Chapter 1
Ephe | Rotherha | 1:1 | Paul, an apostle of Christ Jesus, through God’s will, unto the saints who are [in Ephesus] and faithful in Christ Jesus,— | |
Ephe | Rotherha | 1:3 | Blessed, be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath blessed us with every spiritual blessing, in the heavenlies, in Christ, | |
Ephe | Rotherha | 1:4 | According as he made choice of us, in him, before the founding of a world, that we might be holy and blameless in his presence; in love, | |
Ephe | Rotherha | 1:5 | marking us out beforehand unto sonship, through Jesus Christ, for himself, according to the good pleasure of his will, | |
Ephe | Rotherha | 1:6 | Unto the praise of the glory of his favour wherewith he favoured us in the Beloved One,— | |
Ephe | Rotherha | 1:7 | In whom we have the redemption through his blood, the remission of our offences, according to the riches of his favour, | |
Ephe | Rotherha | 1:9 | making known to us the sacred secret of his will, according to his good pleasure which he purposed in him,— | |
Ephe | Rotherha | 1:10 | For an administration of the fulness of the seasons, to reunite for himself (under one head) the all things in the Christ, the things upon the heavens, and the things upon the earth, in him: | |
Ephe | Rotherha | 1:11 | In whom also we were taken as an inheritance, according to the purpose of him who energiseth all things according to the counsel of his will, | |
Ephe | Rotherha | 1:12 | That we should be for the praise of his glory—we who had hoped beforehand in the Christ,— | |
Ephe | Rotherha | 1:13 | In whom, ye also—hearing the word of the truth, the glad-message of your salvation,—in whom also believing,—were sealed with the Spirit of the promise, the Holy [Spirit], | |
Ephe | Rotherha | 1:14 | Which is an earnest of our inheritance, unto the redemption of the acquisition;—unto his glorious praise. | |
Ephe | Rotherha | 1:15 | For this cause, I also,—having heard of the faith on your part in the Lord Jesus, and that towards all the saints, | |
Ephe | Rotherha | 1:17 | That, the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, would give you a Spirit of wisdom and understanding in gaining a personal knowledge of him,— | |
Ephe | Rotherha | 1:18 | The eyes of your heart having been enlightened, that ye may know—what is the hope of his calling, what the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the saints, | |
Ephe | Rotherha | 1:19 | And what the surpassing greatness of his power unto us who believe,—according to the energy of the grasp of his might | |
Ephe | Rotherha | 1:20 | which he energised in the Christ, when he raised him from among the dead, and seated him at his right hand in the heavenlies, | |
Ephe | Rotherha | 1:21 | Over-above all principality, authority, and power, and lordship, and every name that is named, not only in this age, but also in the coming one, | |
Ephe | Rotherha | 1:22 | And did put, all things, in subjection beneath his feet. And gave him to be head over all things unto the assembly, | |
Chapter 2
Ephe | Rotherha | 2:2 | In which at one time ye walked, according to the age of the world, according to the prince of the authority of the air, of the spirit that now energiseth in the sons of disobedience, | |
Ephe | Rotherha | 2:3 | Among whom also, we all, had our behaviour, at one time, in the covetings of our flesh, doing the things desired by the flesh and the mind, and were children, by nature, of anger—even as the rest,— | |
Ephe | Rotherha | 2:5 | Although we were dead by our offences, gave us life together with the Christ,—by favour, ye have been saved,— | |
Ephe | Rotherha | 2:7 | That he might point out, in the oncoming ages, the surpassing riches of his favour in graciousness upon us, in Christ Jesus; | |
Ephe | Rotherha | 2:8 | For, by his favour, have ye been saved, through means of faith, and this [hath come to pass] —not from you, of God, the free-gift! | |
Ephe | Rotherha | 2:10 | His, in fact we are—his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus upon a footing of good works, which God prepared beforehand, that, therein, we might walk. | |
Ephe | Rotherha | 2:11 | Wherefore, keep in remembrance—that, at one time, ye, the nations in flesh, who are called Uncircumcision by the so-called Circumcision in flesh, made by hand, | |
Ephe | Rotherha | 2:12 | That ye were, in that season, separate from Christ, alienated from the citizenship of Israel, and strangers from the covenants of promise, having no hope, and godless in the world; | |
Ephe | Rotherha | 2:13 | But, just now, in Christ Jesus, ye, who at one time were afar off, were made nigh in the blood of the Christ; | |
Ephe | Rotherha | 2:14 | He, in fact, is our peace—who made both one, and, the enclosing middle-wall, took down, | |
Ephe | Rotherha | 2:15 | The enmity, in his flesh—the law of commandments in decrees—bringing to nought,—that, the two, he might create in himself, into one man of new mould, making peace. | |
Ephe | Rotherha | 2:16 | And might fully reconcile them both, in one body, through means of the cross,—slaying the enmity thereby;— | |
Ephe | Rotherha | 2:17 | And, coming, he announced the glad-message—of peace, unto you, the far off, and peace, unto them that were nigh; | |
Ephe | Rotherha | 2:18 | Because, through him, we have our introduction—we both—in one Spirit, unto the Father. | |
Ephe | Rotherha | 2:19 | Hence, then—no longer, are ye strangers and sojourners, but ye are fellow-citizens of the saints, and members of the household of God,— | |
Ephe | Rotherha | 2:20 | Having been built up on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, there being, for chief corner stone, Jesus Christ himself,— | |
Ephe | Rotherha | 2:21 | In whom, an entire building, in process of being fitly joined together, is growing into a holy shrine in [the] Lord; | |
Chapter 3
Ephe | Rotherha | 3:1 | For this cause, I, Paul, the prisoner of Christ Jesus in behalf of you the nations:— | |
Ephe | Rotherha | 3:2 | If at least ye have heard of the administration of the favour of God which hath been given unto me for you, | |
Ephe | Rotherha | 3:3 | [How that], by way of revelation, was made known unto me the sacred secret,—even as I before wrote in brief,— | |
Ephe | Rotherha | 3:4 | Respecting which ye can, by reading, perceive my discernment in the sacred secret of the Christ,— | |
Ephe | Rotherha | 3:5 | Which, in other generations, had not been made known unto the sons of men, as it hath, now, been revealed by his holy apostles and prophets, in Spirit;— | |
Ephe | Rotherha | 3:6 | That they who are of the nations should be joint heirs, and a joint body, and joint partakers of the promise in Christ Jesus through means of the glad-message,— | |
Ephe | Rotherha | 3:7 | Of which I was made a minister, according to the free-gift of the favour of God which was given unto me, according to the energy of his power: | |
Ephe | Rotherha | 3:8 | Unto me—the less than least of all saints, was given this favour, unto the nations, to announce the glad-message of the untraceable riches of the Christ, | |
Ephe | Rotherha | 3:9 | And to bring to light—what is the administration of the sacred secret which had been hidden away from the ages in God, who did all things create: | |
Ephe | Rotherha | 3:10 | In order that now, unto the principalities and the authorities in the heavenlies, might be made known, through means of the assembly, the manifold wisdom of God,— | |
Ephe | Rotherha | 3:12 | In whom we have our freedom of speech and introduction with assurance, through the faith of him;— | |
Ephe | Rotherha | 3:13 | Wherefore I request, that there be no fainting in my tribulations in your behalf, the which is your glory;— | |
Ephe | Rotherha | 3:16 | In order that he may give unto you—according to his glorious riches, with power, to be strengthened, through his Spirit, in the inner man, | |
Ephe | Rotherha | 3:17 | That the Christ may dwell, through means of your faith, in your hearts, in love, having become rooted and founded, | |
Ephe | Rotherha | 3:18 | In order that ye may be mighty enough to grasp firmly, with all the saints,—what is the breadth and length and depth and height, | |
Ephe | Rotherha | 3:19 | To get to know, also, the knowledge-surpassing, love of the Christ,—in order that ye may be filled unto all the fulness of God: | |
Ephe | Rotherha | 3:20 | Now, unto him who is able to do, above all things, exceeding abundantly above the things which we ask or conceive,—according to the power which doth energise itself within us,— | |
Chapter 4
Ephe | Rotherha | 4:1 | I exhort you, therefore, I, the prisoner in the Lord, to walk in a manner worthy of the calling wherewith ye were called:— | |
Ephe | Rotherha | 4:2 | With all lowliness and meekness, with long suffering, bearing one with another in love, | |
Ephe | Rotherha | 4:4 | One body, and one spirit, even as ye were also called in one hope of your calling, | |
Ephe | Rotherha | 4:7 | To each one of you, however, hath favour been given, according to the measure of the free-gift of the Christ; | |
Ephe | Rotherha | 4:8 | Wherefore he saith—Ascending on high, he took captivity captive, [and] gave gifts unto men. | |
Ephe | Rotherha | 4:9 | Now this, He ascended; what is it,—save—that he also descended into the under parts of the earth? | |
Ephe | Rotherha | 4:10 | He that descended, he, it is who also ascended over-above all the heavens, that he might fill all things; | |
Ephe | Rotherha | 4:11 | And, he, gave—some, indeed, to be apostles, and some, prophets, and some, evangelists, and some, shepherds and teachers,— | |
Ephe | Rotherha | 4:12 | With a view to the fitting of the saints for the work of ministering, for an upbuilding of the body of the Christ; | |
Ephe | Rotherha | 4:13 | Until we all advance—into the oneness of the faith, and the personal knowledge of the Son of God, into a man of full-growth, into the measure of the stature of the fulness of the Christ; | |
Ephe | Rotherha | 4:14 | That we may, no longer, be infants—billow-tossed and shifted round with every wind of teaching,—in the craft of men, in knavery suited to the artifice of error; | |
Ephe | Rotherha | 4:15 | But, pursuing truth—may, in love, grow into him in all things,—who is the head, Christ,— | |
Ephe | Rotherha | 4:16 | Out of whom all the body—fitly framing itself together, and connecting itself, through means of every joint of supply, by way of energising in the measure of each single part—secureth the growing of the body, unto an upbuilding of itself in love. | |
Ephe | Rotherha | 4:17 | This, therefore, am I saying and protesting in the Lord:—that, no longer, ye walk even as, the nations, walk—in the vanity of their minds, | |
Ephe | Rotherha | 4:18 | Being darkened in their understanding, alienated from the life of God—by reason of the ignorance that existeth within them, by reason of their hearts being turned into stone, | |
Ephe | Rotherha | 4:19 | Who, indeed, having become past feeling, have delivered, themselves, up, with wantonness, unto making a trade of all impurity with greed. | |
Ephe | Rotherha | 4:21 | If, at least, it is, him, ye have heard, and, in him, ye have been taught—even as truth is in Jesus,— | |
Ephe | Rotherha | 4:22 | That ye were to strip off—as regardeth the former behaviour—the old man, who corrupteth himself according to his deceitful covetings, | |
Ephe | Rotherha | 4:24 | And were to put on the man of new mould, who, after God, hath been created in his truthful righteousness and loving kindness. | |
Ephe | Rotherha | 4:25 | Wherefore, stripping off what is false, be speaking truth each one with his neighbour, because we are members one of another; | |
Ephe | Rotherha | 4:26 | Be ye angry, and not committing sin, let not the sun be going down upon your angry mood, | |
Ephe | Rotherha | 4:28 | Let, the stealer, no more, steal, but rather let him be toiling,—working with his hands the thing that is good, that he may have [wherewith] to be giving away to him that hath need; | |
Ephe | Rotherha | 4:29 | Let, no putrid discourse, out of your mouth, be going forth, but if anything is good—suited to the needful upbuilding,—that it may give benefit unto them that hear; | |
Ephe | Rotherha | 4:30 | And be not grieving the Holy Spirit of God, wherewith ye have been sealed unto a day of redemption; | |
Ephe | Rotherha | 4:31 | All bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and outcry, and profane speaking, let it be taken away from you, with all baseness; | |
Chapter 5
Ephe | Rotherha | 5:2 | And walk in love—even as, the Christ also, loved you, and delivered himself up in your behalf, an offering and sacrifice unto God, for a fragrance of sweet smell. | |
Ephe | Rotherha | 5:3 | But, fornication, and all impurity, or covetousness, let it not be named among you—even as becometh saints; | |
Ephe | Rotherha | 5:4 | And shamelessness and foolish talking, or jesting,—which things are beneath you,—but, rather, giving of thanks; | |
Ephe | Rotherha | 5:5 | For, this, ye know, if ye take note—that no fornicator, or impure or greedy person, who is an idolater, hath any inheritance in the kingdom of the Christ and God. | |
Ephe | Rotherha | 5:6 | Let no one be deceiving you with empty words; for, because of these things, is coming the anger of God upon the sons of obstinacy: | |
Ephe | Rotherha | 5:8 | For ye were, at one time, darkness, but, now, are ye light in the Lord,—as children of light, be walking, | |
Ephe | Rotherha | 5:11 | And be not joining in fellowship in the unfruitful works of darkness, but, rather, be even administering reproof; | |
Ephe | Rotherha | 5:12 | For, of the secret things which are brought to pass by them, it is, shameful, even to speak! | |
Ephe | Rotherha | 5:13 | All things, however, when reproved by the light, become manifest, for, all that of itself maketh manifest, is, light; | |
Ephe | Rotherha | 5:14 | Wherefore it saith—Up! thou sleeper, and arise from among the dead, and the Christ will shine upon thee. | |
Ephe | Rotherha | 5:15 | Be taking heed, therefore, exactly how ye are walking,—not as unwise, but as wise,— | |
Ephe | Rotherha | 5:17 | For this cause, do not become foolish, but have discernment as to what is the will of the Lord; | |
Ephe | Rotherha | 5:18 | And be not getting drunk with wine, in which is dissoluteness, but be getting filled in Spirit;— | |
Ephe | Rotherha | 5:19 | Speaking to yourselves, with psalms and hymns and spiritual songs; singing, and striking the strings, with your heart unto the Lord; | |
Ephe | Rotherha | 5:20 | Giving thanks, always, for all things, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, unto your God and Father; | |
Ephe | Rotherha | 5:23 | Because, a husband, is the head of his wife, as, the Christ also, is the head of the assembly, he, being the saviour of the body,— | |
Ephe | Rotherha | 5:24 | Nevertheless, as, the assembly, submitteth herself unto the Christ, so, the wives, unto their husbands, in everything: | |
Ephe | Rotherha | 5:25 | Ye husbands, be loving your wives, even as, the Christ also, loved the assembly, and delivered, himself, up in her behalf, | |
Ephe | Rotherha | 5:26 | That, her, he might sanctify, having purified [her] with the bath of water, in declaration, | |
Ephe | Rotherha | 5:27 | That, he, might present, unto himself, the assembly, all glorious, not having spot or wrinkle or any of such things, but that she should be holy and blameless; | |
Ephe | Rotherha | 5:28 | So, ought the husbands [also] to be loving their own wives, as their own bodies,—he that loveth his own wife, loveth himself, | |
Ephe | Rotherha | 5:29 | No one, in fact, ever yet hated, his own flesh, but nourisheth and cherisheth it,—even as, the Christ, the assembly, | |
Ephe | Rotherha | 5:31 | For this cause, will a man leave his father and his mother, and will cleave unto his wife, and, they two, shall become, one flesh. | |
Ephe | Rotherha | 5:32 | This sacred secret, is, great,—I, however, am speaking as to Christ and [as to] the assembly;— | |
Chapter 6
Ephe | Rotherha | 6:2 | Honour thy father and thy mother,—which indeed is the first commandment with promise, | |
Ephe | Rotherha | 6:3 | That it may come to be, well with thee, and thou shalt be long-lived upon the land. | |
Ephe | Rotherha | 6:4 | And ye fathers, be not provoking your children to anger, but be nourishing them up in the discipline and admonition of the Lord. | |
Ephe | Rotherha | 6:5 | Ye servants, be obedient unto them who, after the flesh, are your masters, with fear and trembling, in singleness of your heart, as unto the Christ; | |
Ephe | Rotherha | 6:6 | Not by way of eye-service as man-pleasers, but as servants of Christ, doing the will of God, from the soul, | |
Ephe | Rotherha | 6:8 | Knowing that, each one, whatsoever he may do that is good, the same, shall he receive back from the Lord, whether bond or free. | |
Ephe | Rotherha | 6:9 | And ye masters, the same things, be doing towards them, forbearing your threat—knowing that, both their and your Master, is in the heavens, and, respect of persons, there is none, with him. | |
Ephe | Rotherha | 6:10 | For the rest, be empowering yourselves in the Lord, and in the grasp of his might: | |
Ephe | Rotherha | 6:11 | Put on the complete armour of God, with a view to your having power to stand against the strategies of the adversary; | |
Ephe | Rotherha | 6:12 | Because our struggle is not against blood and flesh, but, against the principalities, against the authorities, against the world-holders, of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenlies. | |
Ephe | Rotherha | 6:13 | For this cause, take up the complete armour of God, in order that ye may receive power to withstand in the evil day, and, all things, having accomplished, to stand! | |
Ephe | Rotherha | 6:14 | Stand therefore,—having girded your loins with truth, and put on the breastplate of righteousness, | |
Ephe | Rotherha | 6:16 | With all, having taken up the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall have power, all the ignited darts of the wicked one, to quench; | |
Ephe | Rotherha | 6:17 | And, the helmet of salvation, welcome ye, and the sword of the spirit, which is what God hath spoken, | |
Ephe | Rotherha | 6:18 | With all prayer and supplication, praying in every season, in spirit, and, thereunto, watching, with all perseverance and supplication, for all the saints,— | |
Ephe | Rotherha | 6:19 | And on behalf of me;—that, unto me, may be given discourse in the opening of my mouth, with freedom of utterance, to make known the sacred secret [of the glad-message] | |
Ephe | Rotherha | 6:20 | In behalf of which I am conducting an embassy in chains, that, therein, I may use freedom of utterance as it is needful for me to speak. | |
Ephe | Rotherha | 6:21 | In order, however, that, ye also, may know the things which relate to me—what I am accomplishing,—all things, shall Tychicus make known unto you, [he] the beloved brother and faithful minister in the Lord, | |
Ephe | Rotherha | 6:22 | Whom I have sent unto you for this very purpose, that ye may get to know the things concerning us, and he may encourage your hearts. | |
Ephe | Rotherha | 6:23 | Peace unto the brethren, and love with faith,—from God our Father, and Lord Jesus Christ. | |