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Chapter 22
Luke OEB 22:1  The feast of the unleavened bread, known as the Passover, was near.
Luke OEB 22:2  The chief priest and the teachers of the law were looking for an opportunity of destroying Jesus, for they were afraid of the people.
Luke OEB 22:3  Now Satan took possession of Judas, who was known as Iscariot, and who belonged to the Twelve;
Luke OEB 22:4  and he went and discussed with the chief priests and officers in charge at the Temple the best way of betraying Jesus to them.
Luke OEB 22:5  They were glad of this, and agreed to pay him.
Luke OEB 22:6  So Judas assented, and looked for an opportunity to betray Jesus to them, in the absence of a crowd.
Luke OEB 22:7  When the day of the Festival of the unleavened bread came, on which the Passover lambs had to be killed,
Luke OEB 22:8  Jesus sent forward Peter and John, saying to them: “Go and make preparations for our eating the Passover.”
Luke OEB 22:9  “Where do you wish us to make preparations?” they asked.
Luke OEB 22:10  “Listen,”he answered, “when you have got into the city, a man carrying a pitcher of water will meet you; follow him into whatever house he enters;
Luke OEB 22:11  and you will say to the owner of the house ‘The teacher says to you — Where is the room where I am to eat the Passover with my disciples?’
Luke OEB 22:12  The man will show you a large upstairs room, set out; there make preparations.”
Luke OEB 22:13  So Peter and John went on, and found everything just as Jesus had told them, and they prepared the Passover.
Luke OEB 22:14  When the time came, Jesus took his place at the table, and the apostles with him.
Luke OEB 22:15  “I have most earnestly wished,”he said, “to eat this Passover with you before I suffer.
Luke OEB 22:16  For I tell you that I will not eat it again, until it has had its fulfillment in the kingdom of God.”
Luke OEB 22:17  Then, on receiving a cup, after saying the thanksgiving, he said:
Luke OEB 22:18  “Take this and share it among you. For I tell you that I will not, after today, drink of the juice of the grape, until the kingdom of God has come.”
Luke OEB 22:19  Then Jesus took some bread, and, after saying the thanksgiving, broke it and gave to them, with the words: “This is my body.
Luke OEB 22:21  Yet see! The hand of the man who is betraying me is beside me on the table!
Luke OEB 22:22  True, the Son of Man is passing, by the way ordained for him, yet alas for that man by whom he is being betrayed!”
Luke OEB 22:23  Then they began questioning one another which of them it could be who was going to do this.
Luke OEB 22:24  And a dispute arose among them as to which of them was to be regarded as the greatest.
Luke OEB 22:25  Jesus, however, said: “The kings of the Gentiles lord it over them, and their oppressors are styled ‘Benefactors.’
Luke OEB 22:26  But with you it must not be so. No, let the greatest among you become like the youngest, and him who leads like him who serves.
Luke OEB 22:27  Which is the greater — the master at the table or his servant? Is not it the master at the table? Yet I myself am among you as one who serves.
Luke OEB 22:28  You are the men who have stood by me in my trials;
Luke OEB 22:29  and, just as my Father has assigned me a kingdom, I assign you places,
Luke OEB 22:30  so that you may eat and drink at my table in my kingdom, and be seated on twelve thrones as judges of the twelve tribes of Israel.
Luke OEB 22:31  Simon! Simon! listen. Satan demanded leave to sift you all like wheat,
Luke OEB 22:32  but I prayed for you, Simon, that your faith should not fail. And you, when you have returned to me, are to strengthen the others.”
Luke OEB 22:33  “Master,” said Peter, “with you I am ready to go both to prison and to death.”
Luke OEB 22:34  “I tell you, Peter,”replied Jesus, “the cock will not crow today until you have disowned all knowledge of me three times.”
Luke OEB 22:35  Then he said to them all: “When I sent you out as my messengers, without either purse, or bag, or sandals, were you in need of anything?” “No; nothing,” they answered.
Luke OEB 22:36  “Now, however,”he said, “he who has a purse must take it and his bag as well; and he who has not must sell his cloak and buy a sword.
Luke OEB 22:37  For, I tell you, that passage of scripture must be fulfilled in me, which says — ‘He was counted among the godless’; indeed all that refers to me is finding its fulfillment.”
Luke OEB 22:38  “Master,” they exclaimed, “look, here are two swords!” “Enough!”said Jesus.
Luke OEB 22:39  Jesus then went out, and made his way as usual to the Mount of Olives, followed by his disciples.
Luke OEB 22:40  And, when he reached the spot, he said to them: “Pray that you may not fall into temptation.”
Luke OEB 22:41  Then he withdrew about a stone’s throw, and knelt down and began to pray.
Luke OEB 22:42  “Father,”he said, “if it is your pleasure, spare me this cup; only, not my will but your be done.”
Luke OEB 22:43  Presently there appeared to him an angel from heaven, who strengthened him.
Luke OEB 22:44  And, as his anguish became intense, he prayed still more earnestly, while his sweat was like great drops of blood falling on the ground.
Luke OEB 22:45  Then he rose from praying, and came to the disciples and found them sleeping for sorrow.
Luke OEB 22:46  “Why are you asleep?”he asked them. “Rise and pray so that you don't fall into temptation.”
Luke OEB 22:47  While he was still speaking, a crowd appeared in sight, led by the man called Judas, who was one of the Twelve. Judas approached Jesus, to kiss him;
Luke OEB 22:48  on which Jesus said to him: “Judas, is it by a kiss that you betray the Son of Man?”
Luke OEB 22:49  But when those who were around Jesus saw what was going to happen, they exclaimed: “Master, should we use our swords?”
Luke OEB 22:50  And one of them struck the high priest’s servant and cut off his right ear;
Luke OEB 22:51  on which Jesus said: “Let me at least do this”; and, touching his ear, he healed the wound.
Luke OEB 22:52  Then, turning to the chief priests and officers in charge at the Temple and councillors, who had come for him, he said: “Have you come out, as if after a robber, with swords and clubs?
Luke OEB 22:53  When I was with you day after day in the Temple Courts, you did not lay hands on me; but now your time has come, and the power of darkness.”
Luke OEB 22:54  Those who had taken Jesus prisoner took him away into the house of the high priest. Peter followed at a distance.
Luke OEB 22:55  But, when they had lit a fire in the centre of the courtyard and had all sat down there, Peter seated himself in the middle of them.
Luke OEB 22:56  Presently a maidservant saw him sitting near the blaze of the fire. She looked carefully at him and said: “Why, this man was one of his companions!”
Luke OEB 22:57  But Peter denied it. “I do not know him,” he replied.
Luke OEB 22:58  A little while afterwards some one else — a man — saw him and said: “Why, you are one of them!” “No,” Peter said, “I am not.”
Luke OEB 22:59  About an hour later another man declared positively: “This man also was certainly with him. Why, he is a Galilean!”
Luke OEB 22:60  But Peter said: “I do not know what you are speaking about.” Instantly, while he was still speaking, a cock crowed.
Luke OEB 22:61  And the Master turned and looked at Peter; and Peter remembered the words that the Master had said to him — “Before a cock has crowed today, you will disown me three times”;
Luke OEB 22:63  The men who held Jesus kept making sport of him and beating him.
Luke OEB 22:64  They blindfolded him and then questioned him. “Now play the prophet,” they said; “who was it that struck you?”
Luke OEB 22:66  At daybreak the National Council met — both the chief priests and the teachers of the law — and took Jesus before their High Council.
Luke OEB 22:67  “If you are the Christ,” they said, “tell us so.” “If I tell you,”replied Jesus, “you will not believe me;
Luke OEB 22:69  But from this hour ‘the Son of Man will be seated on the right hand of God Almighty.’”
Luke OEB 22:70  “Are you, then, the Son of God?” they all asked. “It is true,”answered Jesus, “I am.”
Luke OEB 22:71  At this they exclaimed: “Why do we want any more evidence? We have heard it ourselves from his own lips!”