricades.
II S GodsWord 22:31  God's way is perfect! The promise of the LORD has proven to be true. He is a shield to all those who take refuge in him.
II S GodsWord 22:32  Who is God but the LORD? Who is a rock other than our God?
II S GodsWord 22:33  God arms me with strength. His perfect way sets me free.
II S GodsWord 22:34  He makes my feet like those of a deer and gives me sure footing on high places.
II S GodsWord 22:35  He trains my hands for battle so that my arms can bend an archer's bow of bronze.
II S GodsWord 22:36  You have given me the shield of your salvation. Your help makes me great.
II S GodsWord 22:37  You make a wide path for me to walk on so that my feet do not slip.
II S GodsWord 22:38  I chased my enemies and destroyed them. I did not return until I had ended their lives.
II S GodsWord 22:39  I ended their lives by shattering them. They were unable to get up. They fell under my feet.
II S GodsWord 22:40  You armed me with strength for battle. You made my opponents bow at my feet.
II S GodsWord 22:41  You made my enemies turn their backs to me, and I destroyed those who hated me.
II S GodsWord 22:42  They looked, but there was no one to save them. They looked to the LORD, but he did not answer them.
II S GodsWord 22:43  I beat them into a powder as fine as the dust on the ground. I crushed them and stomped on them like the dirt on the streets.
II S GodsWord 22:44  You rescued me from my conflicts with my people. You kept me as the leader of nations. A people I did not know will serve me.
II S GodsWord 22:45  Foreigners will cringe in front of me. As soon as they hear of me, they will obey me.
II S GodsWord 22:46  Foreigners will lose heart, although they are armed in their fortifications.
II S GodsWord 22:47  The LORD lives! Thanks be to my rock! May God, the rock of my salvation, be glorified.
II S GodsWord 22:48  God gives me vengeance! He brings people under my authority.
II S GodsWord 22:49  He frees me from my enemies. You lift me up above my opponents. You rescue me from violent people.
II S GodsWord 22:50  That is why I will give thanks to you, O LORD, among the nations and make music to praise your name.
II S GodsWord 22:51  He gives great victories to his king. He shows mercy to his anointed, to David, and to his descendant forever.