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Chapter 22
Luke Twenty 22:1  The Feast of the Unleavened Bread, known as the Passover, was near.
Luke Twenty 22:2  The Chief Priest and the Teachers of the Law were looking for an opportunity of destroying Jesus, for they were afraid of the people.
Luke Twenty 22:3  Now Satan took possession of Judas, who was known as Iscariot, and who belonged to the Twelve;
Luke Twenty 22:4  And he went and discussed with the Chief Priests and Officers in charge at the Temple the best way of betraying Jesus to them.
Luke Twenty 22:6  So Judas assented, and looked for an opportunity to betray Jesus to them, in the absence of a crowd.
Luke Twenty 22:7  When the day of the Festival of the Unleavened Bread came, on which the Passover lambs had to be killed,
Luke Twenty 22:8  Jesus sent forward Peter and John, saying to them. "Go and make preparations for our eating the Passover."
Luke Twenty 22:9  "Where do you wish us to make preparations?" they asked.
Luke Twenty 22:10  "Listen," he answered, when you have got into the city, a man carrying a pitcher of water will meet you; follow him into whatever house he enters;
Luke Twenty 22:11  And you shall say to the owner of the house 'The Teacher says to you- -Where is the room where I am to eat the Passover with my disciples?'
Luke Twenty 22:12  The man will show you a large upstairs room, set out; there make preparations."
Luke Twenty 22:13  So Peter and John went on, and found everything just as Jesus had told them, and they prepared the Passover.
Luke Twenty 22:14  When the time came, Jesus took his place at table, and the Apostles with him.
Luke Twenty 22:15  "I have most earnestly wished," he said, "to eat this Passover with you before I suffer.
Luke Twenty 22:16  For I tell you that I shall not eat it again, until it has had its fulfilment in the Kingdom of God."
Luke Twenty 22:17  Then, on receiving a cup, after saying the thanksgiving, he said.
Luke Twenty 22:18  "Take this and share it among you. For I tell you that I shall not, after to-day, drink of the juice of the grape, till the Kingdom of God has come."
Luke Twenty 22:19  Then Jesus took some bread, and, after saying the thanksgiving, broke it and gave to them, with the words. "This is my body, which is now to be given on your behalf. Do this in memory of me."
Luke Twenty 22:20  And in the same way with the cup, after supper, saying. "This cup is the New Covenant made by my blood which is being poured out on your behalf.
Luke Twenty 22:21  Yet see! the hand of the man that is betraying me is beside me upon the table!
Luke Twenty 22:22  True, the Son of Man is passing, by the way ordained for him, yet alas for that man by whom he is being betrayed!"
Luke Twenty 22:23  Then they began questioning one another which of them it could be that was going to do this.
Luke Twenty 22:24  And a dispute arose among them as to which of them was to be regarded as the greatest.
Luke Twenty 22:25  Jesus, however, said. "The kings of the Gentiles lord it over them, and their oppressors are styled 'Benefactors.'
Luke Twenty 22:26  But with you it must not be so. No, let the greatest among you become like the youngest, and him who leads like him who serves.
Luke Twenty 22:27  Which is the greater--the master at the table or his servant? Is not it the master at the table? Yet I myself am among you as one who serves.
Luke Twenty 22:28  You are the men who have stood by me in my trials;
Luke Twenty 22:29  And, just as my Father has assigned me a Kingdom, I assign you places,
Luke Twenty 22:30  So that you may eat and drink at my table in my Kingdom, and be seated upon twelve thrones as judges of the twelve tribes of Israel.
Luke Twenty 22:31  Simon! Simon! listen. Satan demanded leave to sift you all like wheat,
Luke Twenty 22:32  But I prayed for you, Simon, that your faith should not fail. And you, when you have returned to me, are to strengthen your Brothers."
Luke Twenty 22:33  "Master," said Peter, "with you I am ready to go both to prison and to death."
Luke Twenty 22:34  "I tell you, Peter," replied Jesus, "the cock will not crow to-day till you have disowned all knowledge of me three times."
Luke Twenty 22:35  Then he said to them all. "When I sent you out as my Messengers, without either purse, or bag, or sandals, were you in need of anything?" "No; nothing," they answered.
Luke Twenty 22:36  "Now, however," he said, "he who has a purse must take it and his bag as well; and he who has not must sell his cloak and buy a sword.
Luke Twenty 22:37  For, I tell you, that passage of Scripture must be fulfilled in me, which says--'He was counted among the godless';indeed all that refers to me is finding its fulfilment."
Luke Twenty 22:38  "Master," they exclaimed, "look, here are two swords!" "Enough!" said Jesus.
Luke Twenty 22:39  Jesus then went out, and made his way as usual to the Mount of Olives, followed by his disciples.
Luke Twenty 22:40  And, when he reached the spot, he said to them. "Pray that you may not fall into temptation."
Luke Twenty 22:41  Then he withdrew about a stone's throw, and knelt down and began to pray.
Luke Twenty 22:42  "Father," he said, "if it is thy pleasure, spare me this cup; only, not my will but thine be done."
Luke Twenty 22:43  Presently there appeared to him an angel from Heaven, who strengthened him.
Luke Twenty 22:44  And, as his anguish became intense, he prayed still more earnestly, while his sweat was like great drops of blood falling on the ground.
Luke Twenty 22:45  Then he rose from praying, and came to the disciples and found them sleeping for sorrow.
Luke Twenty 22:46  "Why are you asleep?" he asked them. "Rise and pray, that you may not fall into temptation."
Luke Twenty 22:47  While he was still speaking, a crowd appeared in sight, led by the man called Judas, who was one of the Twelve. Judas approached Jesus, to kiss him;
Luke Twenty 22:48  On which Jesus said to him. "Judas, is it by a kiss that you betray the Son of Man?"
Luke Twenty 22:49  But when those who were round Jesus saw what was going to happen, they exclaimed. "Master, shall we use our swords?"
Luke Twenty 22:50  And one of them struck the High Priest's servant and cut off his right ear;
Luke Twenty 22:51  On which Jesus said. "Let me at least do this"; and, touching his ear, he healed the wound.
Luke Twenty 22:52  Then, turning to the Chief Priests and Officers in charge at the Temple and Councillors, who had come for him, he said. "Have you come out, as if after a robber, with swords and clubs?
Luke Twenty 22:53  When I was with you day after day in the Temple Courts, you did not lay hands on me; but now your time has come, and the power of Darkness."
Luke Twenty 22:54  Those who had taken Jesus prisoner took him away into the house of the High Priest. Peter followed at a distance.
Luke Twenty 22:55  But, when they had lit a fire in the center of the court-yard and had all sat down there, Peter seated himself in the middle of them.
Luke Twenty 22:56  Presently a maidservant saw him sitting near the blaze of the fire. Fixing her eyes on him, she said. "Why, this man was one of his companions!"
Luke Twenty 22:57  But Peter denied it. "I do not know him," he replied.
Luke Twenty 22:58  A little while afterwards some one else--a man--saw him and said. "Why, you are one of them!" "No," Peter said, "I am not."
Luke Twenty 22:59  About an hour later another man declared positively. "This man also was certainly with him. Why, he is a Galilean!"
Luke Twenty 22:60  But Peter said. "I do not know what you are speaking about." Instantly, while he was still speaking, a cock crowed.
Luke Twenty 22:61  And the Master turned and looked at Peter; and Peter remembered the words that the Master had said to him--"Before a cock has crowed to- day, you will disown me three times";
Luke Twenty 22:63  The men that held Jesus kept making sport of him and beating him.
Luke Twenty 22:64  They blindfolded him and then questioned him. "Now play the Prophet," they said; "who was it that struck you?"
Luke Twenty 22:66  At daybreak the National Council met--both the Chief Priests and the Teachers of the Law--and took Jesus before their High Council.
Luke Twenty 22:67  "If you are the Christ," they said, "tell us so." "If I tell you," replied Jesus, "you will not believe me;
Luke Twenty 22:69  But from this hour 'the Son of Man will be seated on the right hand of God Almighty.'"
Luke Twenty 22:70  "Are you, then, the Son of God?" they all asked. "It is true," answered Jesus, "I am."
Luke Twenty 22:71  At this they exclaimed. "Why do we want any more evidence? We have heard it ourselves from his own lips!"