Chapter 1
Exod | KLV | 1:1 | DaH Dochvammey 'oH the pongmey vo' the puqloDpu' vo' Israel, 'Iv ghoSta' Daq Egypt ( Hoch loD je Daj household ghoSta' tlhej Jacob): | |
Exod | KLV | 1:5 | Hoch the qa'pu' 'Iv ghoSta' pa' vo' Jacob's porgh were seventy qa'pu', je Joseph ghaHta' Daq Egypt already. | |
Exod | KLV | 1:7 | The puqpu' vo' Israel were fruitful, je increased abundantly, je multiplied, je grew exceedingly HoS; je the puH ghaHta' tebta' tlhej chaH. | |
Exod | KLV | 1:9 | ghaH ja'ta' Daq Daj ghotpu, “ yIlegh, the ghotpu vo' the puqpu' vo' Israel 'oH latlh je mightier than maH. | |
Exod | KLV | 1:10 | ghoS, chaw' maH Da wisely tlhej chaH, lest chaH multiply, je 'oH qaS vetlh ghorgh vay' veS breaks pa', chaH je join themselves Daq maj jaghpu', je Suv Daq maH, je escape pa' vo' the puH.” | |
Exod | KLV | 1:11 | vaj chaH cher taskmasters Dung chaH Daq afflict chaH tlhej chaj burdens. chaH chenta' storage vengmey vaD Pharaoh: Pithom je Raamses. | |
Exod | KLV | 1:12 | 'ach the latlh chaH afflicted chaH, the latlh chaH multiplied je the latlh chaH ngeH pa'. chaH were grieved because vo' the puqpu' vo' Israel. | |
Exod | KLV | 1:14 | je chaH chenmoHta' chaj yIn bitter tlhej hard toy'taHghach, Daq mortar je Daq brick, je Daq Hoch Da vo' toy'taHghach Daq the yotlh, Hoch chaj toy'taHghach, Daq nuq chaH ruthlessly chenmoHta' chaH toy'. | |
Exod | KLV | 1:15 | The joH vo' Egypt jatlhta' Daq the Hebrew midwives, vo' 'Iv the pong vo' the wa' ghaHta' Shiphrah, je the pong vo' the latlh Puah, | |
Exod | KLV | 1:16 | je ghaH ja'ta', “ ghorgh SoH perform the duty vo' a midwife Daq the Hebrew be'pu', je legh chaH Daq the birth stool; chugh 'oH ghaH a puqloD, vaj SoH DIchDaq HoH ghaH; 'ach chugh 'oH ghaH a puqbe', vaj ghaH DIchDaq yIn.” | |
Exod | KLV | 1:17 | 'ach the midwives feared joH'a', je ta'be' ta' nuq the joH vo' Egypt ra'ta' chaH, 'ach toDpu' the ghu boys yIn. | |
Exod | KLV | 1:18 | The joH vo' Egypt ja' vaD the midwives, je ja'ta' Daq chaH, “ qatlh ghaj SoH ta'pu' vam Doch, je ghaj toDpu' the boys yIn?” | |
Exod | KLV | 1:19 | The midwives ja'ta' Daq Pharaoh, “Because the Hebrew be'pu' aren't rur the Egyptian be'pu'; vaD chaH 'oH vigorous, je nob birth qaSpa' the midwife choltaH Daq chaH.” | |
Chapter 2
Exod | KLV | 2:2 | The be' conceived, je boghmoH a puqloD. ghorgh ghaH leghta' vetlh ghaH ghaHta' a fine puq, ghaH hid ghaH wej months. | |
Exod | KLV | 2:3 | ghorgh ghaH laH ghobe' longer So' ghaH, ghaH tlhapta' a papyrus basket vaD ghaH, je coated 'oH tlhej tar je tlhej pitch. ghaH lan the puq Daq 'oH, je laid 'oH Daq the reeds Sum the river's bank. | |
Exod | KLV | 2:5 | Pharaoh's puqbe' ghoSta' bIng Daq bathe Daq the bIQtIQ. Daj maidens yItta' along Sum the riverside. ghaH leghta' the basket among the reeds, je ngeHta' Daj handmaid Daq tlhap 'oH. | |
Exod | KLV | 2:6 | ghaH poSmaHpu' 'oH, je leghta' the puq, je yIlegh, the ghu SaQta'. ghaH ghajta' compassion Daq ghaH, je ja'ta', “ vam ghaH wa' vo' the Hebrews' puqpu'.” | |
Exod | KLV | 2:7 | vaj Daj sister ja'ta' Daq Pharaoh's puqbe', “Should jIH jaH je ja' a nurse vaD SoH vo' the Hebrew be'pu', vetlh ghaH may nurse the puq vaD SoH?” | |
Exod | KLV | 2:9 | Pharaoh's puqbe' ja'ta' Daq Daj, “ tlhap vam puq DoH, je nurse ghaH vaD jIH, je jIH DichDaq nob SoH lIj wages.” The be' tlhapta' the puq, je nursed 'oH. | |
Exod | KLV | 2:10 | The puq grew, je ghaH qempu' ghaH Daq Pharaoh's puqbe', je ghaH mojta' Daj puqloD. ghaH named ghaH Moses, { Note: “Moses” wabmey rur the Hebrew vaD “draw pa'”. } je ja'ta', “Because jIH drew ghaH pa' vo' the bIQ.” | |
Exod | KLV | 2:11 | 'oH qaSta' Daq chaH jajmey, ghorgh Moses ghajta' grown Dung, vetlh ghaH mejta' pa' Daq Daj loDnI'pu', je nejta' Daq chaj burdens. ghaH leghta' an Egyptian striking a Hebrew, wa' vo' Daj loDnI'pu'. | |
Exod | KLV | 2:12 | ghaH nejta' vam way je vetlh way, je ghorgh ghaH leghta' vetlh pa' ghaHta' ghobe' wa', ghaH HoHta' the Egyptian, je hid ghaH Daq the sand. | |
Exod | KLV | 2:13 | ghaH mejta' pa' the cha'DIch jaj, je yIlegh, cha' loDpu' vo' the Hebrews were fighting tlhej each latlh. ghaH ja'ta' Daq ghaH 'Iv ta'ta' the wrong, “ qatlh ta' SoH mup lIj fellow?” | |
Exod | KLV | 2:14 | ghaH ja'ta', “ 'Iv chenmoHta' SoH a joHHom je a noH Dung maH? ta' SoH plan Daq HoH jIH, as SoH HoHta' the Egyptian?” Moses ghaHta' vIp, je ja'ta', “ DIch vam Doch ghaH Sovta'.” | |
Exod | KLV | 2:15 | DaH ghorgh Pharaoh Qoyta' vam Doch, ghaH nejta' Daq HoH Moses. 'ach Moses Haw'ta' vo' the qab vo' Pharaoh, je yInta' Daq the puH vo' Midian, je ghaH ba'ta' bIng Sum a QaQ. | |
Exod | KLV | 2:16 | DaH the lalDan vumwI' vo' Midian ghajta' Soch puqbe'pu'. chaH ghoSta' je drew bIQ, je tebta' the troughs Daq bIQ chaj vav flock. | |
Exod | KLV | 2:17 | The shepherds ghoSta' je drove chaH DoH; 'ach Moses Qampu' Dung je helped chaH, je watered chaj flock. | |
Exod | KLV | 2:18 | ghorgh chaH ghoSta' Daq Reuel, chaj vav, ghaH ja'ta', “ chay' ghaH 'oH vetlh SoH ghaj cheghta' vaj early DaHjaj?” | |
Exod | KLV | 2:19 | chaH ja'ta', “An Egyptian toDta' maH pa' vo' the ghop vo' the shepherds, je moreover ghaH drew bIQ vaD maH, je watered the flock.” | |
Exod | KLV | 2:20 | ghaH ja'ta' Daq Daj puqbe'pu', “ nuqDaq ghaH ghaH? qatlh ghaH 'oH vetlh SoH ghaj poS the loD? ja' ghaH, vetlh ghaH may Sop tIr Soj.” | |
Exod | KLV | 2:22 | ghaH boghmoH a puqloD, je ghaH named ghaH Gershom, { Note: “Gershom” wabmey rur the Hebrew vaD “an alien pa'.” } vaD ghaH ja'ta', “ jIH ghaj yInta' as a foreigner Daq a foreign puH.” | |
Exod | KLV | 2:23 | 'oH qaSta' Daq the course vo' chaH law' jajmey, vetlh the joH vo' Egypt Heghta', je the puqpu' vo' Israel sighed because vo' the bondage, je chaH SaQta', je chaj SaQ ghoSta' Dung Daq joH'a' because vo' the bondage. | |
Exod | KLV | 2:24 | joH'a' Qoyta' chaj groaning, je joH'a' remembered Daj lay' tlhej Abraham, tlhej Isaac, je tlhej Jacob. | |
Chapter 3
Exod | KLV | 3:1 | DaH Moses ghaHta' keeping the flock vo' Jethro, Daj vav- Daq- chut, the lalDan vumwI' vo' Midian, je ghaH led the flock Daq the DoH vo' the ngem, je ghoSta' Daq joH'a' HuD, Daq Horeb. | |
Exod | KLV | 3:2 | The Duy vo' joH'a' appeared Daq ghaH Daq a flame vo' qul pa' vo' the midst vo' a bush. ghaH nejta', je yIlegh, the bush meQpu' tlhej qul, je the bush ghaHta' ghobe' Soppu'. | |
Exod | KLV | 3:3 | Moses ja'ta', “ jIH DichDaq tlhe' aside DaH, je legh vam Dun leghpu', qatlh the bush ghaH ghobe' meQqu'pu'.” | |
Exod | KLV | 3:4 | ghorgh joH'a' leghta' vetlh ghaH tlhe'ta' aside Daq legh, joH'a' ja' Daq ghaH pa' vo' the midst vo' the bush, je ja'ta', “Moses! Moses!” ghaH ja'ta', “ naDev jIH 'oH.” | |
Exod | KLV | 3:5 | ghaH ja'ta', “ yImev ghoS close. tlhap lIj sandals litHa' vo' lIj qamDu', vaD the Daq SoH 'oH standing Daq ghaH le' yav.” | |
Exod | KLV | 3:6 | Moreover ghaH ja'ta', “ jIH 'oH the joH'a' vo' lIj vav, the joH'a' vo' Abraham, the joH'a' vo' Isaac, je the joH'a' vo' Jacob.” Moses hid Daj qab; vaD ghaH ghaHta' vIp Daq legh Daq joH'a'. | |
Exod | KLV | 3:7 | joH'a' ja'ta', “ jIH ghaj DIch leghpu' the affliction vo' wIj ghotpu 'Iv 'oH Daq Egypt, je ghaj Qoyta' chaj SaQ because vo' chaj taskmasters, vaD jIH Sov chaj QoSqu'ghachmey. | |
Exod | KLV | 3:8 | jIH ghaj ghoS bIng Daq toD chaH pa' vo' the ghop vo' the Egyptians, je Daq qem chaH Dung pa' vo' vetlh puH Daq a QaQ je large puH, Daq a puH flowing tlhej milk je honey; Daq the Daq vo' the Canaanite, the Hittite, the Amorite, the Perizzite, the Hivite, je the Jebusite. | |
Exod | KLV | 3:9 | DaH, yIlegh, the SaQ vo' the puqpu' vo' Israel ghajtaH ghoS Daq jIH. Moreover jIH ghaj leghpu' the oppression tlhej nuq the Egyptians oppress chaH. | |
Exod | KLV | 3:10 | ghoS DaH vaj, je jIH DichDaq ngeH SoH Daq Pharaoh, vetlh SoH may qem vo' wIj ghotpu, the puqpu' vo' Israel, pa' vo' Egypt.” | |
Exod | KLV | 3:11 | Moses ja'ta' Daq joH'a', “ 'Iv 'oH jIH, vetlh jIH should jaH Daq Pharaoh, je vetlh jIH should qem vo' the puqpu' vo' Israel pa' vo' Egypt?” | |
Exod | KLV | 3:12 | ghaH ja'ta', “Certainly jIH DichDaq taH tlhej SoH. vam DichDaq taH the token Daq SoH, vetlh jIH ghaj ngeHta' SoH: ghorgh SoH ghaj qempu' vo' the ghotpu pa' vo' Egypt, SoH DIchDaq toy' joH'a' Daq vam HuD.” | |
Exod | KLV | 3:13 | Moses ja'ta' Daq joH'a', “ yIlegh, ghorgh jIH ghoS Daq the puqpu' vo' Israel, je ja' chaH, ‘The joH'a' vo' lIj vavpu' ghajtaH ngeHta' jIH Daq SoH;' je chaH tlhob jIH, ‘ nuq ghaH Daj pong?' nuq should jIH ja' chaH?” | |
Exod | KLV | 3:14 | joH'a' ja'ta' Daq Moses, “ jIH 'oH 'Iv jIH 'oH,” je ghaH ja'ta', “ SoH DIchDaq ja' the puqpu' vo' Israel vam: ‘ jIH 'oH ghajtaH ngeHta' jIH Daq SoH.'” | |
Exod | KLV | 3:15 | joH'a' ja'ta' moreover Daq Moses, “ SoH DIchDaq ja' the puqpu' vo' Israel vam, ‘ joH'a', the joH'a' vo' lIj vavpu', the joH'a' vo' Abraham, the joH'a' vo' Isaac, je the joH'a' vo' Jacob, ghajtaH ngeHta' jIH Daq SoH.' vam ghaH wIj pong reH, je vam ghaH wIj memorial Daq Hoch DISmey. | |
Exod | KLV | 3:16 | jaH, je tay'moH the quppu' vo' Israel tay', je ja' chaH, ‘ joH'a', the joH'a' vo' lIj vavpu', the joH'a' vo' Abraham, vo' Isaac, je vo' Jacob, ghajtaH appeared Daq jIH, ja'ta', “ jIH ghaj DIch visited SoH, je leghpu' vetlh nuq ghaH ta'pu' Daq SoH Daq Egypt; | |
Exod | KLV | 3:17 | je jIH ghaj ja'ta', jIH DichDaq qem SoH Dung pa' vo' the affliction vo' Egypt Daq the puH vo' the Canaanite, the Hittite, the Amorite, the Perizzite, the Hivite, je the Jebusite, Daq a puH flowing tlhej milk je honey.”' | |
Exod | KLV | 3:18 | chaH DichDaq 'Ij Daq lIj ghogh, je SoH DIchDaq ghoS, SoH je the quppu' vo' Israel, Daq the joH vo' Egypt, je SoH DIchDaq ja' ghaH, ‘ joH'a', the joH'a' vo' the Hebrews, ghajtaH met tlhej maH. DaH please chaw' maH jaH wej days' journey Daq the ngem, vetlh maH may sacrifice Daq joH'a', maj joH'a'.' | |
Exod | KLV | 3:19 | jIH Sov vetlh the joH vo' Egypt won't nob SoH permission Daq jaH, ghobe', ghobe' Sum a HoS ghop. | |
Exod | KLV | 3:20 | jIH DichDaq lan vo' wIj ghop je mup Egypt tlhej Hoch wIj wonders nuq jIH DichDaq ta' Daq its midst, je after vetlh ghaH DichDaq chaw' SoH jaH. | |
Exod | KLV | 3:21 | jIH DichDaq nob vam ghotpu favor Daq the leghpu' vo' the Egyptians, je 'oH DichDaq qaS vetlh ghorgh SoH jaH, SoH DIchDaq ghobe' jaH empty-handed. | |
Chapter 4
Exod | KLV | 4:1 | Moses jangta', “ 'ach, yIlegh, chaH DichDaq ghobe' Har jIH, ghobe' 'Ij Daq wIj ghogh; vaD chaH DichDaq jatlh, ‘ joH'a' ghajtaH ghobe' appeared Daq SoH.'” | |
Exod | KLV | 4:3 | ghaH ja'ta', “Throw 'oH Daq the yav.” ghaH threw 'oH Daq the yav, je 'oH mojta' a snake; je Moses ran DoH vo' 'oH. | |
Exod | KLV | 4:4 | joH'a' ja'ta' Daq Moses, “ lan vo' lIj ghop, je tlhap 'oH Sum the tail.” ghaH lan vo' Daj ghop, je laid 'uch vo' 'oH, je 'oH mojta' a DevwI' naQ Daq Daj ghop. | |
Exod | KLV | 4:5 | “ vetlh chaH may Har vetlh joH'a', the joH'a' vo' chaj vavpu', the joH'a' vo' Abraham, the joH'a' vo' Isaac, je the joH'a' vo' Jacob, ghajtaH appeared Daq SoH.” | |
Exod | KLV | 4:6 | joH'a' ja'ta' furthermore Daq ghaH, “ DaH lan lIj ghop inside lIj cloak.” ghaH lan Daj ghop inside Daj cloak, je ghorgh ghaH tlhapta' 'oH pa', yIlegh, Daj ghop ghaHta' leprous, as chIS as chuchHommey. | |
Exod | KLV | 4:7 | ghaH ja'ta', “ lan lIj ghop inside lIj cloak again.” ghaH lan Daj ghop inside Daj cloak again, je ghorgh ghaH tlhapta' 'oH pa' vo' Daj cloak, yIlegh, 'oH ghajta' tlhe'ta' again as Daj latlh ghab. | |
Exod | KLV | 4:8 | “ 'oH DichDaq qaS, chugh chaH DichDaq ghobe' Har SoH ghobe' 'Ij Daq the ghogh vo' the wa'Dich sign, vetlh chaH DichDaq Har the ghogh vo' the latter sign. | |
Exod | KLV | 4:9 | 'oH DichDaq qaS, chugh chaH DichDaq ghobe' Har 'ach Dochvammey cha' signs, ghobe' 'Ij Daq lIj ghogh, vetlh SoH DIchDaq tlhap vo' the bIQ vo' the bIQtIQ, je pour 'oH Daq the dry puH. The bIQ nuq SoH tlhap pa' vo' the bIQtIQ DichDaq moj 'Iw Daq the dry puH.” | |
Exod | KLV | 4:10 | Moses ja'ta' Daq joH'a', “Oh, joH, jIH 'oH ghobe' eloquent, ghobe' qaSpa' DaH, ghobe' since SoH ghaj jatlhpu' Daq lIj toy'wI'; vaD jIH 'oH slow vo' speech, je vo' a slow jat.” | |
Exod | KLV | 4:11 | joH'a' ja'ta' Daq ghaH, “ 'Iv chenmoHta' man's nujDu'? joq 'Iv chen wa' mute, joq deaf, joq leghtaH, joq blind? 'oHbe' 'oH jIH, joH'a'? | |
Exod | KLV | 4:12 | DaH vaj jaH, je jIH DichDaq taH tlhej lIj nujDu', je ghojmoH SoH nuq SoH DIchDaq jatlh.” | |
Exod | KLV | 4:14 | The QeH vo' joH'a' ghaHta' kindled Daq Moses, je ghaH ja'ta', “ nuq about Aaron, lIj loDnI', the Levite? jIH Sov vetlh ghaH laH jatlh QaQ. je, yIlegh, ghaH choltaH vo' Daq ghom SoH. ghorgh ghaH sees SoH, ghaH DichDaq taH Quchqu' Daq Daj tIq. | |
Exod | KLV | 4:15 | SoH DIchDaq jatlh Daq ghaH, je lan the mu'mey Daq Daj nujDu'. jIH DichDaq taH tlhej lIj nujDu', je tlhej Daj nujDu', je DichDaq ghojmoH SoH nuq SoH DIchDaq ta'. | |
Exod | KLV | 4:16 | ghaH DichDaq taH lIj spokesman Daq the ghotpu; je 'oH DichDaq qaS, vetlh ghaH DichDaq taH Daq SoH a nujDu', je SoH DichDaq taH Daq ghaH as joH'a'. | |
Exod | KLV | 4:18 | Moses mejta' je cheghta' Daq Jethro Daj vav- Daq- chut, je ja'ta' Daq ghaH, “Please chaw' jIH jaH je chegh Daq wIj loDnI'pu' 'Iv 'oH Daq Egypt, je legh whether chaH 'oH vIHHa' yIn.” Jethro ja'ta' Daq Moses, “ jaH Daq roj.” | |
Exod | KLV | 4:19 | joH'a' ja'ta' Daq Moses Daq Midian, “ jaH, chegh Daq Egypt; vaD Hoch the loDpu' 'Iv nejta' lIj yIn 'oH Heghpu'.” | |
Exod | KLV | 4:20 | Moses tlhapta' Daj be'nal je Daj puqloDpu', je cher chaH Daq a SarghHom, je ghaH cheghta' Daq the puH vo' Egypt. Moses tlhapta' joH'a' DevwI' naQ Daq Daj ghop. | |
Exod | KLV | 4:21 | joH'a' ja'ta' Daq Moses, “ ghorgh SoH jaH DoH Daq Egypt, legh vetlh SoH ta' qaSpa' Pharaoh Hoch the wonders nuq jIH ghaj lan Daq lIj ghop, 'ach jIH DichDaq harden Daj tIq je ghaH DichDaq ghobe' chaw' the ghotpu jaH. | |
Exod | KLV | 4:22 | SoH DIchDaq ja' Pharaoh, ‘Thus jatlhtaH joH'a', Israel ghaH wIj puqloD, wIj firstborn, | |
Exod | KLV | 4:23 | je jIH ghaj ja'ta' Daq SoH, “ chaw' wIj puqloD jaH, vetlh ghaH may toy' jIH;” je SoH ghaj refused Daq chaw' ghaH jaH. yIlegh, jIH DichDaq HoH lIj puqloD, lIj firstborn.'” | |
Exod | KLV | 4:24 | 'oH qaSta' Daq the way Daq a lodging Daq, vetlh joH'a' met Moses je wanted Daq HoH ghaH. | |
Exod | KLV | 4:25 | vaj Zipporah tlhapta' a flint, je pe' litHa' the foreskin vo' Daj puqloD, je chuH 'oH Daq Daj qamDu'; je ghaH ja'ta', “ DIch SoH 'oH a bridegroom vo' 'Iw Daq jIH.” | |
Exod | KLV | 4:26 | vaj ghaH chaw' ghaH mob. vaj ghaH ja'ta', “ SoH 'oH a bridegroom vo' 'Iw,” because vo' the circumcision. | |
Exod | KLV | 4:27 | joH'a' ja'ta' Daq Aaron, “ jaH Daq the ngem Daq ghom Moses.” ghaH mejta', je met ghaH Daq joH'a' HuD, je kissed ghaH. | |
Exod | KLV | 4:28 | Moses ja'ta' Aaron Hoch the mu'mey vo' joH'a' tlhej nuq ghaH ghajta' ngeHta' ghaH, je Hoch the signs tlhej nuq ghaH ghajta' instructed ghaH. | |
Exod | KLV | 4:30 | Aaron jatlhta' Hoch the mu'mey nuq joH'a' ghajta' jatlhpu' Daq Moses, je ta'ta' the signs Daq the leghpu' vo' the ghotpu. | |
Chapter 5
Exod | KLV | 5:1 | Afterward Moses je Aaron ghoSta', je ja'ta' Daq Pharaoh, “ vam ghaH nuq joH'a', the joH'a' vo' Israel, jatlhtaH, ‘ chaw' wIj ghotpu jaH, vetlh chaH may 'uch a 'uQ'a' Daq jIH Daq the ngem.'” | |
Exod | KLV | 5:2 | Pharaoh ja'ta', “ 'Iv ghaH joH'a', vetlh jIH should 'Ij Daq Daj ghogh Daq chaw' Israel jaH? jIH yImev Sov joH'a', je moreover jIH DichDaq ghobe' chaw' Israel jaH.” | |
Exod | KLV | 5:3 | chaH ja'ta', “The joH'a' vo' the Hebrews ghajtaH met tlhej maH. Please chaw' maH jaH wej days' journey Daq the ngem, je sacrifice Daq joH'a', maj joH'a', lest ghaH pum Daq maH tlhej rop'a', joq tlhej the 'etlh.” | |
Exod | KLV | 5:4 | The joH vo' Egypt ja'ta' Daq chaH, “ qatlh ta' SoH, Moses je Aaron, tlhap the ghotpu vo' chaj vum? tlhap DoH Daq lIj burdens!” | |
Exod | KLV | 5:5 | Pharaoh ja'ta', “ yIlegh, the ghotpu vo' the puH 'oH DaH law', je SoH chenmoH chaH leS vo' chaj burdens.” | |
Exod | KLV | 5:7 | “ SoH DIchDaq ghobe' longer nob the ghotpu straw Daq chenmoH brick, as qaSpa'. chaw' chaH jaH je tay'moH straw vaD themselves. | |
Exod | KLV | 5:8 | The mI' vo' the bricks, nuq chaH chenmoHta' qaSpa', SoH require vo' chaH. SoH DIchDaq ghobe' diminish vay' vo' 'oH, vaD chaH 'oH idle; vaj chaH SaQ, ja'ta', ‘ chaw' maH jaH je sacrifice Daq maj joH'a'.' | |
Exod | KLV | 5:9 | chaw' heavier vum taH laid Daq the loDpu', vetlh chaH may labor therein; je yImev chaw' chaH pay vay' attention Daq lying mu'mey.” | |
Exod | KLV | 5:10 | The taskmasters vo' the ghotpu mejta' pa', je chaj officers, je chaH jatlhta' Daq the ghotpu, ja'ta', “ vam ghaH nuq Pharaoh jatlhtaH: ‘ jIH DichDaq ghobe' nob SoH straw. | |
Exod | KLV | 5:11 | jaH tlhIH'egh, tlhap straw nuqDaq SoH laH tu' 'oH, vaD pagh vo' lIj vum DIchDaq taH diminished.'” | |
Exod | KLV | 5:12 | vaj the ghotpu were scattered abroad throughout Hoch the puH vo' Egypt Daq tay'moH stubble vaD straw. | |
Exod | KLV | 5:13 | The taskmasters were urgent ja'ta', “Fulfill lIj vum quota daily, as ghorgh pa' ghaHta' straw!” | |
Exod | KLV | 5:14 | The officers vo' the puqpu' vo' Israel, 'Iv Pharaoh's taskmasters ghajta' cher Dung chaH, were beaten, je demanded, “ qatlh ghajbe' SoH fulfilled lIj quota both yesterday je DaHjaj, Daq making brick as qaSpa'?” | |
Exod | KLV | 5:15 | vaj the officers vo' the puqpu' vo' Israel ghoSta' je SaQta' Daq Pharaoh, ja'ta', “ qatlh ta' SoH Da vam way tlhej lIj toy'wI'pu'? | |
Exod | KLV | 5:16 | ghobe' straw ghaH nobpu' Daq lIj toy'wI'pu', je chaH ja' maH, ‘ chenmoH brick!' je yIlegh, lIj toy'wI'pu' 'oH beaten; 'ach the fault ghaH Daq lIj ghaj ghotpu.” | |
Exod | KLV | 5:17 | 'ach ghaH ja'ta', “ SoH 'oH idle! SoH 'oH idle! vaj SoH jatlh, ‘ chaw' maH jaH je sacrifice Daq joH'a'.' | |
Exod | KLV | 5:18 | jaH vaj DaH, je vum, vaD ghobe' straw DIchDaq taH nobpu' Daq SoH, yet SoH DIchDaq toD the rap mI' vo' bricks!” | |
Exod | KLV | 5:19 | The officers vo' the puqpu' vo' Israel leghta' vetlh chaH were Daq Seng, ghorgh 'oH ghaHta' ja'ta', “ SoH DIchDaq ghobe' diminish vay' vo' lIj daily quota vo' bricks!” | |
Exod | KLV | 5:21 | je chaH ja'ta' Daq chaH, “May joH'a' legh Daq SoH, je noH, because SoH ghaj chenmoHta' maH a stench Daq taH abhorred Daq the mInDu' vo' Pharaoh, je Daq the mInDu' vo' Daj toy'wI'pu', Daq lan a 'etlh Daq chaj ghop Daq HoH maH.” | |
Exod | KLV | 5:22 | Moses cheghta' Daq joH'a', je ja'ta', “ joH, qatlh ghaj SoH qempu' Seng Daq vam ghotpu? qatlh ghaH 'oH vetlh SoH ghaj ngeHta' jIH? | |
Chapter 6
Exod | KLV | 6:1 | joH'a' ja'ta' Daq Moses, “ DaH SoH DIchDaq legh nuq jIH DichDaq ta' Daq Pharaoh, vaD Sum a HoS ghop ghaH DIchDaq chaw' chaH jaH, je Sum a HoS ghop ghaH DIchDaq drive chaH pa' vo' Daj puH.” | |
Exod | KLV | 6:3 | je jIH appeared Daq Abraham, Daq Isaac, je Daq Jacob, as joH'a' HoSghaj; 'ach Sum wIj pong joH'a' jIH ghaHta' ghobe' Sovta' Daq chaH. | |
Exod | KLV | 6:4 | jIH ghaj je established wIj lay' tlhej chaH, Daq nob chaH the puH vo' Canaan, the puH vo' chaj travels, Daq nuq chaH yInta' as aliens. | |
Exod | KLV | 6:5 | Moreover jIH ghaj Qoyta' the groaning vo' the puqpu' vo' Israel, 'Iv the Egyptians pol Daq bondage, je jIH ghaj remembered wIj lay'. | |
Exod | KLV | 6:6 | vaj ja' the puqpu' vo' Israel, ‘ jIH 'oH joH'a', je jIH DichDaq qem SoH pa' vo' bIng the burdens vo' the Egyptians, je jIH DichDaq rid SoH pa' vo' chaj bondage, je jIH DichDaq redeem SoH tlhej an outstretched arm, je tlhej Dun judgments: | |
Exod | KLV | 6:7 | je jIH DichDaq tlhap SoH Daq jIH vaD a ghotpu, je jIH DichDaq taH Daq SoH a joH'a'; je SoH DIchDaq Sov vetlh jIH 'oH joH'a' lIj joH'a', 'Iv brings SoH pa' vo' bIng the burdens vo' the Egyptians. | |
Exod | KLV | 6:8 | jIH DichDaq qem SoH Daq the puH nuq jIH swore Daq nob Daq Abraham, Daq Isaac, je Daq Jacob; je jIH DichDaq nob 'oH Daq SoH vaD a heritage: jIH 'oH joH'a'.'” | |
Exod | KLV | 6:9 | Moses jatlhta' vaj Daq the puqpu' vo' Israel, 'ach chaH ta'be' 'Ij Daq Moses vaD anguish vo' qa', je vaD cruel bondage. | |
Exod | KLV | 6:11 | “ jaH Daq, jatlh Daq Pharaoh joH vo' Egypt, vetlh ghaH chaw' the puqpu' vo' Israel jaH pa' vo' Daj puH.” | |
Exod | KLV | 6:12 | Moses jatlhta' qaSpa' joH'a', ja'ta', “ yIlegh, the puqpu' vo' Israel ghajbe' listened Daq jIH. chay' vaj DIchDaq Pharaoh 'Ij Daq jIH, 'Iv 'oH vo' uncircumcised wuSDu'?” | |
Exod | KLV | 6:13 | joH'a' jatlhta' Daq Moses je Daq Aaron, je nobta' chaH a ra'ta'ghach mu'mey Daq the puqpu' vo' Israel, je Daq Pharaoh joH vo' Egypt, Daq qem the puqpu' vo' Israel pa' vo' the puH vo' Egypt. | |
Exod | KLV | 6:14 | Dochvammey 'oH the nachDu' vo' chaj fathers' juHmey. The puqloDpu' vo' Reuben the firstborn vo' Israel: Hanoch, je Pallu, Hezron, je Carmi; Dochvammey 'oH the qorDu'pu' vo' Reuben. | |
Exod | KLV | 6:15 | The puqloDpu' vo' Simeon: Jemuel, je Jamin, je Ohad, je Jachin, je Zohar, je Shaul the puqloD vo' a Canaanite be'; Dochvammey 'oH the qorDu'pu' vo' Simeon. | |
Exod | KLV | 6:16 | Dochvammey 'oH the pongmey vo' the puqloDpu' vo' Levi according Daq chaj DISmey: Gershon, je Kohath, je Merari; je the DISmey vo' the yIn vo' Levi were wa' vatlh wejmaH- Soch DISmey. | |
Exod | KLV | 6:18 | The puqloDpu' vo' Kohath: Amram, je Izhar, je Hebron, je Uzziel; je the DISmey vo' the yIn vo' Kohath were wa' vatlh wejmaH- wej DISmey. | |
Exod | KLV | 6:19 | The puqloDpu' vo' Merari: Mahli je Mushi. Dochvammey 'oH the qorDu'pu' vo' the Levites according Daq chaj DISmey. | |
Exod | KLV | 6:20 | Amram tlhapta' Jochebed Daj vav sister Daq himself as be'nal; je ghaH boghmoH ghaH Aaron je Moses: je the DISmey vo' the yIn vo' Amram were a vatlh je wejmaH- Soch DISmey. | |
Exod | KLV | 6:23 | Aaron tlhapta' Elisheba, the puqbe' vo' Amminadab, the sister vo' Nahshon, as Daj be'nal; je ghaH boghmoH ghaH Nadab je Abihu, Eleazar je Ithamar. | |
Exod | KLV | 6:24 | The puqloDpu' vo' Korah: Assir, je Elkanah, je Abiasaph; Dochvammey 'oH the qorDu'pu' vo' the Korahites. | |
Exod | KLV | 6:25 | Eleazar Aaron's puqloD tlhapta' wa' vo' the puqbe'pu' vo' Putiel as Daj be'nal; je ghaH boghmoH ghaH Phinehas. Dochvammey 'oH the nachDu' vo' the fathers' juHmey vo' the Levites according Daq chaj qorDu'pu'. | |
Exod | KLV | 6:26 | Dochvammey 'oH vetlh Aaron je Moses, Daq 'Iv joH'a' ja'ta', “ qem pa' the puqpu' vo' Israel vo' the puH vo' Egypt according Daq chaj armies.” | |
Exod | KLV | 6:27 | Dochvammey 'oH chaH 'Iv jatlhta' Daq Pharaoh joH vo' Egypt, Daq qem pa' the puqpu' vo' Israel vo' Egypt. Dochvammey 'oH vetlh Moses je Aaron. | |
Exod | KLV | 6:29 | vetlh joH'a' jatlhta' Daq Moses, ja'ta', “ jIH 'oH joH'a'. jatlh Daq Pharaoh joH vo' Egypt Hoch vetlh jIH jatlh Daq SoH.” | |
Chapter 7
Exod | KLV | 7:1 | joH'a' ja'ta' Daq Moses, “ yIlegh, jIH ghaj chenmoHta' SoH as joH'a' Daq Pharaoh; je Aaron lIj loDnI' DIchDaq taH lIj leghwI'pu'. | |
Exod | KLV | 7:2 | SoH DIchDaq jatlh Hoch vetlh jIH ra'ta'ghach mu'mey SoH; je Aaron lIj loDnI' DIchDaq jatlh Daq Pharaoh, vetlh ghaH chaw' the puqpu' vo' Israel jaH pa' vo' Daj puH. | |
Exod | KLV | 7:3 | jIH DichDaq harden Pharaoh's tIq, je multiply wIj signs je wIj wonders Daq the puH vo' Egypt. | |
Exod | KLV | 7:4 | 'ach Pharaoh DichDaq ghobe' 'Ij Daq SoH, je jIH DichDaq lay wIj ghop Daq Egypt, je qem vo' wIj armies, wIj ghotpu the puqpu' vo' Israel, pa' vo' the puH vo' Egypt Sum Dun judgments. | |
Exod | KLV | 7:5 | The Egyptians DIchDaq Sov vetlh jIH 'oH joH'a', ghorgh jIH stretch vo' wIj ghop Daq Egypt, je qem pa' the puqpu' vo' Israel vo' among chaH.” | |
Exod | KLV | 7:7 | Moses ghaHta' eighty DISmey qan, je Aaron eighty- wej DISmey qan, ghorgh chaH jatlhta' Daq Pharaoh. | |
Exod | KLV | 7:9 | “ ghorgh Pharaoh speaks Daq SoH, ja'ta', ‘Perform a miracle!' vaj SoH DIchDaq ja' Aaron, ‘ tlhap lIj DevwI' naQ, je chuH 'oH bIng qaSpa' Pharaoh, vetlh 'oH moj a lung.'” | |
Exod | KLV | 7:10 | Moses je Aaron mejta' Daq Daq Pharaoh, je chaH ta'ta' vaj, as joH'a' ghajta' ra'ta': je Aaron chuH bIng Daj DevwI' naQ qaSpa' Pharaoh je qaSpa' Daj toy'wI'pu', je 'oH mojta' a lung. | |
Exod | KLV | 7:11 | vaj Pharaoh je ja' vaD the val loDpu' je the sorcerers. chaH je, the magicians vo' Egypt, ta'ta' Daq rur Da tlhej chaj enchantments. | |
Exod | KLV | 7:12 | vaD chaH chuH bIng Hoch loD Daj DevwI' naQ, je chaH mojta' serpents: 'ach Aaron's DevwI' naQ swallowed Dung chaj rods. | |
Exod | KLV | 7:13 | Pharaoh's tIq ghaHta' hardened, je ghaH ta'be' 'Ij Daq chaH; as joH'a' ghajta' jatlhpu'. | |
Exod | KLV | 7:14 | joH'a' ja'ta' Daq Moses, “Pharaoh's tIq ghaH stubborn. ghaH refuses Daq chaw' the ghotpu jaH. | |
Exod | KLV | 7:15 | jaH Daq Pharaoh Daq the po. yIlegh, ghaH goes pa' Daq the bIQ; je SoH DIchDaq Qam Sum the river's bank Daq ghom ghaH; je the DevwI' naQ nuq ghaHta' tlhe'ta' Daq a lung SoH DIchDaq tlhap Daq lIj ghop. | |
Exod | KLV | 7:16 | SoH DIchDaq ja' ghaH, ‘ joH'a', the joH'a' vo' the Hebrews, ghajtaH ngeHta' jIH Daq SoH, ja'ta', “ chaw' wIj ghotpu jaH, vetlh chaH may toy' jIH Daq the ngem:” je yIlegh, until DaH SoH ghajbe' listened. | |
Exod | KLV | 7:17 | Thus jatlhtaH joH'a', “ Daq vam SoH DIchDaq Sov vetlh jIH 'oH joH'a'. yIlegh, jIH DichDaq mup tlhej the DevwI' naQ vetlh ghaH Daq wIj ghop Daq the bIQmey nuq 'oH Daq the bIQtIQ, je chaH DIchDaq taH tlhe'ta' Daq 'Iw. | |
Exod | KLV | 7:18 | The fish vetlh 'oH Daq the bIQtIQ DIchDaq Hegh, je the bIQtIQ DIchDaq moj foul; je the Egyptians DIchDaq loathe Daq tlhutlh bIQ vo' the bIQtIQ.”'” | |
Exod | KLV | 7:19 | joH'a' ja'ta' Daq Moses, “ ja' Aaron, ‘ tlhap lIj DevwI' naQ, je stretch pa' lIj ghop Dung the bIQmey vo' Egypt, Dung chaj rivers, Dung chaj streams, je Dung chaj pools, je Dung Hoch chaj ponds vo' bIQ, vetlh chaH may moj 'Iw; je pa' DIchDaq taH 'Iw throughout Hoch the puH vo' Egypt, both Daq Dujmey vo' wood je Daq Dujmey vo' nagh.'” | |
Exod | KLV | 7:20 | Moses je Aaron ta'ta' vaj, as joH'a' ra'ta'; je ghaH qengta' Dung the DevwI' naQ, je struck the bIQmey vetlh were Daq the bIQtIQ, Daq the leghpu' vo' Pharaoh, je Daq the leghpu' vo' Daj toy'wI'pu'; je Hoch the bIQmey vetlh were Daq the bIQtIQ were tlhe'ta' Daq 'Iw. | |
Exod | KLV | 7:21 | The fish vetlh were Daq the bIQtIQ Heghta'; je the bIQtIQ mojta' foul, je the Egyptians couldn't tlhutlh bIQ vo' the bIQtIQ; je the 'Iw ghaHta' throughout Hoch the puH vo' Egypt. | |
Exod | KLV | 7:22 | The magicians vo' Egypt ta'ta' Daq rur Da tlhej chaj enchantments; je Pharaoh's tIq ghaHta' hardened, je ghaH ta'be' 'Ij Daq chaH; as joH'a' ghajta' jatlhpu'. | |
Exod | KLV | 7:24 | Hoch the Egyptians dug around the bIQtIQ vaD bIQ Daq tlhutlh; vaD chaH couldn't tlhutlh vo' the bIQ vo' the bIQtIQ. | |
Chapter 8
Exod | KLV | 8:1 | joH'a' jatlhta' Daq Moses, jaH Daq Daq Pharaoh, je ja' ghaH, “ vam ghaH nuq joH'a' jatlhtaH, ‘ chaw' wIj ghotpu jaH, vetlh chaH may toy' jIH. | |
Exod | KLV | 8:2 | chugh SoH Qo' Daq chaw' chaH jaH, yIlegh, jIH DichDaq rop'a' Hoch lIj veHmey tlhej frogs: | |
Exod | KLV | 8:3 | je the bIQtIQ DIchDaq swarm tlhej frogs, nuq DIchDaq jaH Dung je ghoS Daq lIj tuq, je Daq lIj bedchamber, je Daq lIj bed, je Daq the tuq vo' lIj toy'wI'pu', je Daq lIj ghotpu, je Daq lIj ovens, je Daq lIj kneading troughs: | |
Exod | KLV | 8:4 | je the frogs DIchDaq ghoS Dung both Daq SoH, je Daq lIj ghotpu, je Daq Hoch lIj toy'wI'pu'.'” | |
Exod | KLV | 8:5 | joH'a' ja'ta' Daq Moses, “ ja' Aaron, ‘Stretch vo' lIj ghop tlhej lIj DevwI' naQ Dung the rivers, Dung the streams, je Dung the pools, je cause frogs Daq ghoS Dung Daq the puH vo' Egypt.'” | |
Exod | KLV | 8:6 | Aaron stretched pa' Daj ghop Dung the bIQmey vo' Egypt; je the frogs ghoSta' Dung, je covered the puH vo' Egypt. | |
Exod | KLV | 8:7 | The magicians ta'ta' Daq rur Da tlhej chaj enchantments, je qempu' Dung frogs Daq the puH vo' Egypt. | |
Exod | KLV | 8:8 | vaj Pharaoh ja' vaD Moses je Aaron, je ja'ta', “Entreat joH'a', vetlh ghaH tlhap DoH the frogs vo' jIH, je vo' wIj ghotpu; je jIH DichDaq chaw' the ghotpu jaH, vetlh chaH may sacrifice Daq joH'a'.” | |
Exod | KLV | 8:9 | Moses ja'ta' Daq Pharaoh, “ jIH nob SoH the quv vo' setting the poH vetlh jIH should tlhob vaD SoH, je vaD lIj toy'wI'pu', je vaD lIj ghotpu, vetlh the frogs taH Qaw'ta' vo' SoH je lIj juHmey, je remain Daq the bIQtIQ neH.” | |
Exod | KLV | 8:10 | ghaH ja'ta', “ wa'leS.” ghaH ja'ta', “ taH 'oH according Daq lIj mu', vetlh SoH may Sov vetlh pa' ghaH pagh rur joH'a' maj joH'a'. | |
Exod | KLV | 8:11 | The frogs DIchDaq mej vo' SoH, je vo' lIj juHmey, je vo' lIj toy'wI'pu', je vo' lIj ghotpu. chaH DIchDaq remain Daq the bIQtIQ neH.” | |
Exod | KLV | 8:12 | Moses je Aaron mejta' pa' vo' Pharaoh, je Moses SaQta' Daq joH'a' concerning the frogs nuq ghaH ghajta' qempu' Daq Pharaoh. | |
Exod | KLV | 8:13 | joH'a' ta'ta' according Daq the mu' vo' Moses, je the frogs Heghta' pa' vo' the juHmey, pa' vo' the bo'DIjmey, je pa' vo' the fields. | |
Exod | KLV | 8:15 | 'ach ghorgh Pharaoh leghta' vetlh pa' ghaHta' a respite, ghaH hardened Daj tIq, je ta'be' 'Ij Daq chaH, as joH'a' ghajta' jatlhpu'. | |
Exod | KLV | 8:16 | joH'a' ja'ta' Daq Moses, “ ja' Aaron, ‘Stretch pa' lIj DevwI' naQ, je mup the dust vo' the tera', vetlh 'oH may moj lice throughout Hoch the puH vo' Egypt.'” | |
Exod | KLV | 8:17 | chaH ta'ta' vaj; je Aaron stretched pa' Daj ghop tlhej Daj DevwI' naQ, je struck the dust vo' the tera', je pa' were lice Daq loD, je Daq animal; Hoch the dust vo' the tera' mojta' lice throughout Hoch the puH vo' Egypt. | |
Exod | KLV | 8:18 | The magicians tried tlhej chaj enchantments Daq qem vo' lice, 'ach chaH couldn't. pa' were lice Daq loD, je Daq animal. | |
Exod | KLV | 8:19 | vaj the magicians ja'ta' Daq Pharaoh, “ vam ghaH the finger vo' joH'a':” je Pharaoh's tIq ghaHta' hardened, je ghaH ta'be' 'Ij Daq chaH; as joH'a' ghajta' jatlhpu'. | |
Exod | KLV | 8:20 | joH'a' ja'ta' Daq Moses, “ Hu' Dung early Daq the po, je Qam qaSpa' Pharaoh; yIlegh, ghaH choltaH vo' Daq the bIQ; je ja' ghaH, ‘ vam ghaH nuq joH'a' jatlhtaH, “ chaw' wIj ghotpu jaH, vetlh chaH may toy' jIH. | |
Exod | KLV | 8:21 | Else, chugh SoH DichDaq ghobe' chaw' wIj ghotpu jaH, yIlegh, jIH DichDaq ngeH swarms vo' puvtaH Daq SoH, je Daq lIj toy'wI'pu', je Daq lIj ghotpu, je Daq lIj juHmey: je the juHmey vo' the Egyptians DIchDaq taH teblu'ta' vo' swarms vo' puvtaH, je je the yav whereon chaH 'oH. | |
Exod | KLV | 8:22 | jIH DichDaq cher apart Daq vetlh jaj the puH vo' Goshen, Daq nuq wIj ghotpu yIn, vetlh ghobe' swarms vo' puvtaH DIchDaq taH pa'; Daq the pItlh SoH may Sov vetlh jIH 'oH joH'a' Daq the midst vo' the tera'. | |
Exod | KLV | 8:23 | jIH DichDaq lan a division joj wIj ghotpu je lIj ghotpu: Sum wa'leS DIchDaq vam sign taH.”'” | |
Exod | KLV | 8:24 | joH'a' ta'ta' vaj; je pa' ghoSta' grievous swarms vo' puvtaH Daq the tuq vo' Pharaoh, je Daq Daj servants' juHmey: je Daq Hoch the puH vo' Egypt the puH ghaHta' corrupted Sum meq vo' the swarms vo' puvtaH. | |
Exod | KLV | 8:25 | Pharaoh ja' vaD Moses je vaD Aaron, je ja'ta', “ jaH, sacrifice Daq lIj joH'a' Daq the puH!” | |
Exod | KLV | 8:26 | Moses ja'ta', “ 'oH 'oHbe' appropriate Daq ta' vaj; vaD maH DIchDaq sacrifice the qabqu'boghghach vo' the Egyptians Daq joH'a' maj joH'a'. yIlegh, DIchDaq maH sacrifice the qabqu'boghghach vo' the Egyptians qaSpa' chaj mInDu', je won't chaH nagh maH? | |
Exod | KLV | 8:27 | maH DichDaq jaH wej days' journey Daq the ngem, je sacrifice Daq joH'a' maj joH'a', as ghaH DIchDaq ra'ta'ghach mu'mey maH.” | |
Exod | KLV | 8:28 | Pharaoh ja'ta', “ jIH DichDaq chaw' SoH jaH, vetlh SoH may sacrifice Daq joH'a' lIj joH'a' Daq the ngem, neH SoH DIchDaq ghobe' jaH very Hop DoH. tlhob vaD jIH.” | |
Exod | KLV | 8:29 | Moses ja'ta', “ yIlegh, jIH jaH pa' vo' SoH, je jIH DichDaq tlhob Daq joH'a' vetlh the swarms vo' puvtaH may mej vo' Pharaoh, vo' Daj toy'wI'pu', je vo' Daj ghotpu, wa'leS; neH yImev chaw' Pharaoh Da deceitfully vay' latlh Daq ghobe' letting the ghotpu jaH Daq sacrifice Daq joH'a'.” | |
Exod | KLV | 8:31 | joH'a' ta'ta' according Daq the mu' vo' Moses, je ghaH teqta' the swarms vo' puvtaH vo' Pharaoh, vo' Daj toy'wI'pu', je vo' Daj ghotpu. pa' remained ghobe' wa'. | |
Chapter 9
Exod | KLV | 9:1 | vaj joH'a' ja'ta' Daq Moses, “ jaH Daq Daq Pharaoh, je ja' ghaH, ‘ vam ghaH nuq joH'a', the joH'a' vo' the Hebrews, jatlhtaH: “ chaw' wIj ghotpu jaH, vetlh chaH may toy' jIH. | |
Exod | KLV | 9:3 | yIlegh, the ghop vo' joH'a' ghaH Daq lIj livestock nuq 'oH Daq the yotlh, Daq the horses, Daq the donkeys, Daq the camels, Daq the herds, je Daq the flocks tlhej a very grievous rop'a'. | |
Exod | KLV | 9:4 | joH'a' DichDaq chenmoH a distinction joj the livestock vo' Israel je the livestock vo' Egypt; je pa' DIchDaq pagh Hegh vo' Hoch vetlh belongs Daq the puqpu' vo' Israel.”'” | |
Exod | KLV | 9:6 | joH'a' ta'ta' vetlh Doch Daq the next jaj; je Hoch the livestock vo' Egypt Heghta', 'ach vo' the livestock vo' the puqpu' vo' Israel, ghobe' wa' Heghta'. | |
Exod | KLV | 9:7 | Pharaoh ngeHta', je, yIlegh, pa' ghaHta' ghobe' vaj 'ar as wa' vo' the livestock vo' the Israelites Heghpu'. 'ach the tIq vo' Pharaoh ghaHta' stubborn, je ghaH ta'be' chaw' the ghotpu jaH. | |
Exod | KLV | 9:8 | joH'a' ja'ta' Daq Moses je Daq Aaron, “ tlhap Daq SoH handfuls vo' ashes vo' the furnace, je chaw' Moses sprinkle 'oH toward the sky Daq the leghpu' vo' Pharaoh. | |
Exod | KLV | 9:9 | 'oH DIchDaq moj mach dust Dung Hoch the puH vo' Egypt, je DIchDaq taH a boil breaking vo' tlhej boils Daq loD je Daq animal, throughout Hoch the puH vo' Egypt.” | |
Exod | KLV | 9:10 | chaH tlhapta' ashes vo' the furnace, je Qampu' qaSpa' Pharaoh; je Moses sprinkled 'oH Dung toward the sky; je 'oH mojta' a boil breaking vo' tlhej boils Daq loD je Daq animal. | |
Exod | KLV | 9:11 | The magicians couldn't Qam qaSpa' Moses because vo' the boils; vaD the boils were Daq the magicians, je Daq Hoch the Egyptians. | |
Exod | KLV | 9:12 | joH'a' hardened the tIq vo' Pharaoh, je ghaH ta'be' 'Ij Daq chaH, as joH'a' ghajta' jatlhpu' Daq Moses. | |
Exod | KLV | 9:13 | joH'a' ja'ta' Daq Moses, “ Hu' Dung early Daq the po, je Qam qaSpa' Pharaoh, je ja' ghaH, ‘ vam ghaH nuq joH'a', the joH'a' vo' the Hebrews, jatlhtaH: “ chaw' wIj ghotpu jaH, vetlh chaH may toy' jIH. | |
Exod | KLV | 9:14 | vaD vam poH jIH DichDaq ngeH Hoch wIj plagues Daq lIj tIq, Daq lIj officials, je Daq lIj ghotpu; vetlh SoH may Sov vetlh pa' ghaH pagh rur jIH Daq Hoch the tera'. | |
Exod | KLV | 9:15 | vaD DaH jIH would ghaj lan vo' wIj ghop, je struck SoH je lIj ghotpu tlhej rop'a', je SoH would ghaj taH pe' litHa' vo' the tera'; | |
Exod | KLV | 9:16 | 'ach indeed vaD vam cause jIH ghaj chenmoHta' SoH Qam: Daq cha' SoH wIj HoS, je vetlh wIj pong may taH declared throughout Hoch the tera'; | |
Exod | KLV | 9:18 | yIlegh, wa'leS about vam poH jIH DichDaq cause 'oH Daq rain a very grievous hail, such as ghajtaH ghobe' taH Daq Egypt since the jaj 'oH ghaHta' founded 'ach until DaH. | |
Exod | KLV | 9:19 | DaH vaj ra'ta'ghach mu'mey vetlh Hoch vo' lIj livestock je Hoch vetlh SoH ghaj Daq the yotlh taH qempu' Daq shelter. Hoch loD je animal vetlh ghaH tu'ta' Daq the yotlh, je 'oHbe' qempu' home, the hail DIchDaq ghoS bIng Daq chaH, je chaH DIchDaq Hegh.”'” | |
Exod | KLV | 9:20 | chaH 'Iv feared the mu' vo' joH'a' among the toy'wI'pu' vo' Pharaoh chenmoHta' chaj toy'wI'pu' je chaj livestock Haw' Daq the juHmey. | |
Exod | KLV | 9:21 | 'Iv ta'be' respect the mu' vo' joH'a' poS Daj toy'wI'pu' je Daj livestock Daq the yotlh. | |
Exod | KLV | 9:22 | joH'a' ja'ta' Daq Moses, “Stretch vo' lIj ghop toward the sky, vetlh pa' may taH hail Daq Hoch the puH vo' Egypt, Daq loD, je Daq animal, je Daq Hoch herb vo' the yotlh, throughout the puH vo' Egypt.” | |
Exod | KLV | 9:23 | Moses stretched vo' Daj DevwI' naQ toward the chal, je joH'a' ngeHta' thunder, hail, je lightning flashed bIng Daq the tera'. joH'a' rained hail Daq the puH vo' Egypt. | |
Exod | KLV | 9:24 | vaj pa' ghaHta' very severe hail, je lightning DuD tlhej the hail, such as ghajta' ghobe' taH Daq Hoch the puH vo' Egypt since 'oH mojta' a Hatlh. | |
Exod | KLV | 9:25 | The hail struck throughout Hoch the puH vo' Egypt Hoch vetlh ghaHta' Daq the yotlh, both loD je animal; je the hail struck Hoch herb vo' the yotlh, je broke Hoch Sor vo' the yotlh. | |
Exod | KLV | 9:26 | neH Daq the puH vo' Goshen, nuqDaq the puqpu' vo' Israel were, pa' ghaHta' ghobe' hail. | |
Exod | KLV | 9:27 | Pharaoh ngeHta', je ja' vaD Moses je Aaron, je ja'ta' Daq chaH, “ jIH ghaj yempu' vam poH. joH'a' ghaH QaQtaHghach, je jIH je wIj ghotpu 'oH mIgh. | |
Exod | KLV | 9:28 | tlhob Daq joH'a'; vaD pa' ghajtaH taH yap vo' HoS thunderings je hail. jIH DichDaq chaw' SoH jaH, je SoH DIchDaq stay ghobe' longer.” | |
Exod | KLV | 9:29 | Moses ja'ta' Daq ghaH, “As soon as jIH ghaj ghoSta' pa' vo' the veng, jIH DichDaq ngeH abroad wIj ghopmey Daq joH'a'. The thunders DIchDaq mev, ghobe' DIchDaq pa' taH vay' latlh hail; vetlh SoH may Sov vetlh the tera' ghaH joH'a'. | |
Exod | KLV | 9:31 | The flax je the barley were struck, vaD the barley ghaHta' Daq the qogh, je the flax ghaHta' Daq bloom. | |
Exod | KLV | 9:33 | Moses mejta' pa' vo' the veng vo' Pharaoh, je ngeH abroad Daj ghopmey Daq joH'a'; je the thunders je hail mevta', je the rain ghaHta' ghobe' poured Daq the tera'. | |
Exod | KLV | 9:34 | ghorgh Pharaoh leghta' vetlh the rain je the hail je the thunders were mevta', ghaH yempu' yet latlh, je hardened Daj tIq, ghaH je Daj toy'wI'pu'. | |
Chapter 10
Exod | KLV | 10:1 | joH'a' ja'ta' Daq Moses, “ jaH Daq Daq Pharaoh, vaD jIH ghaj hardened Daj tIq, je the tIq vo' Daj toy'wI'pu', vetlh jIH may cha' Dochvammey wIj signs Daq the midst vo' chaH, | |
Exod | KLV | 10:2 | je vetlh SoH may ja' Daq the hearing vo' lIj puqloD, je vo' lIj puqloD's son, nuq Dochmey jIH ghaj ta'pu' Daq Egypt, je wIj signs nuq jIH ghaj ta'pu' among chaH; vetlh SoH may Sov vetlh jIH 'oH joH'a'.” | |
Exod | KLV | 10:3 | Moses je Aaron mejta' Daq Daq Pharaoh, je ja'ta' Daq ghaH, “ vam ghaH nuq joH'a', the joH'a' vo' the Hebrews, jatlhtaH: ‘ chay' tIq DichDaq SoH Qo' Daq humble SoH'egh qaSpa' jIH? chaw' wIj ghotpu jaH, vetlh chaH may toy' jIH. | |
Exod | KLV | 10:4 | joq else, chugh SoH Qo' Daq chaw' wIj ghotpu jaH, yIlegh, wa'leS jIH DichDaq qem locusts Daq lIj Hatlh, | |
Exod | KLV | 10:5 | je chaH DIchDaq So' the surface vo' the tera', vaj vetlh wa' won't taH laH Daq legh the tera'. chaH DIchDaq Sop the residue vo' vetlh nuq ghajtaH escaped, nuq remains Daq SoH vo' the hail, je DIchDaq Sop Hoch Sor nuq grows vaD SoH pa' vo' the yotlh. | |
Exod | KLV | 10:6 | lIj juHmey DIchDaq taH tebta', je the juHmey vo' Hoch lIj toy'wI'pu', je the juHmey vo' Hoch the Egyptians; as ghobe' lIj vavpu' ghobe' lIj vavpu'' fathers ghaj leghpu', since the jaj vetlh chaH were Daq the tera' Daq vam jaj.'” ghaH tlhe'ta', je mejta' pa' vo' Pharaoh. | |
Exod | KLV | 10:7 | Pharaoh's toy'wI'pu' ja'ta' Daq ghaH, “ chay' tIq DichDaq vam loD taH a tojta'ghach Daq maH? chaw' the loDpu' jaH, vetlh chaH may toy' joH'a', chaj joH'a'. yImev SoH yet Sov vetlh Egypt ghaH Qaw'ta'?” | |
Exod | KLV | 10:8 | Moses je Aaron were qempu' again Daq Pharaoh, je ghaH ja'ta' Daq chaH, “ jaH, toy' joH'a' lIj joH'a'; 'ach 'Iv 'oH chaH 'Iv DichDaq jaH?” | |
Exod | KLV | 10:9 | Moses ja'ta', “ maH DichDaq jaH tlhej maj Qup je tlhej maj qan; tlhej maj puqloDpu' je tlhej maj puqbe'pu', tlhej maj flocks je tlhej maj herds DichDaq maH jaH; vaD maH must 'uch a 'uQ'a' Daq joH'a'.” | |
Exod | KLV | 10:10 | ghaH ja'ta' Daq chaH, “ joH'a' taH tlhej SoH chugh jIH DichDaq chaw' SoH jaH tlhej lIj mach ones! legh, mIghtaHghach ghaH clearly qaSpa' lIj faces. | |
Exod | KLV | 10:11 | ghobe' vaj! jaH DaH SoH 'Iv 'oH loDpu', je toy' joH'a'; vaD vetlh ghaH nuq SoH neH!” chaH were driven pa' vo' Pharaoh's Daq. | |
Exod | KLV | 10:12 | joH'a' ja'ta' Daq Moses, “Stretch pa' lIj ghop Dung the puH vo' Egypt vaD the locusts, vetlh chaH may ghoS Dung Daq the puH vo' Egypt, je Sop Hoch herb vo' the puH, 'ach Hoch vetlh the hail ghajtaH poS.” | |
Exod | KLV | 10:13 | Moses stretched vo' Daj DevwI' naQ Dung the puH vo' Egypt, je joH'a' qempu' an pemHov 'o' SuS Daq the puH Hoch vetlh jaj, je Hoch the ram; je ghorgh 'oH ghaHta' po, the pemHov 'o' SuS qempu' the locusts. | |
Exod | KLV | 10:14 | The locusts mejta' Dung Dung Hoch the puH vo' Egypt, je rested Daq Hoch the veHmey vo' Egypt. chaH were very grievous. qaSpa' chaH pa' were ghobe' such locusts as chaH, ghobe' after chaH DIchDaq taH such. | |
Exod | KLV | 10:15 | vaD chaH covered the surface vo' the Hoch tera', vaj vetlh the puH ghaHta' darkened, je chaH ate Hoch herb vo' the puH, je Hoch the baQ vo' the Sormey nuq the hail ghajta' poS. pa' remained pagh SuD, either Sor joq herb vo' the yotlh, vegh Hoch the puH vo' Egypt. | |
Exod | KLV | 10:16 | vaj Pharaoh ja' vaD Moses je Aaron Daq haste, je ghaH ja'ta', “ jIH ghaj yempu' Daq joH'a' lIj joH'a', je Daq SoH. | |
Exod | KLV | 10:17 | DaH vaj please forgive wIj yem again, je tlhob Daq joH'a' lIj joH'a', vetlh ghaH may je tlhap DoH vo' jIH vam Hegh.” | |
Exod | KLV | 10:19 | joH'a' tlhe'ta' an exceeding HoS pemHov 'et SuS, nuq tlhapta' Dung the locusts, je drove chaH Daq the Doq biQ'a' { Note: joq, biQ'a' vo' Reeds } . pa' remained ghobe' wa' locust Daq Hoch the veHmey vo' Egypt. | |
Exod | KLV | 10:21 | joH'a' ja'ta' Daq Moses, “Stretch pa' lIj ghop toward the sky, vetlh pa' may taH HurghtaHghach Dung the puH vo' Egypt, 'ach HurghtaHghach nuq may taH felt.” | |
Exod | KLV | 10:22 | Moses stretched vo' Daj ghop toward the sky, je pa' ghaHta' a thick HurghtaHghach Daq Hoch the puH vo' Egypt wej jajmey. | |
Exod | KLV | 10:23 | chaH ta'be' legh wa' another, ghobe' ta'ta' anyone Hu' vo' Daj Daq vaD wej jajmey; 'ach Hoch the puqpu' vo' Israel ghajta' wov Daq chaj dwellings. | |
Exod | KLV | 10:24 | Pharaoh ja' Daq Moses, je ja'ta', “ jaH, toy' joH'a'. neH chaw' lIj flocks je lIj herds stay behind. chaw' lIj mach ones je jaH tlhej SoH.” | |
Exod | KLV | 10:25 | Moses ja'ta', “ SoH must je nob Daq maj ghop nobmey je meQqu'pu' nobmey, vetlh maH may sacrifice Daq joH'a' maj joH'a'. | |
Exod | KLV | 10:26 | maj livestock je DIchDaq jaH tlhej maH. pa' DIchDaq ghobe' a hoof taH poS behind, vaD vo' 'oH maH must tlhap Daq toy' joH'a' maj joH'a'; je maH yImev Sov tlhej nuq maH must toy' joH'a', until maH ghoS pa'.” | |
Exod | KLV | 10:28 | Pharaoh ja'ta' Daq ghaH, “ tlhap DoH vo' jIH! taH careful Daq legh wIj qab ghobe' latlh; vaD Daq the jaj SoH legh wIj qab SoH DIchDaq Hegh!” | |
Chapter 11
Exod | KLV | 11:1 | joH'a' ja'ta' Daq Moses, “Yet wa' rop'a' latlh DichDaq jIH qem Daq Pharaoh, je Daq Egypt; afterwards ghaH DichDaq chaw' SoH jaH. ghorgh ghaH lets SoH jaH, ghaH DichDaq DIch thrust SoH pa' altogether. | |
Exod | KLV | 11:2 | jatlh DaH Daq the qoghDu' vo' the ghotpu, je chaw' chaH tlhob Hoch loD vo' Daj jIl, je Hoch be' vo' Daj jIl, jewels vo' baS chIS, je jewels vo' SuD baS.” | |
Exod | KLV | 11:3 | joH'a' nobta' the ghotpu favor Daq the leghpu' vo' the Egyptians. Moreover the loD Moses ghaHta' very Dun Daq the puH vo' Egypt, Daq the leghpu' vo' Pharaoh's toy'wI'pu', je Daq the leghpu' vo' the ghotpu. | |
Exod | KLV | 11:4 | Moses ja'ta', “ vam ghaH nuq joH'a' jatlhtaH: ‘About midnight jIH DichDaq jaH pa' Daq the midst vo' Egypt, | |
Exod | KLV | 11:5 | je Hoch the firstborn Daq the puH vo' Egypt DIchDaq Hegh, vo' the firstborn vo' Pharaoh 'Iv sits Daq Daj quS'a', 'ach Daq the firstborn vo' the female toy'wI' 'Iv ghaH behind the mill; je Hoch the firstborn vo' livestock. | |
Exod | KLV | 11:6 | pa' DIchDaq taH a Dun SaQ throughout Hoch the puH vo' Egypt, such as pa' ghajtaH ghobe' taH, ghobe' DIchDaq taH vay' latlh. | |
Exod | KLV | 11:7 | 'ach Daq vay' vo' the puqpu' vo' Israel a dog won't 'ach bark joq vIH its jat, Daq loD joq animal; vetlh SoH may Sov vetlh joH'a' chen a distinction joj the Egyptians je Israel. | |
Exod | KLV | 11:8 | Hoch Dochvammey lIj toy'wI'pu' DIchDaq ghoS bIng Daq jIH, je bow bIng themselves Daq jIH, ja'ta', “ tlhap pa', tlhej Hoch the ghotpu 'Iv tlha' SoH;” je after vetlh jIH DichDaq jaH pa'.'” ghaH mejta' pa' vo' Pharaoh Daq hot QeH. | |
Exod | KLV | 11:9 | joH'a' ja'ta' Daq Moses, “Pharaoh won't 'Ij Daq SoH, vetlh wIj wonders may taH multiplied Daq the puH vo' Egypt.” | |
Chapter 12
Exod | KLV | 12:2 | “ vam jar DIchDaq taH Daq SoH the tagh vo' months. 'oH DIchDaq taH the wa'Dich jar vo' the DIS Daq SoH. | |
Exod | KLV | 12:3 | jatlh Daq Hoch the tay' ghotpu' vo' Israel, ja'ta', ‘ Daq the tenth jaj vo' vam jar, chaH DIchDaq tlhap Daq chaH Hoch loD a lamb, according Daq chaj fathers' juHmey, a lamb vaD a household; | |
Exod | KLV | 12:4 | je chugh the household ghaH too mach vaD a lamb, vaj ghaH je Daj jIl next Daq Daj tuq DIchDaq tlhap wa' according Daq the mI' vo' the qa'pu'; according Daq nuq Hoch laH Sop SoH DIchDaq chenmoH lIj count vaD the lamb. | |
Exod | KLV | 12:5 | lIj lamb DIchDaq taH Hutlh blemish, a male a DIS qan. SoH DIchDaq tlhap 'oH vo' the Suy', joq vo' the goats: | |
Exod | KLV | 12:6 | je SoH DIchDaq pol 'oH until the fourteenth jaj vo' the rap jar; je the Hoch yej vo' the tay' ghotpu' vo' Israel DIchDaq HoH 'oH Daq evening. | |
Exod | KLV | 12:7 | chaH DIchDaq tlhap 'op vo' the 'Iw, je lan 'oH Daq the cha' doorposts je Daq the lintel, Daq the juHmey Daq nuq chaH DIchDaq Sop 'oH. | |
Exod | KLV | 12:8 | chaH DIchDaq Sop the ghab Daq vetlh ram, roasted tlhej qul, je unleavened tIr Soj. chaH DIchDaq Sop 'oH tlhej bitter herbs. | |
Exod | KLV | 12:9 | yImev Sop 'oH raw, ghobe' boiled Daq Hoch tlhej bIQ, 'ach roasted tlhej qul; tlhej its nach, its legs je its inner parts. | |
Exod | KLV | 12:10 | SoH DIchDaq chaw' pagh vo' 'oH remain until the po; 'ach vetlh nuq remains vo' 'oH until the po SoH DIchDaq meQ tlhej qul. | |
Exod | KLV | 12:11 | vam ghaH chay' SoH DIchDaq Sop 'oH: tlhej lIj waist girded, lIj shoes Daq lIj qamDu', je lIj naQ Daq lIj ghop; je SoH DIchDaq Sop 'oH Daq haste: 'oH ghaH joH'a' Passover. | |
Exod | KLV | 12:12 | vaD jIH DichDaq jaH vegh the puH vo' Egypt Daq vetlh ram, je DichDaq mup Hoch the firstborn Daq the puH vo' Egypt, both loD je animal. Daq Hoch the Qunpu' vo' Egypt jIH DichDaq execute judgments: jIH 'oH joH'a'. | |
Exod | KLV | 12:13 | The 'Iw DIchDaq taH Daq SoH vaD a token Daq the juHmey nuqDaq SoH 'oH: je ghorgh jIH legh the 'Iw, jIH DichDaq juS Dung SoH, je pa' DIchDaq ghobe' rop'a' taH Daq SoH Daq Qaw' SoH, ghorgh jIH mup the puH vo' Egypt. | |
Exod | KLV | 12:14 | vam jaj DIchDaq taH Daq SoH vaD a memorial, je SoH DIchDaq pol 'oH a 'uQ'a' Daq joH'a': throughout lIj DISmey SoH DIchDaq pol 'oH a 'uQ'a' Sum an ordinance reH. | |
Exod | KLV | 12:15 | “‘ Soch jajmey SoH DIchDaq Sop unleavened tIr Soj; 'ach the wa'Dich jaj SoH DIchDaq lan DoH yeast pa' vo' lIj juHmey, vaD 'Iv eats leavened tIr Soj vo' the wa'Dich jaj until the SochDIch jaj, vetlh qa' DIchDaq taH pe' litHa' vo' Israel. | |
Exod | KLV | 12:16 | Daq the wa'Dich jaj pa' DIchDaq taH Daq SoH a le' convocation, je Daq the SochDIch jaj a le' convocation; ghobe' Da vo' vum DIchDaq taH ta'pu' Daq chaH, except vetlh nuq Hoch loD must Sop, vetlh neH may taH ta'pu' Sum SoH. | |
Exod | KLV | 12:17 | SoH DIchDaq observe the 'uQ'a' vo' unleavened tIr Soj; vaD Daq vam rap jaj ghaj jIH qempu' lIj armies pa' vo' the puH vo' Egypt: vaj SoH DIchDaq observe vam jaj throughout lIj DISmey Sum an ordinance reH. | |
Exod | KLV | 12:18 | Daq the wa'Dich jar, Daq the fourteenth jaj vo' the jar Daq evening, SoH DIchDaq Sop unleavened tIr Soj, until the cha'maH wa'Dich jaj vo' the jar Daq evening. | |
Exod | KLV | 12:19 | Soch jajmey DIchDaq pa' taH ghobe' yeast tu'ta' Daq lIj juHmey, vaD 'Iv eats vetlh nuq ghaH leavened, vetlh qa' DIchDaq taH pe' litHa' vo' the tay' ghotpu' vo' Israel, whether ghaH taH a foreigner, joq wa' 'Iv ghaH bogh Daq the puH. | |
Exod | KLV | 12:20 | SoH DIchDaq Sop pagh leavened. Daq Hoch lIj habitations SoH DIchDaq Sop unleavened tIr Soj.'” | |
Exod | KLV | 12:21 | vaj Moses ja' vaD Hoch the quppu' vo' Israel, je ja'ta' Daq chaH, “Draw pa', je tlhap 'erHommey according Daq lIj qorDu'pu', je HoH the Passover. | |
Exod | KLV | 12:22 | SoH DIchDaq tlhap a bunch vo' hyssop, je dip 'oH Daq the 'Iw vetlh ghaH Daq the basin, je mup the lintel je the cha' doorposts tlhej the 'Iw vetlh ghaH Daq the basin; je pagh vo' SoH DIchDaq jaH pa' vo' the lojmIt vo' Daj tuq until the po. | |
Exod | KLV | 12:23 | vaD joH'a' DichDaq juS vegh Daq mup the Egyptians; je ghorgh ghaH sees the 'Iw Daq the lintel, je Daq the cha' doorposts, joH'a' DichDaq juS Dung the lojmIt, je DichDaq ghobe' allow the destroyer Daq ghoS Daq Daq lIj juHmey Daq mup SoH. | |
Exod | KLV | 12:25 | 'oH DIchDaq qaS ghorgh SoH ghaj ghoS Daq the puH nuq joH'a' DichDaq nob SoH, according as ghaH ghajtaH promised, vetlh SoH DIchDaq pol vam toy'taHghach. | |
Exod | KLV | 12:26 | 'oH DichDaq qaS, ghorgh lIj puqpu' tlhob SoH, ‘ nuq ta' SoH mean Sum vam toy'taHghach?' | |
Exod | KLV | 12:27 | vetlh SoH DIchDaq jatlh, ‘ 'oH ghaH the sacrifice vo' joH'a' Passover, 'Iv juSta' Dung the juHmey vo' the puqpu' vo' Israel Daq Egypt, ghorgh ghaH struck the Egyptians, je spared maj juHmey.'” The ghotpu bowed chaj nachDu' je worshiped. | |
Exod | KLV | 12:28 | The puqpu' vo' Israel mejta' je ta'ta' vaj; as joH'a' ghajta' ra'ta' Moses je Aaron, vaj chaH ta'ta'. | |
Exod | KLV | 12:29 | 'oH qaSta' Daq midnight, vetlh joH'a' struck Hoch the firstborn Daq the puH vo' Egypt, vo' the firstborn vo' Pharaoh 'Iv ba'ta' Daq Daj quS'a' Daq the firstborn vo' the captive 'Iv ghaHta' Daq the dungeon; je Hoch the firstborn vo' livestock. | |
Exod | KLV | 12:30 | Pharaoh rose Dung Daq the ram, ghaH, je Hoch Daj toy'wI'pu', je Hoch the Egyptians; je pa' ghaHta' a Dun SaQ Daq Egypt, vaD pa' ghaHta' ghobe' a tuq nuqDaq pa' ghaHta' ghobe' wa' Heghpu'. | |
Exod | KLV | 12:31 | ghaH ja' vaD Moses je Aaron Sum ram, je ja'ta', “ Hu' Dung, tlhap pa' vo' among wIj ghotpu, both SoH je the puqpu' vo' Israel; je jaH, toy' joH'a', as SoH ghaj ja'ta'! | |
Exod | KLV | 12:32 | tlhap both lIj flocks je lIj herds, as SoH ghaj ja'ta', je taH ghoSta'; je ghurmoH jIH je!” | |
Exod | KLV | 12:33 | The Egyptians were urgent tlhej the ghotpu, Daq ngeH chaH pa' vo' the puH Daq haste, vaD chaH ja'ta', “ maH 'oH Hoch Heghpu' loDpu'.” | |
Exod | KLV | 12:34 | The ghotpu tlhapta' chaj dough qaSpa' 'oH ghaHta' leavened, chaj kneading troughs taH bagh Dung Daq chaj clothes Daq chaj shoulders. | |
Exod | KLV | 12:35 | The puqpu' vo' Israel ta'ta' according Daq the mu' vo' Moses; je chaH tlhobta' vo' the Egyptians jewels vo' baS chIS, je jewels vo' SuD baS, je Sut. | |
Exod | KLV | 12:36 | joH'a' nobta' the ghotpu favor Daq the leghpu' vo' the Egyptians, vaj vetlh chaH chaw' chaH ghaj nuq chaH tlhobta'. chaH despoiled the Egyptians. | |
Exod | KLV | 12:37 | The puqpu' vo' Israel traveled vo' Rameses Daq Succoth, about jav vatlh SaD Daq qam 'Iv were loDpu', je puqpu'. | |
Exod | KLV | 12:38 | A DuD qevmey mejta' Dung je tlhej chaH, tlhej flocks, herds, je 'ach very 'ar livestock. | |
Exod | KLV | 12:39 | chaH vutta' unleavened cakes vo' the dough nuq chaH qempu' vo' pa' vo' Egypt; vaD 'oH wasn't leavened, because chaH were thrust pa' vo' Egypt, je couldn't loS, ghobe' ghajta' chaH prepared vaD themselves vay' Soj. | |
Exod | KLV | 12:40 | DaH the poH vetlh the puqpu' vo' Israel yInta' Daq Egypt ghaHta' loS vatlh wejmaH DISmey. | |
Exod | KLV | 12:41 | 'oH qaSta' Daq the pItlh vo' loS vatlh wejmaH DISmey, 'ach the rap jaj 'oH qaSta', vetlh Hoch the armies vo' joH'a' mejta' pa' vo' the puH vo' Egypt. | |
Exod | KLV | 12:42 | 'oH ghaH a ram Daq taH 'ar observed Daq joH'a' vaD bringing chaH pa' vo' the puH vo' Egypt. vam ghaH vetlh ram vo' joH'a', Daq taH 'ar observed vo' Hoch the puqpu' vo' Israel throughout chaj DISmey. | |
Exod | KLV | 12:43 | joH'a' ja'ta' Daq Moses je Aaron, “ vam ghaH the ordinance vo' the Passover. ghobe' foreigner DIchDaq Sop vo' 'oH, | |
Exod | KLV | 12:44 | 'ach Hoch man's toy'wI' 'Iv ghaH je'ta' vaD Huch, ghorgh SoH ghaj circumcised ghaH, vaj DIchDaq ghaH Sop vo' 'oH. | |
Exod | KLV | 12:46 | Daq wa' tuq DIchDaq 'oH taH eaten; SoH DIchDaq ghobe' carry vo' vay' vo' the ghab abroad pa' vo' the tuq; ghobe' DIchDaq SoH ghor a bone vo' 'oH. | |
Exod | KLV | 12:48 | ghorgh a stranger DIchDaq yIn as a foreigner tlhej SoH, je DichDaq pol the Passover Daq joH'a', chaw' Hoch Daj males taH circumcised, je vaj chaw' ghaH ghoS Sum je pol 'oH; je ghaH DIchDaq taH as wa' 'Iv ghaH bogh Daq the puH: 'ach ghobe' uncircumcised person DIchDaq Sop vo' 'oH. | |
Exod | KLV | 12:49 | wa' chut DIchDaq taH Daq ghaH 'Iv ghaH bogh Daq home, je Daq the stranger 'Iv yIn as a foreigner among SoH.” | |
Exod | KLV | 12:50 | Hoch the puqpu' vo' Israel ta'ta' vaj. As joH'a' ra'ta' Moses je Aaron, vaj chaH ta'ta'. | |
Chapter 13
Exod | KLV | 13:2 | “Sanctify Daq jIH Hoch vo' the firstborn, whatever opens the womb among the puqpu' vo' Israel, both vo' loD je vo' animal. 'oH ghaH mine.” | |
Exod | KLV | 13:3 | Moses ja'ta' Daq the ghotpu, “ qaw vam jaj, Daq nuq SoH ghoSta' pa' vo' Egypt, pa' vo' the tuq vo' bondage; vaD Sum HoS vo' ghop joH'a' qempu' SoH pa' vo' vam Daq. ghobe' leavened tIr Soj DIchDaq taH eaten. | |
Exod | KLV | 13:5 | 'oH DIchDaq taH, ghorgh joH'a' DIchDaq qem SoH Daq the puH vo' the Canaanite, je the Hittite, je the Amorite, je the Hivite, je the Jebusite, nuq ghaH swore Daq lIj vavpu' Daq nob SoH, a puH flowing tlhej milk je honey, vetlh SoH DIchDaq pol vam toy'taHghach Daq vam jar. | |
Exod | KLV | 13:6 | Soch jajmey SoH DIchDaq Sop unleavened tIr Soj, je Daq the SochDIch jaj DIchDaq taH a 'uQ'a' Daq joH'a'. | |
Exod | KLV | 13:7 | Unleavened tIr Soj DIchDaq taH eaten throughout the Soch jajmey; je ghobe' leavened tIr Soj DIchDaq taH leghpu' tlhej SoH, ghobe' DIchDaq pa' taH yeast leghpu' tlhej SoH, Daq Hoch lIj veHmey. | |
Exod | KLV | 13:8 | SoH DIchDaq ja' lIj puqloD Daq vetlh jaj, ja'ta', ‘ 'oH ghaH because vo' vetlh nuq joH'a' ta'ta' vaD jIH ghorgh jIH ghoSta' vo' pa' vo' Egypt.' | |
Exod | KLV | 13:9 | 'oH DIchDaq taH vaD a sign Daq SoH Daq lIj ghop, je vaD a memorial joj lIj mInDu', vetlh the chut vo' joH'a' may taH Daq lIj nujDu'; vaD tlhej a HoS ghop joH'a' ghajtaH qempu' SoH pa' vo' Egypt. | |
Exod | KLV | 13:11 | “ 'oH DIchDaq taH, ghorgh joH'a' DIchDaq qem SoH Daq the puH vo' the Canaanite, as ghaH swore Daq SoH je Daq lIj vavpu', je DIchDaq nob 'oH SoH, | |
Exod | KLV | 13:12 | vetlh SoH DIchDaq cher apart Daq joH'a' Hoch vetlh opens the womb, je Hoch firstborn nuq SoH ghaj vetlh choltaH vo' an animal. The males DIchDaq taH joH'a'. | |
Exod | KLV | 13:13 | Hoch firstborn vo' a SarghHom SoH DIchDaq redeem tlhej a lamb; je chugh SoH DichDaq ghobe' redeem 'oH, vaj SoH DIchDaq ghor its neck; je SoH DIchDaq redeem Hoch the firstborn vo' loD among lIj puqloDpu'. | |
Exod | KLV | 13:14 | 'oH DIchDaq taH, ghorgh lIj puqloD asks SoH Daq poH Daq ghoS, ja'ta', ‘ nuq ghaH vam?' vetlh SoH DIchDaq ja' ghaH, ‘ Sum HoS vo' ghop joH'a' qempu' maH pa' vo' Egypt, vo' the tuq vo' bondage; | |
Exod | KLV | 13:15 | je 'oH qaSta', ghorgh Pharaoh would hardly chaw' maH jaH, vetlh joH'a' HoHta' Hoch the firstborn Daq the puH vo' Egypt, both the firstborn vo' loD, je the firstborn vo' animal. vaj jIH sacrifice Daq joH'a' Hoch vetlh opens the womb, taH males; 'ach Hoch the firstborn vo' wIj puqloDpu' jIH redeem.' | |
Exod | KLV | 13:16 | 'oH DIchDaq taH vaD a sign Daq lIj ghop, je vaD symbols joj lIj mInDu': vaD Sum HoS vo' ghop joH'a' qempu' maH vo' pa' vo' Egypt.” | |
Exod | KLV | 13:17 | 'oH qaSta', ghorgh Pharaoh ghajta' chaw' the ghotpu jaH, vetlh joH'a' ta'be' Dev chaH Sum the way vo' the puH vo' the Philistines, although vetlh ghaHta' Sum; vaD joH'a' ja'ta', “Lest perhaps the ghotpu change chaj minds ghorgh chaH legh veS, je chaH chegh Daq Egypt;” | |
Exod | KLV | 13:18 | 'ach joH'a' led the ghotpu around Sum the way vo' the ngem Sum the Doq biQ'a' { Note: joq, biQ'a' vo' Reeds } ; je the puqpu' vo' Israel mejta' Dung armed pa' vo' the puH vo' Egypt. | |
Exod | KLV | 13:19 | Moses tlhapta' the HomDu' vo' Joseph tlhej ghaH, vaD ghaH ghajta' chenmoHta' the puqpu' vo' Israel swear, ja'ta', “ joH'a' DichDaq DIch visit SoH, je SoH DIchDaq carry Dung wIj HomDu' DoH vo' naDev tlhej SoH.” | |
Exod | KLV | 13:20 | chaH tlhapta' chaj journey vo' Succoth, je Dabta' Daq Etham, Daq the edge vo' the ngem. | |
Exod | KLV | 13:21 | joH'a' mejta' qaSpa' chaH Sum jaj Daq a pillar vo' cloud, Daq Dev chaH Daq chaj way, je Sum ram Daq a pillar vo' qul, Daq nob chaH wov, vetlh chaH might jaH Sum jaj je Sum ram: | |
Chapter 14
Exod | KLV | 14:2 | “ jatlh Daq the puqpu' vo' Israel, vetlh chaH tlhe' DoH je Dab qaSpa' Pihahiroth, joj Migdol je the biQ'a', qaSpa' Baal Zephon. SoH DIchDaq Dab opposite 'oH Sum the biQ'a'. | |
Exod | KLV | 14:3 | Pharaoh DichDaq jatlh vo' the puqpu' vo' Israel, ‘ chaH 'oH entangled Daq the puH. The ngem ghajtaH shut chaH Daq.' | |
Exod | KLV | 14:4 | jIH DichDaq harden Pharaoh's tIq, je ghaH DichDaq tlha' after chaH; je jIH DichDaq tlhap quv Dung Pharaoh, je Dung Hoch Daj armies; je the Egyptians DIchDaq Sov vetlh jIH 'oH joH'a'.” chaH ta'ta' vaj. | |
Exod | KLV | 14:5 | 'oH ghaHta' ja'ta' the joH vo' Egypt vetlh the ghotpu ghajta' Haw'ta'; je the tIq vo' Pharaoh je vo' Daj toy'wI'pu' ghaHta' changed towards the ghotpu, je chaH ja'ta', “ nuq ghaH vam maH ghaj ta'pu', vetlh maH ghaj chaw' Israel jaH vo' serving maH?” | |
Exod | KLV | 14:7 | je ghaH tlhapta' jav vatlh wIvpu' Dujmey, je Hoch the Dujmey vo' Egypt, je HoDpu' Dung Hoch vo' chaH. | |
Exod | KLV | 14:8 | joH'a' hardened the tIq vo' Pharaoh joH vo' Egypt, je ghaH pursued after the puqpu' vo' Israel; vaD the puqpu' vo' Israel mejta' pa' tlhej a jen ghop. | |
Exod | KLV | 14:9 | The Egyptians pursued after chaH: Hoch the horses je Dujmey vo' Pharaoh, Daj horsemen, je Daj army; je overtook chaH DabtaH Sum the biQ'a', retlh Pihahiroth, qaSpa' Baal Zephon. | |
Exod | KLV | 14:10 | ghorgh Pharaoh drew Sum, the puqpu' vo' Israel qengta' Dung chaj mInDu', je yIlegh, the Egyptians were marching after chaH; je chaH were very vIp. The puqpu' vo' Israel SaQta' pa' Daq joH'a'. | |
Exod | KLV | 14:11 | chaH ja'ta' Daq Moses, “Because pa' were ghobe' graves Daq Egypt, ghaj SoH tlhappu' maH DoH Daq Hegh Daq the ngem? qatlh ghaj SoH treated maH vam way, Daq qem maH vo' pa' vo' Egypt? | |
Exod | KLV | 14:12 | 'oHbe' vam the mu' vetlh maH jatlhta' Daq SoH Daq Egypt, ja'ta', ‘ mej maH mob, vetlh maH may toy' the Egyptians?' vaD 'oH were better vaD maH Daq toy' the Egyptians, than vetlh maH should Hegh Daq the ngem.” | |
Exod | KLV | 14:13 | Moses ja'ta' Daq the ghotpu, “ yImev taH vIp. Qam vIHHa', je legh the toDtaHghach vo' joH'a', nuq ghaH DichDaq vum vaD SoH DaHjaj: vaD the Egyptians 'Iv SoH ghaj leghpu' DaHjaj, SoH DIchDaq never legh chaH again. | |
Exod | KLV | 14:15 | joH'a' ja'ta' Daq Moses, “ qatlh ta' SoH SaQ Daq jIH? jatlh Daq the puqpu' vo' Israel, vetlh chaH jaH forward. | |
Exod | KLV | 14:16 | Lift Dung lIj DevwI' naQ, je stretch pa' lIj ghop Dung the biQ'a', je divide 'oH: je the puqpu' vo' Israel DIchDaq jaH Daq the midst vo' the biQ'a' Daq dry yav. | |
Exod | KLV | 14:17 | jIH, yIlegh, jIH DichDaq harden the tIQDu' vo' the Egyptians, je chaH DIchDaq jaH Daq after chaH: je jIH DichDaq tlhap jIH'egh quv Dung Pharaoh, je Dung Hoch Daj armies, Dung Daj Dujmey, je Dung Daj horsemen. | |
Exod | KLV | 14:18 | The Egyptians DIchDaq Sov vetlh jIH 'oH joH'a', ghorgh jIH ghaj gotten jIH'egh quv Dung Pharaoh, Dung Daj Dujmey, je Dung Daj horsemen.” | |
Exod | KLV | 14:19 | The Duy vo' joH'a', 'Iv mejta' qaSpa' the raQ vo' Israel, vIHta' je mejta' behind chaH; je the pillar vo' cloud vIHta' vo' qaSpa' chaH, je Qampu' behind chaH. | |
Exod | KLV | 14:20 | 'oH ghoSta' joj the raQ vo' Egypt je the raQ vo' Israel; je pa' ghaHta' the cloud je the HurghtaHghach, yet nobta' 'oH wov Sum ram: je the wa' ta'be' ghoS Sum the latlh Hoch the ram. | |
Exod | KLV | 14:21 | Moses stretched pa' Daj ghop Dung the biQ'a', je joH'a' caused the biQ'a' Daq jaH DoH Sum a HoS pemHov 'o' SuS Hoch the ram, je chenmoHta' the biQ'a' dry puH, je the bIQmey were divided. | |
Exod | KLV | 14:22 | The puqpu' vo' Israel mejta' Daq the midst vo' the biQ'a' Daq the dry yav, je the bIQmey were a reD Daq chaH Daq chaj nIH ghop, je Daq chaj poS. | |
Exod | KLV | 14:23 | The Egyptians pursued, je mejta' Daq after chaH Daq the midst vo' the biQ'a': Hoch vo' Pharaoh's horses, Daj Dujmey, je Daj horsemen. | |
Exod | KLV | 14:24 | 'oH qaSta' Daq the po watch, vetlh joH'a' nejta' pa' Daq the Egyptian army vegh the pillar vo' qul je vo' cloud, je confused the Egyptian army. | |
Exod | KLV | 14:25 | ghaH tlhapta' litHa' chaj chariot wheels, je chaH drove chaH heavily; vaj vetlh the Egyptians ja'ta', “Let's Haw' vo' the qab vo' Israel, vaD joH'a' fights vaD chaH Daq the Egyptians!” | |
Exod | KLV | 14:26 | joH'a' ja'ta' Daq Moses, “Stretch pa' lIj ghop Dung the biQ'a', vetlh the bIQmey may ghoS again Daq the Egyptians, Daq chaj Dujmey, je Daq chaj horsemen.” | |
Exod | KLV | 14:27 | Moses stretched pa' Daj ghop Dung the biQ'a', je the biQ'a' cheghta' Daq its HoS ghorgh the po appeared; je the Egyptians Haw'ta' Daq 'oH. joH'a' overthrew the Egyptians Daq the midst vo' the biQ'a'. | |
Exod | KLV | 14:28 | The bIQmey cheghta', je covered the Dujmey je the horsemen, 'ach Hoch Pharaoh's army vetlh mejta' Daq after chaH Daq the biQ'a'. pa' remained ghobe' vaj 'ar as wa' vo' chaH. | |
Exod | KLV | 14:29 | 'ach the puqpu' vo' Israel yItta' Daq dry puH Daq the midst vo' the biQ'a', je the bIQmey were a reD Daq chaH Daq chaj nIH ghop, je Daq chaj poS. | |
Exod | KLV | 14:30 | Thus joH'a' toDpu' Israel vetlh jaj pa' vo' the ghop vo' the Egyptians; je Israel leghta' the Egyptians Heghpu' Daq the seashore. | |
Chapter 15
Exod | KLV | 15:1 | vaj Moses je the puqpu' vo' Israel bomta' vam bom Daq joH'a', je ja'ta', “ jIH DichDaq bom Daq joH'a', vaD ghaH ghajtaH triumphed gloriously. The horse je Daj rider ghaH ghajtaH thrown Daq the biQ'a'. | |
Exod | KLV | 15:2 | joH'a' ghaH wIj HoS je bom. ghaH ghajtaH moj wIj toDtaHghach. vam ghaH wIj joH'a', je jIH DichDaq naD ghaH; wIj vav joH'a', je jIH DichDaq exalt ghaH. | |
Exod | KLV | 15:4 | ghaH ghajtaH chuH Pharaoh's Dujmey je Daj army Daq the biQ'a'. Daj wIvpu' HoDpu' 'oH sunk Daq the Doq biQ'a' { Note: joq, biQ'a' vo' Reeds } . | |
Exod | KLV | 15:6 | lIj nIH ghop, joH'a', ghaH glorious Daq HoS. lIj nIH ghop, joH'a', dashes the jagh Daq pieces. | |
Exod | KLV | 15:7 | Daq the greatness vo' lIj excellency, SoH overthrow chaH 'Iv Hu' Dung Daq SoH. SoH ngeH vo' lIj QeHpu'. 'oH consumes chaH as stubble. | |
Exod | KLV | 15:8 | tlhej the blast vo' lIj nostrils, the bIQmey were piled Dung. The floods Qampu' upright as a heap. The deeps were congealed Daq the tIq vo' the biQ'a'. | |
Exod | KLV | 15:9 | The jagh ja'ta', ‘ jIH DichDaq pursue. jIH DichDaq overtake. jIH DichDaq divide the non. wIj neH DIchDaq taH satisfied Daq chaH. jIH DichDaq draw wIj 'etlh, wIj ghop DIchDaq Qaw' chaH.' | |
Exod | KLV | 15:10 | SoH blew tlhej lIj SuS. The biQ'a' covered chaH. chaH sank rur Dev Daq the HoS bIQmey. | |
Exod | KLV | 15:11 | 'Iv ghaH rur SoH, joH'a', among the Qunpu'? 'Iv ghaH rur SoH, glorious Daq holiness, fearful Daq praises, doing wonders? | |
Exod | KLV | 15:13 | “ SoH, Daq lIj muSHa'taH pung, ghaj led the ghotpu vetlh SoH ghaj toDta'. SoH ghaj guided chaH Daq lIj HoS Daq lIj le' juH. | |
Exod | KLV | 15:14 | The ghotpu' ghaj Qoyta'. chaH tremble. Pangs ghaj tlhappu' 'uch Daq the nganpu' vo' Philistia. | |
Exod | KLV | 15:15 | vaj the chiefs vo' Edom were dismayed. Trembling takes 'uch vo' the HoS loDpu' vo' Moab. Hoch the nganpu' vo' Canaan 'oH melted DoH. | |
Exod | KLV | 15:16 | ghIjvIptaH je dread falls Daq chaH. Sum the greatness vo' lIj arm chaH 'oH as vIHHa' as a nagh— until lIj ghotpu juS Dung, joH'a', until the ghotpu juS Dung 'Iv SoH ghaj purchased. | |
Exod | KLV | 15:17 | SoH DIchDaq qem chaH Daq, je plant chaH Daq the HuD vo' lIj inheritance, the Daq, joH'a', nuq SoH ghaj chenmoHta' vaD SoH'egh Daq yIn Daq; the Daq QaD, joH, nuq lIj ghopmey ghaj established. | |
Exod | KLV | 15:19 | vaD the horses vo' Pharaoh mejta' Daq tlhej Daj Dujmey je tlhej Daj horsemen Daq the biQ'a', je joH'a' qempu' DoH the bIQmey vo' the biQ'a' Daq chaH; 'ach the puqpu' vo' Israel yItta' Daq dry puH Daq the midst vo' the biQ'a'. | |
Exod | KLV | 15:20 | Miriam the prophetess, the sister vo' Aaron, tlhapta' a tambourine Daq Daj ghop; je Hoch the be'pu' mejta' pa' after Daj tlhej tambourines je tlhej dances. | |
Exod | KLV | 15:21 | Miriam jangta' chaH, “ bom Daq joH'a', vaD ghaH ghajtaH triumphed gloriously. The horse je Daj rider ghaH ghajtaH thrown Daq the biQ'a'.” | |
Exod | KLV | 15:22 | Moses led Israel onward vo' the Doq biQ'a' { Note: joq, biQ'a' vo' Reeds } , je chaH mejta' pa' Daq the ngem vo' Shur; je chaH mejta' wej jajmey Daq the ngem, je tu'ta' ghobe' bIQ. | |
Exod | KLV | 15:23 | ghorgh chaH ghoSta' Daq Marah, chaH couldn't tlhutlh vo' the bIQmey vo' Marah, vaD chaH were bitter. vaj its pong ghaHta' ja' Marah. { Note: Marah means bitter. } | |
Exod | KLV | 15:25 | vaj ghaH SaQta' Daq joH'a'. joH'a' showed ghaH a Sor, je ghaH threw 'oH Daq the bIQmey, je the bIQmey were chenmoHta' sweet. pa' ghaH chenmoHta' a statute je an ordinance vaD chaH, je pa' ghaH tested chaH; | |
Exod | KLV | 15:26 | je ghaH ja'ta', “ chugh SoH DichDaq diligently 'Ij Daq the ghogh vo' joH'a' lIj joH'a', je DichDaq ta' vetlh nuq ghaH nIH Daq Daj mInDu', je DichDaq pay attention Daq Daj ra'ta'ghach mu'mey, je pol Hoch Daj chutmey, jIH DichDaq lan pagh vo' the diseases Daq SoH, nuq jIH ghaj lan Daq the Egyptians; vaD jIH 'oH joH'a' 'Iv heals SoH.” | |
Chapter 16
Exod | KLV | 16:1 | chaH tlhapta' chaj journey vo' Elim, je Hoch the tay' ghotpu' vo' the puqpu' vo' Israel ghoSta' Daq the ngem vo' yem, nuq ghaH joj Elim je Sinai, Daq the fifteenth jaj vo' the cha'DIch jar after chaj departing pa' vo' the puH vo' Egypt. | |
Exod | KLV | 16:2 | The Hoch tay' ghotpu' vo' the puqpu' vo' Israel murmured Daq Moses je Daq Aaron Daq the ngem; | |
Exod | KLV | 16:3 | je the puqpu' vo' Israel ja'ta' Daq chaH, “ maH wish vetlh maH ghajta' Heghta' Sum the ghop vo' joH'a' Daq the puH vo' Egypt, ghorgh maH ba'ta' Sum the meat pots, ghorgh maH ate maj fill vo' tIr Soj, vaD SoH ghaj qempu' maH pa' Daq vam ngem, Daq HoH vam Hoch yej tlhej hunger.” | |
Exod | KLV | 16:4 | vaj ja'ta' joH'a' Daq Moses, “ yIlegh, jIH DichDaq rain tIr Soj vo' the sky vaD SoH, je the ghotpu DIchDaq jaH pa' je tay'moH a jaj portion Hoch jaj, vetlh jIH may test chaH, whether chaH DichDaq yIt Daq wIj chut, joq ghobe'. | |
Exod | KLV | 16:5 | 'oH DIchDaq ghoS Daq juS Daq the javDich jaj, vetlh chaH DIchDaq ghuH vetlh nuq chaH qem Daq, je 'oH DIchDaq taH twice as 'ar as chaH tay'moH daily.” | |
Exod | KLV | 16:6 | Moses je Aaron ja'ta' Daq Hoch the puqpu' vo' Israel, “ Daq evening, vaj SoH DIchDaq Sov vetlh joH'a' ghajtaH qempu' SoH pa' vo' the puH vo' Egypt; | |
Exod | KLV | 16:7 | je Daq the po, vaj SoH DIchDaq legh the batlh vo' joH'a'; because ghaH hears lIj murmurings Daq joH'a'. 'Iv 'oH maH, vetlh SoH murmur Daq maH?” | |
Exod | KLV | 16:8 | Moses ja'ta', “ DaH joH'a' DIchDaq nob SoH meat Daq Sop Daq the evening, je Daq the po tIr Soj Daq yonmoH SoH; because joH'a' hears lIj murmurings nuq SoH murmur Daq ghaH. je 'Iv 'oH maH? lIj murmurings 'oH ghobe' Daq maH, 'ach Daq joH'a'.” | |
Exod | KLV | 16:9 | Moses ja'ta' Daq Aaron, “ ja' Hoch the tay' ghotpu' vo' the puqpu' vo' Israel, ‘ ghoS Sum qaSpa' joH'a', vaD ghaH ghajtaH Qoyta' lIj murmurings.'” | |
Exod | KLV | 16:10 | 'oH qaSta', as Aaron jatlhta' Daq the Hoch tay' ghotpu' vo' the puqpu' vo' Israel, vetlh chaH nejta' toward the ngem, je yIlegh, the batlh vo' joH'a' appeared Daq the cloud. | |
Exod | KLV | 16:12 | “ jIH ghaj Qoyta' the murmurings vo' the puqpu' vo' Israel. jatlh Daq chaH, ja'ta', ‘ Daq evening SoH DIchDaq Sop meat, je Daq the po SoH DIchDaq taH tebta' tlhej tIr Soj: je SoH DIchDaq Sov vetlh jIH 'oH joH'a' lIj joH'a'.'” | |
Exod | KLV | 16:13 | 'oH qaSta' Daq evening vetlh quail ghoSta' Dung je covered the raQ; je Daq the po the dew lay around the raQ. | |
Exod | KLV | 16:14 | ghorgh the dew vetlh lay ghajta' ghoSta', yIlegh, Daq the surface vo' the ngem ghaHta' a mach round Doch, mach as the frost Daq the yav. | |
Exod | KLV | 16:15 | ghorgh the puqpu' vo' Israel leghta' 'oH, chaH ja'ta' wa' Daq another, “ nuq ghaH 'oH?” vaD chaH ta'be' Sov nuq 'oH ghaHta'. Moses ja'ta' Daq chaH, “ 'oH ghaH the tIr Soj nuq joH'a' ghajtaH nobpu' SoH Daq Sop.” | |
Exod | KLV | 16:16 | vam ghaH the Doch nuq joH'a' ghajtaH ra'ta': “ tay'moH vo' 'oH Hoch according Daq Daj eating; an omer { Note: An omer ghaH about 2.2 litres joq about 2.3 quarts } a nach, according Daq the mI' vo' lIj persons, SoH DIchDaq tlhap 'oH, Hoch loD vaD chaH 'Iv 'oH Daq Daj juHHom.” | |
Exod | KLV | 16:18 | ghorgh chaH juvta' 'oH tlhej an omer, ghaH 'Iv boSta' 'ar ghajta' pagh Dung, je ghaH 'Iv boSta' mach ghajta' ghobe' Hutlh. chaH boSta' Hoch loD according Daq Daj eating. | |
Exod | KLV | 16:20 | Notwithstanding chaH ta'be' 'Ij Daq Moses, 'ach 'op vo' chaH poS vo' 'oH until the po, je 'oH bred worms, je mojta' foul: je Moses ghaHta' angry tlhej chaH. | |
Exod | KLV | 16:21 | chaH boSta' 'oH po Sum po, Hoch according Daq Daj eating. ghorgh the pemHov grew hot, 'oH melted. | |
Exod | KLV | 16:22 | 'oH qaSta' vetlh Daq the javDich jaj chaH boSta' twice as 'ar tIr Soj, cha' omers vaD each wa', je Hoch the DevwIpu' vo' the tay' ghotpu' ghoSta' je ja'ta' Moses. | |
Exod | KLV | 16:23 | ghaH ja'ta' Daq chaH, “ vam ghaH vetlh nuq joH'a' ghajtaH jatlhpu', ‘ wa'leS ghaH a Sagh leS, a le' jaj SochDIch Daq joH'a'. vut vetlh nuq SoH want Daq vut, je boil vetlh nuq SoH want Daq boil; je Hoch vetlh remains Dung lay Dung vaD tlhIH'egh Daq taH polta' until the po.'” | |
Exod | KLV | 16:24 | chaH laid 'oH Dung until the po, as Moses tlhobta', je 'oH ta'be' moj foul, ghobe' ghaHta' pa' vay' worm Daq 'oH. | |
Exod | KLV | 16:25 | Moses ja'ta', “ Sop vetlh DaHjaj, vaD DaHjaj ghaH a jaj SochDIch Daq joH'a'. DaHjaj SoH DIchDaq ghobe' tu' 'oH Daq the yotlh. | |
Exod | KLV | 16:26 | jav jajmey SoH DIchDaq tay'moH 'oH, 'ach Daq the SochDIch jaj ghaH the jaj SochDIch. Daq 'oH pa' DIchDaq taH pagh.” | |
Exod | KLV | 16:27 | 'oH qaSta' Daq the SochDIch jaj, vetlh 'op vo' the ghotpu mejta' pa' Daq tay'moH, je chaH tu'ta' pagh. | |
Exod | KLV | 16:28 | joH'a' ja'ta' Daq Moses, “ chay' tIq ta' SoH Qo' Daq pol wIj ra'ta'ghach mu'mey je wIj laws? | |
Exod | KLV | 16:29 | yIlegh, because joH'a' ghajtaH nobpu' SoH the jaj SochDIch, vaj ghaH nob SoH Daq the javDich jaj the tIr Soj vo' cha' jajmey. Hoch stay Daq Daj Daq. chaw' ghobe' wa' jaH pa' vo' Daj Daq Daq the SochDIch jaj.” | |
Exod | KLV | 16:31 | The tuq vo' Israel ja' its pong Manna, { Note: “Manna” means “ nuq ghaH 'oH?” } je 'oH ghaHta' rur coriander tIr, chIS; je its taste ghaHta' rur wafers tlhej honey. | |
Exod | KLV | 16:32 | Moses ja'ta', “ vam ghaH the Doch nuq joH'a' ghajtaH ra'ta', ‘ chaw' an omer- teblu'ta' vo' 'oH taH polta' throughout lIj DISmey, vetlh chaH may legh the tIr Soj tlhej nuq jIH Sopta' SoH Daq the ngem, ghorgh jIH qempu' SoH vo' vo' the puH vo' Egypt.'” | |
Exod | KLV | 16:33 | Moses ja'ta' Daq Aaron, “ tlhap a pot, je lan an omer- teblu'ta' vo' manna Daq 'oH, je lay 'oH Dung qaSpa' joH'a', Daq taH polta' throughout lIj DISmey.” | |
Exod | KLV | 16:34 | As joH'a' ra'ta' Moses, vaj Aaron laid 'oH Dung qaSpa' the Testimony, Daq taH polta'. | |
Exod | KLV | 16:35 | The puqpu' vo' Israel ate the manna loSmaH DISmey, until chaH ghoSta' Daq an inhabited puH. chaH ate the manna until chaH ghoSta' Daq the veHmey vo' the puH vo' Canaan. | |
Chapter 17
Exod | KLV | 17:1 | Hoch the tay' ghotpu' vo' the puqpu' vo' Israel traveled vo' the ngem vo' yem, Sum chaj journeys, according Daq joH'a' ra'ta'ghach mu', je Dabta' Daq Rephidim; 'ach pa' ghaHta' ghobe' bIQ vaD the ghotpu Daq tlhutlh. | |
Exod | KLV | 17:2 | vaj the ghotpu quarreled tlhej Moses, je ja'ta', “ nob maH bIQ Daq tlhutlh.” Moses ja'ta' Daq chaH, “ qatlh ta' SoH quarrel tlhej jIH? qatlh ta' SoH test joH'a'?” | |
Exod | KLV | 17:3 | The ghotpu were thirsty vaD bIQ pa'; je the ghotpu murmured Daq Moses, je ja'ta', “ qatlh ghaj SoH qempu' maH Dung pa' vo' Egypt, Daq HoH maH, maj puqpu', je maj livestock tlhej thirst?” | |
Exod | KLV | 17:4 | Moses SaQta' Daq joH'a', ja'ta', “ nuq DIchDaq jIH ta' tlhej Dochvammey ghotpu? chaH 'oH almost ready Daq nagh jIH.” | |
Exod | KLV | 17:5 | joH'a' ja'ta' Daq Moses, “ yIt Daq qaSpa' the ghotpu, je tlhap the quppu' vo' Israel tlhej SoH, je tlhap the DevwI' naQ Daq lIj ghop tlhej nuq SoH struck the Nile, je jaH. | |
Exod | KLV | 17:6 | yIlegh, jIH DichDaq Qam qaSpa' SoH pa' Daq the nagh Daq Horeb. SoH DIchDaq mup the nagh, je bIQ DichDaq ghoS pa' vo' 'oH, vetlh the ghotpu may tlhutlh.” Moses ta'ta' vaj Daq the leghpu' vo' the quppu' vo' Israel. | |
Exod | KLV | 17:7 | ghaH ja' the pong vo' the Daq Massah, { Note: Massah means testing. } je Meribah, { Note: Meribah means quarreling. } because the puqpu' vo' Israel quarreled, je because chaH tested joH'a', ja'ta', “ ghaH joH'a' among maH, joq ghobe'?” | |
Exod | KLV | 17:9 | Moses ja'ta' Daq Joshua, “Choose loDpu' vaD maH, je jaH pa', Suv tlhej Amalek. wa'leS jIH DichDaq Qam Daq the top vo' the HuD tlhej joH'a' DevwI' naQ Daq wIj ghop.” | |
Exod | KLV | 17:10 | vaj Joshua ta'ta' as Moses ghajta' ja'ta' ghaH, je Suvta' tlhej Amalek; je Moses, Aaron, je Hur mejta' Dung Daq the top vo' the HuD. | |
Exod | KLV | 17:11 | 'oH qaSta', ghorgh Moses held Dung Daj ghop, vetlh Israel prevailed; je ghorgh ghaH chaw' bIng Daj ghop, Amalek prevailed. | |
Exod | KLV | 17:12 | 'ach Moses' ghopmey were 'ugh; je chaH tlhapta' a nagh, je lan 'oH bIng ghaH, je ghaH ba'ta' Daq 'oH. Aaron je Hur held Dung Daj ghopmey, the wa' Daq the wa' retlh, je the latlh Daq the latlh retlh. Daj ghopmey were steady until sunset. | |
Exod | KLV | 17:14 | joH'a' ja'ta' Daq Moses, “Write vam vaD a memorial Daq a paq, je rehearse 'oH Daq the qoghDu' vo' Joshua: vetlh jIH DichDaq utterly blot pa' the memory vo' Amalek vo' bIng the sky.” | |
Exod | KLV | 17:15 | Moses chenta' an lalDanta' Daq, je ja' its pong joH'a' maj Banner. { Note: Hebrew, joH'a' Nissi } | |
Chapter 18
Exod | KLV | 18:1 | DaH Jethro, the lalDan vumwI' vo' Midian, Moses' vav- Daq- chut, Qoyta' vo' Hoch vetlh joH'a' ghajta' ta'pu' vaD Moses, je vaD Israel Daj ghotpu, chay' vetlh joH'a' ghajta' qempu' Israel pa' vo' Egypt. | |
Exod | KLV | 18:2 | Jethro, Moses' vav- Daq- chut, Hevta' Zipporah, Moses' be'nal, after ghaH ghajta' ngeHta' Daj DoH, | |
Exod | KLV | 18:3 | je Daj cha' puqloDpu'. The pong vo' wa' puqloD ghaHta' Gershom, { Note: “Gershom” wabmey rur the Hebrew vaD “an alien pa'.” } vaD Moses ja'ta', “ jIH ghaj yInta' as a foreigner Daq a foreign puH”. | |
Exod | KLV | 18:4 | The pong vo' the latlh ghaHta' Eliezer, { Note: Eliezer means “ joH'a' ghaH wIj helper.” } vaD ghaH ja'ta', “ wIj vav joH'a' ghaHta' wIj QaH je toDta' jIH vo' Pharaoh's 'etlh.” | |
Exod | KLV | 18:5 | Jethro, Moses' vav- Daq- chut, ghoSta' tlhej Daj puqloDpu' je Daj be'nal Daq Moses Daq the ngem nuqDaq ghaH ghaHta' Dabta', Daq the HuD vo' joH'a'. | |
Exod | KLV | 18:6 | ghaH ja'ta' Daq Moses, “ jIH, lIj vav- Daq- chut Jethro, ghaj ghoS Daq SoH tlhej lIj be'nal, je Daj cha' puqloDpu' tlhej Daj.” | |
Exod | KLV | 18:7 | Moses mejta' pa' Daq ghom Daj vav- Daq- chut, je bowed je kissed ghaH. chaH tlhobta' each latlh vo' chaj welfare, je chaH ghoSta' Daq the juHHom. | |
Exod | KLV | 18:8 | Moses ja'ta' Daj vav- Daq- chut Hoch vetlh joH'a' ghajta' ta'pu' Daq Pharaoh je Daq the Egyptians vaD Israel's chIch, Hoch the hardships vetlh ghajta' ghoS Daq chaH Daq the way, je chay' joH'a' toDta' chaH. | |
Exod | KLV | 18:9 | Jethro rejoiced vaD Hoch the QaQ nuq joH'a' ghajta' ta'pu' Daq Israel, Daq vetlh ghaH ghajta' toDta' chaH pa' vo' the ghop vo' the Egyptians. | |
Exod | KLV | 18:10 | Jethro ja'ta', “ ghurtaH taH joH'a', 'Iv ghajtaH toDta' SoH pa' vo' the ghop vo' the Egyptians, je pa' vo' the ghop vo' Pharaoh; 'Iv ghajtaH toDta' the ghotpu vo' bIng the ghop vo' the Egyptians. | |
Exod | KLV | 18:11 | DaH jIH Sov vetlh joH'a' ghaH greater than Hoch Qunpu' because vo' the Doch Daq nuq chaH dealt arrogantly Daq chaH.” | |
Exod | KLV | 18:12 | Jethro, Moses' vav- Daq- chut, tlhapta' a meQqu'pu' cha'nob je nobmey vaD joH'a'. Aaron ghoSta' tlhej Hoch vo' the quppu' vo' Israel, Daq Sop tIr Soj tlhej Moses' vav- Daq- chut qaSpa' joH'a'. | |
Exod | KLV | 18:13 | 'oH qaSta' Daq the next jaj, vetlh Moses ba'ta' Daq noH the ghotpu, je the ghotpu Qampu' around Moses vo' the po Daq the evening. | |
Exod | KLV | 18:14 | ghorgh Moses' vav- Daq- chut leghta' Hoch vetlh ghaH ta'ta' Daq the ghotpu, ghaH ja'ta', “ nuq ghaH vam Doch vetlh SoH ta' vaD the ghotpu? qatlh ta' SoH ba' mob, je Hoch the ghotpu Qam around SoH vo' po Daq evening?” | |
Exod | KLV | 18:15 | Moses ja'ta' Daq Daj vav- Daq- chut, “Because the ghotpu ghoS Daq jIH Daq inquire vo' joH'a'. | |
Exod | KLV | 18:16 | ghorgh chaH ghaj a matter, chaH ghoS Daq jIH, je jIH noH joj a loD je Daj jIl, je jIH chenmoH chaH Sov the chutmey vo' joH'a', je Daj laws.” | |
Exod | KLV | 18:18 | SoH DichDaq DIch wear DoH, both SoH, je vam ghotpu vetlh ghaH tlhej SoH; vaD the Doch ghaH too 'ugh vaD SoH. SoH 'oH ghobe' laH Daq perform 'oH SoH'egh mob. | |
Exod | KLV | 18:19 | 'Ij DaH Daq wIj ghogh. jIH DichDaq nob SoH qeS, je joH'a' taH tlhej SoH. SoH represent the ghotpu qaSpa' joH'a', je qem the causes Daq joH'a'. | |
Exod | KLV | 18:20 | SoH DIchDaq ghojmoH chaH the chutmey je the laws, je DIchDaq cha' chaH the way Daq nuq chaH must yIt, je the vum vetlh chaH must ta'. | |
Exod | KLV | 18:21 | Moreover SoH DIchDaq provide pa' vo' Hoch the ghotpu laH loDpu', such as taHvIp joH'a': loDpu' vo' vIt, hating unjust gain; je Daq such Dung chaH, Daq taH DevwIpu' vo' SaDmey, DevwIpu' vo' hundreds, DevwIpu' vo' fifties, je DevwIpu' vo' wa'maHmey. | |
Exod | KLV | 18:22 | chaw' chaH noH the ghotpu Daq Hoch poHmey. 'oH DIchDaq taH vetlh Hoch Dun matter chaH DIchDaq qem Daq SoH, 'ach Hoch mach matter chaH DIchDaq noH themselves. vaj DIchDaq 'oH taH easier vaD SoH, je chaH DIchDaq share the load tlhej SoH. | |
Exod | KLV | 18:23 | chugh SoH DichDaq ta' vam Doch, je joH'a' commands SoH vaj, vaj SoH DichDaq taH laH Daq SIQ, je Hoch vo' Dochvammey ghotpu je DichDaq jaH Daq chaj Daq Daq roj.” | |
Exod | KLV | 18:24 | vaj Moses listened Daq the ghogh vo' Daj vav- Daq- chut, je ta'ta' Hoch vetlh ghaH ghajta' ja'ta'. | |
Exod | KLV | 18:25 | Moses chose laH loDpu' pa' vo' Hoch Israel, je chenmoHta' chaH nachDu' Dung the ghotpu, DevwIpu' vo' SaDmey, DevwIpu' vo' hundreds, DevwIpu' vo' fifties, je DevwIpu' vo' wa'maHmey. | |
Exod | KLV | 18:26 | chaH judged the ghotpu Daq Hoch poHmey. chaH qempu' the hard causes Daq Moses, 'ach Hoch mach matter chaH judged themselves. | |
Chapter 19
Exod | KLV | 19:1 | Daq the wejDIch jar after the puqpu' vo' Israel ghajta' ghoSta' vo' pa' vo' the puH vo' Egypt, Daq vetlh rap jaj chaH ghoSta' Daq the ngem vo' Sinai. | |
Exod | KLV | 19:2 | ghorgh chaH ghajta' departed vo' Rephidim, je ghajta' ghoS Daq the ngem vo' Sinai, chaH Dabta' Daq the ngem; je pa' Israel Dabta' qaSpa' the HuD. | |
Exod | KLV | 19:3 | Moses mejta' Dung Daq joH'a', je joH'a' ja' Daq ghaH pa' vo' the HuD, ja'ta', “ vam ghaH nuq SoH DIchDaq ja' the tuq vo' Jacob, je ja' the puqpu' vo' Israel: | |
Exod | KLV | 19:4 | ‘ SoH ghaj leghpu' nuq jIH ta'ta' Daq the Egyptians, je chay' jIH boghmoH SoH Daq eagles' telDu', je qempu' SoH Daq jIH'egh. | |
Exod | KLV | 19:5 | DaH vaj, chugh SoH DichDaq indeed obey wIj ghogh, je pol wIj lay', vaj SoH DIchDaq taH wIj ghaj possession vo' among Hoch ghotpu'; vaD Hoch the tera' ghaH mine; | |
Exod | KLV | 19:6 | je SoH DIchDaq taH Daq jIH a kingdom vo' lalDan vumwI'pu', je a le' Hatlh.' Dochvammey 'oH the mu'mey nuq SoH DIchDaq jatlh Daq the puqpu' vo' Israel.” | |
Exod | KLV | 19:7 | Moses ghoSta' je ja' vaD the quppu' vo' the ghotpu, je cher qaSpa' chaH Hoch Dochvammey mu'mey nuq joH'a' ra'ta' ghaH. | |
Exod | KLV | 19:8 | Hoch the ghotpu jangta' tay', je ja'ta', “ Hoch vetlh joH'a' ghajtaH jatlhpu' maH DichDaq ta'.” Moses reported the mu'mey vo' the ghotpu Daq joH'a'. | |
Exod | KLV | 19:9 | joH'a' ja'ta' Daq Moses, “ yIlegh, jIH ghoS Daq SoH Daq a thick cloud, vetlh the ghotpu may Qoy ghorgh jIH jatlh tlhej SoH, je may je Har SoH reH.” Moses ja'ta' the mu'mey vo' the ghotpu Daq joH'a'. | |
Exod | KLV | 19:10 | joH'a' ja'ta' Daq Moses, “ jaH Daq the ghotpu, je sanctify chaH DaHjaj je wa'leS, je chaw' chaH Seng chaj garments, | |
Exod | KLV | 19:11 | je taH ready Daq the wejDIch jaj; vaD Daq the wejDIch jaj joH'a' DichDaq ghoS bIng Daq the leghpu' vo' Hoch the ghotpu Daq Mount Sinai. | |
Exod | KLV | 19:12 | SoH DIchDaq cher veH Daq the ghotpu Hoch around, ja'ta', ‘ taH careful vetlh SoH yImev jaH Dung onto the HuD, joq touch its veH. 'Iv touches the HuD DIchDaq taH DIch lan Daq Hegh. | |
Exod | KLV | 19:13 | ghobe' ghop DIchDaq touch ghaH, 'ach ghaH DIchDaq DIch taH stoned joq shot vegh; whether 'oH ghaH animal joq loD, ghaH DIchDaq ghobe' yIn.' ghorgh the trumpet wabmey tIq, chaH DIchDaq ghoS Dung Daq the HuD.” | |
Exod | KLV | 19:14 | Moses mejta' bIng vo' the HuD Daq the ghotpu, je sanctified the ghotpu; je chaH washed chaj clothes. | |
Exod | KLV | 19:15 | ghaH ja'ta' Daq the ghotpu, “ taH ready Sum the wejDIch jaj. yImev ghaj sexual relations tlhej a be'.” | |
Exod | KLV | 19:16 | 'oH qaSta' Daq the wejDIch jaj, ghorgh 'oH ghaHta' po, vetlh pa' were thunders je lightnings, je a thick cloud Daq the HuD, je the wab vo' an exceedingly loud trumpet; je Hoch the ghotpu 'Iv were Daq the raQ trembled. | |
Exod | KLV | 19:17 | Moses led the ghotpu pa' vo' the raQ Daq ghom joH'a'; je chaH Qampu' Daq the lower part vo' the HuD. | |
Exod | KLV | 19:18 | Mount Sinai, Hoch 'oH, smoked, because joH'a' descended Daq 'oH Daq qul; je its tlhIch ascended rur the tlhIch vo' a furnace, je the Hoch HuD quaked greatly. | |
Exod | KLV | 19:19 | ghorgh the wab vo' the trumpet grew louder je louder, Moses jatlhta', je joH'a' jangta' ghaH Sum a ghogh. | |
Exod | KLV | 19:20 | joH'a' ghoSta' bIng Daq Mount Sinai, Daq the top vo' the HuD. joH'a' ja' Moses Daq the top vo' the HuD, je Moses mejta' Dung. | |
Exod | KLV | 19:21 | joH'a' ja'ta' Daq Moses, “ jaH bIng, warn the ghotpu, lest chaH ghor vegh Daq joH'a' Daq gaze, je law' vo' chaH chIlqu'. | |
Exod | KLV | 19:22 | chaw' the lalDan vumwI'pu' je, 'Iv ghoS Sum Daq joH'a', sanctify themselves, lest joH'a' ghor vo' Daq chaH.” | |
Exod | KLV | 19:23 | Moses ja'ta' Daq joH'a', “The ghotpu ta'laHbe' ghoS Dung Daq Mount Sinai, vaD SoH warned maH, ja'ta', ‘ cher veH around the HuD, je sanctify 'oH.'” | |
Exod | KLV | 19:24 | joH'a' ja'ta' Daq ghaH, “ jaH bIng je SoH DIchDaq qem Aaron Dung tlhej SoH, 'ach yImev chaw' the lalDan vumwI'pu' je the ghotpu ghor vegh Daq ghoS Dung Daq joH'a', lest ghaH ghor vo' Daq chaH.” | |
Chapter 20
Exod | KLV | 20:1 | joH'a' { Note: After “ joH'a',” the Hebrew ghajtaH the cha' letters “Aleph Tav” (the wa'Dich je last letters vo' the Hebrew alphabet), ghobe' as a mu', 'ach as a grammatical marker. } jatlhta' Hoch Dochvammey mu'mey, ja'ta', | |
Exod | KLV | 20:2 | “ jIH 'oH joH'a' lIj joH'a', 'Iv qempu' SoH pa' vo' the puH vo' Egypt, pa' vo' the tuq vo' bondage. | |
Exod | KLV | 20:4 | “ SoH DIchDaq ghobe' chenmoH vaD tlhIH'egh an idol, ghobe' vay' image vo' vay' vetlh ghaH Daq the chal Dung, joq vetlh ghaH Daq the tera' bIng, joq vetlh ghaH Daq the bIQ bIng the tera': | |
Exod | KLV | 20:5 | SoH DIchDaq ghobe' bow SoH'egh bIng Daq chaH, ghobe' toy' chaH, vaD jIH, joH'a' lIj joH'a', 'oH a jealous joH'a', visiting the He'taHghach vo' the vavpu' Daq the puqpu', Daq the wejDIch je Daq the fourth generation vo' chaH 'Iv hate jIH, | |
Exod | KLV | 20:6 | je showing muSHa'taH pung Daq SaDmey vo' chaH 'Iv muSHa' jIH je pol wIj ra'ta'ghach mu'mey. | |
Exod | KLV | 20:7 | “ SoH DIchDaq ghobe' tlhap the pong vo' joH'a' lIj joH'a' Daq lI'be', vaD joH'a' DichDaq ghobe' 'uch ghaH guiltless 'Iv takes Daj pong Daq lI'be'. | |
Exod | KLV | 20:10 | 'ach the SochDIch jaj ghaH a jaj SochDIch Daq joH'a' lIj joH'a'. SoH DIchDaq ghobe' ta' vay' vum Daq 'oH, SoH, ghobe' lIj puqloD, ghobe' lIj puqbe', lIj male toy'wI', ghobe' lIj female toy'wI', ghobe' lIj livestock, ghobe' lIj stranger 'Iv ghaH within lIj lojmItmey; | |
Exod | KLV | 20:11 | vaD Daq jav jajmey joH'a' chenmoHta' chal je tera', the biQ'a', je Hoch vetlh ghaH Daq chaH, je rested the SochDIch jaj; vaj joH'a' ghurtaH the jaj SochDIch jaj, je chenmoHta' 'oH le'. | |
Exod | KLV | 20:12 | “ quv lIj vav je lIj SoS, vetlh lIj jajmey may taH tIq Daq the puH nuq joH'a' lIj joH'a' nob SoH. | |
Exod | KLV | 20:17 | “ SoH DIchDaq ghobe' covet lIj neighbor's tuq. SoH DIchDaq ghobe' covet lIj neighbor's be'nal, ghobe' Daj male toy'wI', ghobe' Daj female toy'wI', ghobe' Daj Qa', ghobe' Daj SarghHom, ghobe' vay' vetlh ghaH lIj neighbor's.” | |
Exod | KLV | 20:18 | Hoch the ghotpu perceived the thunderings, the lightnings, the wab vo' the trumpet, je the HuD tlhIch nob. ghorgh the ghotpu leghta' 'oH, chaH trembled, je stayed Daq a distance. | |
Exod | KLV | 20:19 | chaH ja'ta' Daq Moses, “ jatlh tlhej maH SoH'egh, je maH DichDaq 'Ij; 'ach yImev chaw' joH'a' jatlh tlhej maH, lest maH Hegh.” | |
Exod | KLV | 20:20 | Moses ja'ta' Daq the ghotpu, “ yImev taH vIp, vaD joH'a' ghajtaH ghoS Daq test SoH, je vetlh Daj taHvIp may taH qaSpa' SoH, vetlh SoH won't yem.” | |
Exod | KLV | 20:21 | The ghotpu stayed Daq a distance, je Moses drew Sum Daq the thick HurghtaHghach nuqDaq joH'a' ghaHta'. | |
Exod | KLV | 20:22 | joH'a' ja'ta' Daq Moses, “ vam ghaH nuq SoH DIchDaq ja' the puqpu' vo' Israel: ‘ SoH tlhIH'egh ghaj leghpu' vetlh jIH ghaj talked tlhej SoH vo' chal. | |
Exod | KLV | 20:23 | SoH DIchDaq HochHom certainly ghobe' chenmoH alongside vo' jIH Qunpu' vo' baS chIS, joq Qunpu' vo' SuD baS vaD tlhIH'egh. | |
Exod | KLV | 20:24 | SoH DIchDaq chenmoH an lalDanta' Daq vo' tera' vaD jIH, je DIchDaq sacrifice Daq 'oH lIj meQqu'pu' nobmey je lIj roj nobmey, lIj Suy' je lIj cattle. Daq Hoch Daq nuqDaq jIH record wIj pong jIH DichDaq ghoS Daq SoH je jIH DichDaq ghurmoH SoH. | |
Exod | KLV | 20:25 | chugh SoH chenmoH jIH an lalDanta' Daq vo' nagh, SoH DIchDaq ghobe' chen 'oH vo' pe' naghmey; vaD chugh SoH lift Dung lIj tool Daq 'oH, SoH ghaj polluted 'oH. | |
Chapter 21
Exod | KLV | 21:2 | “ chugh SoH buy a Hebrew toy'wI', ghaH DIchDaq toy' jav DISmey je Daq the SochDIch ghaH DIchDaq jaH pa' free Hutlh paying vay'. | |
Exod | KLV | 21:3 | chugh ghaH choltaH Daq Sum himself, ghaH DIchDaq jaH pa' Sum himself. chugh ghaH ghaH married, vaj Daj be'nal DIchDaq jaH pa' tlhej ghaH. | |
Exod | KLV | 21:4 | chugh Daj pIn nob ghaH a taH'nal je ghaH bears ghaH puqloDpu' joq puqbe'pu', the be'nal je Daj puqpu' DIchDaq be Daj master's, je ghaH DIchDaq jaH pa' Sum himself. | |
Exod | KLV | 21:5 | 'ach chugh the toy'wI' DIchDaq plainly jatlh, ‘ jIH muSHa' wIj pIn, wIj be'nal, je wIj puqpu'. jIH DichDaq ghobe' jaH pa' free;' | |
Exod | KLV | 21:6 | vaj Daj pIn DIchDaq qem ghaH Daq joH'a', je DIchDaq qem ghaH Daq the lojmIt joq Daq the doorpost, je Daj pIn DIchDaq boghmoH Daj qogh vegh tlhej an awl, je ghaH DIchDaq toy' ghaH vaD ever. | |
Exod | KLV | 21:7 | “ chugh a loD sells Daj puqbe' Daq taH a female toy'wI', ghaH DIchDaq ghobe' jaH pa' as the male toy'wI'pu' ta'. | |
Exod | KLV | 21:8 | chugh ghaH ta' taH' please Daj pIn, 'Iv ghajtaH married Daj Daq himself, vaj ghaH DIchDaq chaw' Daj be toDta'. ghaH DIchDaq ghaj ghobe' nIH Daq sell Daj Daq a foreign ghotpu, leghtaH ghaH ghajtaH dealt deceitfully tlhej Daj. | |
Exod | KLV | 21:9 | chugh ghaH marries Daj Daq Daj puqloD, ghaH DIchDaq Da tlhej Daj after the Da vo' puqbe'pu'. | |
Exod | KLV | 21:10 | chugh ghaH takes another be'nal Daq himself, ghaH DIchDaq ghobe' diminish Daj Soj, Daj Sut, je Daj marital rights. | |
Exod | KLV | 21:11 | chugh ghaH ta'be' ta' Dochvammey wej Dochmey vaD Daj, ghaH may jaH free Hutlh paying vay' Huch. | |
Exod | KLV | 21:13 | 'ach ghobe' chugh 'oH ghaH unintentional, 'ach joH'a' allows 'oH Daq qaS: vaj jIH DichDaq appoint SoH a Daq nuqDaq ghaH DIchDaq Haw'. | |
Exod | KLV | 21:14 | chugh a loD schemes je choltaH presumptuously Daq Daj jIl Daq HoH ghaH, SoH DIchDaq tlhap ghaH vo' wIj lalDanta' Daq, vetlh ghaH may Hegh. | |
Exod | KLV | 21:16 | “Anyone 'Iv kidnaps someone je sells ghaH, joq chugh ghaH ghaH tu'ta' Daq Daj ghop, ghaH DIchDaq DIch taH lan Daq Hegh. | |
Exod | KLV | 21:18 | “ chugh loDpu' quarrel je wa' strikes the latlh tlhej a nagh, joq tlhej Daj fist, je ghaH ta'be' Hegh, 'ach ghaH confined Daq bed; | |
Exod | KLV | 21:19 | chugh ghaH rises again je yIttaH around tlhej Daj naQ, vaj ghaH 'Iv struck ghaH DIchDaq taH cleared: neH ghaH DIchDaq pay vaD the loss vo' Daj poH, je DIchDaq provide vaD Daj healing until ghaH ghaH thoroughly healed. | |
Exod | KLV | 21:20 | “ chugh a loD strikes Daj toy'wI' joq Daj maid tlhej a DevwI' naQ, je ghaH dies bIng Daj ghop, ghaH DIchDaq DIch taH punished. | |
Exod | KLV | 21:21 | Notwithstanding, chugh ghaH gets Dung after a jaj joq cha', ghaH DIchDaq ghobe' taH punished, vaD ghaH ghaH Daj property. | |
Exod | KLV | 21:22 | “ chugh loDpu' Suv je hurt a pregnant taH' vaj vetlh ghaH nob birth prematurely, je yet ghobe' harm tlha'taH, ghaH DIchDaq be DIch fined as 'ar as the woman's loDnal demands je the judges allow. | |
Exod | KLV | 21:26 | “ chugh a loD strikes Daj toy'wI' mIn, joq Daj maid's mIn, je destroys 'oH, ghaH DIchDaq chaw' ghaH jaH free vaD Daj eye's chIch. | |
Exod | KLV | 21:27 | chugh ghaH strikes pa' Daj male toy'wI' tooth, joq Daj female toy'wI' tooth, ghaH DIchDaq chaw' ghaH jaH free vaD Daj tooth's chIch. | |
Exod | KLV | 21:28 | “ chugh a bull gores a loD joq a taH' Daq Hegh, the bull DIchDaq DIch taH stoned, je its ghab DIchDaq ghobe' be eaten; 'ach the ghajwI' vo' the bull DIchDaq ghobe' taH held responsible. | |
Exod | KLV | 21:29 | 'ach chugh the bull ghajta' a habit vo' goring Daq the past, je 'oH ghajtaH taH testified Daq its ghajwI', je ghaH ghajtaH ghobe' polta' 'oH Daq, 'ach 'oH ghajtaH HoHta' a loD joq a taH', the bull DIchDaq taH stoned, je its ghajwI' DIchDaq je be lan Daq Hegh. | |
Exod | KLV | 21:30 | chugh a ransom ghaH laid Daq ghaH, vaj ghaH DIchDaq nob vaD the redemption vo' Daj yIn whatever ghaH laid Daq ghaH. | |
Exod | KLV | 21:31 | Whether 'oH ghajtaH gored a puqloD joq ghajtaH gored a puqbe', according Daq vam yoj 'oH DIchDaq taH ta'pu' Daq ghaH. | |
Exod | KLV | 21:32 | chugh the bull gores a male toy'wI' joq a female toy'wI', wejmaH shekels vo' baS chIS DIchDaq taH nobpu' Daq chaj pIn, je the Qa' DIchDaq taH stoned. | |
Exod | KLV | 21:33 | “ chugh a loD opens a pit, joq chugh a loD digs a pit je ta'be' So' 'oH, je a bull joq a SarghHom falls Daq 'oH, | |
Exod | KLV | 21:34 | the ghajwI' vo' the pit DIchDaq chenmoH 'oH QaQ. ghaH DIchDaq nob Huch Daq its ghajwI', je the Heghpu' animal DIchDaq taH Daj. | |
Exod | KLV | 21:35 | “ chugh wa' man's bull injures another's, vaj vetlh 'oH dies, vaj chaH DIchDaq sell the yIn bull, je divide its price; je chaH DIchDaq je divide the Heghpu' animal. | |
Chapter 22
Exod | KLV | 22:1 | “ chugh a loD steals an Qa' joq a Suy', je kills 'oH, joq sells 'oH; ghaH DIchDaq pay vagh chemvaH vaD an Qa', je loS Suy' vaD a Suy'. | |
Exod | KLV | 22:2 | chugh the thief ghaH tu'ta' breaking Daq, je ghaH struck vaj vetlh ghaH dies, pa' DIchDaq taH ghobe' guilt vo' bloodshed vaD ghaH. | |
Exod | KLV | 22:3 | chugh the pemHov ghajtaH risen Daq ghaH, pa' DIchDaq taH guilt vo' bloodshed vaD ghaH; ghaH DIchDaq chenmoH restitution. chugh ghaH ghajtaH pagh, vaj ghaH DIchDaq taH sold vaD Daj theft. | |
Exod | KLV | 22:4 | chugh the stolen property ghaH tu'ta' Daq Daj ghop yIn, whether 'oH ghaH Qa', SarghHom, joq Suy', ghaH DIchDaq pay double. | |
Exod | KLV | 22:5 | “ chugh a loD causes a yotlh joq HIq wIj Daq taH eaten, je lets Daj animal loose, je 'oH grazes Daq another man's yotlh, ghaH DIchDaq chenmoH restitution vo' the best vo' Daj ghaj yotlh, je vo' the best vo' Daj ghaj HIq wIj. | |
Exod | KLV | 22:6 | “ chugh qul breaks pa', je catches Daq thorns vaj vetlh the shocks vo' grain, joq the standing grain, joq the yotlh 'oH Soppu'; ghaH 'Iv kindled the qul DIchDaq DIch chenmoH restitution. | |
Exod | KLV | 22:7 | “ chugh a loD delivers Daq Daj jIl Huch joq stuff Daq pol, je 'oH ghaH stolen pa' vo' the man's tuq; chugh the thief ghaH tu'ta', ghaH DIchDaq pay double. | |
Exod | KLV | 22:8 | chugh the thief 'oHbe' tu'ta', vaj the pIn vo' the tuq DIchDaq ghoS Sum Daq joH'a', Daq tu' pa' chugh ghaH ghajbe' lan Daj ghop Daq Daj neighbor's goods. | |
Exod | KLV | 22:9 | vaD Hoch matter vo' trespass, whether 'oH taH vaD Qa', vaD SarghHom, vaD Suy', vaD Sut, joq vaD vay' kind vo' lost Doch, about nuq wa' jatlhtaH, ‘ vam ghaH mine,' the cause vo' both parties DIchDaq ghoS qaSpa' joH'a'. ghaH 'Iv joH'a' condemns DIchDaq pay double Daq Daj jIl. | |
Exod | KLV | 22:10 | “ chugh a loD delivers Daq Daj jIl a SarghHom, an Qa', a Suy', joq vay' animal Daq pol, je 'oH dies joq ghaH injured, joq driven DoH, ghobe' loD leghtaH 'oH; | |
Exod | KLV | 22:11 | the oath vo' joH'a' DIchDaq taH joj chaH both, whether ghaH ghajbe' lan Daj ghop Daq Daj neighbor's goods; je its ghajwI' DIchDaq accept 'oH, je ghaH DIchDaq ghobe' chenmoH restitution. | |
Exod | KLV | 22:12 | 'ach chugh 'oH ghaH stolen vo' ghaH, ghaH DIchDaq chenmoH restitution Daq its ghajwI'. | |
Exod | KLV | 22:13 | chugh 'oH ghaH torn Daq pieces, chaw' ghaH qem 'oH vaD evidence. ghaH DIchDaq ghobe' chenmoH QaQ vetlh nuq ghaHta' torn. | |
Exod | KLV | 22:14 | “ chugh a loD ngIptaH vay' vo' Daj neighbor's, je 'oH ghaH injured, joq dies, its ghajwI' ghobe' taH tlhej 'oH, ghaH DIchDaq DIch chenmoH restitution. | |
Exod | KLV | 22:15 | chugh its ghajwI' ghaH tlhej 'oH, ghaH DIchDaq ghobe' chenmoH 'oH QaQ. chugh 'oH ghaH a leased Doch, 'oH ghoSta' vaD its lease. | |
Exod | KLV | 22:16 | “ chugh a loD entices a virgin 'Iv 'oHbe' pledged Daq taH married, je lies tlhej Daj, ghaH DIchDaq DIch pay a dowry vaD Daj Daq taH Daj be'nal. | |
Exod | KLV | 22:17 | chugh Daj vav utterly refuses Daq nob Daj Daq ghaH, ghaH DIchDaq pay Huch according Daq the dowry vo' virgins. | |
Exod | KLV | 22:20 | “ ghaH 'Iv nobmey Daq vay' joH'a', except Daq joH'a' neH, DIchDaq taH utterly Qaw'ta'. | |
Exod | KLV | 22:21 | “ SoH DIchDaq ghobe' wrong an alien, ghobe' DIchDaq SoH oppress ghaH, vaD SoH were aliens Daq the puH vo' Egypt. | |
Exod | KLV | 22:23 | chugh SoH tlhap advantage vo' chaH Daq Hoch, je chaH SaQ Daq Hoch Daq jIH, jIH DichDaq DIch Qoy chaj SaQ; | |
Exod | KLV | 22:24 | je wIj QeHpu' DichDaq grow hot, je jIH DichDaq HoH SoH tlhej the 'etlh; je lIj taH'nalpu' DIchDaq be widows, je lIj puqpu' vav ghajbe'. | |
Exod | KLV | 22:25 | “ chugh SoH lend Huch Daq vay' vo' wIj ghotpu tlhej SoH 'Iv ghaH mIpHa', SoH DIchDaq ghobe' taH Daq ghaH as a creditor; ghobe' DIchDaq SoH yov ghaH interest. | |
Exod | KLV | 22:26 | chugh SoH tlhap lIj neighbor's garment as collateral, SoH DIchDaq nobHa' 'oH Daq ghaH qaSpa' the pemHov goes bIng, | |
Exod | KLV | 22:27 | vaD vetlh ghaH Daj neH covering, 'oH ghaH Daj garment vaD Daj Dir. nuq would ghaH Qong Daq? 'oH DichDaq qaS, ghorgh ghaH cries Daq jIH, vetlh jIH DichDaq Qoy, vaD jIH 'oH gracious. | |
Exod | KLV | 22:29 | “ SoH DIchDaq ghobe' delay Daq nob vo' lIj harvest je vo' the outflow vo' lIj presses. “ SoH DIchDaq nob the firstborn vo' lIj puqloDpu' Daq jIH. | |
Exod | KLV | 22:30 | SoH DIchDaq ta' likewise tlhej lIj cattle je tlhej lIj Suy'. Soch jajmey 'oH DIchDaq taH tlhej its SoS, vaj Daq the eighth jaj SoH DIchDaq nob 'oH Daq jIH. | |
Chapter 23
Exod | KLV | 23:1 | “ SoH DIchDaq ghobe' ngeH a false report. yImev join lIj ghop tlhej the mIgh Daq taH a malicious witness. | |
Exod | KLV | 23:2 | “ SoH DIchDaq ghobe' tlha' a crowd Daq ta' mIghtaHghach; ghobe' DIchDaq SoH testify Daq bo'DIj Daq retlh tlhej a qevmey Daq pervert ruv; | |
Exod | KLV | 23:4 | “ chugh SoH ghom lIj enemy's Qa' joq Daj SarghHom ghoS astray, SoH DIchDaq DIch qem 'oH DoH Daq ghaH again. | |
Exod | KLV | 23:5 | chugh SoH legh the SarghHom vo' ghaH 'Iv muS SoH fallen bIng bIng Daj burden, yImev mej ghaH, SoH DIchDaq DIch QaH ghaH tlhej 'oH. | |
Exod | KLV | 23:7 | “ pol Hop vo' a false yov, je yImev HoH the innocent je QaQtaHghach: vaD jIH DichDaq ghobe' justify the mIgh. | |
Exod | KLV | 23:8 | “ SoH DIchDaq tlhap ghobe' bribe, vaD a bribe blinds chaH 'Iv ghaj leghpu' je perverts the mu'mey vo' the QaQtaHghach. | |
Exod | KLV | 23:9 | “ SoH DIchDaq ghobe' oppress an alien, vaD SoH Sov the tIq vo' an alien, leghtaH SoH were aliens Daq the puH vo' Egypt. | |
Exod | KLV | 23:11 | 'ach the SochDIch DIS SoH DIchDaq chaw' 'oH leS je Qot fallow, vetlh the mIpHa' vo' lIj ghotpu may Sop; je nuq chaH mej the animal vo' the yotlh DIchDaq Sop. Daq rur Da SoH DIchDaq Da tlhej lIj HIq wIj je tlhej lIj olive grove. | |
Exod | KLV | 23:12 | “ jav jajmey SoH DIchDaq ta' lIj vum, je Daq the SochDIch jaj SoH DIchDaq leS, vetlh lIj Qa' je lIj SarghHom may ghaj leS, je the puqloD vo' lIj handmaid, je the alien may taH refreshed. | |
Exod | KLV | 23:13 | “ taH careful Daq ta' Hoch Dochmey vetlh jIH ghaj ja'ta' Daq SoH; je yImev invoke the pong vo' latlh Qunpu', ghobe' chaw' chaH taH Qoyta' pa' vo' lIj nujDu'. | |
Exod | KLV | 23:15 | SoH DIchDaq observe the 'uQ'a' vo' unleavened tIr Soj. Soch jajmey SoH DIchDaq Sop unleavened tIr Soj, as jIH ra'ta' SoH, Daq the poH wIv Daq the jar Abib ( vaD Daq 'oH SoH ghoSta' pa' vo' Egypt), je ghobe' wa' DIchDaq nargh qaSpa' jIH empty. | |
Exod | KLV | 23:16 | je the 'uQ'a' vo' harvest, the wa'Dich fruits vo' lIj labors, nuq SoH sow Daq the yotlh: je the 'uQ'a' vo' harvest, Daq the pItlh vo' the DIS, ghorgh SoH tay'moH Daq lIj labors pa' vo' the yotlh. | |
Exod | KLV | 23:18 | “ SoH DIchDaq ghobe' nob the 'Iw vo' wIj sacrifice tlhej leavened tIr Soj, ghobe' DIchDaq the ror vo' wIj 'uQ'a' remain Hoch ram until the po. | |
Exod | KLV | 23:19 | The wa'Dich vo' the wa'Dich fruits vo' lIj yav SoH DIchDaq qem Daq the tuq vo' joH'a' lIj joH'a'. “ SoH DIchDaq ghobe' boil a Qup goat Daq its mother's milk. | |
Exod | KLV | 23:20 | “ yIlegh, jIH ngeH an Duy qaSpa' SoH, Daq pol SoH Sum the way, je Daq qem SoH Daq the Daq nuq jIH ghaj prepared. | |
Exod | KLV | 23:21 | Pay attention Daq ghaH, je 'Ij Daq Daj ghogh. yImev provoke ghaH, vaD ghaH DichDaq ghobe' pardon lIj disobedience, vaD wIj pong ghaH Daq ghaH. | |
Exod | KLV | 23:22 | 'ach chugh SoH indeed 'Ij Daq Daj ghogh, je ta' Hoch vetlh jIH jatlh, vaj jIH DichDaq taH an jagh Daq lIj jaghpu', je an jagh Daq lIj jaghpu'. | |
Exod | KLV | 23:23 | vaD wIj Duy DIchDaq jaH qaSpa' SoH, je qem SoH Daq Daq the Amorite, the Hittite, the Perizzite, the Canaanite, the Hivite, je the Jebusite; je jIH DichDaq pe' chaH litHa'. | |
Exod | KLV | 23:24 | SoH DIchDaq ghobe' bow bIng Daq chaj Qunpu', ghobe' toy' chaH, ghobe' tlha' chaj practices, 'ach SoH DIchDaq utterly overthrow chaH je demolish chaj pillars. | |
Exod | KLV | 23:25 | SoH DIchDaq toy' joH'a' lIj joH'a', je ghaH DichDaq ghurmoH lIj tIr Soj je lIj bIQ, je jIH DichDaq tlhap sickness DoH vo' lIj midst. | |
Exod | KLV | 23:26 | ghobe' wa' DichDaq miscarry joq taH barren Daq lIj puH. jIH DichDaq fulfill the mI' vo' lIj jajmey. | |
Exod | KLV | 23:27 | jIH DichDaq ngeH wIj ghIjvIptaH qaSpa' SoH, je DichDaq confuse Hoch the ghotpu Daq 'Iv SoH ghoS, je jIH DichDaq chenmoH Hoch lIj jaghpu' tlhe' chaj backs Daq SoH. | |
Exod | KLV | 23:28 | jIH DichDaq ngeH the hornet qaSpa' SoH, nuq DichDaq drive pa' the Hivite, the Canaanite, je the Hittite, vo' qaSpa' SoH. | |
Exod | KLV | 23:29 | jIH DichDaq ghobe' drive chaH pa' vo' qaSpa' SoH Daq wa' DIS, lest the puH moj moB, je the Ha'DIbaH vo' the yotlh multiply Daq SoH. | |
Exod | KLV | 23:30 | mach Sum mach jIH DichDaq drive chaH pa' vo' qaSpa' SoH, until SoH ghaj increased je inherit the puH. | |
Exod | KLV | 23:31 | jIH DichDaq cher lIj veH vo' the Doq biQ'a' { Note: joq, biQ'a' vo' Reeds } 'ach Daq the biQ'a' vo' the Philistines, je vo' the ngem Daq the bIQtIQ; vaD jIH DichDaq toD the nganpu' vo' the puH Daq lIj ghop, je SoH DIchDaq drive chaH pa' qaSpa' SoH. | |
Chapter 24
Exod | KLV | 24:1 | ghaH ja'ta' Daq Moses, “ ghoS Dung Daq joH'a', SoH, je Aaron, Nadab, je Abihu, je seventy vo' the quppu' vo' Israel; je lalDan toy' vo' a distance. | |
Exod | KLV | 24:2 | Moses mob DIchDaq ghoS Sum Daq joH'a', 'ach chaH DIchDaq ghobe' ghoS Sum, ghobe' DIchDaq the ghotpu jaH Dung tlhej ghaH.” | |
Exod | KLV | 24:3 | Moses ghoSta' je ja'ta' the ghotpu Hoch the mu'mey vo' joH'a', je Hoch the chutmey; je Hoch the ghotpu jangta' tlhej wa' ghogh, je ja'ta', “ Hoch the mu'mey nuq joH'a' ghajtaH jatlhpu' DichDaq maH ta'.” | |
Exod | KLV | 24:4 | Moses wrote Hoch the mu'mey vo' joH'a', je rose Dung early Daq the po, je chenta' an lalDanta' Daq bIng the HuD, je cha' wa'maH pillars vaD the cha' wa'maH tuqpu' vo' Israel. | |
Exod | KLV | 24:5 | ghaH ngeHta' Qup loDpu' vo' the puqpu' vo' Israel, 'Iv nobta' meQqu'pu' nobmey je sacrificed roj nobmey vo' cattle Daq joH'a'. | |
Exod | KLV | 24:6 | Moses tlhapta' bID vo' the 'Iw je lan 'oH Daq basins, je bID vo' the 'Iw ghaH sprinkled Daq the lalDanta' Daq. | |
Exod | KLV | 24:7 | ghaH tlhapta' the paq vo' the lay' je read 'oH Daq the hearing vo' the ghotpu, je chaH ja'ta', “ Hoch vetlh joH'a' ghajtaH jatlhpu' DichDaq maH ta', je taH loblu'taH.” | |
Exod | KLV | 24:8 | Moses tlhapta' the 'Iw, je sprinkled 'oH Daq the ghotpu, je ja'ta', “ legh, vam ghaH the 'Iw vo' the lay', nuq joH'a' ghajtaH chenmoHta' tlhej SoH concerning Hoch Dochvammey mu'mey.” | |
Exod | KLV | 24:10 | chaH leghta' the joH'a' vo' Israel. bIng Daj qamDu' ghaHta' rur a paved vum vo' sapphire { Note: joq, lapis lazuli } nagh, rur the chal vaD clearness. | |
Exod | KLV | 24:11 | ghaH ta'be' lay Daj ghop Daq the nobles vo' the puqpu' vo' Israel. chaH leghta' joH'a', je ate je drank. | |
Exod | KLV | 24:12 | joH'a' ja'ta' Daq Moses, “ ghoS Dung Daq jIH Daq the HuD, je stay naDev, je jIH DichDaq nob SoH the tables vo' nagh tlhej the chut je the commands vetlh jIH ghaj ghItlhta', vetlh SoH may ghojmoH chaH.” | |
Exod | KLV | 24:14 | ghaH ja'ta' Daq the quppu', “ loS naDev vaD maH, until maH ghoS again Daq SoH. yIlegh, Aaron je Hur 'oH tlhej SoH. 'Iv ghaH involved Daq a dispute laH jaH Daq chaH.” | |
Exod | KLV | 24:16 | The batlh vo' joH'a' settled Daq Mount Sinai, je the cloud covered 'oH jav jajmey. The SochDIch jaj ghaH ja' Daq Moses pa' vo' the midst vo' the cloud. | |
Exod | KLV | 24:17 | The appearance vo' the batlh vo' joH'a' ghaHta' rur devouring qul Daq the top vo' the HuD Daq the mInDu' vo' the puqpu' vo' Israel. | |
Chapter 25
Exod | KLV | 25:2 | “ jatlh Daq the puqpu' vo' Israel, vetlh chaH tlhap an cha'nob vaD jIH. vo' Hoch 'Iv tIq chen ghaH willing SoH DIchDaq tlhap wIj cha'nob. | |
Exod | KLV | 25:9 | According Daq Hoch vetlh jIH cha' SoH, the pattern vo' the tabernacle, je the pattern vo' Hoch vo' its furniture, 'ach vaj SoH DIchDaq chenmoH 'oH. | |
Exod | KLV | 25:10 | “ chaH DIchDaq chenmoH an Duj vo' acacia wood. Its length DIchDaq taH cha' je a bID cubits, its breadth a cubit je a bID, je a cubit je a bID its height. | |
Exod | KLV | 25:11 | SoH DIchDaq overlay 'oH tlhej pure SuD baS. SoH DIchDaq overlay 'oH inside je outside, je SoH DIchDaq chenmoH a SuD baS molding around 'oH. | |
Exod | KLV | 25:12 | SoH DIchDaq chuH loS rings vo' SuD baS vaD 'oH, je lan chaH Daq its loS qamDu'. cha' rings DIchDaq taH Daq the wa' retlh vo' 'oH, je cha' rings Daq the latlh retlh vo' 'oH. | |
Exod | KLV | 25:15 | The poles DIchDaq taH Daq the rings vo' the Duj. chaH DIchDaq ghobe' taH tlhappu' vo' 'oH. | |
Exod | KLV | 25:17 | SoH DIchDaq chenmoH a pung seat vo' pure SuD baS. cha' je a bID cubits DIchDaq taH its length, je a cubit je a bID its breadth. | |
Exod | KLV | 25:18 | SoH DIchDaq chenmoH cha' cherubim vo' hammered SuD baS. SoH DIchDaq chenmoH chaH Daq the cha' ends vo' the pung seat. | |
Exod | KLV | 25:19 | chenmoH wa' cherub Daq the wa' pItlh, je wa' cherub Daq the latlh pItlh. SoH DIchDaq chenmoH the cherubim Daq its cha' ends vo' wa' piece tlhej the pung seat. | |
Exod | KLV | 25:20 | The cherubim DIchDaq ngeH pa' chaj telDu' upward, covering the pung seat tlhej chaj telDu', tlhej chaj faces toward wa' another. The faces vo' the cherubim DIchDaq taH toward the pung seat. | |
Exod | KLV | 25:21 | SoH DIchDaq lan the pung seat Daq top vo' the Duj, je Daq the Duj SoH DIchDaq lan the testimony vetlh jIH DichDaq nob SoH. | |
Exod | KLV | 25:22 | pa' jIH DichDaq ghom tlhej SoH, je jIH DichDaq ja' SoH vo' Dung the pung seat, vo' joj the cha' cherubim nuq 'oH Daq the Duj vo' the testimony, Hoch vetlh jIH ra'ta'ghach mu'mey SoH vaD the puqpu' vo' Israel. | |
Exod | KLV | 25:23 | “ SoH DIchDaq chenmoH a SopDaq vo' acacia wood. cha' cubits DIchDaq taH its length, je a cubit its breadth, je wa' je a bID cubits its height. | |
Exod | KLV | 25:25 | SoH DIchDaq chenmoH a rim vo' a handbreadth around 'oH. SoH DIchDaq chenmoH a golden molding Daq its rim around 'oH. | |
Exod | KLV | 25:26 | SoH DIchDaq chenmoH loS rings vo' SuD baS vaD 'oH, je lan the rings Daq the loS corners vetlh 'oH Daq its loS qamDu'. | |
Exod | KLV | 25:27 | the rings DIchDaq taH close Daq the rim, vaD Daqmey vaD the poles Daq carry the SopDaq. | |
Exod | KLV | 25:28 | SoH DIchDaq chenmoH the poles vo' acacia wood, je overlay chaH tlhej SuD baS, vetlh the SopDaq may taH qengta' tlhej chaH. | |
Exod | KLV | 25:29 | SoH DIchDaq chenmoH its dishes, its spoons, its ladles, je its bowls Daq pour pa' nobmey tlhej. SoH DIchDaq chenmoH chaH vo' pure SuD baS. | |
Exod | KLV | 25:31 | “ SoH DIchDaq chenmoH a lampstand vo' pure SuD baS. vo' hammered vum DIchDaq the lampstand taH chenmoHta', 'ach its base, its shaft, its cups, its buds, je its flowers, DIchDaq taH vo' wa' piece tlhej 'oH. | |
Exod | KLV | 25:32 | pa' DIchDaq taH jav branches ghoS pa' vo' its sides: wej branches vo' the lampstand pa' vo' its wa' retlh, je wej branches vo' the lampstand pa' vo' its latlh retlh; | |
Exod | KLV | 25:33 | wej cups chenmoHta' rur almond blossoms Daq wa' branch, a bud je a flower; je wej cups chenmoHta' rur almond blossoms Daq the latlh branch, a bud je a flower, vaj vaD the jav branches ghoS pa' vo' the lampstand; | |
Exod | KLV | 25:34 | je Daq the lampstand loS cups chenmoHta' rur almond blossoms, its buds je its flowers; | |
Exod | KLV | 25:35 | je a bud bIng cha' branches vo' wa' piece tlhej 'oH, je a bud bIng cha' branches vo' wa' piece tlhej 'oH, je a bud bIng cha' branches vo' wa' piece tlhej 'oH, vaD the jav branches ghoS pa' vo' the lampstand. | |
Exod | KLV | 25:36 | chaj buds je chaj branches DIchDaq taH vo' wa' piece tlhej 'oH, Hoch vo' 'oH wa' beaten vum vo' pure SuD baS. | |
Exod | KLV | 25:37 | SoH DIchDaq chenmoH its lamps Soch, je chaH DIchDaq wov its lamps Daq nob wov Daq the space Daq front vo' 'oH. | |
Exod | KLV | 25:39 | 'oH DIchDaq taH chenmoHta' vo' a talent vo' pure SuD baS, tlhej Hoch Dochvammey accessories. | |
Chapter 26
Exod | KLV | 26:1 | “Moreover SoH DIchDaq chenmoH the tabernacle tlhej wa'maH curtains; vo' fine twined linen, je blue, je purple, je Doq, tlhej cherubim. The vum vo' the skillful workman SoH DIchDaq chenmoH chaH. | |
Exod | KLV | 26:2 | The length vo' each curtain DIchDaq taH cha'maH-eight cubits, je the breadth vo' each curtain loS cubits: Hoch the curtains DIchDaq ghaj wa' juv. | |
Exod | KLV | 26:3 | vagh curtains DIchDaq taH coupled tay' wa' Daq another; je the latlh vagh curtains DIchDaq taH coupled wa' Daq another. | |
Exod | KLV | 26:4 | SoH DIchDaq chenmoH loops vo' blue Daq the edge vo' the wa' curtain vo' the edge Daq the coupling; je likewise SoH DIchDaq chenmoH Daq the edge vo' the curtain vetlh ghaH outmost Daq the cha'DIch coupling. | |
Exod | KLV | 26:5 | SoH DIchDaq chenmoH vaghmaH loops Daq the wa' curtain, je SoH DIchDaq chenmoH vaghmaH loops Daq the edge vo' the curtain vetlh ghaH Daq the cha'DIch coupling. The loops DIchDaq taH opposite wa' Daq another. | |
Exod | KLV | 26:6 | SoH DIchDaq chenmoH vaghmaH clasps vo' SuD baS, je couple the curtains wa' Daq another tlhej the clasps: je the tabernacle DIchDaq taH a unit. | |
Exod | KLV | 26:7 | “ SoH DIchDaq chenmoH curtains vo' goats' jIb vaD a covering Dung the tabernacle. SoH DIchDaq chenmoH chaH eleven curtains. | |
Exod | KLV | 26:8 | The length vo' each curtain DIchDaq taH wejmaH cubits, je the breadth vo' each curtain loS cubits: the eleven curtains DIchDaq ghaj wa' juv. | |
Exod | KLV | 26:9 | SoH DIchDaq couple vagh curtains Sum themselves, je jav curtains Sum themselves, je DIchDaq double Dung the javDich curtain Daq the forefront vo' the juHHom. | |
Exod | KLV | 26:10 | SoH DIchDaq chenmoH vaghmaH loops Daq the edge vo' the wa' curtain vetlh ghaH outmost Daq the coupling, je vaghmaH loops Daq the edge vo' the curtain nuq ghaH outmost Daq the cha'DIch coupling. | |
Exod | KLV | 26:11 | SoH DIchDaq chenmoH vaghmaH clasps vo' brass, je lan the clasps Daq the loops, je couple the juHHom tay', vetlh 'oH may taH wa'. | |
Exod | KLV | 26:12 | The overhanging part vetlh remains vo' the curtains vo' the juHHom, the bID curtain vetlh remains, DIchDaq hang Dung the DoH vo' the tabernacle. | |
Exod | KLV | 26:13 | The cubit Daq the wa' retlh, je the cubit Daq the latlh retlh, vo' vetlh nuq remains Daq the length vo' the curtains vo' the juHHom, DIchDaq hang Dung the sides vo' the tabernacle Daq vam retlh je Daq vetlh retlh, Daq So' 'oH. | |
Exod | KLV | 26:14 | SoH DIchDaq chenmoH a covering vaD the juHHom vo' rams' DirDu' dyed Doq, je a covering vo' biQ'a' cow hides Dung. | |
Exod | KLV | 26:16 | wa'maH cubits DIchDaq taH the length vo' a board, je wa' je a bID cubits the breadth vo' each board. | |
Exod | KLV | 26:17 | pa' DIchDaq taH cha' tenons Daq each board, joined Daq wa' another: thus SoH DIchDaq chenmoH vaD Hoch the boards vo' the tabernacle. | |
Exod | KLV | 26:18 | SoH DIchDaq chenmoH the boards vaD the tabernacle, cha'maH boards vaD the pemHov poS retlh southward. | |
Exod | KLV | 26:19 | SoH DIchDaq chenmoH loSmaH sockets vo' baS chIS bIng the cha'maH boards; cha' sockets bIng wa' board vaD its cha' tenons, je cha' sockets bIng another board vaD its cha' tenons. | |
Exod | KLV | 26:21 | je chaj loSmaH sockets vo' baS chIS; cha' sockets bIng wa' board, je cha' sockets bIng another board. | |
Exod | KLV | 26:24 | chaH DIchDaq taH double bIng, je Daq rur Da chaH DIchDaq taH entire Daq its top Daq wa' ring: thus DIchDaq 'oH taH vaD chaH both; chaH DIchDaq taH vaD the cha' corners. | |
Exod | KLV | 26:25 | pa' DIchDaq taH eight boards, je chaj sockets vo' baS chIS, wa'maH jav sockets; cha' sockets bIng wa' board, je cha' sockets bIng another board. | |
Exod | KLV | 26:26 | “ SoH DIchDaq chenmoH bars vo' acacia wood: vagh vaD the boards vo' the wa' retlh vo' the tabernacle, | |
Exod | KLV | 26:27 | je vagh bars vaD the boards vo' the latlh retlh vo' the tabernacle, je vagh bars vaD the boards vo' the retlh vo' the tabernacle, vaD the Hop part westward. | |
Exod | KLV | 26:29 | SoH DIchDaq overlay the boards tlhej SuD baS, je chenmoH chaj rings vo' SuD baS vaD Daqmey vaD the bars: je SoH DIchDaq overlay the bars tlhej SuD baS. | |
Exod | KLV | 26:30 | SoH DIchDaq cher Dung the tabernacle according Daq the way vetlh 'oH ghaHta' shown Daq SoH Daq the HuD. | |
Exod | KLV | 26:31 | “ SoH DIchDaq chenmoH a veil vo' blue, je purple, je Doq, je fine twined linen, tlhej cherubim. The vum vo' the skillful workman DIchDaq 'oH taH chenmoHta'. | |
Exod | KLV | 26:32 | SoH DIchDaq hang 'oH Daq loS pillars vo' acacia overlaid tlhej SuD baS; chaj hooks DIchDaq taH vo' SuD baS, Daq loS sockets vo' baS chIS. | |
Exod | KLV | 26:33 | SoH DIchDaq hang Dung the veil bIng the clasps, je DIchDaq qem the Duj vo' the testimony Daq pa' within the veil: je the veil DIchDaq separate the le' Daq vo' the HochHom le' vaD SoH. | |
Exod | KLV | 26:35 | SoH DIchDaq cher the SopDaq outside the veil, je the lampstand Dung Daq the SopDaq Daq the retlh vo' the tabernacle toward the pemHov poS: je SoH DIchDaq lan the SopDaq Daq the pemHov nIH retlh. | |
Exod | KLV | 26:36 | “ SoH DIchDaq chenmoH a screen vaD the lojmIt vo' the juHHom, vo' blue, je purple, je Doq, je fine twined linen, the vum vo' the embroiderer. | |
Chapter 27
Exod | KLV | 27:1 | “ SoH DIchDaq chenmoH the lalDanta' Daq vo' acacia wood, vagh cubits tIq, je vagh cubits broad; the lalDanta' Daq DIchDaq taH foursquare: je its height DIchDaq taH wej cubits. | |
Exod | KLV | 27:2 | SoH DIchDaq chenmoH its horns Daq its loS corners; its horns DIchDaq taH vo' wa' piece tlhej 'oH; je SoH DIchDaq overlay 'oH tlhej brass. | |
Exod | KLV | 27:3 | SoH DIchDaq chenmoH its pots Daq tlhap DoH its ashes, its shovels, its basins, its ghab hooks, je its qul pans: Hoch its Dujmey SoH DIchDaq chenmoH vo' brass. | |
Exod | KLV | 27:4 | SoH DIchDaq chenmoH a grating vaD 'oH vo' network vo' brass: je Daq the net SoH DIchDaq chenmoH loS bronze rings Daq its loS corners. | |
Exod | KLV | 27:5 | SoH DIchDaq lan 'oH bIng the ledge around the lalDanta' Daq bIng, vetlh the net may reach halfway Dung the lalDanta' Daq. | |
Exod | KLV | 27:6 | SoH DIchDaq chenmoH poles vaD the lalDanta' Daq, poles vo' acacia wood, je overlay chaH tlhej brass. | |
Exod | KLV | 27:7 | Its poles DIchDaq taH lan Daq the rings, je the poles DIchDaq taH Daq the cha' sides vo' the lalDanta' Daq, ghorgh carrying 'oH. | |
Exod | KLV | 27:8 | SoH DIchDaq chenmoH 'oH tlhej hollow planks. chaH DIchDaq chenmoH 'oH as 'oH ghajtaH taH shown SoH Daq the HuD. | |
Exod | KLV | 27:9 | “ SoH DIchDaq chenmoH the bo'DIj vo' the tabernacle: vaD the pemHov poS retlh southward pa' DIchDaq taH hangings vaD the bo'DIj vo' fine twined linen wa' vatlh cubits tIq vaD wa' retlh: | |
Exod | KLV | 27:10 | je its pillars DIchDaq taH cha'maH, je chaj sockets cha'maH, vo' brass; the hooks vo' the pillars je chaj fillets DIchDaq taH vo' baS chIS. | |
Exod | KLV | 27:11 | Likewise vaD the pemHov nIH retlh Daq length pa' DIchDaq taH hangings wa' vatlh cubits tIq, je its pillars cha'maH, je chaj sockets cha'maH, vo' brass; the hooks vo' the pillars, je chaj fillets, vo' baS chIS. | |
Exod | KLV | 27:12 | vaD the breadth vo' the bo'DIj Daq the pemHov 'et retlh DIchDaq taH hangings vo' vaghmaH cubits; chaj pillars wa'maH, je chaj sockets wa'maH. | |
Exod | KLV | 27:13 | The breadth vo' the bo'DIj Daq the pemHov 'o' retlh eastward DIchDaq taH vaghmaH cubits. | |
Exod | KLV | 27:14 | The hangings vaD the wa' retlh vo' the lojmIt DIchDaq taH fifteen cubits; chaj pillars wej, je chaj sockets wej. | |
Exod | KLV | 27:15 | vaD the latlh retlh DIchDaq taH hangings vo' fifteen cubits; chaj pillars wej, je chaj sockets wej. | |
Exod | KLV | 27:16 | vaD the lojmIt vo' the bo'DIj DIchDaq taH a screen vo' cha'maH cubits, vo' blue, je purple, je Doq, je fine twined linen, the vum vo' the embroiderer; chaj pillars loS, je chaj sockets loS. | |
Exod | KLV | 27:17 | Hoch the pillars vo' the bo'DIj around DIchDaq taH filleted tlhej baS chIS; chaj hooks vo' baS chIS, je chaj sockets vo' brass. | |
Exod | KLV | 27:18 | The length vo' the bo'DIj DIchDaq taH wa' vatlh cubits, je the breadth vaghmaH Hoch nuqDaq, je the height vagh cubits, vo' fine twined linen, je chaj sockets vo' brass. | |
Exod | KLV | 27:19 | Hoch the instruments vo' the tabernacle Daq Hoch its toy'taHghach, je Hoch its pins, je Hoch the pins vo' the bo'DIj, DIchDaq taH vo' brass. | |
Exod | KLV | 27:20 | “ SoH DIchDaq ra'ta'ghach mu'mey the puqpu' vo' Israel, vetlh chaH qem Daq SoH pure olive Hergh beaten vaD the wov, Daq cause a lamp Daq meQ continually. | |
Chapter 28
Exod | KLV | 28:1 | “ qem Aaron lIj loDnI', je Daj puqloDpu' tlhej ghaH, Sum Daq SoH vo' among the puqpu' vo' Israel, vetlh ghaH may minister Daq jIH Daq the priest's office, 'ach Aaron, Nadab je Abihu, Eleazar je Ithamar, Aaron's puqloDpu'. | |
Exod | KLV | 28:3 | SoH DIchDaq jatlh Daq Hoch 'Iv 'oH val-hearted, 'Iv jIH ghaj tebta' tlhej the qa' vo' valtaHghach, vetlh chaH chenmoH Aaron's garments Daq sanctify ghaH, vetlh ghaH may minister Daq jIH Daq the priest's office. | |
Exod | KLV | 28:4 | Dochvammey 'oH the garments nuq chaH DIchDaq chenmoH: a breastplate, je an ephod, je a robe, je a coat vo' checker vum, a turban, je a sash: je chaH DIchDaq chenmoH le' garments vaD Aaron lIj loDnI', je Daj puqloDpu', vetlh ghaH may minister Daq jIH Daq the priest's office. | |
Exod | KLV | 28:5 | chaH DIchDaq tlhap the SuD baS, je the blue, je the purple, je the Doq, je the fine linen. | |
Exod | KLV | 28:6 | “ chaH DIchDaq chenmoH the ephod vo' SuD baS, vo' blue, je purple, Doq, je fine twined linen, the vum vo' the skillful workman. | |
Exod | KLV | 28:7 | 'oH DIchDaq ghaj cha' shoulder straps joined Daq the cha' ends vo' 'oH, vetlh 'oH may taH joined tay'. | |
Exod | KLV | 28:8 | The skillfully woven band, nuq ghaH Daq 'oH, vetlh ghaH Daq ghaH, DIchDaq taH rur its vum je vo' the rap piece; vo' SuD baS, vo' blue, je purple, je Doq, je fine twined linen. | |
Exod | KLV | 28:9 | SoH DIchDaq tlhap cha' onyx naghmey, je engrave Daq chaH the pongmey vo' the puqpu' vo' Israel: | |
Exod | KLV | 28:10 | jav vo' chaj pongmey Daq the wa' nagh, je the pongmey vo' the jav vetlh remain Daq the latlh nagh, Daq the order vo' chaj birth. | |
Exod | KLV | 28:11 | tlhej the vum vo' an engraver Daq nagh, rur the engravings vo' a signet, SoH DIchDaq engrave the cha' naghmey, according Daq the pongmey vo' the puqpu' vo' Israel: SoH DIchDaq chenmoH chaH Daq taH enclosed Daq settings vo' SuD baS. | |
Exod | KLV | 28:12 | SoH DIchDaq lan the cha' naghmey Daq the shoulder straps vo' the ephod, Daq taH naghmey vo' memorial vaD the puqpu' vo' Israel: je Aaron DIchDaq SIQ chaj pongmey qaSpa' joH'a' Daq Daj cha' shoulders vaD a memorial. | |
Exod | KLV | 28:14 | je cha' chains vo' pure SuD baS; SoH DIchDaq chenmoH chaH rur cords vo' braided vum: je SoH DIchDaq lan the braided chains Daq the settings. | |
Exod | KLV | 28:15 | “ SoH DIchDaq chenmoH a breastplate vo' yoj, the vum vo' the skillful workman; rur the vum vo' the ephod SoH DIchDaq chenmoH 'oH; vo' SuD baS, vo' blue, je purple, je Doq, je fine twined linen, SoH DIchDaq chenmoH 'oH. | |
Exod | KLV | 28:16 | 'oH DIchDaq taH square je folded double; a span { Note: A span ghaH the length vo' the tip vo' the thumb Daq the tip vo' the mach finger ghorgh the ghop ghaH stretched pa' (about 9 inches joq 22.8 cm.) } DIchDaq taH its length vo' 'oH, je a span its breadth. | |
Exod | KLV | 28:17 | SoH DIchDaq cher Daq 'oH settings vo' naghmey, loS rows vo' naghmey: a row vo' ruby, topaz, je beryl DIchDaq taH the wa'Dich row; | |
Exod | KLV | 28:18 | je the cha'DIch row a turquoise, a sapphire { Note: joq, lapis lazuli } , je an emerald; | |
Exod | KLV | 28:20 | je the fourth row a chrysolite, an onyx, je a jasper: chaH DIchDaq taH enclosed Daq SuD baS Daq chaj settings. | |
Exod | KLV | 28:21 | The naghmey DIchDaq taH according Daq the pongmey vo' the puqpu' vo' Israel, cha' wa'maH, according Daq chaj pongmey; rur the engravings vo' a signet, Hoch according Daq Daj pong, chaH DIchDaq taH vaD the cha' wa'maH tuqpu'. | |
Exod | KLV | 28:22 | SoH DIchDaq chenmoH Daq the breastplate chains rur cords, vo' braided vum vo' pure SuD baS. | |
Exod | KLV | 28:23 | SoH DIchDaq chenmoH Daq the breastplate cha' rings vo' SuD baS, je DIchDaq lan the cha' rings Daq the cha' ends vo' the breastplate. | |
Exod | KLV | 28:24 | SoH DIchDaq lan the cha' braided chains vo' SuD baS Daq the cha' rings Daq the ends vo' the breastplate. | |
Exod | KLV | 28:25 | The latlh cha' ends vo' the cha' braided chains SoH DIchDaq lan Daq the cha' settings, je lan chaH Daq the shoulder straps vo' the ephod Daq its forepart. | |
Exod | KLV | 28:26 | SoH DIchDaq chenmoH cha' rings vo' SuD baS, je SoH DIchDaq lan chaH Daq the cha' ends vo' the breastplate, Daq its edge, nuq ghaH toward the retlh vo' the ephod inward. | |
Exod | KLV | 28:27 | SoH DIchDaq chenmoH cha' rings vo' SuD baS, je DIchDaq lan chaH Daq the cha' shoulder straps vo' the ephod underneath, Daq its forepart, close Sum its coupling, Dung the skillfully woven band vo' the ephod. | |
Exod | KLV | 28:28 | chaH DIchDaq bind the breastplate Sum its rings Daq the rings vo' the ephod tlhej a lace vo' blue, vetlh 'oH may taH Daq the skillfully woven band vo' the ephod, je vetlh the breastplate may ghobe' swing pa' vo' the ephod. | |
Exod | KLV | 28:29 | Aaron DIchDaq SIQ the pongmey vo' the puqpu' vo' Israel Daq the breastplate vo' yoj Daq Daj tIq, ghorgh ghaH goes Daq Daq the le' Daq, vaD a memorial qaSpa' joH'a' continually. | |
Exod | KLV | 28:30 | SoH DIchDaq lan Daq the breastplate vo' yoj the Urim je the Thummim; je chaH DIchDaq taH Daq Aaron's tIq, ghorgh ghaH goes Daq qaSpa' joH'a': je Aaron DIchDaq SIQ the yoj vo' the puqpu' vo' Israel Daq Daj tIq qaSpa' joH'a' continually. | |
Exod | KLV | 28:32 | 'oH DIchDaq ghaj a hole vaD the nach Daq its midst: 'oH DIchDaq ghaj a binding vo' woven vum around its hole, as 'oH were the hole vo' a coat vo' mail, vetlh 'oH ghobe' taH torn. | |
Exod | KLV | 28:33 | Daq its hem SoH DIchDaq chenmoH pomegranates vo' blue, je vo' purple, je vo' Doq, around its hem; je bells vo' SuD baS joj je around chaH: | |
Exod | KLV | 28:34 | a golden bell je a pomegranate, a golden bell je a pomegranate, around the hem vo' the robe. | |
Exod | KLV | 28:35 | 'oH DIchDaq taH Daq Aaron Daq minister: je its wab DIchDaq taH Qoyta' ghorgh ghaH goes Daq Daq the le' Daq qaSpa' joH'a', je ghorgh ghaH choltaH pa', vetlh ghaH ghobe' Hegh. | |
Exod | KLV | 28:36 | “ SoH DIchDaq chenmoH a plate vo' pure SuD baS, je engrave Daq 'oH, rur the engravings vo' a signet, ‘ le' Daq joH'a'.' | |
Exod | KLV | 28:37 | SoH DIchDaq lan 'oH Daq a lace vo' blue, je 'oH DIchDaq taH Daq the sash; Daq the front vo' the sash 'oH DIchDaq taH. | |
Exod | KLV | 28:38 | 'oH DIchDaq taH Daq Aaron's Quch, je Aaron DIchDaq SIQ the He'taHghach vo' the le' Dochmey, nuq the puqpu' vo' Israel DIchDaq chenmoH le' Daq Hoch chaj le' gifts; je 'oH DIchDaq taH always Daq Daj Quch, vetlh chaH may taH accepted qaSpa' joH'a'. | |
Exod | KLV | 28:39 | SoH DIchDaq weave the coat Daq checker vum vo' fine linen, je SoH DIchDaq chenmoH a turban vo' fine linen, je SoH DIchDaq chenmoH a sash, the vum vo' the embroiderer. | |
Exod | KLV | 28:40 | “ SoH DIchDaq chenmoH coats vaD Aaron's puqloDpu', je SoH DIchDaq chenmoH sashes vaD chaH je SoH DIchDaq chenmoH headbands vaD chaH, vaD batlh je vaD 'IhtaHghach. | |
Exod | KLV | 28:41 | SoH DIchDaq lan chaH Daq Aaron lIj loDnI', je Daq Daj puqloDpu' tlhej ghaH, je DIchDaq anoint chaH, je consecrate chaH, je sanctify chaH, vetlh chaH may minister Daq jIH Daq the priest's office. | |
Exod | KLV | 28:42 | SoH DIchDaq chenmoH chaH linen breeches Daq So' the ghab vo' chaj nakedness; vo' the waist 'ach Daq the thighs chaH DIchDaq reach: | |
Exod | KLV | 28:43 | chaH DIchDaq taH Daq Aaron, je Daq Daj puqloDpu', ghorgh chaH jaH Daq Daq the juHHom vo' qep, joq ghorgh chaH ghoS Sum Daq the lalDanta' Daq Daq minister Daq the le' Daq; vetlh chaH yImev SIQ He'taHghach, je Hegh: 'oH DIchDaq taH a statute reH Daq ghaH je Daq Daj descendants after ghaH. | |
Chapter 29
Exod | KLV | 29:1 | “ vam ghaH the Doch vetlh SoH DIchDaq ta' Daq chaH Daq chenmoH chaH le', Daq minister Daq jIH Daq the priest's office: tlhap wa' Qup bull je cha' 'ermey Hutlh blemish, | |
Exod | KLV | 29:2 | unleavened tIr Soj, unleavened cakes DuD tlhej Hergh, je unleavened wafers ngoHta' tlhej Hergh: SoH DIchDaq chenmoH chaH vo' fine wheat flour. | |
Exod | KLV | 29:3 | SoH DIchDaq lan chaH Daq wa' basket, je qem chaH Daq the basket, tlhej the bull je the cha' 'ermey. | |
Exod | KLV | 29:4 | SoH DIchDaq qem Aaron je Daj puqloDpu' Daq the lojmIt vo' the juHHom vo' qep, je DIchDaq Seng chaH tlhej bIQ. | |
Exod | KLV | 29:5 | SoH DIchDaq tlhap the garments, je lan Daq Aaron the coat, the robe vo' the ephod, the ephod, je the breastplate, je dress ghaH tlhej the skillfully woven band vo' the ephod; | |
Exod | KLV | 29:9 | SoH DIchDaq dress chaH tlhej belts, Aaron je Daj puqloDpu', je bind headbands Daq chaH: je chaH DIchDaq ghaj the priesthood Sum a perpetual statute: je SoH DIchDaq consecrate Aaron je Daj puqloDpu'. | |
Exod | KLV | 29:10 | “ SoH DIchDaq qem the bull qaSpa' the juHHom vo' qep: je Aaron je Daj puqloDpu' DIchDaq lay chaj ghopmey Daq the nach vo' the bull. | |
Exod | KLV | 29:12 | SoH DIchDaq tlhap vo' the 'Iw vo' the bull, je lan 'oH Daq the horns vo' the lalDanta' Daq tlhej lIj finger; je SoH DIchDaq pour pa' Hoch the 'Iw Daq the base vo' the lalDanta' Daq. | |
Exod | KLV | 29:13 | SoH DIchDaq tlhap Hoch the ror vetlh covers the innards, the So' vo' the liver, the cha' kidneys, je the ror vetlh ghaH Daq chaH, je meQ chaH Daq the lalDanta' Daq. | |
Exod | KLV | 29:14 | 'ach the ghab vo' the bull, je its Dir, je its dung, SoH DIchDaq meQ tlhej qul outside vo' the raQ: 'oH ghaH a yem cha'nob. | |
Exod | KLV | 29:15 | “ SoH DIchDaq je tlhap the wa' ram; je Aaron je Daj puqloDpu' DIchDaq lay chaj ghopmey Daq the nach vo' the ram. | |
Exod | KLV | 29:16 | SoH DIchDaq HoH the ram, je SoH DIchDaq tlhap its 'Iw, je sprinkle 'oH around Daq the lalDanta' Daq. | |
Exod | KLV | 29:17 | SoH DIchDaq pe' the ram Daq its pieces, je Seng its innards, je its legs, je lan chaH tlhej its pieces, je tlhej its nach. | |
Exod | KLV | 29:18 | SoH DIchDaq meQ the Hoch ram Daq the lalDanta' Daq: 'oH ghaH a meQqu'pu' cha'nob Daq joH'a'; 'oH ghaH a bel aroma, an cha'nob chenmoHta' Sum qul Daq joH'a'. | |
Exod | KLV | 29:19 | “ SoH DIchDaq tlhap the latlh ram; je Aaron je Daj puqloDpu' DIchDaq lay chaj ghopmey Daq the nach vo' the ram. | |
Exod | KLV | 29:20 | vaj SoH DIchDaq HoH the ram, je tlhap 'op vo' its 'Iw, je lan 'oH Daq the tip vo' the nIH qogh vo' Aaron, je Daq the tip vo' the nIH qogh vo' Daj puqloDpu', je Daq the thumb vo' chaj nIH ghop, je Daq the big toe vo' chaj nIH qam, je sprinkle the 'Iw around Daq the lalDanta' Daq. | |
Exod | KLV | 29:21 | SoH DIchDaq tlhap vo' the 'Iw vetlh ghaH Daq the lalDanta' Daq, je vo' the anointing Hergh, je sprinkle 'oH Daq Aaron, je Daq Daj garments, je Daq Daj puqloDpu', je Daq the garments vo' Daj puqloDpu' tlhej ghaH: je ghaH DIchDaq taH chenmoHta' le', je Daj garments, je Daj puqloDpu', je Daj sons' garments tlhej ghaH. | |
Exod | KLV | 29:22 | je SoH DIchDaq tlhap 'op vo' the ram's ror, the ror tail, the ror vetlh covers the innards, the So' vo' the liver, the cha' kidneys, the ror vetlh ghaH Daq chaH, je the nIH thigh ( vaD 'oH ghaH a ram vo' consecration), | |
Exod | KLV | 29:23 | je wa' loaf vo' tIr Soj, wa' cake vo' oiled tIr Soj, je wa' wafer pa' vo' the basket vo' unleavened tIr Soj vetlh ghaH qaSpa' joH'a'. | |
Exod | KLV | 29:24 | SoH DIchDaq lan Hoch vo' vam Daq Aaron's ghopmey, je Daq Daj sons' ghopmey, je DIchDaq wave chaH vaD a wave cha'nob qaSpa' joH'a'. | |
Exod | KLV | 29:25 | SoH DIchDaq tlhap chaH vo' chaj ghopmey, je meQ chaH Daq the lalDanta' Daq Daq the meQqu'pu' cha'nob, vaD a bel aroma qaSpa' joH'a': 'oH ghaH an cha'nob chenmoHta' Sum qul Daq joH'a'. | |
Exod | KLV | 29:26 | “ SoH DIchDaq tlhap the breast vo' Aaron's ram vo' consecration, je wave 'oH vaD a wave cha'nob qaSpa' joH'a': je 'oH DIchDaq taH lIj portion. | |
Exod | KLV | 29:27 | SoH DIchDaq sanctify the breast vo' the wave cha'nob, je the thigh vo' the wave cha'nob, nuq ghaH waved, je nuq ghaH heaved Dung, vo' the ram vo' consecration, 'ach vo' vetlh nuq ghaH vaD Aaron, je vo' vetlh nuq ghaH vaD Daj puqloDpu': | |
Exod | KLV | 29:28 | je 'oH DIchDaq taH vaD Aaron je Daj puqloDpu' as chaj portion reH vo' the puqpu' vo' Israel; vaD 'oH ghaH a wave cha'nob: je 'oH DIchDaq taH a wave cha'nob vo' the puqpu' vo' Israel vo' the nobmey vo' chaj roj nobmey, 'ach chaj wave cha'nob Daq joH'a'. | |
Exod | KLV | 29:29 | “The le' garments vo' Aaron DIchDaq taH vaD Daj puqloDpu' after ghaH, Daq taH ngoHta' Daq chaH, je Daq taH consecrated Daq chaH. | |
Exod | KLV | 29:30 | Soch jajmey DIchDaq the puqloD 'Iv ghaH lalDan vumwI' Daq Daj Daq lan chaH Daq, ghorgh ghaH choltaH Daq the juHHom vo' qep Daq minister Daq the le' Daq. | |
Exod | KLV | 29:32 | Aaron je Daj puqloDpu' DIchDaq Sop the ghab vo' the ram, je the tIr Soj vetlh ghaH Daq the basket, Daq the lojmIt vo' the juHHom vo' qep. | |
Exod | KLV | 29:33 | chaH DIchDaq Sop chaH Dochmey tlhej nuq atonement ghaHta' chenmoHta', Daq consecrate je sanctify chaH: 'ach a stranger DIchDaq ghobe' Sop vo' 'oH, because chaH 'oH le'. | |
Exod | KLV | 29:34 | chugh vay' vo' the ghab vo' the consecration, joq vo' the tIr Soj, remains Daq the po, vaj SoH DIchDaq meQ the remainder tlhej qul: 'oH DIchDaq ghobe' taH eaten, because 'oH ghaH le'. | |
Exod | KLV | 29:35 | “ SoH DIchDaq ta' vaj Daq Aaron, je Daq Daj puqloDpu', according Daq Hoch vetlh jIH ghaj ra'ta' SoH. SoH DIchDaq consecrate chaH Soch jajmey. | |
Exod | KLV | 29:36 | Hoch jaj SoH DIchDaq nob the bull vo' yem cha'nob vaD atonement: je SoH DIchDaq cleanse the lalDanta' Daq, ghorgh SoH chenmoH atonement vaD 'oH; je SoH DIchDaq anoint 'oH, Daq sanctify 'oH. | |
Exod | KLV | 29:37 | Soch jajmey SoH DIchDaq chenmoH atonement vaD the lalDanta' Daq, je sanctify 'oH: je the lalDanta' Daq DIchDaq taH HochHom le'; whatever touches the lalDanta' Daq DIchDaq taH le'. | |
Exod | KLV | 29:38 | “ DaH vam ghaH vetlh nuq SoH DIchDaq nob Daq the lalDanta' Daq: cha' 'erHommey a DIS qan jaj Sum jaj continually. | |
Exod | KLV | 29:39 | The wa' lamb SoH DIchDaq nob Daq the po; je the latlh lamb SoH DIchDaq nob Daq evening: | |
Exod | KLV | 29:40 | je tlhej the wa' lamb a tenth part vo' an ephah { Note: 1 ephah ghaH about 22 litres joq about 2/3 vo' a bushel } vo' fine flour DuD tlhej the fourth part vo' a hin vo' beaten Hergh, je the fourth part vo' a hin vo' HIq vaD a tlhutlh cha'nob. | |
Exod | KLV | 29:41 | The latlh lamb SoH DIchDaq nob Daq evening, je DIchDaq ta' Daq 'oH according Daq the 'uQ cha'nob vo' the po, je according Daq its tlhutlh cha'nob, vaD a bel aroma, an cha'nob chenmoHta' Sum qul Daq joH'a'. | |
Exod | KLV | 29:42 | 'oH DIchDaq taH a continual meQqu'pu' cha'nob throughout lIj DISmey Daq the lojmIt vo' the juHHom vo' qep qaSpa' joH'a', nuqDaq jIH DichDaq ghom tlhej SoH, Daq jatlh pa' Daq SoH. | |
Exod | KLV | 29:43 | pa' jIH DichDaq ghom tlhej the puqpu' vo' Israel; je the Daq DIchDaq taH sanctified Sum wIj batlh. | |
Exod | KLV | 29:44 | jIH DichDaq sanctify the juHHom vo' qep je the lalDanta' Daq: Aaron je je Daj puqloDpu' jIH DichDaq sanctify, Daq minister Daq jIH Daq the priest's office. | |
Chapter 30
Exod | KLV | 30:1 | “ SoH DIchDaq chenmoH an lalDanta' Daq Daq meQ He' Daq. SoH DIchDaq chenmoH 'oH vo' acacia wood. | |
Exod | KLV | 30:2 | Its length DIchDaq taH a cubit, je its breadth a cubit. 'oH DIchDaq taH square, je its height DIchDaq taH cha' cubits. Its horns DIchDaq taH vo' wa' piece tlhej 'oH. | |
Exod | KLV | 30:3 | SoH DIchDaq overlay 'oH tlhej pure SuD baS, its top, its sides around 'oH, je its horns; je SoH DIchDaq chenmoH a SuD baS molding around 'oH. | |
Exod | KLV | 30:4 | SoH DIchDaq chenmoH cha' golden rings vaD 'oH bIng its molding; Daq its cha' ribs, Daq its cha' sides SoH DIchDaq chenmoH chaH; je chaH DIchDaq taH vaD Daqmey vaD poles tlhej nuq Daq SIQ 'oH. | |
Exod | KLV | 30:6 | SoH DIchDaq lan 'oH qaSpa' the veil vetlh ghaH Sum the Duj vo' the testimony, qaSpa' the pung seat vetlh ghaH Dung the testimony, nuqDaq jIH DichDaq ghom tlhej SoH. | |
Exod | KLV | 30:7 | Aaron DIchDaq meQ He' vo' sweet spices Daq 'oH Hoch po. ghorgh ghaH tends the lamps, ghaH DIchDaq meQ 'oH. | |
Exod | KLV | 30:8 | ghorgh Aaron lights the lamps Daq evening, ghaH DIchDaq meQ 'oH, a perpetual He' qaSpa' joH'a' throughout lIj DISmey. | |
Exod | KLV | 30:9 | SoH DIchDaq nob ghobe' strange He' Daq 'oH, ghobe' meQqu'pu' cha'nob, ghobe' 'uQ cha'nob; je SoH DIchDaq pour ghobe' tlhutlh cha'nob Daq 'oH. | |
Exod | KLV | 30:10 | Aaron DIchDaq chenmoH atonement Daq its horns once Daq the DIS; tlhej the 'Iw vo' the yem cha'nob vo' atonement once Daq the DIS ghaH DIchDaq chenmoH atonement vaD 'oH throughout lIj DISmey. 'oH ghaH HochHom le' Daq joH'a'.” | |
Exod | KLV | 30:12 | “ ghorgh SoH tlhap a census vo' the puqpu' vo' Israel, according Daq chaH 'Iv 'oH toghta' among chaH, vaj each loD DIchDaq nob a ransom vaD Daj qa' Daq joH'a', ghorgh SoH mI' chaH; vetlh pa' taH ghobe' rop'a' among chaH ghorgh SoH mI' chaH. | |
Exod | KLV | 30:13 | chaH DIchDaq nob vam, Hoch 'Iv passes Dung Daq chaH 'Iv 'oH toghta', bID a shekel after the shekel vo' the Daq QaD; (the shekel ghaH cha'maH gerahs;) bID a shekel vaD an cha'nob Daq joH'a'. | |
Exod | KLV | 30:14 | Hoch 'Iv passes Dung Daq chaH 'Iv 'oH toghta', vo' cha'maH DISmey qan je upward, DIchDaq nob the cha'nob Daq joH'a'. | |
Exod | KLV | 30:15 | The rich DIchDaq ghobe' nob latlh, je the mIpHa' DIchDaq ghobe' nob less, than the bID shekel, ghorgh chaH nob the cha'nob vo' joH'a', Daq chenmoH atonement vaD lIj qa'pu'. | |
Exod | KLV | 30:16 | SoH DIchDaq tlhap the atonement Huch vo' the puqpu' vo' Israel, je DIchDaq appoint 'oH vaD the toy'taHghach vo' the juHHom vo' qep; vetlh 'oH may taH a memorial vaD the puqpu' vo' Israel qaSpa' joH'a', Daq chenmoH atonement vaD lIj qa'pu'.” | |
Exod | KLV | 30:18 | “ SoH DIchDaq je chenmoH a basin vo' brass, je its base vo' brass, Daq nuq Daq Seng. SoH DIchDaq lan 'oH joj the juHHom vo' qep je the lalDanta' Daq, je SoH DIchDaq lan bIQ Daq 'oH. | |
Exod | KLV | 30:20 | ghorgh chaH jaH Daq the juHHom vo' qep, chaH DIchDaq Seng tlhej bIQ, vetlh chaH ghobe' Hegh; joq ghorgh chaH ghoS Sum Daq the lalDanta' Daq Daq minister, Daq meQ an cha'nob chenmoHta' Sum qul Daq joH'a'. | |
Exod | KLV | 30:21 | vaj chaH DIchDaq Seng chaj ghopmey je chaj qamDu', vetlh chaH ghobe' Hegh: je 'oH DIchDaq taH a statute reH Daq chaH, 'ach Daq ghaH je Daq Daj descendants throughout chaj DISmey.” | |
Exod | KLV | 30:23 | “ je tlhap fine spices: vo' liquid myrrh, vagh vatlh shekels; je vo' fragrant cinnamon bID as 'ar, 'ach cha' vatlh je vaghmaH; je vo' fragrant cane, cha' vatlh je vaghmaH; | |
Exod | KLV | 30:24 | je vo' cassia vagh vatlh, after the shekel vo' the Daq QaD; je a hin vo' olive Hergh. | |
Exod | KLV | 30:25 | SoH DIchDaq chenmoH 'oH a le' anointing Hergh, a perfume compounded after the art vo' the perfumer: 'oH DIchDaq taH a le' anointing Hergh. | |
Exod | KLV | 30:27 | the SopDaq je Hoch its articles, the lampstand je its accessories, the lalDanta' Daq vo' He', | |
Exod | KLV | 30:28 | the lalDanta' Daq vo' meQqu'pu' cha'nob tlhej Hoch its utensils, je the basin tlhej its base. | |
Exod | KLV | 30:29 | SoH DIchDaq sanctify chaH, vetlh chaH may taH HochHom le'. Whatever touches chaH DIchDaq taH le'. | |
Exod | KLV | 30:30 | SoH DIchDaq anoint Aaron je Daj puqloDpu', je sanctify chaH, vetlh chaH may minister Daq jIH Daq the priest's office. | |
Exod | KLV | 30:31 | SoH DIchDaq jatlh Daq the puqpu' vo' Israel, ja'ta', ‘ vam DIchDaq taH a le' anointing Hergh Daq jIH throughout lIj DISmey. | |
Exod | KLV | 30:32 | 'oH DIchDaq ghobe' taH poured Daq man's ghab, ghobe' DIchDaq SoH chenmoH vay' rur 'oH, according Daq its composition: 'oH ghaH le'. 'oH DIchDaq taH le' Daq SoH. | |
Exod | KLV | 30:33 | 'Iv compounds vay' rur 'oH, joq 'Iv puts vay' vo' 'oH Daq a stranger, ghaH DIchDaq taH pe' litHa' vo' Daj ghotpu.'” | |
Exod | KLV | 30:34 | joH'a' ja'ta' Daq Moses, “ tlhap Daq SoH'egh sweet spices, gum resin, je onycha, je galbanum; sweet spices tlhej pure frankincense: vo' each DIchDaq pa' taH an equal weight; | |
Exod | KLV | 30:35 | je SoH DIchDaq chenmoH He' vo' 'oH, a perfume after the art vo' the perfumer, seasoned tlhej salt, pure je le': | |
Exod | KLV | 30:36 | je SoH DIchDaq qIp 'op vo' 'oH very mach, je lan 'op vo' 'oH qaSpa' the testimony Daq the juHHom vo' qep, nuqDaq jIH DichDaq ghom tlhej SoH. 'oH DIchDaq taH Daq SoH HochHom le'. | |
Exod | KLV | 30:37 | The He' nuq SoH DIchDaq chenmoH, according Daq its composition SoH DIchDaq ghobe' chenmoH vaD tlhIH'egh: 'oH DIchDaq taH Daq SoH le' vaD joH'a'. | |
Chapter 31
Exod | KLV | 31:2 | “ yIlegh, jIH ghaj ja' Sum pong Bezalel the puqloD vo' Uri, the puqloD vo' Hur, vo' the tuq vo' Judah: | |
Exod | KLV | 31:3 | je jIH ghaj tebta' ghaH tlhej the qa' vo' joH'a', Daq valtaHghach, je Daq yajtaHghach, je Daq Sov, je Daq Hoch Da vo' workmanship, | |
Exod | KLV | 31:5 | je Daq cutting vo' naghmey vaD setting, je Daq carving vo' wood, Daq vum Daq Hoch Da vo' workmanship. | |
Exod | KLV | 31:6 | jIH, yIlegh, jIH ghaj wIv tlhej ghaH Oholiab, the puqloD vo' Ahisamach, vo' the tuq vo' Dan; je Daq the tIq vo' Hoch 'Iv 'oH val-hearted jIH ghaj lan valtaHghach, vetlh chaH may chenmoH Hoch vetlh jIH ghaj ra'ta' SoH: | |
Exod | KLV | 31:7 | the juHHom vo' qep, the Duj vo' the testimony, the pung seat vetlh ghaH Daq 'oH, Hoch the furniture vo' the juHHom, | |
Exod | KLV | 31:8 | the SopDaq je its Dujmey, the pure lampstand tlhej Hoch its Dujmey, the lalDanta' Daq vo' He', | |
Exod | KLV | 31:10 | the finely worked garments—the le' garments vaD Aaron the lalDan vumwI'—the garments vo' Daj puqloDpu' Daq minister Daq the priest's office, | |
Exod | KLV | 31:11 | the anointing Hergh, je the He' vo' sweet spices vaD the le' Daq: according Daq Hoch vetlh jIH ghaj ra'ta' SoH chaH DIchDaq ta'.” | |
Exod | KLV | 31:13 | “ jatlh je Daq the puqpu' vo' Israel, ja'ta', ‘ HochHom certainly SoH DIchDaq pol wIj Sabbaths: vaD 'oH ghaH a sign joj jIH je SoH throughout lIj DISmey; vetlh SoH may Sov vetlh jIH 'oH joH'a' 'Iv sanctifies SoH. | |
Exod | KLV | 31:14 | SoH DIchDaq pol the jaj SochDIch vaj; vaD 'oH ghaH le' Daq SoH. Hoch 'Iv profanes 'oH DIchDaq DIch taH lan Daq Hegh; vaD 'Iv ta'taH vay' vum therein, vetlh qa' DIchDaq taH pe' litHa' vo' among Daj ghotpu. | |
Exod | KLV | 31:15 | jav jajmey DIchDaq vum taH ta'pu', 'ach Daq the SochDIch jaj ghaH a jaj SochDIch vo' Sagh leS, le' Daq joH'a'. 'Iv ta'taH vay' vum Daq the jaj SochDIch jaj DIchDaq DIch taH lan Daq Hegh. | |
Exod | KLV | 31:16 | vaj the puqpu' vo' Israel DIchDaq pol the jaj SochDIch, Daq observe the jaj SochDIch throughout chaj DISmey, vaD a perpetual lay'. | |
Exod | KLV | 31:17 | 'oH ghaH a sign joj jIH je the puqpu' vo' Israel reH; vaD Daq jav jajmey joH'a' chenmoHta' chal je tera', je Daq the SochDIch jaj ghaH rested, je ghaHta' refreshed.'” | |
Chapter 32
Exod | KLV | 32:1 | ghorgh the ghotpu leghta' vetlh Moses delayed Daq ghoS bIng vo' the HuD, the ghotpu boSta' themselves tay' Daq Aaron, je ja'ta' Daq ghaH, “ ghoS, chenmoH maH Qunpu', nuq DIchDaq jaH qaSpa' maH; vaD as vaD vam Moses, the loD 'Iv qempu' maH Dung pa' vo' the puH vo' Egypt, maH yImev Sov nuq ghajtaH moj vo' ghaH.” | |
Exod | KLV | 32:2 | Aaron ja'ta' Daq chaH, “ tlhap litHa' the golden rings, nuq 'oH Daq the qoghDu' vo' lIj be'nalpu', vo' lIj puqloDpu', je vo' lIj puqbe'pu', je qem chaH Daq jIH.” | |
Exod | KLV | 32:3 | Hoch the ghotpu tlhapta' litHa' the golden rings nuq were Daq chaj qoghDu', je qempu' chaH Daq Aaron. | |
Exod | KLV | 32:4 | ghaH Hevta' nuq chaH handed ghaH, je fashioned 'oH tlhej an engraving tool, je chenmoHta' 'oH a molten calf; je chaH ja'ta', “ Dochvammey 'oH lIj Qunpu', Israel, nuq qempu' SoH Dung pa' vo' the puH vo' Egypt.” | |
Exod | KLV | 32:5 | ghorgh Aaron leghta' vam, ghaH chenta' an lalDanta' Daq qaSpa' 'oH; je Aaron chenmoHta' a proclamation, je ja'ta', “ wa'leS DIchDaq taH a 'uQ'a' Daq joH'a'.” | |
Exod | KLV | 32:6 | chaH rose Dung early Daq the next jaj, je nobta' meQqu'pu' nobmey, je qempu' roj nobmey; je the ghotpu ba'ta' bIng Daq Sop je Daq tlhutlh, je rose Dung Daq play. | |
Exod | KLV | 32:7 | joH'a' jatlhta' Daq Moses, “ jaH, tlhap bIng; vaD lIj ghotpu, 'Iv SoH qempu' Dung pa' vo' the puH vo' Egypt, ghaj corrupted themselves! | |
Exod | KLV | 32:8 | chaH ghaj tlhe'ta' aside quickly pa' vo' the way nuq jIH ra'ta' chaH. chaH ghaj chenmoHta' themselves a molten calf, je ghaj worshiped 'oH, je ghaj sacrificed Daq 'oH, je ja'ta', ‘ Dochvammey 'oH lIj Qunpu', Israel, nuq qempu' SoH Dung pa' vo' the puH vo' Egypt.'” | |
Exod | KLV | 32:9 | joH'a' ja'ta' Daq Moses, “ jIH ghaj leghpu' Dochvammey ghotpu, je yIlegh, chaH 'oH a stiff-necked ghotpu. | |
Exod | KLV | 32:10 | DaH vaj mej jIH mob, vetlh wIj QeHpu' may meQ hot Daq chaH, je vetlh jIH may consume chaH; je jIH DichDaq chenmoH vo' SoH a Dun Hatlh.” | |
Exod | KLV | 32:11 | Moses begged joH'a' Daj joH'a', je ja'ta', “ joH'a', qatlh ta'taH lIj QeHpu' meQ hot Daq lIj ghotpu, vetlh SoH ghaj qempu' vo' pa' vo' the puH vo' Egypt tlhej Dun HoS je tlhej a HoS ghop? | |
Exod | KLV | 32:12 | qatlh should the Egyptians jatlh, ja'ta', ‘ ghaH qempu' chaH vo' vaD mIghtaHghach, Daq HoH chaH Daq the Hudmey, je Daq consume chaH vo' the surface vo' the tera'?' tlhe' vo' lIj fierce QeHpu', je repent vo' vam mIghtaHghach Daq lIj ghotpu. | |
Exod | KLV | 32:13 | qaw Abraham, Isaac, je Israel, lIj toy'wI'pu', Daq 'Iv SoH swore Sum lIj ghaj self, je ja'ta' Daq chaH, ‘ jIH DichDaq multiply lIj tIr as the stars vo' the sky, je Hoch vam puH vetlh jIH ghaj jatlhpu' vo' jIH DichDaq nob Daq lIj tIr, je chaH DIchDaq inherit 'oH reH.'” | |
Exod | KLV | 32:15 | Moses tlhe'ta', je mejta' bIng vo' the HuD, tlhej the cha' tablets vo' the testimony Daq Daj ghop; tablets vetlh were ghItlhta' Daq both chaj sides; Daq the wa' retlh je Daq the latlh chaH were ghItlhta'. | |
Exod | KLV | 32:16 | The tablets were the vum vo' joH'a', je the writing ghaHta' the writing vo' joH'a', engraved Daq the tables. | |
Exod | KLV | 32:17 | ghorgh Joshua Qoyta' the noise vo' the ghotpu as chaH jachta', ghaH ja'ta' Daq Moses, “ pa' ghaH the noise vo' veS Daq the raQ.” | |
Exod | KLV | 32:18 | ghaH ja'ta', “ 'oH 'oHbe' the ghogh vo' chaH 'Iv jach vaD victory, ghobe' ghaH 'oH the ghogh vo' chaH 'Iv SaQ vaD taH overcome; 'ach the noise vo' chaH 'Iv bom vetlh jIH Qoy.” | |
Exod | KLV | 32:19 | 'oH qaSta', as soon as ghaH ghoSta' Sum Daq the raQ, vetlh ghaH leghta' the calf je the dancing: je Moses' QeH grew hot, je ghaH threw the tablets pa' vo' Daj ghopmey, je broke chaH bIng the HuD. | |
Exod | KLV | 32:20 | ghaH tlhapta' the calf nuq chaH ghajta' chenmoHta', je meQqu'pu' 'oH tlhej qul, yav 'oH Daq powder, je scattered 'oH Daq the bIQ, je chenmoHta' the puqpu' vo' Israel tlhutlh vo' 'oH. | |
Exod | KLV | 32:21 | Moses ja'ta' Daq Aaron, “ nuq ta'ta' Dochvammey ghotpu ta' Daq SoH, vetlh SoH ghaj qempu' a Dun yem Daq chaH?” | |
Exod | KLV | 32:22 | Aaron ja'ta', “ yImev chaw' the QeH vo' wIj joH grow hot. SoH Sov the ghotpu, vetlh chaH 'oH cher Daq mIghtaHghach. | |
Exod | KLV | 32:23 | vaD chaH ja'ta' Daq jIH, ‘ chenmoH maH Qunpu', nuq DIchDaq jaH qaSpa' maH; vaD as vaD vam Moses, the loD 'Iv qempu' maH Dung pa' vo' the puH vo' Egypt, maH yImev Sov nuq ghajtaH moj vo' ghaH.' | |
Exod | KLV | 32:24 | jIH ja'ta' Daq chaH, ‘ 'Iv ghajtaH vay' SuD baS, chaw' chaH tlhap 'oH litHa':' vaj chaH nobta' 'oH Daq jIH; je jIH threw 'oH Daq the qul, je pa' ghoSta' vam calf.” | |
Exod | KLV | 32:25 | ghorgh Moses leghta' vetlh the ghotpu ghajta' ghorta' loose, ( vaD Aaron ghajta' chaw' chaH loose vaD a derision among chaj jaghpu'), | |
Exod | KLV | 32:26 | vaj Moses Qampu' Daq the lojmIt vo' the raQ, je ja'ta', “ 'Iv ghaH Daq joH'a' retlh, ghoS Daq jIH!” Hoch the puqloDpu' vo' Levi boSta' themselves tay' Daq ghaH. | |
Exod | KLV | 32:27 | ghaH ja'ta' Daq chaH, “Thus jatlhtaH joH'a', the joH'a' vo' Israel, ‘ Hoch loD lan Daj 'etlh Daq Daj thigh, je jaH DoH je vo' vo' lojmIt Daq lojmIt throughout the raQ, je Hoch loD HoH Daj loDnI', je Hoch loD Daj companion, je Hoch loD Daj jIl.'” | |
Exod | KLV | 32:28 | The puqloDpu' vo' Levi ta'ta' according Daq the mu' vo' Moses: je pa' pumta' vo' the ghotpu vetlh jaj about wej SaD loDpu'. | |
Exod | KLV | 32:29 | Moses ja'ta', “Consecrate tlhIH'egh DaHjaj Daq joH'a', HIja', Hoch loD Daq Daj puqloD, je Daq Daj loDnI'; vetlh ghaH may bestow Daq SoH a blessing vam jaj.” | |
Exod | KLV | 32:30 | 'oH qaSta' Daq the next jaj, vetlh Moses ja'ta' Daq the ghotpu, “ SoH ghaj yempu' a Dun yem. DaH jIH DichDaq jaH Dung Daq joH'a'. Perhaps jIH DIchDaq chenmoH atonement vaD lIj yem.” | |
Exod | KLV | 32:31 | Moses cheghta' Daq joH'a', je ja'ta', “Oh, vam ghotpu ghaj yempu' a Dun yem, je ghaj chenmoHta' themselves Qunpu' vo' SuD baS. | |
Exod | KLV | 32:32 | Yet DaH, chugh SoH DichDaq, forgive chaj yem— je chugh ghobe', please blot jIH pa' vo' lIj paq nuq SoH ghaj ghItlhta'.” | |
Exod | KLV | 32:33 | joH'a' ja'ta' Daq Moses, “ 'Iv ghajtaH yempu' Daq jIH, ghaH DichDaq jIH blot pa' vo' wIj paq. | |
Exod | KLV | 32:34 | DaH jaH, Dev the ghotpu Daq the Daq vo' nuq jIH ghaj jatlhpu' Daq SoH. yIlegh, wIj Duy DIchDaq jaH qaSpa' SoH. Nevertheless Daq the jaj ghorgh jIH punish, jIH DichDaq punish chaH vaD chaj yem.” | |
Chapter 33
Exod | KLV | 33:1 | joH'a' jatlhta' Daq Moses, “ mej, jaH Dung vo' naDev, SoH je the ghotpu vetlh SoH ghaj qempu' Dung pa' vo' the puH vo' Egypt, Daq the puH vo' nuq jIH swore Daq Abraham, Daq Isaac, je Daq Jacob, ja'ta', ‘ jIH DichDaq nob 'oH Daq lIj tIr.' | |
Exod | KLV | 33:2 | jIH DichDaq ngeH an Duy qaSpa' SoH; je jIH DichDaq drive pa' the Canaanite, the Amorite, je the Hittite, je the Perizzite, the Hivite, je the Jebusite: | |
Exod | KLV | 33:3 | Daq a puH flowing tlhej milk je honey: vaD jIH DichDaq ghobe' jaH Dung Daq the midst vo' SoH, vaD SoH 'oH a stiff-necked ghotpu, lest jIH consume SoH Daq the way.” | |
Exod | KLV | 33:4 | ghorgh the ghotpu Qoyta' vam mIghtaHghach news, chaH mourned: je ghobe' wa' lan Daq Daj jewelry. | |
Exod | KLV | 33:5 | joH'a' ja'ta' Daq Moses, “ ja' the puqpu' vo' Israel, ‘ SoH 'oH a stiff-necked ghotpu. chugh jIH were Daq jaH Dung Daq lIj midst vaD wa' moment, jIH would consume SoH. vaj DaH tlhap litHa' lIj jewelry vo' SoH, vetlh jIH may Sov nuq Daq ta' Daq SoH.'” | |
Exod | KLV | 33:7 | DaH Moses used Daq tlhap the juHHom je Daq pitch 'oH outside the raQ, Hop DoH vo' the raQ, je ghaH ja' 'oH “The juHHom vo' qep.” 'oH qaSta' vetlh Hoch 'Iv nejta' joH'a' mejta' pa' Daq the juHHom vo' qep, nuq ghaHta' outside the raQ. | |
Exod | KLV | 33:8 | 'oH qaSta' vetlh ghorgh Moses mejta' pa' Daq the juHHom, vetlh Hoch the ghotpu rose Dung, je Qampu', Hoch Daq chaj juHHom lojmIt, je watched Moses, until ghaH ghajta' ghoSta' Daq the juHHom. | |
Exod | KLV | 33:9 | 'oH qaSta', ghorgh Moses 'elta' Daq the juHHom, vetlh the pillar vo' cloud descended, Qampu' Daq the lojmIt vo' the juHHom, je jatlhta' tlhej Moses. | |
Exod | KLV | 33:10 | Hoch the ghotpu leghta' the pillar vo' cloud Qam Daq the lojmIt vo' the juHHom, je Hoch the ghotpu rose Dung je worshiped, Hoch Daq chaj juHHom lojmIt. | |
Exod | KLV | 33:11 | joH'a' jatlhta' Daq Moses qab Daq qab, as a loD speaks Daq Daj friend. ghaH tlhe'ta' again Daq the raQ, 'ach Daj toy'wI' Joshua, the puqloD vo' Nun, a Qup loD, ta'be' mej pa' vo' the juHHom. | |
Exod | KLV | 33:12 | Moses ja'ta' Daq joH'a', “ yIlegh, SoH ja' jIH, ‘ qem Dung vam ghotpu:' je SoH ghajbe' chaw' jIH Sov 'Iv SoH DichDaq ngeH tlhej jIH. Yet SoH ghaj ja'ta', ‘ jIH Sov SoH Sum pong, je SoH ghaj je tu'ta' favor Daq wIj leghpu'.' | |
Exod | KLV | 33:13 | DaH vaj, chugh jIH ghaj tu'ta' favor Daq lIj leghpu', please cha' jIH DaH lIj Hemey, vetlh jIH may Sov SoH, vaj vetlh jIH may tu' favor Daq lIj leghpu': je qel vetlh vam Hatlh ghaH lIj ghotpu.” | |
Exod | KLV | 33:15 | ghaH ja'ta' Daq ghaH, “ chugh lIj Daq ta'be' jaH tlhej jIH, yImev carry maH Dung vo' naDev. | |
Exod | KLV | 33:16 | vaD chay' would ghotpu Sov vetlh jIH ghaj tu'ta' favor Daq lIj leghpu', jIH je lIj ghotpu? 'oHbe' 'oH Daq vetlh SoH jaH tlhej maH, vaj vetlh maH 'oH separated, jIH je lIj ghotpu, vo' Hoch the ghotpu 'Iv 'oH Daq the surface vo' the tera'?” | |
Exod | KLV | 33:17 | joH'a' ja'ta' Daq Moses, “ jIH DichDaq ta' vam Doch je vetlh SoH ghaj jatlhpu'; vaD SoH ghaj tu'ta' favor Daq wIj leghpu', je jIH Sov SoH Sum pong.” | |
Exod | KLV | 33:19 | ghaH ja'ta', “ jIH DichDaq chenmoH Hoch wIj QaQ juS qaSpa' SoH, je DichDaq proclaim the pong vo' joH'a' qaSpa' SoH. jIH DichDaq taH gracious Daq 'Iv jIH DichDaq taH gracious, je DichDaq cha' pung Daq 'Iv jIH DichDaq cha' pung.” | |
Exod | KLV | 33:22 | 'oH DichDaq qaS, qaStaHvIS wIj batlh passes Sum, vetlh jIH DichDaq lan SoH Daq a cleft vo' the nagh, je DichDaq So' SoH tlhej wIj ghop until jIH ghaj juSta' Sum; | |
Chapter 34
Exod | KLV | 34:1 | joH'a' ja'ta' Daq Moses, “Chisel cha' nagh tablets rur the wa'Dich: je jIH DichDaq write Daq the tablets the mu'mey vetlh were Daq the wa'Dich tablets, nuq SoH broke. | |
Exod | KLV | 34:2 | taH ready Sum the po, je ghoS Dung Daq the po Daq Mount Sinai, je present SoH'egh pa' Daq jIH Daq the top vo' the HuD. | |
Exod | KLV | 34:3 | ghobe' wa' DIchDaq ghoS Dung tlhej SoH; ghobe' chaw' anyone taH leghpu' throughout Hoch the HuD; ghobe' chaw' the flocks ghobe' herds feed qaSpa' vetlh HuD.” | |
Exod | KLV | 34:4 | ghaH chiseled cha' tablets vo' nagh rur the wa'Dich; je Moses rose Dung early Daq the po, je mejta' Dung Daq Mount Sinai, as joH'a' ghajta' ra'ta' ghaH, je tlhapta' Daq Daj ghop cha' nagh tablets. | |
Exod | KLV | 34:5 | joH'a' descended Daq the cloud, je Qampu' tlhej ghaH pa', je proclaimed the pong vo' joH'a'. | |
Exod | KLV | 34:6 | joH'a' juSta' Sum qaSpa' ghaH, je proclaimed, “ joH'a'! joH'a', a merciful je gracious joH'a', slow Daq QeH, je abundant Daq muSHa'taH pung je vIt, | |
Exod | KLV | 34:7 | keeping muSHa'taH pung vaD SaDmey, forgiving He'taHghach je disobedience je yem; je vetlh DichDaq Sum ghobe' means clear the guilty, visiting the He'taHghach vo' the vavpu' Daq the puqpu', je Daq the puqpu''s children, Daq the wejDIch je Daq the fourth generation.” | |
Exod | KLV | 34:9 | ghaH ja'ta', “ chugh DaH jIH ghaj tu'ta' favor Daq lIj leghpu', joH, please chaw' the joH jaH Daq the midst vo' maH; although vam ghaH a stiff-necked ghotpu; pardon maj He'taHghach je maj yem, je tlhap maH vaD lIj inheritance.” | |
Exod | KLV | 34:10 | ghaH ja'ta', “ yIlegh, jIH chenmoH a lay': qaSpa' Hoch lIj ghotpu jIH DichDaq ta' marvels, such as ghaj ghobe' taH worked Daq Hoch the tera', ghobe' Daq vay' Hatlh; je Hoch the ghotpu among nuq SoH 'oH DIchDaq legh the vum vo' joH'a'; vaD 'oH ghaH an awesome Doch vetlh jIH ta' tlhej SoH. | |
Exod | KLV | 34:11 | Observe vetlh nuq jIH ra'ta'ghach mu'mey SoH vam jaj. yIlegh, jIH drive pa' qaSpa' SoH the Amorite, the Canaanite, the Hittite, the Perizzite, the Hivite, je the Jebusite. | |
Exod | KLV | 34:12 | taH careful, lest SoH chenmoH a lay' tlhej the nganpu' vo' the puH nuqDaq SoH 'oH ghoS, lest 'oH taH vaD a tojta'ghach Daq the midst vo' SoH: | |
Exod | KLV | 34:13 | 'ach SoH DIchDaq ghor bIng chaj altars, je woD Daq pieces chaj pillars, je SoH DIchDaq pe' bIng chaj Asherim; | |
Exod | KLV | 34:14 | vaD SoH DIchDaq lalDan toy' ghobe' latlh joH'a': vaD joH'a', 'Iv pong ghaH Jealous, ghaH a jealous joH'a'. | |
Exod | KLV | 34:15 | “ yImev chenmoH a lay' tlhej the nganpu' vo' the puH, lest chaH play the naybe'wI' after chaj Qunpu', je sacrifice Daq chaj Qunpu', je wa' ja' SoH je SoH Sop vo' Daj sacrifice; | |
Exod | KLV | 34:16 | je SoH tlhap vo' chaj puqbe'pu' Daq lIj puqloDpu', je chaj puqbe'pu' play the naybe'wI' after chaj Qunpu', je chenmoH lIj puqloDpu' play the naybe'wI' after chaj Qunpu'. | |
Exod | KLV | 34:18 | “ SoH DIchDaq pol the 'uQ'a' vo' unleavened tIr Soj. Soch jajmey SoH DIchDaq Sop unleavened tIr Soj, as jIH ra'ta' SoH, Daq the poH wIv Daq the jar Abib; vaD Daq the jar Abib SoH ghoSta' pa' vo' Egypt. | |
Exod | KLV | 34:19 | “ Hoch vetlh opens the womb ghaH mine; je Hoch lIj livestock vetlh ghaH male, the firstborn vo' cow je Suy'. | |
Exod | KLV | 34:20 | The firstborn vo' a SarghHom SoH DIchDaq redeem tlhej a lamb: je chugh SoH DichDaq ghobe' redeem 'oH, vaj SoH DIchDaq ghor its neck. Hoch the firstborn vo' lIj puqloDpu' SoH DIchDaq redeem. ghobe' wa' DIchDaq nargh qaSpa' jIH empty. | |
Exod | KLV | 34:21 | “ jav jajmey SoH DIchDaq vum, 'ach Daq the SochDIch jaj SoH DIchDaq leS: Daq plowing poH je Daq harvest SoH DIchDaq leS. | |
Exod | KLV | 34:22 | “ SoH DIchDaq observe the 'uQ'a' vo' weeks tlhej the wa'Dich fruits vo' wheat harvest, je the 'uQ'a' vo' harvest Daq the year's pItlh. | |
Exod | KLV | 34:23 | wej poHmey Daq the DIS Hoch lIj males DIchDaq nargh qaSpa' the joH joH'a', the joH'a' vo' Israel. | |
Exod | KLV | 34:24 | vaD jIH DichDaq drive pa' tuqpu' qaSpa' SoH je enlarge lIj veHmey; ghobe' DIchDaq vay' loD neH lIj puH ghorgh SoH jaH Dung Daq nargh qaSpa' joH'a', lIj joH'a', wej poHmey Daq the DIS. | |
Exod | KLV | 34:25 | “ SoH DIchDaq ghobe' nob the 'Iw vo' wIj sacrifice tlhej leavened tIr Soj; ghobe' DIchDaq the sacrifice vo' the 'uQ'a' vo' the Passover taH poS Daq the po. | |
Exod | KLV | 34:26 | “ SoH DIchDaq qem the wa'Dich vo' the wa'Dich fruits vo' lIj yav Daq the tuq vo' joH'a' lIj joH'a'. “ SoH DIchDaq ghobe' boil a Qup goat Daq its mother's milk.” | |
Exod | KLV | 34:27 | joH'a' ja'ta' Daq Moses, “Write SoH Dochvammey mu'mey: vaD Daq accordance tlhej Dochvammey mu'mey jIH ghaj chenmoHta' a lay' tlhej SoH je tlhej Israel.” | |
Exod | KLV | 34:28 | ghaH ghaHta' pa' tlhej joH'a' loSmaH jajmey je loSmaH nights; ghaH ghobe' ate tIr Soj, ghobe' drank bIQ. ghaH wrote Daq the tablets the mu'mey vo' the lay', the wa'maH ra'ta'ghach mu'mey. | |
Exod | KLV | 34:29 | 'oH qaSta', ghorgh Moses ghoSta' bIng vo' Mount Sinai tlhej the cha' tablets vo' the testimony Daq Moses' ghop, ghorgh ghaH ghoSta' bIng vo' the HuD, vetlh Moses ta'be' Sov vetlh the Dir vo' Daj qab shone Sum meq vo' Daj speaking tlhej ghaH. | |
Exod | KLV | 34:30 | ghorgh Aaron je Hoch the puqpu' vo' Israel leghta' Moses, yIlegh, the Dir vo' Daj qab shone; je chaH were vIp Daq ghoS Sum ghaH. | |
Exod | KLV | 34:31 | Moses ja' Daq chaH, je Aaron je Hoch the DevwIpu' vo' the tay' ghotpu' cheghta' Daq ghaH; je Moses jatlhta' Daq chaH. | |
Exod | KLV | 34:32 | Afterward Hoch the puqpu' vo' Israel ghoSta' Sum, je ghaH nobta' chaH Hoch vo' the ra'ta'ghach mu'mey vetlh joH'a' ghajta' jatlhpu' tlhej ghaH Daq Mount Sinai. | |
Exod | KLV | 34:34 | 'ach ghorgh Moses mejta' Daq qaSpa' joH'a' Daq jatlh tlhej ghaH, ghaH tlhapta' the veil litHa', until ghaH ghoSta' pa'; je ghaH ghoSta' pa', je jatlhta' Daq the puqpu' vo' Israel vetlh nuq ghaH ghaHta' ra'ta'. | |
Chapter 35
Exod | KLV | 35:1 | Moses assembled Hoch the tay' ghotpu' vo' the puqpu' vo' Israel, je ja'ta' Daq chaH, “ Dochvammey 'oH the mu'mey nuq joH'a' ghajtaH ra'ta', vetlh SoH should ta' chaH. | |
Exod | KLV | 35:2 | ‘ jav jajmey DIchDaq vum taH ta'pu', 'ach Daq the SochDIch jaj pa' DIchDaq taH a le' jaj vaD SoH, a jaj SochDIch vo' Sagh leS Daq joH'a': 'Iv ta'taH vay' vum Daq 'oH DIchDaq taH lan Daq Hegh. | |
Exod | KLV | 35:4 | Moses jatlhta' Daq Hoch the tay' ghotpu' vo' the puqpu' vo' Israel, ja'ta', “ vam ghaH the Doch nuq joH'a' ra'ta', ja'ta', | |
Exod | KLV | 35:5 | ‘ tlhap vo' among SoH an cha'nob Daq joH'a'. 'Iv ghaH vo' a willing tIq, chaw' ghaH qem 'oH, joH'a' cha'nob: SuD baS, baS chIS, brass, | |
Exod | KLV | 35:10 | “‘ chaw' Hoch val-hearted loD among SoH ghoS, je chenmoH Hoch vetlh joH'a' ghajtaH ra'ta': | |
Exod | KLV | 35:11 | the tabernacle, its outer covering, its roof, its clasps, its boards, its bars, its pillars, je its sockets; | |
Exod | KLV | 35:15 | je the lalDanta' Daq vo' He' tlhej its poles, the anointing Hergh, the sweet He', the screen vaD the lojmIt, Daq the lojmIt vo' the tabernacle; | |
Exod | KLV | 35:16 | the lalDanta' Daq vo' meQqu'pu' cha'nob, tlhej its grating vo' brass, 'oH poles, je Hoch its Dujmey, the basin je its base; | |
Exod | KLV | 35:17 | the hangings vo' the bo'DIj, its pillars, chaj sockets, je the screen vaD the lojmIt vo' the bo'DIj; | |
Exod | KLV | 35:19 | the finely worked garments, vaD ministering Daq the le' Daq, the le' garments vaD Aaron the lalDan vumwI', je the garments vo' Daj puqloDpu', Daq minister Daq the priest's office.'” | |
Exod | KLV | 35:21 | chaH ghoSta', Hoch 'Iv tIq stirred ghaH Dung, je Hoch 'Iv Daj qa' chenmoHta' willing, je qempu' joH'a' cha'nob, vaD the vum vo' the juHHom vo' qep, je vaD Hoch vo' its toy'taHghach, je vaD the le' garments. | |
Exod | KLV | 35:22 | chaH ghoSta', both loDpu' je be'pu', as law' as were willing-hearted, je qempu' brooches, earrings, signet rings, je armlets, Hoch jewels vo' SuD baS; 'ach Hoch loD 'Iv nobta' an cha'nob vo' SuD baS Daq joH'a'. | |
Exod | KLV | 35:23 | Hoch, tlhej 'Iv ghaHta' tu'ta' blue, purple, Doq, fine linen, goats' jIb, rams' DirDu' dyed Doq, je biQ'a' cow hides, qempu' chaH. | |
Exod | KLV | 35:24 | Hoch 'Iv ta'ta' nob an cha'nob vo' baS chIS je brass qempu' joH'a' cha'nob; je Hoch, tlhej 'Iv ghaHta' tu'ta' acacia wood vaD vay' vum vo' the toy'taHghach, qempu' 'oH. | |
Exod | KLV | 35:25 | Hoch the be'pu' 'Iv were val-hearted spun tlhej chaj ghopmey, je qempu' vetlh nuq chaH ghajta' spun, the blue, the purple, the Doq, je the fine linen. | |
Exod | KLV | 35:27 | The DevwIpu' qempu' the onyx naghmey, je the naghmey Daq taH cher, vaD the ephod je vaD the breastplate; | |
Exod | KLV | 35:28 | je the spice, je the Hergh vaD the wov, vaD the anointing Hergh, je vaD the sweet He'. | |
Exod | KLV | 35:29 | The puqpu' vo' Israel qempu' a freewill cha'nob Daq joH'a'; Hoch loD je be', 'Iv tIq chenmoHta' chaH willing Daq qem vaD Hoch the vum, nuq joH'a' ghajta' ra'ta' Daq taH chenmoHta' Sum Moses. | |
Exod | KLV | 35:30 | Moses ja'ta' Daq the puqpu' vo' Israel, “ yIlegh, joH'a' ghajtaH ja' Sum pong Bezalel the puqloD vo' Uri, the puqloD vo' Hur, vo' the tuq vo' Judah. | |
Exod | KLV | 35:31 | ghaH ghajtaH tebta' ghaH tlhej the qa' vo' joH'a', Daq valtaHghach, Daq yajtaHghach, Daq Sov, je Daq Hoch Da vo' workmanship; | |
Exod | KLV | 35:33 | Daq cutting vo' naghmey vaD setting, je Daq carving vo' wood, Daq vum Daq Hoch kinds vo' skillful workmanship. | |
Exod | KLV | 35:34 | ghaH ghajtaH lan Daq Daj tIq vetlh ghaH may ghojmoH, both ghaH, je Oholiab, the puqloD vo' Ahisamach, vo' the tuq vo' Dan. | |
Exod | KLV | 35:35 | ghaH ghajtaH tebta' chaH tlhej valtaHghach vo' tIq, Daq vum Hoch Da vo' workmanship, vo' the engraver, vo' the skillful workman, je vo' the embroiderer, Daq blue, Daq purple, Daq Doq, je Daq fine linen, je vo' the weaver, 'ach vo' chaH 'Iv ta' vay' workmanship, je vo' chaH 'Iv chenmoH skillful vum. | |
Chapter 36
Exod | KLV | 36:1 | “Bezalel je Oholiab DIchDaq vum tlhej Hoch val-hearted loD, Daq 'Iv joH'a' ghajtaH lan valtaHghach je yajtaHghach Daq Sov chay' Daq vum Hoch the vum vaD the toy'taHghach vo' the Daq QaD, according Daq Hoch vetlh joH'a' ghajtaH ra'ta'.” | |
Exod | KLV | 36:2 | Moses ja' Bezalel je Oholiab, je Hoch val-hearted loD, Daq 'Iv tIq joH'a' ghajta' lan valtaHghach, 'ach Hoch 'Iv tIq stirred ghaH Dung Daq ghoS Daq the vum Daq ta' 'oH: | |
Exod | KLV | 36:3 | je chaH Hevta' vo' Moses Hoch the cha'nob nuq the puqpu' vo' Israel ghajta' qempu' vaD the vum vo' the toy'taHghach vo' the Daq QaD, tlhej nuq Daq chenmoH 'oH. chaH qempu' yet Daq ghaH freewill nobmey Hoch po. | |
Exod | KLV | 36:4 | Hoch the val loDpu', 'Iv performed Hoch the vum vo' the Daq QaD, each ghoSta' vo' Daj vum nuq chaH ta'ta'. | |
Exod | KLV | 36:5 | chaH jatlhta' Daq Moses, ja'ta', “The ghotpu qem 'ar latlh than yap vaD the toy'taHghach vo' the vum nuq joH'a' ra'ta' Daq chenmoH.” | |
Exod | KLV | 36:6 | Moses nobta' ra'ta'ghach mu', je chaH caused 'oH Daq taH proclaimed throughout the raQ, ja'ta', “ chaw' ghobe' loD ghobe' be' chenmoH vay' else vaD the cha'nob vaD the Daq QaD.” vaj the ghotpu were restrained vo' bringing. | |
Exod | KLV | 36:7 | vaD the stuff chaH ghajta' ghaHta' sufficient vaD Hoch the vum Daq chenmoH 'oH, je too 'ar. | |
Exod | KLV | 36:8 | Hoch the val-hearted loDpu' among chaH 'Iv ta'ta' the vum chenmoHta' the tabernacle tlhej wa'maH curtains; vo' fine twined linen, blue, purple, je Doq, tlhej cherubim, the vum vo' the skillful workman, chaH chenmoHta' chaH. | |
Exod | KLV | 36:9 | The length vo' each curtain ghaHta' cha'maH-eight cubits, je the breadth vo' each curtain loS cubits. Hoch the curtains ghajta' wa' juv. | |
Exod | KLV | 36:10 | ghaH coupled vagh curtains Daq wa' another, je the latlh vagh curtains ghaH coupled wa' Daq another. | |
Exod | KLV | 36:11 | ghaH chenmoHta' loops vo' blue Daq the edge vo' the wa' curtain vo' the edge Daq the coupling. Likewise ghaH chenmoHta' Daq the edge vo' the curtain vetlh ghaHta' outmost Daq the cha'DIch coupling. | |
Exod | KLV | 36:12 | ghaH chenmoHta' vaghmaH loops Daq the wa' curtain, je ghaH chenmoHta' vaghmaH loops Daq the edge vo' the curtain vetlh ghaHta' Daq the cha'DIch coupling. The loops were opposite wa' Daq another. | |
Exod | KLV | 36:13 | ghaH chenmoHta' vaghmaH clasps vo' SuD baS, je coupled the curtains wa' Daq another tlhej the clasps: vaj the tabernacle ghaHta' a unit. | |
Exod | KLV | 36:14 | ghaH chenmoHta' curtains vo' goats' jIb vaD a covering Dung the tabernacle. ghaH chenmoHta' chaH eleven curtains. | |
Exod | KLV | 36:15 | The length vo' each curtain ghaHta' wejmaH cubits, je loS cubits the breadth vo' each curtain. The eleven curtains ghajta' wa' juv. | |
Exod | KLV | 36:17 | ghaH chenmoHta' vaghmaH loops Daq the edge vo' the curtain vetlh ghaHta' outmost Daq the coupling, je ghaH chenmoHta' vaghmaH loops Daq the edge vo' the curtain nuq ghaHta' outmost Daq the cha'DIch coupling. | |
Exod | KLV | 36:18 | ghaH chenmoHta' vaghmaH clasps vo' brass Daq couple the juHHom tay', vetlh 'oH might taH a unit. | |
Exod | KLV | 36:19 | ghaH chenmoHta' a covering vaD the juHHom vo' rams' DirDu' dyed Doq, je a covering vo' biQ'a' cow hides Dung. | |
Exod | KLV | 36:21 | wa'maH cubits ghaHta' the length vo' a board, je a cubit je a bID the breadth vo' each board. | |
Exod | KLV | 36:22 | Each board ghajta' cha' tenons, joined wa' Daq another. ghaH chenmoHta' Hoch the boards vo' the tabernacle vam way. | |
Exod | KLV | 36:23 | ghaH chenmoHta' the boards vaD the tabernacle: cha'maH boards vaD the pemHov poS retlh southward. | |
Exod | KLV | 36:24 | ghaH chenmoHta' loSmaH sockets vo' baS chIS bIng the cha'maH boards; cha' sockets bIng wa' board vaD its cha' tenons, je cha' sockets bIng another board vaD its cha' tenons. | |
Exod | KLV | 36:25 | vaD the cha'DIch retlh vo' the tabernacle, Daq the pemHov nIH retlh, ghaH chenmoHta' cha'maH boards, | |
Exod | KLV | 36:26 | je chaj loSmaH sockets vo' baS chIS; cha' sockets bIng wa' board, je cha' sockets bIng another board. | |
Exod | KLV | 36:29 | chaH were double bIng, je Daq rur Da chaH were Hoch the way Daq its top Daq wa' ring. ghaH ta'ta' thus Daq both vo' chaH Daq the cha' corners. | |
Exod | KLV | 36:30 | pa' were eight boards, je chaj sockets vo' baS chIS, wa'maH jav sockets; bIng Hoch board cha' sockets. | |
Exod | KLV | 36:31 | ghaH chenmoHta' bars vo' acacia wood; vagh vaD the boards vo' the wa' retlh vo' the tabernacle, | |
Exod | KLV | 36:32 | je vagh bars vaD the boards vo' the latlh retlh vo' the tabernacle, je vagh bars vaD the boards vo' the tabernacle vaD the hinder part westward. | |
Exod | KLV | 36:33 | ghaH chenmoHta' the middle bar Daq juS vegh Daq the midst vo' the boards vo' the wa' pItlh Daq the latlh. | |
Exod | KLV | 36:34 | ghaH overlaid the boards tlhej SuD baS, je chenmoHta' chaj rings vo' SuD baS vaD Daqmey vaD the bars, je overlaid the bars tlhej SuD baS. | |
Exod | KLV | 36:35 | ghaH chenmoHta' the veil vo' blue, purple, Doq, je fine twined linen: tlhej cherubim. ghaH chenmoHta' 'oH the vum vo' a skillful workman. | |
Exod | KLV | 36:36 | ghaH chenmoHta' loS pillars vo' acacia vaD 'oH, je overlaid chaH tlhej SuD baS. chaj hooks were vo' SuD baS. ghaH chuH loS sockets vo' baS chIS vaD chaH. | |
Exod | KLV | 36:37 | ghaH chenmoHta' a screen vaD the lojmIt vo' the juHHom, vo' blue, purple, Doq, je fine twined linen, the vum vo' an embroiderer; | |
Chapter 37
Exod | KLV | 37:1 | Bezalel chenmoHta' the Duj vo' acacia wood. Its length ghaHta' cha' je a bID cubits, je its breadth a cubit je a bID, je a cubit je a bID its height. | |
Exod | KLV | 37:2 | ghaH overlaid 'oH tlhej pure SuD baS inside je outside, je chenmoHta' a molding vo' SuD baS vaD 'oH around 'oH. | |
Exod | KLV | 37:3 | ghaH chuH loS rings vo' SuD baS vaD 'oH, Daq its loS qamDu'; 'ach cha' rings Daq its wa' retlh, je cha' rings Daq its latlh retlh. | |
Exod | KLV | 37:6 | ghaH chenmoHta' a pung seat vo' pure SuD baS. Its length ghaHta' cha' je a bID cubits, je a cubit je a bID its breadth. | |
Exod | KLV | 37:7 | ghaH chenmoHta' cha' cherubim vo' SuD baS. ghaH chenmoHta' chaH vo' beaten vum, Daq the cha' ends vo' the pung seat; | |
Exod | KLV | 37:8 | wa' cherub Daq the wa' pItlh, je wa' cherub Daq the latlh pItlh. ghaH chenmoHta' the cherubim vo' wa' piece tlhej the pung seat Daq its cha' ends. | |
Exod | KLV | 37:9 | The cherubim ngeH pa' chaj telDu' Daq jen, covering the pung seat tlhej chaj telDu', tlhej chaj faces toward wa' another. The faces vo' the cherubim were toward the pung seat. | |
Exod | KLV | 37:10 | ghaH chenmoHta' the SopDaq vo' acacia wood. Its length ghaHta' cha' cubits, je its breadth ghaHta' a cubit, je its height ghaHta' a cubit je a bID. | |
Exod | KLV | 37:12 | ghaH chenmoHta' a veH vo' a handbreadth around 'oH, je chenmoHta' a golden molding Daq its veH around 'oH. | |
Exod | KLV | 37:13 | ghaH chuH loS rings vo' SuD baS vaD 'oH, je lan the rings Daq the loS corners vetlh were Daq its loS qamDu'. | |
Exod | KLV | 37:15 | ghaH chenmoHta' the poles vo' acacia wood, je overlaid chaH tlhej SuD baS, Daq carry the SopDaq. | |
Exod | KLV | 37:16 | ghaH chenmoHta' the Dujmey nuq were Daq the SopDaq, its dishes, its spoons, its bowls, je its pitchers tlhej nuq Daq pour pa', vo' pure SuD baS. | |
Exod | KLV | 37:17 | ghaH chenmoHta' the lampstand vo' pure SuD baS. ghaH chenmoHta' the lampstand vo' beaten vum. Its base, its shaft, its cups, its buds, je its flowers were vo' wa' piece tlhej 'oH. | |
Exod | KLV | 37:18 | pa' were jav branches ghoS pa' vo' its sides: wej branches vo' the lampstand pa' vo' its wa' retlh, je wej branches vo' the lampstand pa' vo' its latlh retlh: | |
Exod | KLV | 37:19 | wej cups chenmoHta' rur almond blossoms Daq wa' branch, a bud je a flower, je wej cups chenmoHta' rur almond blossoms Daq the latlh branch, a bud je a flower: vaj vaD the jav branches ghoS pa' vo' the lampstand. | |
Exod | KLV | 37:20 | Daq the lampstand were loS cups chenmoHta' rur almond blossoms, its buds je its flowers; | |
Exod | KLV | 37:21 | je a bud bIng cha' branches vo' wa' piece tlhej 'oH, je a bud bIng cha' branches vo' wa' piece tlhej 'oH, je a bud bIng cha' branches vo' wa' piece tlhej 'oH, vaD the jav branches ghoS pa' vo' 'oH. | |
Exod | KLV | 37:22 | chaj buds je chaj branches were vo' wa' piece tlhej 'oH. The Hoch Doch ghaHta' wa' beaten vum vo' pure SuD baS. | |
Exod | KLV | 37:23 | ghaH chenmoHta' its Soch lamps, je its snuffers, je its snuff dishes, vo' pure SuD baS. | |
Exod | KLV | 37:25 | ghaH chenmoHta' the lalDanta' Daq vo' He' vo' acacia wood. 'oH ghaHta' square: its length ghaHta' a cubit, je its breadth a cubit. Its height ghaHta' cha' cubits. Its horns were vo' wa' piece tlhej 'oH. | |
Exod | KLV | 37:26 | ghaH overlaid 'oH tlhej pure SuD baS, its top, its sides around 'oH, je its horns. ghaH chenmoHta' a SuD baS molding around 'oH. | |
Exod | KLV | 37:27 | ghaH chenmoHta' cha' golden rings vaD 'oH bIng its molding crown, Daq its cha' ribs, Daq its cha' sides, vaD Daqmey vaD poles tlhej nuq Daq carry 'oH. | |
Chapter 38
Exod | KLV | 38:1 | ghaH chenmoHta' the lalDanta' Daq vo' meQqu'pu' cha'nob vo' acacia wood. 'oH ghaHta' square. Its length ghaHta' vagh cubits, its breadth ghaHta' vagh cubits, je its height ghaHta' wej cubits. | |
Exod | KLV | 38:2 | ghaH chenmoHta' its horns Daq its loS corners. Its horns were vo' wa' piece tlhej 'oH, je ghaH overlaid 'oH tlhej brass. | |
Exod | KLV | 38:3 | ghaH chenmoHta' Hoch the Dujmey vo' the lalDanta' Daq, the pots, the shovels, the basins, the forks, je the qul pans. ghaH chenmoHta' Hoch its Dujmey vo' brass. | |
Exod | KLV | 38:4 | ghaH chenmoHta' vaD the lalDanta' Daq a grating vo' a network vo' brass, bIng the ledge around 'oH bIng, reaching halfway Dung. | |
Exod | KLV | 38:7 | ghaH lan the poles Daq the rings Daq the sides vo' the lalDanta' Daq, tlhej nuq Daq carry 'oH. ghaH chenmoHta' 'oH hollow tlhej planks. | |
Exod | KLV | 38:8 | ghaH chenmoHta' the basin vo' brass, je its base vo' brass, pa' vo' the mirrors vo' the ministering be'pu' 'Iv ministered Daq the lojmIt vo' the juHHom vo' qep. | |
Exod | KLV | 38:9 | ghaH chenmoHta' the bo'DIj: vaD the pemHov poS retlh southward the hangings vo' the bo'DIj were vo' fine twined linen, wa' vatlh cubits; | |
Exod | KLV | 38:10 | chaj pillars were cha'maH, je chaj sockets cha'maH, vo' brass; the hooks vo' the pillars je chaj fillets were vo' baS chIS. | |
Exod | KLV | 38:11 | vaD the pemHov nIH retlh wa' vatlh cubits, chaj pillars cha'maH, je chaj sockets cha'maH, vo' brass; the hooks vo' the pillars, je chaj fillets, vo' baS chIS. | |
Exod | KLV | 38:12 | vaD the pemHov 'et retlh were hangings vo' vaghmaH cubits, chaj pillars wa'maH, je chaj sockets wa'maH; the hooks vo' the pillars, je chaj fillets, vo' baS chIS. | |
Exod | KLV | 38:14 | The hangings vaD the wa' retlh were fifteen cubits; chaj pillars wej, je chaj sockets wej; | |
Exod | KLV | 38:15 | je vaj vaD the latlh retlh: Daq vam ghop je vetlh ghop Sum the lojmIt vo' the bo'DIj were hangings vo' fifteen cubits; chaj pillars wej, je chaj sockets wej. | |
Exod | KLV | 38:17 | The sockets vaD the pillars were vo' brass. The hooks vo' the pillars je chaj fillets were vo' baS chIS; je the overlaying vo' chaj capitals, vo' baS chIS; je Hoch the pillars vo' the bo'DIj were filleted tlhej baS chIS. | |
Exod | KLV | 38:18 | The screen vaD the lojmIt vo' the bo'DIj ghaHta' the vum vo' the embroiderer, vo' blue, purple, Doq, je fine twined linen. cha'maH cubits ghaHta' the length, je the height Daq the breadth ghaHta' vagh cubits, rur Daq the hangings vo' the bo'DIj. | |
Exod | KLV | 38:19 | chaj pillars were loS, je chaj sockets loS, vo' brass; chaj hooks vo' baS chIS, je the overlaying vo' chaj capitals, je chaj fillets, vo' baS chIS. | |
Exod | KLV | 38:21 | vam ghaH the amount vo' material used vaD the tabernacle, 'ach the Tabernacle vo' the Testimony, as chaH were counted, according Daq the ra'ta'ghach mu' vo' Moses, vaD the toy'taHghach vo' the Levites, Sum the ghop vo' Ithamar, the puqloD vo' Aaron the lalDan vumwI'. | |
Exod | KLV | 38:22 | Bezalel the puqloD vo' Uri, the puqloD vo' Hur, vo' the tuq vo' Judah, chenmoHta' Hoch vetlh joH'a' ra'ta' Moses. | |
Exod | KLV | 38:23 | tlhej ghaH ghaHta' Oholiab, the puqloD vo' Ahisamach, vo' the tuq vo' Dan, an engraver, je a skillful workman, je an embroiderer Daq blue, Daq purple, Daq Doq, je Daq fine linen. | |
Exod | KLV | 38:24 | Hoch the SuD baS vetlh ghaHta' used vaD the vum Daq Hoch the vum vo' the Daq QaD, 'ach the SuD baS vo' the cha'nob, ghaHta' cha'maH- Hut talents, je Soch vatlh wejmaH shekels, after the shekel vo' the Daq QaD. | |
Exod | KLV | 38:25 | The baS chIS vo' chaH 'Iv were toghta' vo' the tay' ghotpu' ghaHta' wa' vatlh talents, je wa' SaD Soch vatlh seventy- vagh shekels, after the shekel vo' the Daq QaD: | |
Exod | KLV | 38:26 | a beka a nach, vetlh ghaH, bID a shekel, after the shekel vo' the Daq QaD, vaD Hoch 'Iv juSta' Dung Daq chaH 'Iv were toghta', vo' cha'maH DISmey qan je upward, vaD jav vatlh wej SaD vagh vatlh vaghmaH loDpu'. | |
Exod | KLV | 38:27 | The wa' vatlh talents vo' baS chIS were vaD casting the sockets vo' the Daq QaD, je the sockets vo' the veil; wa' vatlh sockets vaD the wa' vatlh talents, a talent vaD a socket. | |
Exod | KLV | 38:28 | vo' the wa' SaD Soch vatlh seventy- vagh shekels ghaH chenmoHta' hooks vaD the pillars, overlaid chaj capitals, je chenmoHta' fillets vaD chaH. | |
Exod | KLV | 38:30 | tlhej vam ghaH chenmoHta' the sockets Daq the lojmIt vo' the juHHom vo' qep, the bronze lalDanta' Daq, the bronze grating vaD 'oH, Hoch the Dujmey vo' the lalDanta' Daq, | |
Chapter 39
Exod | KLV | 39:1 | vo' the blue, purple, je Doq, chaH chenmoHta' finely worked garments, vaD ministering Daq the le' Daq, je chenmoHta' the le' garments vaD Aaron; as joH'a' ra'ta' Moses. | |
Exod | KLV | 39:3 | chaH qIp the SuD baS Daq thin plates, je pe' 'oH Daq wires, Daq vum 'oH Daq the blue, Daq the purple, Daq the Doq, je Daq the fine linen, the vum vo' the skillful workman. | |
Exod | KLV | 39:4 | chaH chenmoHta' shoulder straps vaD 'oH, joined tay'. Daq the cha' ends 'oH ghaHta' joined tay'. | |
Exod | KLV | 39:5 | The skillfully woven band vetlh ghaHta' Daq 'oH, tlhej nuq Daq fasten 'oH Daq, ghaHta' vo' the rap piece, rur its vum; vo' SuD baS, vo' blue, purple, Doq, je fine twined linen; as joH'a' ra'ta' Moses. | |
Exod | KLV | 39:6 | chaH worked the onyx naghmey, enclosed Daq settings vo' SuD baS, engraved tlhej the engravings vo' a signet, according Daq the pongmey vo' the puqpu' vo' Israel. | |
Exod | KLV | 39:7 | ghaH lan chaH Daq the shoulder straps vo' the ephod, Daq taH naghmey vo' memorial vaD the puqpu' vo' Israel, as joH'a' ra'ta' Moses. | |
Exod | KLV | 39:8 | ghaH chenmoHta' the breastplate, the vum vo' a skillful workman, rur the vum vo' the ephod; vo' SuD baS, vo' blue, purple, Doq, je fine twined linen. | |
Exod | KLV | 39:9 | 'oH ghaHta' square. chaH chenmoHta' the breastplate double. Its length ghaHta' a span, je its breadth a span, taH double. | |
Exod | KLV | 39:10 | chaH cher Daq 'oH loS rows vo' naghmey. A row vo' ruby, topaz, je beryl ghaHta' the wa'Dich row; | |
Exod | KLV | 39:11 | je the cha'DIch row, a turquoise, a sapphire { Note: joq, lapis lazuli } , je an emerald; | |
Exod | KLV | 39:13 | je the fourth row, a chrysolite, an onyx, je a jasper. chaH were enclosed Daq SuD baS settings. | |
Exod | KLV | 39:14 | The naghmey were according Daq the pongmey vo' the puqpu' vo' Israel, cha' wa'maH, according Daq chaj pongmey; rur the engravings vo' a signet, Hoch according Daq Daj pong, vaD the cha' wa'maH tuqpu'. | |
Exod | KLV | 39:15 | chaH chenmoHta' Daq the breastplate chains rur cords, vo' braided vum vo' pure SuD baS. | |
Exod | KLV | 39:16 | chaH chenmoHta' cha' settings vo' SuD baS, je cha' SuD baS rings, je lan the cha' rings Daq the cha' ends vo' the breastplate. | |
Exod | KLV | 39:17 | chaH lan the cha' braided chains vo' SuD baS Daq the cha' rings Daq the ends vo' the breastplate. | |
Exod | KLV | 39:18 | The latlh cha' ends vo' the cha' braided chains chaH lan Daq the cha' settings, je lan chaH Daq the shoulder straps vo' the ephod, Daq its front. | |
Exod | KLV | 39:19 | chaH chenmoHta' cha' rings vo' SuD baS, je lan chaH Daq the cha' ends vo' the breastplate, Daq its edge, nuq ghaHta' toward the retlh vo' the ephod inward. | |
Exod | KLV | 39:20 | chaH chenmoHta' cha' rings vo' SuD baS, je lan chaH Daq the cha' shoulder straps vo' the ephod underneath, Daq its front, close Sum its coupling, Dung the skillfully woven band vo' the ephod. | |
Exod | KLV | 39:21 | chaH bagh the breastplate Sum its rings Daq the rings vo' the ephod tlhej a lace vo' blue, vetlh 'oH might taH Daq the skillfully woven band vo' the ephod, je vetlh the breastplate might ghobe' ghoS loose vo' the ephod, as joH'a' ra'ta' Moses. | |
Exod | KLV | 39:23 | The opening vo' the robe Daq its midst ghaHta' rur the opening vo' a coat vo' mail, tlhej a binding around its opening, vetlh 'oH should ghobe' taH torn. | |
Exod | KLV | 39:24 | chaH chenmoHta' Daq the skirts vo' the robe pomegranates vo' blue, purple, Doq, je twined linen. | |
Exod | KLV | 39:25 | chaH chenmoHta' bells vo' pure SuD baS, je lan the bells joj the pomegranates around the skirts vo' the robe, joj the pomegranates; | |
Exod | KLV | 39:26 | a bell je a pomegranate, a bell je a pomegranate, around the skirts vo' the robe, Daq minister Daq, as joH'a' ra'ta' Moses. | |
Exod | KLV | 39:27 | chaH chenmoHta' the coats vo' fine linen vo' woven vum vaD Aaron, je vaD Daj puqloDpu', | |
Exod | KLV | 39:28 | je the turban vo' fine linen, je the linen headbands vo' fine linen, je the linen breeches vo' fine twined linen, | |
Exod | KLV | 39:29 | je the sash vo' fine twined linen, je blue, je purple, je Doq, the vum vo' the embroiderer, as joH'a' ra'ta' Moses. | |
Exod | KLV | 39:30 | chaH chenmoHta' the plate vo' the le' crown vo' pure SuD baS, je wrote Daq 'oH a writing, rur the engravings vo' a signet: “ le' Daq joH'a'.” | |
Exod | KLV | 39:31 | chaH tied Daq 'oH a lace vo' blue, Daq fasten 'oH Daq the turban Dung, as joH'a' ra'ta' Moses. | |
Exod | KLV | 39:32 | Thus Hoch the vum vo' the tabernacle vo' the juHHom vo' qep ghaHta' finished. The puqpu' vo' Israel ta'ta' according Daq Hoch vetlh joH'a' ra'ta' Moses; vaj chaH ta'ta'. | |
Exod | KLV | 39:33 | chaH qempu' the tabernacle Daq Moses, the juHHom, tlhej Hoch its furniture, its clasps, its boards, its bars, its pillars, its sockets, | |
Exod | KLV | 39:34 | the covering vo' rams' DirDu' dyed Doq, the covering vo' biQ'a' cow hides, the veil vo' the screen, | |
Exod | KLV | 39:37 | the pure lampstand, its lamps, 'ach the lamps Daq taH cher Daq order, Hoch its Dujmey, the Hergh vaD the wov, | |
Exod | KLV | 39:38 | the golden lalDanta' Daq, the anointing Hergh, the sweet He', the screen vaD the lojmIt vo' the juHHom, | |
Exod | KLV | 39:39 | the bronze lalDanta' Daq, its grating vo' brass, its poles, Hoch vo' its Dujmey, the basin je its base, | |
Exod | KLV | 39:40 | the hangings vo' the bo'DIj, its pillars, its sockets, the screen vaD the lojmIt vo' the bo'DIj, its cords, its pins, Hoch the instruments vo' the toy'taHghach vo' the tabernacle, vaD the juHHom vo' qep, | |
Exod | KLV | 39:41 | the finely worked garments vaD ministering Daq the le' Daq, the le' garments vaD Aaron the lalDan vumwI', je the garments vo' Daj puqloDpu', Daq minister Daq the priest's office. | |
Exod | KLV | 39:42 | According Daq Hoch vetlh joH'a' ra'ta' Moses, vaj the puqpu' vo' Israel ta'ta' Hoch the vum. | |
Chapter 40
Exod | KLV | 40:2 | “ Daq the wa'Dich jaj vo' the wa'Dich jar SoH DIchDaq raise Dung the tabernacle vo' the juHHom vo' qep. | |
Exod | KLV | 40:3 | SoH DIchDaq lan the Duj vo' the testimony Daq 'oH, je SoH DIchDaq screen the Duj tlhej the veil. | |
Exod | KLV | 40:4 | SoH DIchDaq qem Daq the SopDaq, je cher Daq order the Dochmey vetlh 'oH Daq 'oH. SoH DIchDaq qem Daq the lampstand, je wov its lamps. | |
Exod | KLV | 40:5 | SoH DIchDaq cher the golden lalDanta' Daq vaD He' qaSpa' the Duj vo' the testimony, je lan the screen vo' the lojmIt Daq the tabernacle. | |
Exod | KLV | 40:6 | “ SoH DIchDaq cher the lalDanta' Daq vo' meQqu'pu' cha'nob qaSpa' the lojmIt vo' the tabernacle vo' the juHHom vo' qep. | |
Exod | KLV | 40:7 | SoH DIchDaq cher the basin joj the juHHom vo' qep je the lalDanta' Daq, je DIchDaq lan bIQ therein. | |
Exod | KLV | 40:8 | SoH DIchDaq cher Dung the bo'DIj around 'oH, je hang Dung the screen vo' the lojmIt vo' the bo'DIj. | |
Exod | KLV | 40:9 | “ SoH DIchDaq tlhap the anointing Hergh, je anoint the tabernacle, je Hoch vetlh ghaH Daq 'oH, je DIchDaq chenmoH 'oH le', je Hoch its furniture: je 'oH DichDaq taH le'. | |
Exod | KLV | 40:10 | SoH DIchDaq anoint the lalDanta' Daq vo' meQqu'pu' cha'nob, tlhej Hoch its Dujmey, je sanctify the lalDanta' Daq: je the lalDanta' Daq DichDaq taH HochHom le'. | |
Exod | KLV | 40:12 | “ SoH DIchDaq qem Aaron je Daj puqloDpu' Daq the lojmIt vo' the juHHom vo' qep, je DIchDaq Seng chaH tlhej bIQ. | |
Exod | KLV | 40:13 | SoH DIchDaq lan Daq Aaron the le' garments; je SoH DIchDaq anoint ghaH, je sanctify ghaH, vetlh ghaH may minister Daq jIH Daq the priest's office. | |
Exod | KLV | 40:15 | SoH DIchDaq anoint chaH, as SoH ngoHta' chaj vav, vetlh chaH may minister Daq jIH Daq the priest's office. chaj anointing DIchDaq taH Daq chaH vaD an everlasting priesthood throughout chaj DISmey.” | |
Exod | KLV | 40:17 | 'oH qaSta' Daq the wa'Dich jar Daq the cha'DIch DIS, Daq the wa'Dich jaj vo' the jar, vetlh the tabernacle ghaHta' raised Dung. | |
Exod | KLV | 40:18 | Moses raised Dung the tabernacle, je laid its sockets, je cher Dung its boards, je lan Daq its bars, je raised Dung its pillars. | |
Exod | KLV | 40:19 | ghaH ngeH the covering Dung the juHHom, je lan the roof vo' the tabernacle Dung Daq 'oH, as joH'a' ra'ta' Moses. | |
Exod | KLV | 40:20 | ghaH tlhapta' je lan the testimony Daq the Duj, je cher the poles Daq the Duj, je lan the pung seat Dung Daq the Duj. | |
Exod | KLV | 40:21 | ghaH qempu' the Duj Daq the tabernacle, je cher Dung the veil vo' the screen, je screened the Duj vo' the testimony, as joH'a' ra'ta' Moses. | |
Exod | KLV | 40:22 | ghaH lan the SopDaq Daq the juHHom vo' qep, Daq the retlh vo' the tabernacle northward, outside vo' the veil. | |
Exod | KLV | 40:24 | ghaH lan the lampstand Daq the juHHom vo' qep, opposite the SopDaq, Daq the retlh vo' the tabernacle southward. | |
Exod | KLV | 40:29 | ghaH cher the lalDanta' Daq vo' meQqu'pu' cha'nob Daq the lojmIt vo' the tabernacle vo' the juHHom vo' qep, je nobta' Daq 'oH the meQqu'pu' cha'nob je the 'uQ cha'nob, as joH'a' ra'ta' Moses. | |
Exod | KLV | 40:30 | ghaH cher the basin joj the juHHom vo' qep je the lalDanta' Daq, je lan bIQ therein, tlhej nuq Daq Seng. | |
Exod | KLV | 40:32 | ghorgh chaH mejta' Daq the juHHom vo' qep, je ghorgh chaH ghoSta' Sum Daq the lalDanta' Daq, chaH washed, as joH'a' ra'ta' Moses. | |
Exod | KLV | 40:33 | ghaH raised Dung the bo'DIj around the tabernacle je the lalDanta' Daq, je cher Dung the screen vo' the lojmIt vo' the bo'DIj. vaj Moses finished the vum. | |
Exod | KLV | 40:34 | vaj the cloud covered the juHHom vo' qep, je the batlh vo' joH'a' tebta' the tabernacle. | |
Exod | KLV | 40:35 | Moses wasn't laH Daq 'el Daq the juHHom vo' qep, because the cloud stayed Daq 'oH, je joH'a' batlh tebta' the tabernacle. | |
Exod | KLV | 40:36 | ghorgh the cloud ghaHta' tlhappu' Dung vo' Dung the tabernacle, the puqpu' vo' Israel mejta' onward, throughout Hoch chaj journeys; | |
Exod | KLV | 40:37 | 'ach chugh the cloud wasn't tlhappu' Dung, vaj chaH ta'be' travel until the jaj vetlh 'oH ghaHta' tlhappu' Dung. | |