Chapter 1
Gala | KLV | 1:1 | Paul, an apostle ( ghobe' vo' loDpu', ghobe' vegh loD, 'ach vegh Jesus Christ, je joH'a' the vav, 'Iv raised ghaH vo' the Heghpu'), | |
Gala | KLV | 1:2 | je Hoch the loDnI'pu' { Note: The mu' vaD “ loDnI'pu'” naDev je nuqDaq context allows may je taH correctly translated “ loDnI'pu' je sisters” joq “siblings.” } 'Iv 'oH tlhej jIH, Daq the yejmey vo' Galatia: | |
Gala | KLV | 1:4 | 'Iv nobta' himself vaD maj yemmey, vetlh ghaH might toD maH pa' vo' vam present mIghtaHghach age, according Daq the DichDaq vo' maj joH'a' je | |
Gala | KLV | 1:6 | jIH marvel vetlh SoH 'oH vaj quickly deserting ghaH 'Iv ja' SoH Daq the grace vo' Christ Daq a different “ QaQ news”; | |
Gala | KLV | 1:7 | je pa' 'oHbe' another “ QaQ news.” neH pa' 'oH 'op 'Iv Seng SoH, je want Daq pervert the QaQ News vo' Christ. | |
Gala | KLV | 1:8 | 'ach 'ach 'a' maH, joq an Duy vo' chal, should preach Daq SoH vay' “ QaQ news” latlh than vetlh nuq maH preached Daq SoH, chaw' ghaH taH cursed. | |
Gala | KLV | 1:9 | As maH ghaj ja'ta' qaSpa', vaj jIH DaH jatlh again: chugh vay' loD preaches Daq SoH vay' “ QaQ news” latlh than vetlh nuq SoH Hevta', chaw' ghaH taH cursed. | |
Gala | KLV | 1:10 | vaD 'oH jIH DaH seeking the favor vo' loDpu', joq vo' joH'a'? joq 'oH jIH striving Daq please loDpu'? vaD chugh jIH were vIHHa' pleasing loDpu', jIH wouldn't taH a toy'wI' vo' Christ. | |
Gala | KLV | 1:11 | 'ach jIH chenmoH Sovta' Daq SoH, loDnI'pu', concerning the QaQ News nuq ghaHta' preached Sum jIH, vetlh 'oH ghaH ghobe' according Daq loD. | |
Gala | KLV | 1:12 | vaD ghobe' ta'ta' jIH Hev 'oH vo' loD, ghobe' ghaHta' jIH taught 'oH, 'ach 'oH ghoSta' Daq jIH vegh revelation vo' Jesus Christ. | |
Gala | KLV | 1:13 | vaD SoH ghaj Qoyta' vo' wIj way vo' yIntaH Daq poH past Daq the Jews' religion, chay' vetlh beyond juv jIH persecuted the yej vo' joH'a', je ravaged 'oH. | |
Gala | KLV | 1:14 | jIH advanced Daq the Jews' religion beyond law' vo' wIj ghaj age among wIj countrymen, taH latlh exceedingly zealous vaD the traditions vo' wIj vavpu'. | |
Gala | KLV | 1:15 | 'ach ghorgh 'oH ghaHta' the QaQ pleasure vo' joH'a', 'Iv separated jIH vo' wIj mother's womb, je ja' jIH vegh Daj grace, | |
Gala | KLV | 1:16 | Daq reveal Daj puqloD Daq jIH, vetlh jIH might preach ghaH among the Gentiles, jIH ta'be' SibI' confer tlhej ghab je 'Iw, | |
Gala | KLV | 1:17 | ghobe' ta'ta' jIH jaH Dung Daq Jerusalem Daq chaH 'Iv were apostles qaSpa' jIH, 'ach jIH mejta' DoH Daq Arabia. vaj jIH cheghta' Daq Damascus. | |
Gala | KLV | 1:18 | vaj after wej DISmey jIH mejta' Dung Daq Jerusalem Daq visit Peter, je stayed tlhej ghaH fifteen jajmey. | |
Gala | KLV | 1:23 | 'ach chaH neH Qoyta': “ ghaH 'Iv once persecuted maH DaH preaches the HartaHghach vetlh ghaH once tried Daq Qaw'.” | |
Chapter 2
Gala | KLV | 2:1 | vaj after a period vo' fourteen DISmey jIH mejta' Dung again Daq Jerusalem tlhej Barnabas, taking Titus je tlhej jIH. | |
Gala | KLV | 2:2 | jIH mejta' Dung Sum revelation, je jIH laid qaSpa' chaH the QaQ News nuq jIH preach among the Gentiles, 'ach privately qaSpa' chaH 'Iv were respected, vaD taHvIp vetlh jIH might taH running, joq ghajta' run, Daq lI'be'. | |
Gala | KLV | 2:3 | 'ach ghobe' 'ach Titus, 'Iv ghaHta' tlhej jIH, taH a Greek, ghaHta' compelled Daq taH circumcised. | |
Gala | KLV | 2:4 | vam ghaHta' because vo' the false loDnI'pu' secretly qempu' Daq, 'Iv stole Daq Daq spy pa' maj liberty nuq maH ghaj Daq Christ Jesus, vetlh chaH might qem maH Daq bondage; | |
Gala | KLV | 2:5 | Daq 'Iv maH nobta' ghobe' Daq Daq the way vo' subjection, ghobe' vaD an hour, vetlh the vIt vo' the QaQ News might continue tlhej SoH. | |
Gala | KLV | 2:6 | 'ach vo' chaH 'Iv were reputed Daq taH important (whatever chaH were, 'oH chen ghobe' difference Daq jIH; joH'a' ta'be' cha' partiality Daq loD)— chaH, jIH jatlh, 'Iv were respected imparted pagh Daq jIH, | |
Gala | KLV | 2:7 | 'ach Daq the contrary, ghorgh chaH leghta' vetlh jIH ghajta' taH entrusted tlhej the QaQ News vaD the uncircumcision, 'ach as Peter tlhej the QaQ News vaD the circumcision | |
Gala | KLV | 2:8 | ( vaD ghaH 'Iv wIv Peter Daq the apostleship vo' the circumcision wIv jIH je Daq the Gentiles); | |
Gala | KLV | 2:9 | je ghorgh chaH perceived the grace vetlh ghaHta' nobpu' Daq jIH, James je Cephas je John, chaH 'Iv were reputed Daq taH pillars, nobta' Daq jIH je Barnabas the nIH ghop vo' fellowship, vetlh maH should jaH Daq the Gentiles, je chaH Daq the circumcision. | |
Gala | KLV | 2:10 | chaH neH tlhobta' maH Daq qaw the mIpHa'— nuq very Doch jIH ghaHta' je zealous Daq ta'. | |
Gala | KLV | 2:11 | 'ach ghorgh Peter ghoSta' Daq Antioch, jIH resisted ghaH Daq Daj qab, because ghaH Qampu' condemned. | |
Gala | KLV | 2:12 | vaD qaSpa' 'op ghotpu ghoSta' vo' James, ghaH ate tlhej the Gentiles. 'ach ghorgh chaH ghoSta', ghaH drew DoH je separated himself, fearing chaH 'Iv were vo' the circumcision. | |
Gala | KLV | 2:13 | je the leS vo' the Jews joined ghaH Daq Daj hypocrisy; vaj vetlh 'ach Barnabas ghaHta' qengta' DoH tlhej chaj hypocrisy. | |
Gala | KLV | 2:14 | 'ach ghorgh jIH leghta' vetlh chaH ta'be' yIt uprightly according Daq the vIt vo' the QaQ News, jIH ja'ta' Daq Peter qaSpa' chaH Hoch, “ chugh SoH, taH a Jew, yIn as the Gentiles ta', je ghobe' as the Jews ta', qatlh ta' SoH compel the Gentiles Daq yIn as the Jews ta'? | |
Gala | KLV | 2:16 | yet knowing vetlh a loD ghaH ghobe' justified Sum the vum vo' the chut 'ach vegh HartaHghach Daq Jesus Christ, 'ach maH Harta' Daq Christ Jesus, vetlh maH might taH justified Sum HartaHghach Daq Christ, je ghobe' Sum the vum vo' the chut, because ghobe' ghab DichDaq taH justified Sum the vum vo' the chut. | |
Gala | KLV | 2:17 | 'ach chugh, qaStaHvIS maH nejta' Daq taH justified Daq Christ, maH ourselves je were tu'ta' yemwI'pu', ghaH Christ a toy'wI' vo' yem? Certainly ghobe'! | |
Gala | KLV | 2:18 | vaD chugh jIH chen Dung again chaH Dochmey nuq jIH Qaw'ta', jIH prove jIH'egh a chut-breaker. | |
Gala | KLV | 2:20 | jIH ghaj taH crucified tlhej Christ, je 'oH ghaH ghobe' longer jIH vetlh yIn, 'ach Christ yIntaH Daq jIH. vetlh yIn nuq jIH DaH yIn Daq the ghab, jIH yIn Sum HartaHghach Daq the puqloD vo' joH'a', 'Iv loved jIH, je nobta' himself Dung vaD jIH. | |
Chapter 3
Gala | KLV | 3:1 | Foolish Galatians, 'Iv ghajtaH bewitched SoH ghobe' Daq obey the vIt, qaSpa' 'Iv mInDu' Jesus Christ ghaHta' openly cher vo' among SoH as crucified? | |
Gala | KLV | 3:2 | jIH just want Daq ghoj vam vo' SoH. ta'ta' SoH Hev the qa' Sum the vum vo' the chut, joq Sum hearing vo' HartaHghach? | |
Gala | KLV | 3:5 | ghaH vaj 'Iv supplies the qa' Daq SoH, je vum miracles among SoH, ta'taH ghaH ta' 'oH Sum the vum vo' the chut, joq Sum hearing vo' HartaHghach? | |
Gala | KLV | 3:8 | The Scripture, foreseeing vetlh joH'a' would justify the Gentiles Sum HartaHghach, preached the QaQ News qaSpa' Daq Abraham, ja'ta', “ Daq SoH Hoch the tuqpu' DichDaq taH ghurtaH.” { Note: Genesis 12:3; 18:18; 22:18 } | |
Gala | KLV | 3:10 | vaD as chut' as 'oH vo' the vum vo' the law 'oH bIng a mu'qaD. vaD 'oH ghaH ghItlhta', “Cursed ghaH Hoch 'Iv ta'be' continue Daq Hoch Dochmey vetlh 'oH ghItlhta' Daq the paq vo' the chut, Daq ta' chaH.” { Note: Deuteronomy 27:26 } | |
Gala | KLV | 3:11 | DaH vetlh ghobe' loD ghaH justified Sum the chut qaSpa' joH'a' ghaH evident, vaD, “The QaQtaHghach DichDaq yIn Sum HartaHghach.” { Note: Habakkuk 2:4 } | |
Gala | KLV | 3:12 | The chut ghaH ghobe' vo' HartaHghach, 'ach, “The loD 'Iv ta'taH chaH DichDaq yIn Sum chaH.” { Note: Leviticus 18:5 } | |
Gala | KLV | 3:13 | Christ toDta' maH vo' the mu'qaD vo' the chut, ghajtaH moj a mu'qaD vaD maH. vaD 'oH ghaH ghItlhta', “Cursed ghaH Hoch 'Iv hangs Daq a Sor,” { Note: Deuteronomy 21:23 } | |
Gala | KLV | 3:14 | vetlh the blessing vo' Abraham might ghoS Daq the Gentiles vegh Christ Jesus; vetlh maH might Hev the promise vo' the qa' vegh HartaHghach. | |
Gala | KLV | 3:15 | loDnI'pu', speaking vo' human terms, 'a' 'oH ghaH neH a man's lay', yet ghorgh 'oH ghajtaH taH confirmed, ghobe' wa' chen 'oH void, joq cheltaH Daq 'oH. | |
Gala | KLV | 3:16 | DaH the promises were jatlhpu' Daq Abraham je Daq Daj tIr. ghaH ta'be' jatlh, “ Daq seeds,” as vo' law', 'ach as vo' wa', “ Daq lIj tIr,” { Note: Genesis 12:7; 13:15; 24:7 } nuq ghaH Christ. | |
Gala | KLV | 3:17 | DaH jIH jatlh vam. A lay' confirmed qaSpa' Sum joH'a' Daq Christ, the chut, nuq ghoSta' loS vatlh wejmaH DISmey after, ta'taH ghobe' annul, vaj as Daq chenmoH the promise vo' ghobe' effect. | |
Gala | KLV | 3:18 | vaD chugh the inheritance ghaH vo' the chut, 'oH ghaH ghobe' latlh vo' promise; 'ach joH'a' ghajtaH granted 'oH Daq Abraham Sum promise. | |
Gala | KLV | 3:19 | nuq vaj ghaH the chut? 'oH ghaHta' chelta' because vo' transgressions, until the tIr should ghoS Daq 'Iv the promise ghajtaH taH chenmoHta'. 'oH ghaHta' ordained vegh Duy''a'pu' Sum the ghop vo' a mediator. | |
Gala | KLV | 3:21 | ghaH the chut vaj Daq the promises vo' joH'a'? Certainly ghobe'! vaD chugh pa' ghajta' taH a chut nobpu' nuq laH chenmoH yIn, HochHom certainly QaQtaHghach would ghaj taH vo' the chut. | |
Gala | KLV | 3:22 | 'ach the Scriptures imprisoned Hoch Dochmey bIng yem, vetlh the promise Sum HartaHghach Daq Jesus Christ might taH nobpu' Daq chaH 'Iv Har. | |
Gala | KLV | 3:23 | 'ach qaSpa' HartaHghach ghoSta', maH were polta' Daq custody bIng the chut, confined vaD the HartaHghach nuq should afterwards taH 'angta'. | |
Gala | KLV | 3:24 | vaj vetlh the chut ghajtaH moj maj tutor Daq qem maH Daq Christ, vetlh maH might taH justified Sum HartaHghach. | |
Gala | KLV | 3:28 | pa' ghaH ghobe' Jew ghobe' Greek, pa' ghaH ghobe' toy'wI''a' ghobe' free loD, pa' ghaH ghobe' male ghobe' female; vaD SoH 'oH Hoch wa' Daq Christ Jesus. | |
Chapter 4
Gala | KLV | 4:1 | 'ach jIH jatlh vetlh vaj tIq as the heir ghaH a puq, ghaH ghaH ghobe' different vo' a bondservant, 'a' ghaH ghaH joH vo' Hoch; | |
Gala | KLV | 4:3 | vaj maH je, ghorgh maH were puqpu', were held Daq bondage bIng the elemental principles vo' the qo'. | |
Gala | KLV | 4:4 | 'ach ghorgh the fullness vo' the poH ghoSta', joH'a' ngeHta' pa' Daj puqloD, bogh Daq a be', bogh bIng the chut, | |
Gala | KLV | 4:5 | vetlh ghaH might redeem chaH 'Iv were bIng the chut, vetlh maH might Hev the adoption vo' puqpu'. | |
Gala | KLV | 4:6 | je because SoH 'oH puqpu', joH'a' ngeHta' pa' the qa' vo' Daj puqloD Daq lIj tIQDu', crying, “Abba, { Note: Abba ghaH a Greek spelling vaD the Aramaic mu' vaD “ vav” joq “Daddy” used Daq a familiar, respectful, je muSHa'taH way. } vav!” | |
Gala | KLV | 4:7 | vaj SoH 'oH ghobe' longer a bondservant, 'ach a puqloD; je chugh a puqloD, vaj an heir vo' joH'a' vegh Christ. | |
Gala | KLV | 4:8 | However Daq vetlh poH, ghobe' knowing joH'a', SoH were Daq bondage Daq chaH 'Iv Sum nature 'oH ghobe' Qunpu'. | |
Gala | KLV | 4:9 | 'ach DaH vetlh SoH ghaj ghoS Daq Sov joH'a', joq rather Daq taH Sovta' Sum joH'a', qatlh ta' SoH tlhe' DoH again Daq the weak je miserable elemental principles, Daq nuq SoH neH Daq taH Daq bondage Hoch Dung again? | |
Gala | KLV | 4:12 | jIH beg SoH, loDnI'pu', moj as jIH 'oH, vaD jIH je ghaj moj as SoH 'oH. SoH ta'ta' jIH ghobe' wrong, | |
Gala | KLV | 4:13 | 'ach SoH Sov vetlh because vo' weakness vo' the ghab jIH preached the QaQ News Daq SoH the wa'Dich poH. | |
Gala | KLV | 4:14 | vetlh nuq ghaHta' a temptation Daq SoH Daq wIj ghab, SoH ta'be' despise ghobe' reject; 'ach SoH Hevta' jIH as an Duy vo' joH'a', 'ach as Christ Jesus. | |
Gala | KLV | 4:15 | nuq ghaHta' the blessing SoH enjoyed? vaD jIH testify Daq SoH vetlh, chugh DuH, SoH would ghaj plucked pa' lIj mInDu' je nobpu' chaH Daq jIH. | |
Gala | KLV | 4:17 | chaH zealously nej SoH Daq ghobe' QaQ way. ghobe', chaH neH Daq alienate SoH, vetlh SoH may nej chaH. | |
Gala | KLV | 4:18 | 'ach 'oH ghaH always QaQ Daq taH zealous Daq a QaQ cause, je ghobe' neH ghorgh jIH 'oH present tlhej SoH. | |
Gala | KLV | 4:20 | wIj mach puqpu', vo' 'Iv jIH 'oH again Daq travail until Christ ghaH formed Daq SoH— 'ach jIH laH wish Daq taH present tlhej SoH DaH, je Daq change wIj tone, vaD jIH 'oH perplexed about SoH. | |
Gala | KLV | 4:22 | vaD 'oH ghaH ghItlhta' vetlh Abraham ghajta' cha' puqloDpu', wa' Sum the handmaid, je wa' Sum the free be'. | |
Gala | KLV | 4:23 | However, the puqloD Sum the handmaid ghaHta' bogh according Daq the ghab, 'ach the puqloD Sum the free be' ghaHta' bogh vegh promise. | |
Gala | KLV | 4:24 | Dochvammey Dochmey contain an allegory, vaD Dochvammey 'oH cha' covenants. wa' ghaH vo' Mount Sinai, qeng puqpu' Daq bondage, nuq ghaH Hagar. | |
Gala | KLV | 4:25 | vaD vam Hagar ghaH Mount Sinai Daq Arabia, je answers Daq the Jerusalem vetlh exists DaH, vaD ghaH ghaH Daq bondage tlhej Daj puqpu'. | |
Gala | KLV | 4:27 | vaD 'oH ghaH ghItlhta', “ yItIv, SoH barren 'Iv yImev SIQ. ghor vo' je jach, SoH vetlh yImev travail. vaD latlh 'oH the puqpu' vo' the moB than vo' Daj 'Iv ghajtaH a loDnal.” { Note: Isaiah 54:1 } | |
Gala | KLV | 4:29 | 'ach as vaj, ghaH 'Iv ghaHta' bogh according Daq the ghab persecuted ghaH 'Iv ghaHta' bogh according Daq the qa', vaj je 'oH ghaH DaH. | |
Gala | KLV | 4:30 | However nuq ta'taH the Scripture jatlh? “Throw pa' the handmaid je Daj puqloD, vaD the puqloD vo' the handmaid DichDaq ghobe' inherit tlhej the puqloD vo' the free be'.” { Note: Genesis 21:10 } | |
Chapter 5
Gala | KLV | 5:1 | Qam firm vaj Daq the liberty Sum nuq Christ ghajtaH chenmoHta' maH free, je yImev taH entangled again tlhej a yoke vo' bondage. | |
Gala | KLV | 5:2 | yIlegh, jIH, Paul, ja' SoH vetlh chugh SoH Hev circumcision, Christ DichDaq profit SoH pagh. | |
Gala | KLV | 5:3 | HIja', jIH testify again Daq Hoch loD 'Iv receives circumcision, vetlh ghaH ghaH a debtor Daq ta' the Hoch chut. | |
Gala | KLV | 5:4 | SoH 'oH alienated vo' Christ, SoH 'Iv neH Daq taH justified Sum the chut. SoH ghaj fallen DoH vo' grace. | |
Gala | KLV | 5:6 | vaD Daq Christ Jesus ghobe' circumcision amounts Daq vay', ghobe' uncircumcision, 'ach HartaHghach working vegh muSHa'. | |
Gala | KLV | 5:10 | jIH ghaj confidence toward SoH Daq the joH vetlh SoH DichDaq think ghobe' latlh way. 'ach ghaH 'Iv troubles SoH DichDaq SIQ Daj yoj, 'Iv ghaH ghaH. | |
Gala | KLV | 5:11 | 'ach jIH, loDnI'pu', chugh jIH vIHHa' preach circumcision, qatlh 'oH jIH vIHHa' persecuted? vaj the stumbling block vo' the cross ghajtaH taH teqta'. | |
Gala | KLV | 5:13 | vaD SoH, loDnI'pu', were ja' vaD freedom. neH yImev use lIj freedom vaD gain Daq the ghab, 'ach vegh muSHa' taH toy'wI'pu' Daq wa' another. | |
Gala | KLV | 5:14 | vaD the Hoch chut ghaH fulfilled Daq wa' mu', Daq vam: “ SoH DIchDaq muSHa' lIj jIl as SoH'egh.” { Note: Leviticus 19:18 } | |
Gala | KLV | 5:15 | 'ach chugh SoH chop je Sop wa' another, taH careful vetlh SoH yImev consume wa' another. | |
Gala | KLV | 5:17 | vaD the ghab lusts Daq the qa', je the qa' Daq the ghab; je Dochvammey 'oH contrary Daq wa' another, vetlh SoH may ghobe' ta' the Dochmey vetlh SoH neH. | |
Gala | KLV | 5:19 | DaH the vum vo' the ghab 'oH obvious, nuq 'oH: voqHa'moHlu', sexual immorality, uncleanness, lustfulness, | |
Gala | KLV | 5:20 | idolatry, sorcery, hatred, strife, jealousies, outbursts vo' QeH, rivalries, divisions, heresies, | |
Gala | KLV | 5:21 | envyings, murders, drunkenness, orgies, je Dochmey rur Dochvammey; vo' nuq jIH forewarn SoH, 'ach as jIH je forewarned SoH, vetlh chaH 'Iv practice such Dochmey DichDaq ghobe' inherit the Kingdom vo' joH'a'. | |
Gala | KLV | 5:22 | 'ach the baQ vo' the qa' ghaH muSHa', Quch, roj, patience, pung, QaQ, HartaHghach, { Note: joq, voqtaHghach } | |
Chapter 6
Gala | KLV | 6:1 | loDnI'pu', 'ach chugh a loD ghaH caught Daq 'op fault, SoH 'Iv 'oH spiritual must nobHa' such a wa' Daq a qa' vo' gentleness; leghtaH Daq SoH'egh vaj vetlh SoH je aren't tempted. | |
Gala | KLV | 6:3 | vaD chugh a loD thinks himself Daq taH something ghorgh ghaH ghaH pagh, ghaH deceives himself. | |
Gala | KLV | 6:4 | 'ach chaw' each loD test Daj ghaj vum, je vaj ghaH DichDaq tlhap pride Daq himself je ghobe' Daq Daj jIl. | |
Gala | KLV | 6:6 | 'ach chaw' ghaH 'Iv ghaH taught Daq the mu' share Hoch QaQ Dochmey tlhej ghaH 'Iv teaches. | |
Gala | KLV | 6:7 | yImev taH deceived. joH'a' ghaH ghobe' mocked, vaD whatever a loD sows, vetlh ghaH DichDaq je reap. | |
Gala | KLV | 6:8 | vaD ghaH 'Iv sows Daq Daj ghaj ghab DichDaq vo' the ghab reap corruption. 'ach ghaH 'Iv sows Daq the qa' DichDaq vo' the qa' reap eternal yIn. | |
Gala | KLV | 6:9 | chaw' maH ghobe' taH Doy' Daq doing QaQ, vaD maH DichDaq reap Daq due season, chugh maH yImev nob Dung. | |
Gala | KLV | 6:10 | vaj vaj, as maH ghaj opportunity, let's ta' nuq ghaH QaQ toward Hoch loDpu', je especially toward chaH 'Iv 'oH vo' the household vo' the HartaHghach. | |
Gala | KLV | 6:12 | As law' as neH Daq legh QaQ Daq the ghab, chaH compel SoH Daq taH circumcised; neH vetlh chaH may ghobe' taH persecuted vaD the cross vo' Christ. | |
Gala | KLV | 6:13 | vaD 'ach chaH 'Iv Hev circumcision yImev pol the chut themselves, 'ach chaH neH Daq ghaj SoH circumcised, vetlh chaH may boast Daq lIj ghab. | |
Gala | KLV | 6:14 | 'ach Hop taH 'oH vo' jIH Daq boast, except Daq the cross vo' maj joH Jesus Christ, vegh nuq the qo' ghajtaH taH crucified Daq jIH, je jIH Daq the qo'. | |
Gala | KLV | 6:15 | vaD Daq Christ Jesus ghobe' ghaH circumcision vay', ghobe' uncircumcision, 'ach a chu' creation. | |
Gala | KLV | 6:17 | vo' DaH Daq, chaw' ghobe' wa' cause jIH vay' Seng, vaD jIH SIQ the marks vo' the joH Jesus branded Daq wIj porgh. | |