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Chapter 22
Luke ABP 22:1  [6approached 1And 2the 3holiday 4of the 5unleavened breads], the one being called passover.
Luke ABP 22:2  And [6sought 1the 2chief priests 3and 4the 5scribes] the means of how to do away with him; for they feared the people.
Luke ABP 22:3  [3entered 1And 2Satan] into Judas, the one being called Iscariot, being from the number of the twelve.
Luke ABP 22:4  And having gone forth, he conversed together with the chief priests and the commandants, the thing of how he should deliver him up to them.
Luke ABP 22:5  And they rejoiced, and agreed [2money to him 1to give].
Luke ABP 22:6  And he acknowledged it; and he sought an opportune time to deliver him up to them separate from the multitude.
Luke ABP 22:7  And came the day of the unleavened breads, in which it is necessary to sacrifice the passover.
Luke ABP 22:8  And he sent Peter and John, having said, Having gone, prepare for us the passover, that we should eat!
Luke ABP 22:9  And they said to him, Where do you want we shall prepare?
Luke ABP 22:10  And he said to them, Behold, of your entering into the city, [2will meet 3you 1a man 5a clay vessel 6of water 4bearing]; follow him into the house of which he enters.
Luke ABP 22:11  And you shall say to the master of the house, [3says 4to you 1The 2teacher], Where is the lodging where [2the 3passover 4with 5my disciples 1I should eat]?
Luke ABP 22:12  And that one will show to you [2upper room 1a great] being spread out -- there prepare!
Luke ABP 22:13  And having gone forth, they found as he said to them; and they prepared the passover.
Luke ABP 22:14  And when it became the hour, he reclined, and the twelve apostles with him.
Luke ABP 22:15  And he said to them, With desire I desired [2this 3passover 1to eat] with you before my suffering.
Luke ABP 22:16  For I say to you, that no longer in any way shall I eat of it, until whenever it should be fulfilled in the kingdom of God.
Luke ABP 22:17  And having received the cup, having given thanks, he said, Take this, and divide it among yourselves!
Luke ABP 22:18  For I say to you, that in no way shall I drink from the produce of the grapevine, until whenever the kingdom of God should come.
Luke ABP 22:19  And having taken the bread, having given thanks he broke, and he gave it to them, saying, This is my body, the one for you being given; this do in my remembrance!
Luke ABP 22:20  Likewise also the cup, after having supper, saying, This cup is the new covenant in my blood, the one [2for 3you 1being poured out].
Luke ABP 22:21  Furthermore, behold, the hand of the one delivering me up is with me at the table.
Luke ABP 22:22  And indeed the son of man goes as having been confirmed; except woe to that man by whom he is delivered up.
Luke ABP 22:23  And they began to debate with themselves who then it may be of them, the one [3this 1about 2to do].
Luke ABP 22:24  And there became also a rivalry among them, the one -- which of them seems to be greater.
Luke ABP 22:25  And he said to them, The kings of the nations dominate them, and the ones exercising authority over them [2benefactors 1are called].
Luke ABP 22:26  But among you not so; but the greater among you, let him be as the younger, and the one leading, as the one serving!
Luke ABP 22:27  For which is greater, the one reclining or the one serving? Is it not the one reclining? But I am in the midst of you as the one serving.
Luke ABP 22:28  But you are the ones abiding with me in my tests.
Luke ABP 22:29  And I ordain to you, as [2ordained 3to me 1my father] a kingdom,
Luke ABP 22:30  that you should eat and should drink at my table in my kingdom, and you shall sit upon thrones judging the twelve tribes of Israel.
Luke ABP 22:31  [4said 1And 2the 3Lord], Simon, Simon, behold, Satan demanded [2you all 1to sift] as grain,
Luke ABP 22:32  but I beseeched concerning you, that [4should not fail 1the 2belief 3of yours], and you at some time or other having returned, support your brethren!
Luke ABP 22:33  And he said to him, O Lord, with you I am prepared even [2unto 3prison 4and 5unto 6death 1to go].
Luke ABP 22:34  And he said, I say to you, Peter, in no way shall [2call out 3today 1the rooster] before three times you should totally reject me, to not know me.
Luke ABP 22:35  And he said to them, When I sent you separate of money bag, and provision bag, and sandals, did you lack anything? And they said, Nothing.
Luke ABP 22:36  He said then to them, But now the one having a money bag take it, in like manner also the provision bag! And the one not having shall sell his cloak and shall buy a sword!
Luke ABP 22:37  For I say to you that yet this thing having been written must be finished by me, the thing saying, And with the lawless ones he was imputed. For also the things about me [2an end 1have].
Luke ABP 22:38  And they said, O Lord, behold, [3swords 1here are 2two]. And he said to them, It is enough.
Luke ABP 22:39  And going forth, he went according to custom unto the mount of the olives; [3followed 1and 4him 5also 2his disciples].
Luke ABP 22:40  And being at the place, he said to them, Pray to not enter into a test!
Luke ABP 22:41  And he drew away from them about a stone shot; and setting his knees he prayed,
Luke ABP 22:42  saying, O father, if you will to carry away this cup from me -- except not my will, but yours be.
Luke ABP 22:43  And appeared to him an angel from heaven strengthening him.
Luke ABP 22:44  And being in agony, more intensely he prayed. [3became 1And 2his sweat] as clots of blood going down upon the ground.
Luke ABP 22:45  And having risen up from the prayer, coming to his disciples, he found them sleeping from the distress.
Luke ABP 22:46  And he said to them, Why do you sleep? having risen up, pray that you should not enter into a test!
Luke ABP 22:47  And yet of his speaking, behold, a multitude, and the one being called Judas, one of the twelve, was coming before them, and he approached to Jesus to kiss him.
Luke ABP 22:48  Jesus said to him, Judas, [5with a kiss 2the 3son 4of man 1do you deliver up]?
Luke ABP 22:49  And beholding, the ones [2around 3him 1being], said to him, O Lord, shall we strike with the sword?
Luke ABP 22:50  And [2struck 1one] a certain one from them, the servant of the chief priest, and removed his [2ear 1right].
Luke ABP 22:51  And responding Jesus said, Allow unto this! And having touched his ear, he healed him.
Luke ABP 22:52  [3said 1And 2Jesus] to the ones coming unto him, the chief priests, and commandants of the temple, and elders, As against a robber do you come forth with swords and wood staves?
Luke ABP 22:53  By day my being with you in the temple, you did not stretch out hands against me. But this is your hour, and the authority of darkness.
Luke ABP 22:54  And having seized him, they led and brought him into the house of the chief priest. And Peter followed far off.
Luke ABP 22:55  And having lit a fire in the midst of the courtyard, and of their having sat down, Peter sat in the midst of them.
Luke ABP 22:56  [3beholding 1And 4him 2a certain maidservant] sitting down by the light, and having gazed upon him, said, Even this one [2with 3him 1was].
Luke ABP 22:57  But he denied him, saying, O woman, I do not know him.
Luke ABP 22:58  And after a little, another beholding him, said, And you [2of 3them 1are]. And Peter said, O man, I am not.
Luke ABP 22:59  And [3having elapsed 1about 2an hour], [3one 1another 2certain] contended obstinately, saying, In truth also this one [2with 3him 1was]; for also he is a Galilean.
Luke ABP 22:60  [3said 1And 2Peter], O man, I do not know what you say. And immediately while [2still 3speaking 1he was 5called out 4a rooster].
Luke ABP 22:61  And having turned, the Lord looked at Peter. And Peter remembered the word of the Lord, as he said to him that, Before the rooster calls out, you shall totally reject me three times.
Luke ABP 22:62  And having gone forth outside, Peter wept bitterly.
Luke ABP 22:63  And the men holding Jesus, mocked him, flaying him.
Luke ABP 22:64  And having covered him up, they beat his face, and asked him, saying, Prophesy! who is the one hitting you?
Luke ABP 22:65  And [2other things 1many] blaspheming they said to him.
Luke ABP 22:66  And as it became day, there gathered together the council of elders of the people, chief priests and scribes, and they led him into their sanhedrin, saying,
Luke ABP 22:67  If you are the Christ, tell to us! And he said to them, If I should tell to you, in no way should you believe.
Luke ABP 22:68  And if also I asked, in no way should you answer me, or loose me.
Luke ABP 22:69  From the present [4will be 1the 2son 3of man] sitting down at the right of the power of God.
Luke ABP 22:70  [3said 1And 2all], Then you are the son of God? And he [2to 3them 1said], You say it, for I am.
Luke ABP 22:71  And they said, What still need do we have of a witness? For we ourselves heard from his mouth.