Chapter 3
Lame | Rotherha | 3:11 | My ways, hath he turned aside, and hath torn me in pieces, hath made me desolate; | |
Lame | Rotherha | 3:22 | The lovingkindnesses of Yahweh, verily they are not exhausted, Verily! not at an end, are his compassions: | |
Lame | Rotherha | 3:30 | Let him give, to him that smiteth him, his cheek, let him be sated with reproach. | |
Lame | Rotherha | 3:32 | Surely, though he cause grief, yet will he have compassion, according to the multitude of his lovingkindnesses; | |
Lame | Rotherha | 3:33 | Surely he hath not afflicted from his heart, nor caused sorrow to the sons of men. | |
Lame | Rotherha | 3:39 | Why should a living son of earth complain, [Let] a man [complain] because of his sins? | |
Lame | Rotherha | 3:40 | Let us search out our ways, and examine them well, and let us return unto Yahweh; | |
Lame | Rotherha | 3:43 | Thou hast covered thyself with anger, and pursued us, hast slain—hast not spared; | |
Lame | Rotherha | 3:44 | Thou hast screened thyself with the clouds, that prayer, should not pass through; | |
Lame | Rotherha | 3:48 | With streams of water, mine eye runneth down, over the grievous injury of the daughter of my people. | |
Lame | Rotherha | 3:59 | Thou hast beheld, O Yahweh, my failure to get justice, Pronounce thou my sentence; | |
Lame | Rotherha | 3:64 | Thou wilt render to them a recompense, O Yahweh, according to the work of their hands; | |