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Chapter 26
Matt ABP 26:1  And it came to pass when Jesus finished all these words, he said to his disciples,
Matt ABP 26:2  You know that after two days the passover takes place, and the son of man is delivered up for the crucifying.
Matt ABP 26:3  Then were gathered together the chief priests, and the scribes, and the elders of the people in the courtyard of the chief priest, of the one being called Caiaphas.
Matt ABP 26:4  And they were advising that they should seize Jesus by treachery, and should kill him.
Matt ABP 26:5  But they said, Not during the holiday, that [2should not 1a tumult] take place among the people.
Matt ABP 26:6  And Jesus being in Bethany, in the house of Simon the leper,
Matt ABP 26:7  there came forward to him a woman [2an alabaster flask 3of a perfumed liquid 1having] of a heavy price, and she poured it down upon his head, as he reclined.
Matt ABP 26:8  [3seeing it 1And 2his disciples], were indignant, saying, For what reason is this loss?
Matt ABP 26:9  [4would be able 1For 2this 3perfumed liquid] to be sold for much, and to be given to the poor.
Matt ABP 26:10  But knowing, Jesus said to them, Why [2troubles 1do you make] to the woman? [4work 1for 3a good 2she worked] for me.
Matt ABP 26:11  For at all times [2the 3poor 1you have] with yourselves; but me you do not at all times have.
Matt ABP 26:12  [3laying 1For 2this woman] this perfumed liquid upon my body, [2so 3to embalm 4me 1did].
Matt ABP 26:13  Amen I say to you, Where ever [2should be proclaimed 1this good news] in the entire world, there shall be spoken also what this woman did, for a memorial of her.
Matt ABP 26:14  Then having gone, one of the twelve, the one being called Judas Iscariot, to the chief priest,
Matt ABP 26:15  said, What do you want to give me, and I [2to you 1will deliver him up]? And they established to him thirty silver pieces.
Matt ABP 26:16  And from then he sought an opportune time that he should deliver him up.
Matt ABP 26:17  And on the first day of the unleavened breads, [3came forward 1the 2disciples] to Jesus, saying to him, Where do you want we should prepare for you to eat the passover?
Matt ABP 26:18  And he said, Go into the city, to a certain person, and say to him! The teacher says, My time is near; with you I will observe the passover with my disciples.
Matt ABP 26:19  And [3did 1the 2disciples] as [2gave orders 3to them 1Jesus]; and they prepared the passover.
Matt ABP 26:20  And evening becoming, he reclined with the twelve.
Matt ABP 26:21  And during their eating he said, Amen I say to you, that one of you shall deliver me up.
Matt ABP 26:22  And fretting exceedingly, they began to say to him, each of them, By no means I am he, O Lord.
Matt ABP 26:23  And he responding said, The one dipping [3with 4me 5in 6the 7saucer 1the 2hand], this one will deliver me up.
Matt ABP 26:24  Indeed the son of man goes away, as it has been written concerning him; but woe to that man by whom the son of man is delivered up. It was good to him if [2was not 3born 1that man].
Matt ABP 26:25  And responding Judas the one delivering him up, said, Not I am he, Rabbi? He says to him, You said it.
Matt ABP 26:26  [3eating 1And 2during their], Jesus having taken the bread, and having blessed, broke it and gave it to the disciples, and said, Take! eat! this is my body.
Matt ABP 26:27  And having taken the cup, and giving thanks, he gave to them, saying, You drink of it all!
Matt ABP 26:28  For this is my blood, the blood of the new covenant, the one for many, being poured out for a release of sins.
Matt ABP 26:29  And I say to you, that in no way shall I drink from now on from this, the offspring of the grapevine, until that day, whenever I should drink it with you new in the kingdom, the one of my father.
Matt ABP 26:30  And having sung praise, they went forth unto the mount of the olives.
Matt ABP 26:31  Then [2says 3to them 1Jesus], All you will be stumbled by me in this night. For it is written, I will strike the shepherd, and [5will disperse 1the 2sheep 3of the 4flock].
Matt ABP 26:32  And after my rising, I will go before you into Galilee.
Matt ABP 26:33  And responding Peter said to him, If even all were to stumble in you, I at no time shall be made to stumble.
Matt ABP 26:34  [2said 3to him 1Jesus], Amen I say to you, that in this night, before a rooster calls out, three times you shall totally reject me.
Matt ABP 26:35  [2says 3to him 1Peter], And if it should be necessary for me [2with 3you 1to die], in no way shall I totally reject you. In like manner also all the disciples spoke.
Matt ABP 26:36  Then [2comes 3with 4them 1Jesus] unto a place being called, Gethsemane. And he says to the disciples, Sit here! until of which time going forth I should pray there
Matt ABP 26:37  And taking with him Peter and the two sons of Zebedee, he began to fret and be anxious.
Matt ABP 26:38  Then he says to them, [2is dejected 1My soul] unto death; remain here and be vigilant with me!
Matt ABP 26:39  And having gone forth a little, he fell upon his face, praying, and saying, O my father, if it is possible, let [2pass 3from 4me 1this cup]! except not as I want, but as you.
Matt ABP 26:40  And he comes to the disciples, and he finds them sleeping. And he says to Peter, So were you not able [2one 3hour 1to be vigilant] with me?
Matt ABP 26:41  Be vigilant and pray! that you should not enter into the test. For the spirit is eager, but the flesh weak.
Matt ABP 26:42  Again a second time, having gone forth he prayed, saying, O my father, if it is not possible for this cup to pass from me, except that I drink it, let [2take place 1your will]!
Matt ABP 26:43  And having come he finds them again sleeping; [4were 1for 2their 3eyes] weighed down.
Matt ABP 26:44  And allowing them, going forth again he prayed a third time, the same word having said,
Matt ABP 26:45  Then he comes to his disciples, and he says to them, Sleep the remaining, and rest! Behold, [3approaches 1the 2hour], and the son of man is delivered up into the hands of sinners.
Matt ABP 26:46  Arise! we lead on. Behold, [3approaches 1the one 2delivering me up].
Matt ABP 26:47  And yet while he was speaking, behold, Judas one of the twelve came, and with him [2multitude 1a great] with swords and wood spears, from the chief priests and elders of the people.
Matt ABP 26:48  And the one delivering him up gave to them a sign, saying, Whom ever I should kiss, it is he; seize him!
Matt ABP 26:49  And immediately having come forward to Jesus, he said, Hail, rabbi! And he kissed him.
Matt ABP 26:50  And Jesus said to him, Companion, for what reason are you at hand? Then having come forward, they put hands upon Jesus, and seized him.
Matt ABP 26:51  And behold, one of the ones with Jesus stretched out the hand, and drew up his sword, and striking the servant of the chief priest, he removed his ear.
Matt ABP 26:52  Then [2says 3to him 1Jesus], Return your sword unto its place! for all the ones taking the sword [2by 3a sword 1shall die].
Matt ABP 26:53  Or do you think that I am not able just now to call for the aid of my father, and he will stand by me more than twelve legions of angels?
Matt ABP 26:54  How then should [3be fulfilled 1the 2scriptures], that thus it must take place?
Matt ABP 26:55  In that hour Jesus said to the multitudes, As against a robber do you come forth with swords and wood spears to seize me? Daily with you I sat teaching in the temple, and you did not seize me.
Matt ABP 26:56  But this entire thing has happened, that [5should be fulfilled 1the 2scriptures 3of the 4prophets]. Then [2the 3disciples 1all] leaving him, fled.
Matt ABP 26:57  And the ones seizing Jesus took him away to Caiaphas the chief priest, where the scribes and the elders were gathered together.
Matt ABP 26:58  And Peter followed him from far off, unto the courtyard of the chief priest. And entering inside he sat down with the officers to see the conclusion.
Matt ABP 26:59  And the chief priests, and the elders, and the [2sanhedrin 1entire] sought false witness against Jesus, so that they should kill him;
Matt ABP 26:60  and they did not find reason; and many false witnesses having come forward did not find reason. But afterwards [3having come forward 1two 2false witnesses],
Matt ABP 26:61  they said, This one said, I am able to destroy the temple of God, and in three days to rebuild it.
Matt ABP 26:62  And having risen up, the chief priest said to him, Nothing you answer? What [2these 4you 1do 3bear witness against]?
Matt ABP 26:63  But Jesus kept silent. And responding the chief priest said to him, I adjure you according to the [2God 1living], that to us you should say if you are the Christ, the son of God.
Matt ABP 26:64  [2says 3to him 1Jesus], You said it. Furthermore I say to you, From now you shall see the son of man sitting down at the right hand of the power, and coming upon the clouds of the heaven.
Matt ABP 26:65  Then the chief priest tore his garments, saying that, He blasphemed; what still [2need 1do we have] of witnesses? See! now you heard his blasphemy.
Matt ABP 26:66  What do you think? And they responding, said, [2liable 3of death 1He is].
Matt ABP 26:67  Then they spat in his face; and buffeted him, and some slapped,
Matt ABP 26:68  saying, Prophesy to us, Christ! Who is the one hitting you?
Matt ABP 26:69  And Peter outside was sitting in the courtyard. And came forward to him one maidservant, saying, Even you were with Jesus the Galilean.
Matt ABP 26:70  But he denied before all, saying, I do not know what you say.
Matt ABP 26:71  [3coming forth 1And 2in his] into the vestibule, [2beheld 3him 1another]. And he says to them there, Even this one was with Jesus the Nazarene.
Matt ABP 26:72  And again he denied with an oath, that, I do not know the man.
Matt ABP 26:73  [2after 3a little while 1And 6having come forward 4the ones 5standing] said to Peter, Truly even you [2of 3them 1are]; for even your speech [2manifest 1makes you].
Matt ABP 26:74  Then he began to bind by a curse and swear by an oath that, I have not known the man. And immediately a rooster called out.
Matt ABP 26:75  And Peter remembered the saying of Jesus, having said to him that, Before a rooster calls out, three times you shall totally reject me. And having gone forth outside he wept bitterly.